Him and their stars

Chapter 488 Swaggering

What is the law of aristocratic inheritance in the empire? Oh, by the way, when an adult prince dies unexpectedly, if the next heir is not of age and cannot fulfill his vassal obligations for the Void Crown, or if the direct bloodline is cut off and a new heir needs to be found from the collateral line, it can be done by The widows of the previous lords "proclaimed themselves as rulers before the dynasty".

It's not just listening to politics behind the curtain, or looking after the cabinet, it's just a serious inheritance of a title. According to the records of the Heraldry Institute and the family's own genealogy, she will indeed leave a great name in history as a prince of N generations, rather than as the wife of a certain generation.

Legally speaking, Mrs. Charlotte, who lost her husband twice in three years, should be officially titled Marquise Odegaard. However, according to legal principles, she should give up her title after the next generation of Marquis comes of age. In addition, of course she can remarry - the Tiruiro people, as an enlightened and diverse nation, certainly support widows remarrying - but the children born in the future will have no inheritance rights.

All in all, based on the conspiracy theory, considering the interests of the widow, of course I hope that Yu Lian can kill off the Assenti family.

...Well, it seems a bit too mean to think this way, so let’s listen to what others have to say first.

"You won, you did win again this time." The Marquise continued to narrate in a tone that was as calm as ashes: "So, please let Edana go, and we will withdraw."

"Quit? Quit the game?"

"Impossible. We will stay here for an hour and let you evacuate. During this period, we will never launch a pursuit." Sir Eldon Morgash answered for his sister: "I swear to you."

He felt that with his status as a dignified astral knight and the reputation of the famous Duke Mogash, his oath should still be very convincing.

However, Yu Lian just sneered: "You are not the Jing Emperor who made me lose my mind on the spot, are you?"

Jingdi, commonly known as spiritual empire people, naturally refers to those who believe that the emperors of the empire are all talented and wise, the nobles of the empire are heroes with high aspirations, and the citizens of the empire are gentlemen who abide by public order, good customs, and are united and progressive. Those guys are gone.

Not to mention, there are many such people in every country. As for the community, it was fine during the time when independence was first achieved. Now, only two generations have passed, and the number of communities is slowly increasing like scavengers that have caught a scent.

"Do you think you can deceive me with such nonsense?" Yu Lian lowered his eyelids slightly, scanned the crowd with squinted eyes, and sneered: "You just showed up, and you treated me, a harmless pacifist, You have been beaten, killed, and even committed suicide attacks. It is obvious that your mental structure is not very stable. It is enough to make a small and insignificant contribution to society without removing the forehead. You actually expect me to listen to your nonsense? "

"Pacifist, are you?" Sir Eldon's eyes widened, and he once again showed such a shameless expression that I have never seen in my life.

"Nonsense, am I not you? At least 880 billion viewers across the galaxy who are watching the God of War Festival can vouch for me! Since the God of War Festival has been held, I have met other teams more than once, but I have never taken the initiative Attacked others." Yu Lian turned his head and said loudly in the direction of the drone.

The imperial team on the opposite side had nothing to say, so they all seemed a little discouraged.

"In addition, considering that I was almost killed by the Blood Spirit Realm just now. This really makes me have to doubt your credibility. At the same time, the fairness of the God of War Festival is also questionable."

The "Blood Spirit Realm" is, of course, the large-scale self-destruction attack launched by the decisive "Transformer" just before death through his life.

However, although this skill is amazingly powerful, it actually requires sufficient and necessary preparation in advance. At the very least, psykers must go to the battlefield in advance to check out the points, adapt to the resonance with the natural environment on the battlefield, and by the way, sprinkle flesh and blood cells containing spirituality into the land.

Ever since, this skill is not so much used for reconnaissance and attack, but rather for early warning and defense. In other words, the "reformer" just now should have been here before?

Tsk, doesn’t this count as cheating?

Yu Lian pointed in the direction of the drone and made a thumbs-up gesture: "I hope the organizer of the God of War Festival can give a reasonable explanation to the 880 billion viewers watching the show. Don't do it because of a sudden change of mind. The heat will destroy the 250-year-old Daqing and the glory accumulated by the Galactic Empire for thousands of years!"

Of course, since the other party dared to do this in public, they must have found a way to get side kicks. But as long as I dare to start a fight, as long as it can cause the organizer and the masterminds behind it more headaches, that's enough.

"So, as for the reputation of the Assenti family, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with it. So, let me swear by the souls of the two previous generations of Marquis Odegaard." Yu Lian looked directly at the pale-faced Marquise and sneered. : "If they break the oath, their souls will never be reincarnated in the void between quantum entanglement and the virtual realm, until the day this universe dies."

After all, in this world of stupid idealists, everyone is still quite superstitious.

"You are looking for death!" A Wolfgang man's eyes suddenly turned green, and he said this in a voice that was almost like a roar. At first glance, it really looks like a large dog whose tail instantly exploded when it was stepped on.

Yu Lian spread his hands and said: "Look. If you are anxious, then you must be mentally disturbed."

