Him and their stars

Chapter 466 Show your style to your heart’s content

The tall and straight warrior, young and handsome, holds the heart of a giant beast in his hand. His clothes and cheeks are stained with dust and blood, but he wears a "beautiful" smile. Such a scene full of violent aesthetics is really in line with the aesthetics of the Imperial people, and it is also really in line with the purpose of the God of War Festival.

His feet stood on the earth, but he stretched out his hands to challenge the sky. It seemed that this person was the only one left between heaven and earth. Suddenly, the cheers of millions of people in the audience were once again loud, and in an instant it became a whole-day roar.

As for the rest of the people watching this scene on the TV, I am afraid they can already be counted in the trillions.

At that moment, this young man from the Empire who had just killed a four-armed demon ape was the focus of the planet Gumeia and even the entire galaxy.

At this moment, there were hundreds of aircraft of various sizes floating over the arena, but for some reason, Yu Lian, standing on the dragon boat, felt that the other party was provoking him.

Oh, boy, you are very energetic. Yu Lianyu was happy and immediately wanted to find his own duck-billed hoe. Of course, as a great ranger traveling across the galaxy, you must avoid overturning. You should first find out the identity of the other party.

Speaking of which, although this handsome and energetic guy has a sharp aura, he is indeed quite girly in appearance. Generally speaking, he is not the kind of masculine and handsome man that Tiriro people admire most. In the cultural dictionary of the empire, this type of feminine and beautiful man actually has several exclusive nouns. If translated honestly and elegantly, wouldn't it be "two tails", "rabbit master" or "child molester"?

So, who is this sissy? do we know each other? This hero has been in the imperial capital for some time, but it seems that he has never offended him.

"Who is this?" Brunhilt had already asked.

"The third son of the Duke of Arosan, Sir Rumil Antakaron."

King Suliuka fell into a brief silence again, until Countess Giafer next to him reminded him helplessly: "He is one of the candidates on the list that the Heraldry Academy sent you last time, and it was placed at the top. Yes. He just participated in the knighthood assessment this year, so his reputation is not obvious, and he was not awarded a higher title. But in fact, he is a genius with outstanding abilities, and is definitely not inferior to Viscount Shameen."

The Queen said "Oh", but her expression did not change at all. Instead, she said with a sneer: "Duke Arosan is quite good at hiding. So, he is here to warm up the scene this time?"

Before the official drama begins, the star players among the contestants are allowed to play a few warm-up games. This is also the traditional process of the God of War Festival. On the one hand, star players can shine in advance to motivate themselves, and they can also deter other opponents. Of course, this may also expose one's strengths or even weaknesses in advance, it all depends on the choice of the person involved.

At this time, Yu Lian finally managed to put together the intelligence collected by the other party and himself. No way, I had never heard of this genius named Rumil in my previous life, and in the photo provided by Yani, it was probably because this guy was wearing casual clothes and his temperament was calmer. At first glance, I thought he was a girl.

Well, this is no longer a superficial setting like Erweizi, it is clearly a more powerful creature!

In addition, the application report given by Yani only gave the explanation that "it was already a third ring three years ago, and it is difficult to determine the strength now" and marked a high-risk warning. This only shows that even the intelligence channels of the Berenkesters and the Alliance are not omnipotent. In addition, Duke Arosan did protect his genius son quite closely.

All in all, among all the contestants of the God of War Festival, he, like the much-anticipated Viscount Shameen, is Yu Lian's most threatening opponent.

At this time, the conversation between Brünnhilt and his group was still going on, but they heard Ostana continue to smile without any fluctuations, and calmly narrated in a smooth tone: "Duke Arosan is The most powerful prince in the area has always been loyal to the royal family and has great influence. Sir Rumil is his youngest son, so he cannot inherit the family business. In theory, he can marry into the family. What's more, his ability is indeed outstanding and he is older than Sasha. Duke Mayne is still one year younger, but he is already the fourth ring.”

Yu Lian listened and nodded. Indeed, I had never heard of such a talented guy in my previous life. What on earth happened?

"So, you want me to consider him?" Brynhilt sneered.

"No, what I mean is that he can be included in the No. 3 list." Ostana shook her head and said: "If there are really no other candidates, you can hold your nose and consider him."

It sounds like a combat tire among spare tires! Yu Lian thought.

"This person has an overly strong bloodthirsty tendency and an unstable mental structure. When things don't go as he wants, he may fall into an uncontrollable mania."

To put it bluntly, he's just a yandere. Tsk, isn’t it disgusting that a big old man can act like a yandere?

But then again, if the character of the yandere old man is real, Yani should have given it in the intelligence, right?

"However, this is only a rumor heard from Marquis Airobart." Ostana said: "In fact, from more people who have had contact with Sir Rumil, although he is keen on He fights, but he is actually a young knight with dignity and martial virtue."

I fucking knew it...

