Him and their stars

Chapter 489 Weaving a Web

Marquise Charlotte stood where she was, watching Yu Lian's back gradually move away as if she didn't recognize her relatives. Until the other person was completely out of sight, she still looked at the direction in which the other person was going away with an expressionless face.

Sir Elden looked at his sister's reaction, sighed deeply in his heart, and then directed the rest of the team members to start washing the floor. Although the battle is over and the seriously injured have been treated, the traces left on the scene still need to be dealt with. Otherwise, if it is really seen by other opponents, especially experienced experts from the alliance, it is really possible for the other party to find some room to exploit.

Three minutes later, the airship picked up the two seriously injured people and left. The traces that needed to be filled in and the psychic reactions that needed to be neutralized had been taken care of. Only then did Sir Elda walk to her sister's side.

"Varuca and Dumo are both seriously injured. Especially Varda...the preliminary inspection of the robot just now shows that he has been deprived of oxygen for too long, which may have caused a considerable degree of brain damage." Elda's voice A little sad.

Valuka is the name of the human astral knight. He is the "heavy infantry" who "guards" the second ring. Du Mo was the Angmang man who was injured immediately by Yu Lian, and he was a first-level "traveler".

It stands to reason that the health bar of the former is much longer than that of the latter. But the problem is that the physical ability, strength and even mental power of the former are also higher than that of the latter, and they also require more oxygen than the latter. After both of them had their necks broken and deprived of the ability to breathe, the brain of the former naturally had to bear greater pressure than the brain of the latter.

Elden Murgash was indeed quite sad. You must know that even in this cosmic era of prosperous medical technology, the brain, which controls the soul and extraordinary power, is still the biggest restricted area for human body research. Indeed, in this era, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be resurrected with full health and full health after being soaked in a petri dish for a period of time, but all this has a premise, "when there is no damage to the brain."

If a psyker suffers brain damage, like all mortals, there is a high chance that he will be disabled, paralyzed, or even directly in a vegetative state. Even if he is lucky enough to be rescued, his strength will definitely plummet, and there will definitely be obvious holes in his mental level. I am afraid that it will be difficult to undertake front-line combat missions in the future.

Waluda was born in the territory of Duke Megash. He is also a talented person with a flexible mind and the ability to draw inferences from one instance to another. Although he was born into a family of ordinary citizens, he did not receive a complete transcendental education when he was young, and he was already not too young when he awakened. But since joining the Knights, he has improved at a speed that astonishes those around him.

Both the Astral Knights and Duke Mergash himself are quite optimistic about his future. The latter is even considering marrying his youngest daughter to him.

But now, this promising young hero has broken his wings before he can soar.

"Where's Edana?" Charlotte asked.

"She's okay...but the bones and tendons in both arms were shattered."

For ordinary people, this is indeed a serious injury that can leave a person disabled. If the leg is not amputated, the wound infection may not even survive. For nobles like them, the worst thing is to just throw them into a petri dish and lie there for a while.

But the problem is, they are in the God of War sacrifice, where are the gene therapy cabins?

Fortunately, there was a "Purity" level two "pharmacist" in the team, who was finally able to prevent the girl's wounds from worsening. Moreover, the injured person was a spiritual walker after all, so he probably would not have died of various wound inflammations.

Unfortunately, the "believers" are only a part of the process after all. In the absence of sufficient instruments and medicinal materials, the healing ability is just that.

There is no way, the healing system star ring "Pure" lacks frontal combat effectiveness before the fourth ring. After all, the points that can be formed into a team are limited. If you bring a nanny with a higher level, it will definitely affect the team's overall combat effectiveness. After discussing with Charlotte, Elden only brought one "apothecary" and chose an additional "transformer" with the third ring of "Community". If the two of them work together, they should be able to deal with most injuries.

...But the problem is that the "reformer" is too decisive and fiery.

When he thought of this, Elden didn't want to grieve for the self-destructed "Reformer" at all. He just wanted to drag his body over and whip it eight hundred times. If the target escapes, just escape. There will always be another chance. But if you die, don't you know that the team's most important support is gone? Is your brain worthy of "community"? It's clearly the brain circuit of "Blood Road".

"Actually, the best choice now is for Edana to withdraw from the competition." Sir Elden said.

"We have no points left," the Marquise said.

"I know..." Jazz smiled bitterly. Besides, the "reformer" who already had the boar's head had made a very bad start, and he was worried that the little girl wouldn't be able to get over it either.

"But, Edana's behavior is not the solution." Charlotte said again.

