Him and their stars

Chapter 429 The decadent gladiatorial game

Yanni was a little surprised. She was already prepared to wait for the other party to ask for support, but she never expected that it would be such a simple request. After a slight pause, she asked with a smile: "How much do you want?"

"If you can, of course you want as many as possible! But who said the upper limit of those profiteers is only 100 million? Although you can find a few people to spread the bets, but there is too much hot money betting, they will also lower the odds, or even directly It’s a locked deposit. I estimate that around one billion should be enough to get the maximum benefit. When the God of War Festival is over, I will give you two billion back.”

Yamida thought for two seconds and then understood what the other party meant: "You actually want to play gambling? Bet on yourself?"

"If everything is inevitable, then why not make the noise as big as possible and maximize the benefits?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"But if you die there, wouldn't this billion be wasted?"

"However, if I win, you will get twice the income. I am sincerely grateful! You can get twice the income in such a short time. Even if you are playing hedging, you will have such a rate of return. You guys Don’t investors also have to learn to evaluate risks? If they don’t even have the awareness to take risks, what kind of capitalists can they be?”

Unexpectedly, the girl opposite wanted to act like a black-hearted capitalist, so Yu Lian was not afraid to act like a rogue Party B.

After Miss Yamida pondered for a moment, she couldn't help but feel happy: "...Some economists say that we capitalists are actually a vulnerable group. I think that guy is like a dog. Now I am willing to believe it."

"You were not wrong before, that kind of person was just a dog. But you are not wrong now, because from your standpoint, you have to hold your nose and believe it." Yu Lian sneered.

The two quickly stopped communicating in this area with a tacit understanding, and Yu Lian lit an ebony stone scepter and began to chat about some random topics, and even mentioned Mr. Qi's new movie. Yani said with great interest that since it was Mr. Qi's movie, she was very invested in it. If Mr. Qi is willing, he can come to the Alliance to shoot. After all, the personnel, equipment, and venues there are much more professional than those in the Community. If that doesn't work, you can still join forces with the Communist Party to make a couple of flowers.

Yu Lian thinks it would be good to use the alliance's money to make his own works. If they get a taste of the benefits, he might be able to magically modify some of his works such as "The Orphans of Nephi" and "Old Man Bei", and work with the alliance to achieve success. . How fun that would be!

Of course, after all, Mr. Qi has the final say in this matter.

Before Yu Lian could take out half of the ebony scepter in his hand, the billion had already arrived. This once again filled Yu Lian's heart with uncontrollable class hatred.

You know, this is cash! This is really this girl’s pocket money!

Well, since it is pocket money, I will adopt the attitude of handling pocket money. Yu Lian casually took out a piece of notebook paper and wrote an IOU with a pen.

The legal effect of this thing is actually very questionable, but Yani, who is wealthy and wealthy, just took it with a smile, as if she was lending ten yuan to a friend to buy milk tea.

Then, the two of them said goodbye.

As soon as Yani left, Yu Lian calmed down. He finished the remaining half of the cigar and carefully considered the other party's words. Although there were suspicions of free-spirited testimony or even deception and intimidation, this kind of thing was still more likely to be believed.

In this case, let's make a strategy.

He didn't even go back to the embassy. He first went to a nearby cafeteria owned by Cathays with good quality and low price to fill his stomach, and then found a secluded and clean hotel.

Now is the 250th World War God Festival in the history of the Dawn Dynasty, but it is also the most grand one in a century. The rules of the competition were announced half a year ago.

Its battlefield range covers the largest continent on the ancient Meiya planet, exceeding 80 million square kilometers.

There are mountains, canyons, rivers and wilderness, but more than 70% of the area is covered by various jungles.

After nearly two thousand years of environmental restoration and transformation by the empire, all artificial traces of the ancient American and Asian civilizations on this planet have been completely erased. A large number of alien animals and plants have also migrated here, including a considerable number of phantom beast species.

Now, except for the general outline area of ​​the continent, the entire planet is still there, but the landform has undergone tremendous changes. Even if the ancient Meiya people from two thousand years ago returned here, they might not recognize this planet.

