Him and their stars

Chapter 428: Making a big fuss in an upright manner

Yu Lian frowned slightly: "What news did you get?"

Since Yani would say this, it means there must be something fishy. She has never been an aimless person.

"Just this morning, Duke Sartolan, the general leader of the Astral Knights, and Count Seliola, the chief knight commander and flag officer, went to Longlin Palace to request a group of young Astral Knights to participate in this event. Second War God Festival.”

Yu Lian was really too lazy to wonder why Yani also had an informant in Long Lin Palace, so he started thinking, and then subconsciously took out a pack of beloved old knives from his arms. However, before he could take one out, it was snatched away.

Yu Lian glared at the other party, and then saw her crumpling the entire pack of old knives into a ball and throwing it into the trash can nearby, and then handed him a box of hardcover ebony stone scepters, so he had to switch seamlessly again. gave a satisfied smile.

"The last time the Astral Knights participated in the God of War Festival... it must have been a long time ago, right?"

"It was more than two hundred years ago, when the previous generation Emperor Sedeos was still alive. Since the God of War Festival has become more and more competitive and even game-like, I no longer participate in it."

Indeed, professionals go to the playground of amateurs to abuse food? Isn't this equivalent to the singers of the national team going to places where pop singers gather to perform dimensionality reduction attacks? Is this so funny?

Yes, compared to ordinary "loose" psykers, astral knights who are organized, inherited and trained are really the difference between professionals and amateurs. Even those disciples of famous empire families with psychic heritage, once they really awaken their psychic skills and join the Astral Knights, they will lose the qualification to participate in the God of War Festival by default.

"Therefore, although our alliance has participated in the God of War Festival several times, we will try our best to avoid allowing guerrillas and executives who have received professional extraordinary combat training to participate."

Anyway, the alliance has not participated in it a few times, and it is still in the category of "civilian cultural exchanges".

This was one of the reasons why Yu Lian didn't want to attend Laoshizi's God of War Festival. The Astral Knights and your guerrillas can't afford to throw this guy away, so can he afford to throw him away? "

"However, Duke Sartolan told the emperor that they have not experienced war in recent years, and the young members of the Astral Knights really lack the necessary vigilance and practical experience. So many things have happened in the past few days, The young astral knights should really reflect on this! The custom of stocking weapons in the past few decades must also be adjusted." Yani said with a smile.

Yu Lian immediately realized that this was clearly his and Yani's fault.

You know, he had just killed seven people in and seven out of an important industrial area in the imperial capital early yesterday morning, and wiped off the heads of several astral knights. One of them was a fourth-ring man - Yu Lian remembered the person who stopped him At that time, he took off his helmet in a very martial way, showed his head and face, and proudly announced his name.

Although Yu Lian has forgotten the knight's name, he still remembers his face. He is not very old, he should be around thirty-four or five years old. Si Huan at this age can be regarded as a rare talent even among the empires with the largest mystical inheritance and reserves in the entire galaxy.

Now, the dignified elite knights were killed by terrorists in the imperial capital. Even the well-informed Duke Sartolan and Count Seriora should be unable to sit still.

That's why they had this meeting.

Of course, no matter how much thunder and wrath His Majesty the Emperor and the big guys of the Astral Knights will unleash, or how they will attack the snake, it has nothing to do with me, a humble diplomat who happens to be passing by. What needs to be taken care of by him is, What exactly do the bosses hope to use the God of War Festival for?

"Actual combat training?" Yu Lian asked.

"Yes, Duke Sadolan means that since it is the God of War Festival in the 250th world, it is time to restore it to its proper color. The emperor also agreed to his request and approved a total of twenty stars. The registration of world knights and forty-six attendant knights. I am still collecting the list, but what is certain is that Viscount Shameen has already signed up."

"Oh, that genius child." Yu Lian said that he had heard this name many times in his previous life, but he immediately discovered a blind spot: "But isn't the upper limit of the God of War Festival three rings?"

"Haha, this is the empire."

