Him and their stars

Chapter 467 Inside and outside the live broadcast room

When Sir Rumil, a talented boy born into the Duke of Arosan's family, who had just turned 20 this year, raised his double-headed war spear and once again challenged Yu Lian in the sky, the atmosphere in the audience was already boiling to the extreme.

Of course, the 200,000 contestants and one million onlookers at the scene didn’t know who Sir Rumil was provoking, but they only knew that there was going to be a good show soon.

Anyway, those who appreciate the decadent battle royale, The Hunger Games, and real-life outdoor survival gladiatorial games like Ares Festival are those who don’t take it too seriously to watch the excitement. Since it is a hot spot activity, of course the warmer it is, the better.

At the same time, the scene at the scene has already been uploaded to the source wave terminal set up in the void of the sky through thousands of filming drones set up around the arena. Then, through this galaxy-level source wave terminal, which is one of only two in the galaxy named "Oracle Messenger" by the empire, it spreads to the entire galaxy without any delay.

In fact, the real-time broadcast of the God of War Festival has already started at the very beginning. However, what the audience likes to watch is not the previous songs, dances and choruses, but the real fight where fists and feet intersect, swords flash, shadows and blood splash. The show's first surge in ratings (meow) started from the battle between Sir Rumil and Quadrumb just now.

Such statistics were also transmitted to the God of War Festival studio hall in the empire in real time.

Sir Sarkota, a well-known TV host in the entire Galaxy, who has been fighting on the media front for thirty years, just glanced at the statistical report and already knew what he should do. He smiled and said: "After the analysis just now, During the battle, Sir Rumil showed no signs of fatigue and was still extremely excited. Who is he challenging?"

"It should be one of the contestants. However, there are more than 200,000 contestants participating in this event, but there are actually very few that are worthy of his personal challenge." The person who spoke was one of the guests at the scene, named A retired veteran adventurer from Belreth, he is also an expert in combat and wild exploration. He was born in the Alliance, so he dare not say anything about his true combat ability, but his commentary and analysis are still very professional, and his words are easy to listen to and understand, and he has always been very popular with the audience.

"The contestants have started fighting before the game even begins. Does this comply with the regulations of the God of War Festival?" the host asked another on-site guest, retired Imperial Marine Lieutenant General Reimertz, who is said to be a commander of special warfare. . This retired general has been participating in various military and current affairs talk shows in the past few years. He is considered a well-known military expert in the empire. He has always been widely loved by the audience for his unsmiling but concise and concise tough guy style.

"Of course. All brave actions are recognized by the God of War, Sur. Of course, I also hope that the young warriors can adjust their mentality and not get too excited. The subsequent God of War Festival will be a protracted battle. .”

Although he said this, His Excellency the Lieutenant General's face was filled with an aunt's smile. He has not been stingy with his appreciation for Sir Rumil since just now, and even believes that this imperial genius who emerged from nowhere is the biggest discovery of this Ares Festival and the strongest contender for the championship and MVP.

At this time, the reporters on the Gumeiya planet seemed to have finally found the real owner from the aircraft around the Colosseum. A filming drone began to hover in the air, scanning its camera to the descending dragon ship, and of course the black-haired young man from Earth who was lying beside the railing of the ship.

The young man began to do stretching exercises, then twisted his shoulders and shook his legs, and finally raised a similar duck-billed hoe-like thing, as if he was temporarily adapting to the quality of the weapon in his hand.

Pressing this button, Lieutenant General Reynolds sneered. He felt that this guy was too amateurish.

The young man seemed to have just noticed the existence of the camera at this time, turned his head and waved to the camera. Ever since, the smile of Marshal

"Oh, it's him!" Lieutenant General Remoz twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression not very good, as if someone stepped on him.

"Then let General Reynolds introduce us." The host Sir Sakota immediately interpreted a lot of information from the other party's micro-expression.

"The resident military attaché from the Blue Star Community, Naval Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian." The lieutenant general introduced him curtly.

Sakota thought to himself, you can just rely on yourself as a retired senior general. If it were someone else who spoke in such a way in the notice, the money would be damned.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian is also a genius and extraordinary person. Of course, he has not participated in any public athletics or martial arts competitions so far, and the outside world does not know much about his abilities." Former adventurer Mr. Bell Reese smiled. Added: "In addition, the paper "Four-man Combat Method of Psykers" that has attracted much attention in the military circles of the Galaxy recently is the work of Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian. I read it once and was amazed. Just from the article , this young lieutenant colonel is also a true special warfare expert."

Mr. Adventurer spoke highly of Yu Lian. Of course, if he hadn't pronounced "special warfare expert" with an accent in front of General Remoz, the host would have believed that he was sincerely praising him.

"Where did you read the confidential military papers?" The lieutenant general's fierce eyes as big as copper bells widened.

"It's not from you anyway. It's a reasonable and legal channel anyway." Bellris also had a serious face.

Sir Sakota quickly smoothed things over: "So, if the two sides start to fight, who do you like more?"

