Him and their stars

Chapter 468 The great collision between heaven and earth

Indeed, if it were the height just now, even Yu Lian would find it a bit tricky. Indeed, based on his current mastery of psychic powers and various techniques, as long as he seizes the opportunity and uses various skills properly, he should still be able to survive a fall from a height of only two to three thousand meters, but there is a high probability that he will still end up in a petri dish. Lie down for a few days.

It doesn't matter if you get a little injured, but if you fail to pretend to be X and destroy the children's dreams, then you are really unqualified as a superhero and ranger. What qualifications do you have to be a Bolshevik?

But once you reach the sixth ring, there will be no problem. Not only can you jump directly from this height, you can also directly smash the enemy to death with the acceleration of free fall.

And if you reach the seventh ring or above, based on your current physical fitness, you may be able to directly experience the feeling of airborne physical orbit. By this time, the palm technique that soared into the sky was no longer a big move but a basic skill.

Therefore, you can definitely take advantage of the present and get a feel for the future first.

Having made up his mind, Yu Lian held the duckbill hoe and jumped off the side of the ship when the dragon boat landed less than a thousand meters above the ground.

He spread out his body as much as possible, letting every inch of his skin and even cells feel the fullness of the strong wind.

He felt as if the wind had been poured into his body, intertwined with the invisible spiritual energy, forming a power surging within his body.

"Power! Endless power!" He said to himself in his heart, and then slowly raised the duck-billed hoe in his hand. The way he held the weapon was not a heavy weapon, it was clearly the way he held a sword.

Yu Lian's actions immediately caused an uproar at the scene, which then turned into thunderous applause and cheers. The onlookers would not think that Yu Lian was preparing to commit suicide when he fell from a height of 1,000 meters. He must be holding back some big move. Although most of the people present have never seen this type of play falling from the sky live, and it is unclear whether it can be successful, but as long as they can be sure that they can really watch a gorgeous show, that is enough.

Of course, not everyone at the scene wanted to watch a show. For example, there are two girls from Gumeiya who are also striving to become champions.

At this moment, they were sitting in the auditorium of the Colosseum with their team members. They watched Sir Rumil's battle to kill the four-armed ape demon, and also saw Yu Lian leaping from the golden dragon boat above. Next, he was stunned and at a loss what to do.

"He, he doesn't have to accept this kind of provocation. This is not an early final, but a waste of precious energy! What should I do if I get injured? Retire?" Amiya stamped her feet anxiously.

The competition system of the God of War Festival is very cruel, and there has never been any humanity in Lao Shizi, and there is no saying that the game will be suspended to wait for you to climb out of the petri dish.

"...But if you don't accept the challenge, your momentum will dissipate. If we face each other in the main match, we might lose before we even fight!" Agnes sighed.

Amiya thought to herself that I am a spell caster and I don’t know much about the metaphysics of you fighting sects. But since you said so, I can only agree.

"Agnès, if it were you, what chance would you have of winning against Sir Rumil?"

"I'm a hunter star! Why do you always automatically regard me as a frontal shooter?" Amiya couldn't help complaining, and then she lowered her voice and said: "If it's in the jungle, with the help of terrain and careful design With the trap and everyone’s cooperation, it will be about 50%.”

"I think it's about the same. If it's Viscount Shameen, maybe 30%?"

Agnes nodded and added: "But this will definitely be a protracted war. Members of the Astral Knights, no matter which star ring they belong to, have special training skills, and their physical fitness and strength are surprisingly strong. . But if there is a slight mistake, we have no chance of winning."

Ever since, Amiya's little face was about to cry: "So why do you want the Fourth Ring to participate? This is too much!"

"Yes! These imperial ghosts...nobles are so ungrateful in martial arts!"

"Shh! Don't say such things." Amiya was startled, looked around, lowered her voice and scolded: "It's not like you don't know our position, but you can't be caught!"

Agnes gritted her teeth and exhaled silently. Then, when she looked at Yu Lian, her eyes suddenly became much more eager.

These two ancient Meiya girls didn't know that Yu Lian had actually come to join in the fun until three days ago, when the list of participants for the God of War Festival was officially announced. They had mixed feelings at the same time, both happy and worried.

Fortunately, being able to meet acquaintances who had fought side by side in the God of War Festival made the two ancient Meiya girls relax a little bit, feeling that they at least had someone to form an alliance with during the competition. This is roughly equivalent to floating in the vast and endless deep sea. When the loneliness and despair almost overwhelmed me, I finally saw the small boat appearing in the distance.

Never mind whether the people on the boat were trustworthy. At this time, something is better than nothing.

What's more, Yu Lian treated the two of them to dragon meat after all, and the overall evaluation of their character was pretty good.