Yani's meaning is simple. In the Galactic Empire, the will of the wearer of the Infinity Crown is supreme. Especially for the current hero who has ruled the empire for a century and a half, the independence of a mere earth is simply an insignificant flaw in his glorious achievements.

No matter the Privy Council, the Prime Minister's Office or the Royal Council, they can not violate the holy will of Emperor Elansir.

What's more, this rule of "no participants above the third ring" is not even an ancestral family law. To put it bluntly, it is the product of the "sports meeting" of the War God Festival for two hundred years. In the past, there was only an age limit but no strength limit.

As long as the emperor approves, nothing matters. Even most of the participants in the God of War Festival did not dare to say anything.

Of course, the Empire is still the overlord that controls half of the galaxy. Most of the fathers of the countries participating in the God of War Festival have to pay attention to their food and appearance, even if it is to appease the emotions of previous participants.

Fortunately, because the teams participating in the God of War Festival use a points system. Ordinary people count one point, including sensitive people who have not yet awakened; first-level psychics count three points, second-level psychics ten points, and third-level psykers twenty points.

Each team only has a total of 48 points, so members can naturally be matched freely.

As for why it is not 50 points, it is said to commemorate the 48 astral knights who started with the founding emperor of the Dawn Dynasty. They also became the first 48 Dukes of the Galactic Empire. Of course, there are only thirteen families left of these founding dukes who retired from the country, but we still need to commemorate them.

This is actually very similar to the current points system in mainstream fleet simulation battles. It just depends on how everyone allocates their combat power.

Don't think that having mortals in your team won't pay off. In a head-on battle, third-ring psykers can certainly defeat hundreds of mortals; but in the history of the God of War Festival, there have indeed been incidents where a pure psyker team led by a third-ring master was defeated one by one. The "rookie" led several "rookies" of the same level as him and a group of mortals, and the whole army was annihilated.

This incident either happened in ancient times or in the Upper Realm ten years ago.

In addition, this rookie team later won the championship.

In addition, the name of the "rookie" in the first ring is Brunhilt Suliuka Xi Savna, who is the current King Suliuka.

At that time, she was only twelve years old, and she was the youngest among all the champion members of the God of War Festival.

All in all, winning at the Ares Festival requires more than just fighting. Although psykers are the natural leaders and main combat force of the team, they also require various professional configurations.

"So, the required score for the fourth ring is forty-five points."

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Well, now I really believe that Duke Sartolan really wants to take this opportunity to train the young people of the Astral Knights."

Once a four-ringer joins, they are almost like a lone ranger. This configuration is equivalent to choosing a bunch of Dreadnoughts without any auxiliary ships during a fleet simulation battle.

We all know that it is really difficult to win the final victory with extreme configurations. However, on a battlefield like the Ares Festival, where the entire planet is used as a hunting ground, the Lone Ranger of the Fourth Ring is like a young lion wandering on the grassland, and everyone is his prey. But in the same way, he will definitely be the target of everyone's anger.

What else can hone a warrior's will and skills better than this?

It doesn’t matter if you can reach the end, and it doesn’t matter if you can win the championship. As long as you participate, it will have a training effect.

"I guess there must be someone who wants to kill you openly through this God of War Festival! Duke Sadolan and Count Seliora should not be among them. Indeed, how much they admired you at the beginning, they must now I hate you so much. But no matter what, they are considered traditional warriors after all, so they are not so despicable as this."

One is an eighth-ring and the other is a seven-ring. Although they are both born into top nobles, one is the youngest son and the other is a side branch. It can be said that he has climbed to his current position step by step through his own efforts and force.

The martial name determines their fate, but the martial name also determines their behavior and limits.

"But so what? What you did in the Far Shore Nebula is not a secret at least within the Knights. Of course, there are many who hate you and gnash their teeth. For example, the Viscount Shameen we just mentioned... Odd When Marquis Garr got married, he was one of the best men. Once these young astral knights hear that you are also a participant, will they not join forces and attack?"