After a pause, he said loudly: "By the way, your teeth are abnormally bright. You must have taken drugs! I ask the referee team to intervene again."

This... ah no, this Wolfgang warrior is quite huge in size, and his fangs are extremely sharp. It doesn't look like a normal intelligent creature, but more like a wild predator. The fangs shone with a spiritual metallic light, as if even alloy armor could be easily torn apart.

"This is my ability! Ability!" The giant werewolf roared even more violently: "Not only do you insult my personality, you also insult my ability that has been tempered for thousands of years!"

"Oh, divine bones... fangs and claws, these are the spiritual enhancements you chose after becoming the "Cyborg Man"." Yu Lian nodded in understanding.

Well, this wolf is indeed not very smart. He is really a typical martial artist! They were all from Wolfgang, and the head of the Sons of Marais team knew too much.

The Marquise didn't say anything, she just glanced at Yu Lian with a dead look in her eyes, walked straight to the knight next to her whose throat was shattered, and activated the rescue device on his wrist.

Once the device is activated, help will arrive in the shortest possible time. Of course, the players can only withdraw from the competition.

In addition, since he retired from the game after being seriously injured, his withdrawal will be counted as the enemy's "kill" points, and a certain amount of points will be deducted from his own team.

"Madam!" The Wolfgang man was anxious and just about to jump. However, the hostess, who was half his size, just looked at him calmly and did not dare to make any mistakes.

Well, the widow lady's prestige among her husband's old retainers is not bad, but I don't know whether it comes from skill or brute force, but the control of command and prohibition is a bit lacking.

...Of course, it could be just my conjecture.

Yu Lian had a panoramic view of this scene and made his own judgment.

In less than half a minute, the rescue airship dropped from the sky. Seven or eight round rescue robots floated over. Without looking at the two sides confronting each other, or the girl who was still being stepped on by Yu Lian, they quickly completed emergency rescue for the two seriously injured people who were dying, and took them with tractor beams. Back on the boat.

Fortunately, they only had one member quit, rather than all members being eliminated. It didn't mean that they would hang their names in the sky and publicly execute them while making noises with gongs and drums.

Later, the Marquise communicated with the organizing committee members through the pilot on the rescue airship. There was no way, the terminals worn by all the contestants only had the functions of calling for help (withdrawing from the competition), checking and redeeming points, but they did not even have the functions of checking the map and time, let alone making external contacts.

The Marquise asked the organizing committee to intervene and directly investigate whether her side really engaged in so-called "cheating". In addition, I also requested a guarantee to complete the negotiations with Yu Lian.

In short, she would not accept it under any circumstances if she was asked to swear on the souls of her two dead husbands. This is not a matter of breach of contract, but on this occasion, even mentioning their names would be an insult to the deceased.

Soon, the pilot on the airship promptly conveyed the feedback from the organizing committee and agreed to guarantee it.

There are many precedents of this kind in past Ares Festivals. With so many participating teams, it is inevitable that there will be transactions, and it is inevitable that there will be suspicion while doing transactions. In this case, if you pay 100 victory points, you can request the organizing committee to intervene to ensure that the transaction is successfully completed.

As for why points are used, the Ares Festival Organizing Committee explains this: On a real battlefield, whether it is a transaction or a covenant, a senior person must be responsible for all the cause and effect, and use their own strength, wisdom and character to complete the transaction smoothly. . Now, just by spending a few points, you can let a higher-ranking third-party mechanical deity descend on you and help you shoulder all the responsibilities. This is clearly the grace of His Majesty the Emperor! Why don't you thank me?

Well, His Majesty the Emperor would not give up the opportunity to increase his presence no matter what, and Yu Lian was quite convinced by this.

The Marquise was so angry that she paid the agency fee herself.

She had already "committed suicide" to two teammates and still managed to score 100 points. She should have directly killed some large fantasy beasts and even completed some "side missions".

"What about this?" Yu Lian moved his feet away from the unlucky child who was lying face down on the ground. The girl lost her pressure, but lay motionless on the ground, as if she was a salted fish that had completely lost her dream.

"You don't have to worry about it," Sir Eldon said coldly.

Now that he had reached this point, Yu Lian had nothing to say. He calmly picked up the serrated shield from the ground, put it on his back, and walked backwards out of the circle of people.

They were all gnashing their teeth, and the hands holding the weapons were even stretched out, but they did not make a move after all.

The Marquise said in an unwavering, robotic tone: "In an hour, we will continue to pursue."

Her eyes were still like embers, but Yu Lian felt like he was seeing a silent volcano, and he smiled meaningfully: "Hey, as a pacifist, I still have to remind you. Your current spirit The situation is really worrying. As a leader of the team, you should not lead your comrades into a dead end."

After leaving these words, Yu Lian turned around, leaving his back unprepared for the murderous enemies, and walked away laughing.

The drone slowly rose up and zoomed in to a distant view, simultaneously pulling the incompetent and furious imperial team and Yu Lian's retreating figure into one frame.

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