What is worrying is that there is another big enemy competing with them for the championship.

During this period of time, Amiya and Agnes spent all the money they had saved so hard, which made the two girls who were used to being frugal feel very distressed.

They first bought good equipment for all the team members, plus a full set of outfits. Then the most rigorous and professional training subjects were invited and a month-long intensive training was conducted in the most well-equipped training ground.

In order to ensure the quality of training and everyone's physical strength, the quality of the hotel we stayed in was certainly not too bad. Every ton of nutritious meals are carefully prepared by lovers.

After the hard simulation training every day, there is another three-hour summary learning meeting in the evening. No matter whether it is raining or windy or injured or sick, no one will be absent.

All of the above require huge financial support.

Of course, if there are star teams and players that have already made a name for themselves at the God of War Festival, there will naturally be sponsors who come up to pay the bills.

But the problem is that although they are outstanding in strength, they are indeed newcomers to the God of War Festival. What's more, the ancient Meiya people's position in the empire was very embarrassing.

As the captain, Amiya felt that everyone was really tired and stressed, but because of the great goal of "returning to her hometown", she was able to grit her teeth and persevere. Now, everyone has done what they can do to the extreme, and there is no shortage of strength and fighting spirit. If it were in previous years, they would definitely be the strongest contenders for the championship.

Yes, if it were in previous years…

A large number of young astral knights, like well-connected people, suddenly appeared in the God of War Festival, which immediately made these two young ancient Meiya women realize the malice of the real world.

Amiya did notice a different atmosphere. Only then did she realize that what Yamida and Yu Lian said were right. The God of War Festival was never just a competitive event.

But now it was too late to understand this.

Amiya knew that she, her friends, and all the elders in the clan had already put in so much effort. They bear the hope of "the whole village", so they can't back down at this time, right?

In any case, whether it is Viscount Shameen, Sir Rumil, or the newly joined Yu Lian, they are the biggest threats to the Gumeiya contestants.

Rationally speaking, it would be most beneficial to them if Yu Lian in the sky and Sir Rumil on the earth could kill each other and die together. However, when they actually saw this scene, Amiya and Agnes couldn't help but worry about Yu Lian.

After all, they are friends who have played books together and eaten dragon meat together.

At this time, Yu Lian, relying on the wind, had already entered the building of the Coliseum from the open dome. The audience in the top row could already see with their naked eyes that his body passed in front of their field of vision and cheered again.

However, when he was less than a hundred meters above the ground, Yu Lian used his spiritual energy to adjust his body. He let his body change from stretching to shrinking, then raised the Qimen weapon in his hand and raised it above his head,

"What kind of trick is this?" Amiya asked nervously. She is a fa Niang, and her knowledge of martial arts is limited to general self-defense martial arts. Although her friend is an archer, after all, he is also the one who earns money for the team by playing black boxing. Purely speaking of martial arts, he can The contestants who have reached the finals of the Galaxy Martial Arts Tournament naturally have a much higher understanding of this aspect than themselves.

In addition, isn’t it also reasonable that archers are good at martial arts and have a more positive attitude?

However, Agnes's reaction was even more surprised than Amiya's. Her eyes widened and she said "Huh" involuntarily.

"Is this the mountain-cutting style?"

"What's the meaning?"

"This is the swordsmanship of the Empire's Stormtroopers! Although he has found a way to incorporate other attack effects into his attacks through psychic skills... But his opponent is an Imperial noble!"

This is easy to understand. Using the swordsmanship of the Imperial Stormtroopers to attack a genius child from a well-educated noble family is equivalent to using Arhat Fist to attack an old monk meditating in the back of the Shaolin Temple. What's the difference?

At this moment, the violent wind that accompanied Yu Lian's fall into the arena seemed to be directly ignited by an unknown force, turning into blinding tears and making a sound like thousands of flying birds. .

Yu Lian's body was wrapped in thunder and lightning and the long chirping of birds, as if his whole body was turned into thunder, slashing towards Sir Rumil in the center of the field.

The audience in the distance was still cheering, but the audience nearby was stunned by this scene. Of course, there were also some unlucky ones who were hit by arcs floating in the air and screamed.

However, as the person involved, Sir Rumil, who faced all the power from the front, just tilted his mouth and sneered disdainfully.

"I seem to have been underestimated!" Rumil sneered: "How can such stupid tricks deceive me? No matter whether it is lightning or storm, they are just deceptions!"

His eyes drifted to the sky, scanning the red dragon ship higher up in the sky, which was King Wilente's ship. He also skipped the silver dragon ship where King Suliuka was, and then he locked onto the ship that was approaching him. Yu Lian.

The opponent is no longer in free fall, and is falling slower. He should be using spiritual energy to adjust the momentum, impact and even angle of his fall.