So far, more than 34,000 teams have signed up to participate, and the total number of people has exceeded 200,000. Therefore, for the safety of broadcasting, the Empire organizers prepared more than 100,000 robots of various types for filming, warning, preemption, rescue and riot control. In addition, there are twelve support bases on the ground on standby. In the sky of the planet, there are also dozens of rescue ships of various models patrolling on a daily basis.

After all, it has become a sports meeting. In addition to bonuses and honors, the reason why so many people participate is that immortality is also a very important reason.

Of course, if it were an ancient war god festival, the participants would not be treated like this, and they would die if they died.

Like previous editions, the God of War Festival is also based on points. During the march, the team will gain points by hunting down certain beasts or by changing hands with more powerful ones. Points will be gained by making other teams lose combat power and withdraw from the game. Points will also be gained by reaching a special position on the battlefield. In addition, the organizers will occasionally add some side tasks based on the schedule.

The God of War Sacrifice will continue until the "first sacrifice" is hunted by the contestants, and the team with the highest points will be the champion.

"First Sacrifice" is actually a title for a busybody, probably used to mock the "First Citizen" of the empire. In addition, there are also titles such as bottom boss, big boss, diamond points gift package, and king of points monsters. In fact, it clearly has the official name of "Shen Cuisine", which means a delicacy dedicated to the God of War.

The direct translation from Earth is too firm. How honest and elegant!

Of course, if the team with the highest points and the team that hunted the big boss are not the same, the one with the highest points will still be crowned the champion. However, the team that finally hunts down the boss will also receive a grand prize.

In addition, the most precious prize recognized by everyone, the right to make a wish to His Majesty the Emperor, will definitely be awarded to the VIPs in the audience - and this person is often the most handsome guy in the boss battle.

Of course, considering that not everyone must be a strong person to participate in the God of War Festival, there may also be the possibility of rookies participating in a group. If the boss can't be defeated, this disguised Hunger Games can't really be held until next year. Therefore, the upper limit of time is thirty days.

Take the big boss of this God of War Festival, the first sacrifice, Tailao, the Diamond Dragon Turtle that I saw on TV.

This is a rare giant amphibious phantom beast that was originally a planet overlord that lived on a huge ocean planet. According to the data of the Alliance Extraordinary Administration, this is a country-destroying behemoth, which means it can destroy a civilized country on the ground that has not yet existed in the universe era.

In terms of size and combat power, the Diamond Dragon Turtle should be similar to the atomic giant lizard from the story of a previous life. I'm talking about the 2014 and 2019 movie versions.

It would be difficult for ordinary fifth-level psykers to fight against this big guy alone, let alone the third-level psyker who had the previous ceiling of combat power. Maybe, the organizers of this God of War Festival are really mentally prepared to fight for a month and still not be able to kill the boss.

Therefore, this should also involve the cooperation between the various teams.

What kind of alliance, shoulder to shoulder, backstab, counterattack, etc. Of course the audience likes to watch this. And if the team doesn't want to be tricked to death, of course they can't all be fighting factions.

In addition, during the entire process, the contestants had no supplies, no medical care, no backup, and even no need to change their underwear if they smelled bad. They had to rely on themselves unless they chose to give up.

Now you know how important the configuration of the team is, right?

A four-ring psychic expert who grew up with a golden key in his mouth and was born into a noble family may have extraordinary combat power, but if he has little experience in survival and fighting in the wild, and if there are no experts in this field around him, he may starve to death in the forest.

Of course, since the entire God of War Festival is based on points and is broadcast to the entire galaxy, it is not necessary to win the championship. As long as you can play some highlight moments, you can still gain both fame and fortune. This is also the reason why so many teams participate.

To put it bluntly, the vast majority of participants did not expect to win the championship from the beginning, but as long as they can participate, it is a victory. Not to mention the exposure, if you can get some points, you can exchange them for a certain bonus afterwards.

All in all, the God of War Festival held every five years is equivalent to the World Cup in Yu Lian's previous life. In such an event that combines gladiatorial combat, hunting and counter-hunting, triathlon, outdoor survival, and even a reality show, it is full of wild shouts and savage courage, and contains almost all eye-catching elements.

