Him and their stars

Chapter 408 I don’t believe it anyway

Except for Brünnhilt and Ostana, it was the first time for everyone present to hear the term "Souls of the Gods" plan, and they were all a little surprised. However, King Suliuka did not want to discuss this issue, but smiled and said: "In other words, a secret society that has existed for unknown centuries can be sure that the secret of the relationship cannot be escaped in many vicious times in history. The association, one of their top cadres, turned into a pacifist who advocated strategic balance. Is that so?"

"At least that's what the 'Red King' said in the early morning!" Ostana said.

"Guess...do I believe it or not?" Although Brunhilt was smiling, the temperature in his eyes seemed to have dropped.

"Does Your Highness have any suspicion?"

"There is such a situation in the Feilin Laboratory. The adults in the Privy Council and the Prime Minister's Office are ready to dig deep and uproot the world's snake. In this matter, whoever benefits the most will be the most suspicious! Brunhilt paused and said in a deep voice: "Where is Yani? She should have returned to the Heaven Realm, right? What were you doing last night?"

King Sulyuka Brynhilt is one of the few people who is qualified to call the eldest daughter of the Bei family with a nickname, but she is probably the only one who can use a nickname with murderous intent.

Ostana glanced at Giafel as though she was not smiling. She seemed to be suppressing a smile and said in an almost awkward voice: "...and the embassy attaché from the Blue Star Community, Yu Lian The naval lieutenant colonel stayed all night and did not disperse until five o'clock in the morning. This is their operation timetable."

The girls present obviously showed interest, and they had obviously heard of Yu Lian's name.

On the other hand, Giafel didn't have much reaction, as if she already knew about it. This was indeed the case. It was precisely because she had received the offer from Ostana early in her freshman year that she felt so shocked that she simply went to line up to buy a sponge cake.

King Suliuka was startled for a moment, and then he couldn't help but feel happy: "I actually heard this name here. Gilly, when did this man you mentioned 479 times this year come to Tianyu? No one came. notice me?"

If it were an ordinary girl, Miss Giafel would probably say "I haven't done this 479 times!", "I don't know who he is" and other words that can arouse a happy atmosphere, but this woman Miss Knight nodded very calmly: "I originally thought he was just an excellent warrior with a little cleverness, but after seeing his paper, I was really amazed. If he were an imperial soldier, I would even be willing to serve under his sect. Learn to use troops."

Giafel really thought so. A long time ago, she had a vague feeling that there should be room for improvement in the psyker tactics that have been in use for hundreds of years, but she didn't have a good idea for where to start. However, when she saw the video of the shaping tactics that the community had begun to implement that Count Seriola had brought back, and the paper written by Yu Lian, she suddenly discovered that all the immature random thoughts in her mind had become shapes. A complete tactical concept that can be implemented.

It turns out that I am not alone. It turns out that I am not just crazy, this new world does exist.

Moreover, its door has been opened.

...Well, although the shadow of this gate seems to be too dense, it completely envelopes me in it. But the new world is just the new world.

It's a pity that he is not an imperial soldier after all, but an enemy of the empire!

Thinking of this, Giafel said: "Judging from Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian's past experience, he should be a hardcore anti-imperialist. He should have reached some cooperation with Miss Berencaster from the Alliance."

King Suliuka still had a smile on his face, but his eyes darkened on the spot: "Indeed, if the two of them are hanging out together, they can't be dating, right?"

Then, on the day of the meeting, something happened to Feilin. Normal people would feel that it is filled with evil spirit after seeing it, right?

"...I think so too. However, judging from the current situation, they may really be dating."

Brünnhilt looked at the schedule handed over by Ostana. His eyes first stopped at the meeting time between Yu Lian and the two ancient Americans, and then continued to look back: "At a quarter to eight o'clock in Wanle, We met at the palace, went to see a play at nine o'clock, and went to see an old midnight movie at twelve o'clock, and watched two of them in a row...the upper and lower parts of "One-Armed Lightsaber"? Ha, this taste .And then have late-night snacks at a street shop? Is this considered an experience of life?"

Looking at the whole process, it is indeed a typical dating process for men and women, and they are still young men and women who have not punctured the last layer of window paper, otherwise the most important hotel time will definitely be added.

Judging from this flow chart, the actions of these two people were impeccable, and the entire process was monitored by intelligence agencies from all sides of the empire. In a sense, they are the most direct witnesses.

"...But when something happened in the Feilin Laboratory, those two people had been watching a movie, right?"

Ostana smiled and nodded.

"Oh, even if the adults in the Privy Council and the Prime Minister's Office became their witnesses, I wouldn't believe it."

Giafel said helplessly: "There has to be a reason, right? Malicious speculation about the alliance's trade representatives without any solid evidence will cause international problems."

"Because I am a great beauty! A great beauty has the right to doubt everything."

Although this is not the first time Brunhildt has said this, everyone still has a shocked and speechless expression of "Here we go again." Giafel even held her forehead and hid her face behind her palms.

Ostana smiled and said: "Then, do you want me to mobilize more manpower and monitor it 24 hours a day?"

"It's not necessary. The Sky Realm is the home ground of the Military Intelligence Bureau and the Tribunal. They have nothing to gain, let alone the unfamiliar black tree?" Brynhilt pondered for a moment and smiled: "One of them proposed a strategy We should also show due goodwill and respect to the outstanding genius military strategist of the revolution. And he happened to be invited by Count Seliola and the Astral Knights to go to the embassy, ​​right? After such a long time, the Knights What are the people doing?"

What else can you do? After the Knights invited them, they discovered that their distinguished guests had robbed two Empire ships in the Far Shore Nebula, demolished an Empire fortress, and killed a marquis and a lieutenant general. More importantly, if the community pretends that this has not happened, the empire can only pretend that it has not happened. Naturally, the Knights were even more confused.

I heard that Knight Commander Count Seliora has been very depressed recently. How much he admired Yu Lian before, and how conflicted he was after hearing that Yu Lian killed his proud disciple. During this time, he didn't even smile anymore, and just spent every day training with the Knights with a straight face. field, scanning all the apprentices and attendants with eyes as sharp as dry ice.

Naturally, the originally scheduled exchange activities could not be held.

"Then, let's hold a ball. If you think about it carefully, I am also an imperial noble, but I have never taken the lead in holding a ball. This is too strange." Brynhilt said.

It's not just what you said. Is the dance a boring activity that combines "waste", "hypocrisy" and "extreme luxury"? Giaphiel thought.

"Go and send invitations to everyone." King Suliuka said again: "Girls, you can also keep your eyes open and look for it. Maybe you can find a handsome guy to get married!"

His Highness Brünnhilt, who has always been a homebody, was looking at the bustle of the God of War Festival when he was very quiet and thought about it, and wanted to find a reason to officially enter the social world of the imperial capital. This is quite reasonable. At least this is what amateur observers from all walks of life in the imperial capital think.

Anyway, isn't that a good thing?

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