Of course, there must be many second-hand players who are strong in martial arts and want to fight with honor. However, in such an environment, there is not much difference between wheel fighting and group fighting.

All in all, if all the Four Rings participating in the God of War Festival are a group of lonely wandering lions, I must be the one who attracts the most hatred, ah no, the most handsome one.

But all the prerequisites are that he will really participate in such a decadent and ignorant gladiatorial event that exudes the stench of racist violent gangs from head to toe.

"Yani, aren't you suspicious just because of this information? Judging from the current situation, it seems that this was just a temporary thought of the knights' bosses for training purposes."

"Really? But what about the tactical reports that the Astral Knights are already studying in detail? Today, my companion met the second steward of Viscount Shameen at the gate of the Sharing Foundation at the imperial capital... Guess, he is What are you going to do?”

What else can I do? Maybe just buy information?

Yu Lian thought, okay, okay, the Sharing Foundation will not leak the information of VIP customers. I have done nearly 500 million in business with them, which can barely be included in this category.

Of course, in this way, his relationship with the Sharing Foundation will probably be exposed. But so what? If you want to travel around the world these days, who has nothing to do with the intermediary organizations that have existed for who knows how many epochs? Like Yani opposite, if it weren't for the super platinum VIP status of the Sharing Foundation, he would have written his word "Yu" backwards.

"I am also a diplomat. If I don't want to participate, is it possible that His Majesty the Emperor can issue an imperial edict to force me to go?"

"Ask yourself, what is the matter that has fallen into the hands of others? What is it that you have to solve? You know, the championship prize of the God of War Festival, except for those rewards that are enough to live a decadent life. Gold and treasures, but I can still ask for a wish from His Majesty the Emperor."

Yu Lian finally thought of something, and couldn't help but feel nervous. He subconsciously took out an ebony stone scepter. Just as he was about to use it, Yani snatched it away again.

"Boys have some bad habits, and it's not a matter of principle. But it's best not to let others see it as a weakness."

Yu Lian nodded and stuffed the cigar box back into his clothes.

"It seems that you have noticed something!"

Yu Lian nodded, still silent.

"Heh, if I say it, I'm actually looking forward to your performance in participating in the God of War Festival. Doesn't it sound like you're just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously?"

Yu Lian thought to himself, you are not a suspicion, you are clearly certain and certain!

"Think on the bright side, doesn't this give you a chance to shine in front of the whole universe? No matter what you want to do, reputation will always be useful. In addition, maybe you can also let my elders I have made up my mind."

"Are you determined to invest?" Yu Lian sneered.

"Isn't it always the operator's obligation to establish investors' confidence?" She has always been disdainful of covering up her capital-focused stance.

"It's so complicated!" Yu Lian pondered for a moment, and slowly opened the corners of his mouth into a smile: "How I wish I was being suspicious, but in fact, I know that deep down in my heart, I am so excited Very!"

Yamida looked at the bright smile on Yu Lian's face, and clearly saw bloodlust and madness in it.

This was the first time she saw Yu Lian with such an expression. She couldn't help but be stunned on the spot, and then she smiled cheerfully: "It's a very energetic expression, and I like it. So, have you made up your mind?"

"Yes! Although I am very angry now, I also sincerely thank the designer behind it for giving me a chance to show my face!"

Yes! The Imperial people may feel that this is an opportunity to kill Yu Lian openly! But for Yu Lian, isn't this an opportunity to cause a scene in an upright manner?

Yamida was so happy that she almost applauded.

"It's a pity that the Alliance doesn't have much extraordinary power in the imperial capital. It's too late to mobilize from within the country now. Otherwise, you can find someone to help you... I can't do it myself."

"Yani, I..."

"I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will do my best." She smiled.

So can you tell me what I mean? Yu Lian shrugged and said with a smile: "Yani, can you lend me some money?"

I really want to update more...but the baby's kindergarten is on holiday, and the monsters are out of the cage!

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