"It should be a fierce battle between dragon and tiger. The audience at the scene is blessed. Isn't this equivalent to the final being staged in advance?" Bellris said with a smile. He is from the Alliance, so he will not pay attention to the glassy hearts of the imperial military who were slapped in the face after the Battle of Far Shore Nebula. But despite this, he also felt that if two Four Rings met together, and they were obviously biased towards the combat field, it would be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

"I just hope that these two talented young people can restrain themselves a little. After all, the warm-up is just a warm-up, and it cannot determine the championship. If too much energy is expended, it will really be more than worth the loss." He laughed.

"Combat field?" Lieutenant General Reimertz lit a cigar in the hall of the live broadcast room as if no one else was watching, and sneered: "When did balance become the combat field? Those who are suitable for this star ring are of course auxiliary, any auxiliary field. . In comparison, Sir Rumil is a blood path. As the name suggests, this is the spiritual path specifically designed for combat."

"In other words, you are more optimistic about Sir Rumil?"

"If it were in a complex environment, there might be more suspense." Lieutenant General Remoz said coldly.

The implication is that the guy named Yu Lian is just a young man who has no martial ethics and can only make sneak attacks with the help of complex terrain. In an open frontal battle like the arena, one's true colors will only be revealed.

Of course, as a retired lieutenant general and an upright man of the highest rank, such words cannot be said in too much detail. Anyway, as long as those people understand it, that's enough.

"Haha." Bellris also laughed.

You are laughing your ass off! Lieutenant General Remoz cast a very unfriendly look.

However, the other party was completely unaware and asked: "I heard that you used to be an expert in land warfare and special warfare? Have you ever commanded special warfare?"

A dignified special warfare commander is so disgusted with the tactics of using geography to ambush and carry out sneak attacks? Did you buy this lieutenant general?

Although Mr. Bellis didn't say that, the smile on his face already showed this meaning.

The former Mr. Adventurer and media personality is now a respectable member of the upper class and can't tear his face up and turn the table over. As long as his words go as far as this, they are insulting enough.

Then, the two retired lieutenant generals and former adventurers, who were almost 150 years old in total, started fighting passionately with their eyes across the table.

"Vulgar and cruel imperial pig!"

"Profit-seeking Alliance dog!"

Of course, decent people from the upper class cannot speak so sweetly, but these two people can convey the above ideas with their eyes, and they also believe that the person opposite will be able to get it.

Start, start, start! Sir Sakota thought to himself, the empire and alliance have begun! I just love watching you tear it up, and the audience will love it too. Otherwise, how could two main guests invite one at a time? Oh hehehe, I don’t know what the ratings will be like now.

In addition, although I was born in an empire, I still have a title. But as a media person, you must also be an international person with a galaxy-wide perspective. Isn't it a basic quality to be impartial, independent, objective and neutral? Therefore, I don’t take sides, I just stand on the street. I just deliver information to the audience in a fair, independent, objective and neutral way.

Thinking of this, the proud Sir Sarkota ignored the two regular guests who were trying to kill each other with their eyes and looked at the one-day guest seat next to him.

"So, Professor Xuansha, what do you think?" Sir asked one of the well-dressed and peaceful figures.

"Actually, what I'm more concerned about is the four-armed ape, the prey that the contestants will attack later, and the mood of the sacred food sacrifice at this time." Professor Turen, who is short and round in body, is full of emotions. The round face covered with fine velvet expressed sadness, and a pair of small mung bean eyes revealed a heavy and unspeakable sadness.

"Everyone is paying attention to the victory or defeat of the contestants, but no one cares about the mood of these animals, but aren't they also participants in the God of War Festival?"

"Yes, you said yes..."

"They also have parents, relatives and friends, and they also experience pain and sorrow. But unlike the contestants, they do not come to the God of War Festival voluntarily!"

"This, yes, the animals really made great sacrifices!"

"I have no intention of making any comments on the customs of the God of War Festival. I just want to use this stage to appeal to everyone, all the warriors participating in the God of War Festival, and the audience cheering for them, please be sure to also support the dead animals. Rejoice! And remember what they looked like in life. They died for your joy!"

The point is, don’t these animals all look similar? Who remembers who is who?

"This, it's like this, everyone should learn to empathize, which is also a virtue!" Sir finally took the words, but he was thinking in his heart, wait until I am sure who found this guy, it will be accurate Open yours!

Regardless of what kind of world is going on in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV, at this moment, Yu Lian, who is lying on the side of the ship, is thinking about his immediate tactics as the dragon boat is slowly descending.

He knew that the moment he showed his face, he was already out of the circle in the entire galaxy.

... Regardless of Feifei's reaction when she sees this scene, Yu Lian can't care much about it now.

He is just glad now that everything is broadcast live across the galaxy.

In this case, let’s play with it! The invincible image of the Tirero people in the minds of the people of all ethnic groups in the galaxy will be shattered from now on!

Yu Lian picked up the duckbill hoe, said hello to Queen Brunhilt and her best friends, climbed over the railing of the ship's side, and faced the strong wind above the forest sea of ​​the ancient Meia planet, and fell straight down.

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