You must know that all competitive sports in civilized society are actually simulations of war. So, what is closer to war than hunting and anti-hunting games in the wilderness?

In addition, in such a universe where martial virtue is abundant and everyone has muscles in their heads, the value of force even represents political appeal in a sense. It is not uncommon for sports born from the God of War Festival to suddenly become political stars.

…really just “sports stars,” at least in modern times. Because no one dies.

The problem is, this has never been the case. Until now, contestants have been required to sign life and death certificates.

An imperial council member once proposed to standardize the competition situation of the God of War Festival, enhance medical and support conditions, try to ensure the safety of participants, and try to be in line with all "regular" sports competitions... but they were directly rejected by the big guys in the Privy Council. .

"The God of War Festival is a sacred memorial to the martial arts of the people of the empire. When did it become a kitsch sports game?"

"This is not a sport! This is also a battle! It is a struggle between man and nature, and a cry from man to the universe!"

"Your noble officer is simply insulting our ancestors! Please repent immediately!"

"No, you should just run into the sun and apologize to those ancestors who paved the way for us!"

Even the Prime Minister of Valpolis, who has always been known for his civil rights card, expressed his opposition on the spot.

"Our empire has its own national conditions, so why do we need to emulate others?" His Excellency the Prime Minister said.

Anyway, in the eyes of the empire's big bosses, the God of War sacrifices to the undead because young people today are too weak, and it does not mean there is anything wrong with the tradition of the God of War sacrifice.

In a sense, they are actually right.

If this God of War Festival really became a sports event, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so popular. Similarly, if you want to find an opportunity to kill a certain contestant, it will be difficult to operate.

Well, now is the problem. What conditions would force me to participate in this gladiator event full of racist and decadent atmosphere?

Yu Lian thought for a minute or two, dialed the terminal, thought for a while, and called the embassy.

Mr. Qi should be having a great time with the Marquise now. Yu Lian couldn't bear to disturb him, so he called the embassy's second-largest person, Counselor Bliss.

Although Yu Lian had the counselor's office and personal phone numbers, he had never had any direct contact with him before. However, what surprised him a little was that although it was already after get off work, Mr. Bliss's attitude was quite friendly and even a little enthusiastic. And when he heard Yu Lian's intention, he said that he already knew about it.

"You know?"

"I know, we are all familiar with those young people from the Overseas Students Association! Although those boys like to cause trouble, they are quite smart and will leave a back-up for themselves. This way, if we want to help, we will have someone to intervene. It's a good place. However, this time the commotion was a little too much, and that's why something happened. But don't worry, Xiao Tan is already a well-known lawyer himself, and we also sent people to observe the trial. It should still be fair.”

Yu Lian nodded gratefully, but he was still not too relieved: "Well, to be honest with you, Stoke who went in is actually my friend."

"I know this too! When I was at Hongfeng Factory." Mr. Counselor smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's really just a security violation. There will be no criminal record, and it will not affect his graduation. Haha, a situation like this, In fact, there are quite a few every year. That boy Tan Jize, even though he looks like a bitch now, he has been in there before, but it didn't affect his graduation."

Having said this, Mr. Counselor seemed to be even happier: "Besides, the reason why that boy went in was not to fight with the Birdman and Catmen, but because two imperial girls dueled for him. Can you believe it?"

"Really, I stopped feeling sleepy as soon as you mentioned this... Well, ahem, I mean, I'm a little worried about whether Stoker will be treated unfairly in the detention center."

"It shouldn't happen, right?" Mr. Counselor felt that Yu Lian was a bit unfounded.

After all, the Empire is also a hegemonic civilization that controls half of the galaxy. Although it is keen on brutal suppression, this is actually based on the macro perspective of races and races. If viewed from an individual perspective, the efficiency and cleanliness within its administrative management system are definitely beyond the reach of the community. The majestic imperial capital should not be prone to such mistakes.

Mr. Bliss agreed, however, that some member of the embassy would shortly pay a visit to Stock.

Yu Lian felt a little relieved.

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