As he slowly approached, his momentum seemed to be gathering little by little. In the field of vision that Sir Rumil could feel with his naked eyes, the opponent had not arrived, and the "sword" had not arrived, but the murderous intent had already condensed into a sharp blade that seemed to have substance, and along with the overwhelming thunder, it roared towards him.

"Mountain-cutting pose! Haha, hahaha~~~~" Rumil continued to tilt his mouth and smiled disdainfully. That handsome, feminine face that could even be considered beautiful was distorted into a sadistic beauty.

And just like his distorted face, the fighting spirit in his heart burned like a wildfire doused with heavy oil.

Of course Sir Rumil knew that this was the military swordsmanship of the Imperial Stormtroopers, a killing move "against the behemoth type". To put it bluntly, it was followed by an unparalleled thunderous power, falling from the sky and slashing hard. As long as the momentum and strength are enough, even giant beasts like mountains can be killed with one blow.

To put it bluntly... it is a martial art that can produce miracles with great force.

However, Sir Rumil, who came from a noble family and was a genius in his own right, knew that if the mind, body, skill, and spirit could truly be unified, such seemingly crude sword skills could really tear apart the earth and mountains.

After all, the so-called military swordsmanship of the Imperial Stormtroopers was integrated and streamlined by the founding emperor of the Dawn Dynasty based on the characteristics of Tirello's martial arts in the past. It has been used for more than two thousand years and has now spread to the entire galaxy. The so-called great simplicity, who dares to say that this set of popular military martial arts does not contain some martial arts principles?

When he thought of this, Sir Rumil became even more excited.

Before the God of War Festival, he could still fight against such a powerful opponent, so what else could he be dissatisfied about?

Sir Rumil showed a wild smile, sighed contentedly, took a deep breath, placed the double-headed spear behind his back, and slowly sank down. His body was not exactly burly, but even a little feminine and slender. But now that he had lowered his center of gravity, he had an indescribably powerful figure. Just by squatting there, his whole body seemed to have turned into a mountain.

"Can you kill such a big mountain?" Jazz sneered.

As a member of the Duke of Arosan's family, he has regarded the Astral Knight as his only dream since he was a child. He has judged from the opponent's momentum that whether it is the razor-like wind or the arrow-like thunder, it is only a matter of time. But it’s just a cover-up!

If you want to harm yourself with a "rudimentary" sword skill like the mountain-cutting style, it must be the most direct and effective attack that is the unity of mind, body, skill and spirit.

To put it bluntly, great efforts can produce miracles!

Sir Rumil has studied Yu Lian's information and never believes that the other party does not know this truth.

"Come on!" He closed his eyes and no longer caught the enemy with his naked eyes, but his own perception made the opponent invisible. The psychic halo began to change from five elements to something tangible, forming a holy shield in front of him. His skin also seemed to have undergone some changes. The color remained unchanged, but it had a mysterious metallic texture.

His response was very simple, but also very appropriate. If Yu Lian falls from the sky and uses the power of wind and thunder, he will step on the earth and use the force of the earth to rise up. Both sides are perfect as they should be for the terrain and environment.

At that time, the intensity between pure strength and power, psychic energy and spiritual energy collides, and no fancy work can be done.

Of course Rumil also knew that in an absolute wrestling match, his "blood path" should be above the opponent's "balance". However, I must not pin my victory on the so-called "common sense" that I take for granted.

In the realm of extraordinary beings, common sense is the least meaningful.

However, he was also sure that when the opponent's attack collided with his own shield, the opponent falling from the sky would have nowhere to borrow strength in the air, and there would always be inconvenience when changing his moves. The momentary collision of forces was the opening for attack that he could find.

Of course, you can't kill him with a spear. After all, the God of War Festival hasn’t started yet.

It is enough to seriously injure him, and when the main match comes, we can slowly work on it.

Since he is the star of hope for the people of the earth, he shouldn't withdraw from the competition just because of a minor injury, right?

Of course, it doesn't matter even if he withdraws from the competition, he can no longer be called the star of hope for the people on earth, and naturally he can no longer be considered a threat.

"Your Highness, what a perfect plan! What great wisdom!" As soon as he thought of this, Sir Rumil's heart was filled with heat.

Immediately afterwards, thunder and lightning enveloped the figure and directly hit the shield of light in the air. But there was only a crackling sound, as if the plasma was dissolving. However, Rumil was surprised to find that after Lei Lei got out of the way, there was no sign of Yu Lian in front of him.

This is not what you see with your naked eyes, but what your senses tell you.

This blank perception surprised him for a tenth of a second. By the time he reacted, Yu Lian was already behind him.

At this moment, the sound of wind and thunder had already hit the back of his head.

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