"Oh? Then why did Margrave Airbart give out contrary rumors?" Brynhilt seemed to be interested.

"Six months ago, the Duke of Arosan and the Marquis of Airobart jointly held a hunting ceremony. During the process, Sir Rumil fought with the Marquis's eldest grandson, Sir Enfalar. The latter's legs were cut off. Most of the bones in his body are broken and many organs are damaged. He has not been discharged from the hospital yet."

It turns out there is a personal vendetta! But then again, this attack is indeed a bit cruel, and it is more like killing than fighting, which is very hateful.

In addition, hunting sacrifices are also traditional activities of those imperial princes who have territories. You can just understand them as local small war god sacrifices.

In other words, this dangerous sissy off the field is actually very experienced in similar activities, and she does have tips for winning.

A formidable enemy indeed!

At this time, Brunhildt said again: "He sounds like an interesting guy. Why was he moved to No. 3 on the waiting list? At least he could be moved one or two ahead."

So, how many spare tire lists does Ms. Suliuka Wang have?

"This, well, it's not easy to say." Giafel hesitated for a moment, then said helplessly: "Of course there is a reason for it."

Brünnhilt did not speak, but he lengthened his voice and became more curious.

The Countess was even more difficult. She is a sincere gentleman with integrity and a sense of honor. It is really not easy for her to make irresponsible remarks about other people's private lives. However, Miss Ostana next to her does not have this psychological burden and said bluntly: "He is very romantic."

Brunhild said "Oh", his reaction was not big, and he was even a little numb.

"Plus, he goes both ways."

It took Brunhilt nearly two seconds to react, and he immediately became energetic.

"He has a very good relationship with King Bedo and King Wilente. He is the little moon they share." Ostana still wore an almost paralyzed smile and spoke with a smooth pronunciation. , as if they were just stating the facts without emotion.

...Speaking of which, Little Moon? Yu Lian felt like he was a little disgusted.

In addition, for the first time in his two lives, he knew that King Wilente's old dog could actually be good at this. However, he was not surprised at all. If you think about it carefully, the more decadent and ancient the ruling class is, they seem to like this. Among the imperial military aristocrats who are full of martial virtue, there are always two-way plug and mirror masters. In comparison, Queen Brunhilt and her friends are indeed the white lotuses in this decadent class in terms of their private lives.

Sure enough, Miss Bai Lianhua was even more disgusting than Yu Lian, and even a little angry: "How dare you sign up for such a thing? How dare the Heraldry Academy send it to you?"

"So in the final analysis, it's just a rumor." Ostana said.

"You even found out his nickname!" Brynhilt said loudly.

"It is precisely because I even found out the nickname that my subordinates felt there was something wrong." Ostana said seriously: "According to my personal observation, generally speaking, in this kind of special relationship, the man who plays the role of zero will There is a subtle compensation mentality for oneself, and one will choose more masculine nicknames, such as Little Sword, Little Steel Man, Little Wolf Dog, etc. Little Moon is too feminine and beautiful."

"What a masculine ghost!" Brynhilt cursed and glared at the chief bestie next to him: "Gili, you didn't say anything either?"

"I can't judge a person based on rumors." The countess said seriously: "But if his true nature is determined in the future, and if he still dares to pester you, I will solve this problem in a fair way."

Is it just an honor duel? Only you Imperial people can describe such anti-civilized feudal dross in such a glorious and upright way.

At this time, the sissy young man from the Big Fighting Skills Factory had already lifted up the double-headed spear next to him, danced lightly, and shook off the flesh and blood residue on it. He showed a mocking smile again, reached out and pressed his neck, then raised his spear and pointed directly at the sky.

"War." He opened the "tankou" lightly and spit out a single note.

Of course Yu Lian couldn't hear the other person's voice, but he could clearly see the mouth shape.

"Fight?" He retracted his smile and asked another question.

So, are you referring to me?

"Hurry up, my spear is already thirsty!" He lifted the spear as if he wanted to lick it, but in the end he just licked his lips, and then raised his middle finger to the sky.

Well, this guy definitely and definitely came for me. In addition, this can also be regarded as a kind of cultural communication, right? Yu Lian thought.

No matter what, the opponent has already taken advantage of him to deal damage. If he continues to refuse to fight, won't he be disqualified as a ranger? Although I am prepared to fight my way through the God of War Festival at the same time, this is about strategy, not tactics and mentality!

Thinking of this, Yu Lian pressed his hand on the railing, wondering if it would be cool if he fell from the sky in a physical body.

At this time, he heard Brunhildt's suppressed angry voice: "Yu Lianqing, please kill him...ah no, please show your grace to the fullest. I will be very grateful to you."

Seeing Yu Lian nod, she put her hands on the railing, frowned and said, "Let's go down a little bit. Even if it's you, you shouldn't be able to bear jumping from this height, right?"

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