Sir Elden nodded: "Menon said that he needs medicine, so we have to take a detour to Valley 8 to find medicine. In addition, even if everything goes well, Edana will need at least a week to recover."

But before that, Miss Edana not only had no fighting ability, but was also a burden to everyone.

The Marchioness breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, as long as it can be treated, I will be lucky. Marquis Odegaard could no longer bear the cost of losing an heir.

"But if we take a detour to Valley No. 8 and lose the reformer, it will be difficult to track. In addition, Valuda and Dumo have withdrawn from the competition, and our front row strength is seriously lacking."

Elden said this, feeling really frustrated. They had been preparing for this first interception for a long time, and even played a little bit of a rule-breaking game, but even so, they paid the price of three people dying or retreating, and one person being seriously injured. But not only did he not leave the target behind, but objectively he gave the other party food.

The Marquise pondered for a moment and sighed faintly: "Find a way to send a letter to Sir Rumil, Sir Michael, and Count Remine. Tell them that I have something to discuss."

Sir Elden nodded, but then asked curiously: "...Isn't there Viscount Shameen?"

"He is a true knight," she answered.

Although his sister's voice was very soft, Jazz felt as if his heart was being strangled by an invisible pressure and he couldn't even breathe. He sighed with difficulty: "Xia Luo, I really hope you understand what you are doing."

The Marquis looked directly at her brother calmly and whispered: "Brother, I have only one goal left in my life today. After that, you and your father only need to support Edana to sit firmly in the Marquis of Odegaard That’s enough for you. The rest is up to you. Isn’t this generous enough?”

Elden Morgash was so stared at by his sister that he couldn't say a word.

Once, her eyes were like the bright moon, but now, there are only dying embers left. But in that gray and cold light, there seemed to be endless darkness.

Yu Lian, who had walked out of the encirclement in a swaggering way, probably didn't know that a dragnet was taking shape against him. In other words, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. From the day he participated in the God of War Festival, he had been mentally prepared for this.

In other words, it was beyond his expectation that the imperial devils only thought of uniting on the third day.

However, a good man will be attacked! If we don't kill seven in and seven out, how can we achieve the great achievement of "killing through the God of War Festival"?

Yu Lian caught another blade-tailed tiger on the road and named it "Fish Cake No. 2". He ran due north for two or three hours and found a sheltered cave in a rugged mountain range. , and then stopped.

Yu Lian thought for a while, then used the source of life to simulate a little bit of his own life fluctuations and breath, and applied it to the fish cake, and then drove the blade-tailed tiger away.

In this way, psykers below the third level who specialize in perception and enemy detection will only go for Fishcake No. 2.

I hope it can live safely until the end.

Only then did Yu Lian decide to take a short rest, then took out a handful of dark purple nuts from his pocket, and then said to the drone: "This is called purple clover kernel. Don't look at it, it looks very bad. But it is a nut rich in nutrients. Its glutamic acid and plant protein content is more than three times that of ordinary pine nuts, and its oil content is more than twice that of sunflower seeds. It is indeed a kind of home travel food. Always keep snacks... Uh, well, the content of palmitine is indeed a bit high, so good children should not eat too much, as it will cause diarrhea. "

After that, he stuffed a handful of pine nuts into his mouth and said in a clear tone while chewing: "Purple clover kernels are produced in the Shengyuan Galaxy in the Shengyuan Star District of the Empire. It is really a perfect galaxy. A galaxy There are actually four Earth-like planets within it, and they are all covered with such nutrient-rich plants... This can be said to be a natural granary of the universe! However, a few people still know that the Shengyuan Galaxy was formerly called the Mon Carlal Galaxy. Yes, the Mon Carlo people who were born and raised there, after thousands of years of rule by the Galactic Empire, their population finally increased from the original four billion to ten billion. However, if you only look at the Shengyuan Galaxy, it dropped from four billion to less than ten. Billion. Thank you to the Empire for giving the people of Mon Carlo the dream of an expedition to the stars and the sea!"

I have to say that the taste of purple clover kernels is really good. It is better than Brazilian pine nuts anyway. But with only this kind of taste, it really cannot satisfy the needs of Yu Lian, a lonely gourmet who walks in the universe.

"...Oh, what a mistake! I should have snatched their rations just now. Those imperial devils all looked so glamorous, and maybe they even brought stoves." Yu Lian felt that it was a bit of a mistake, and looked at the captured food again. Shield, after seriously considering the possibility of using this thing as a frying pan, gave up.

He opened the allocated terminal, looked at his victory points that had increased to 1,500 points, and felt that it was time for him to spend some money.

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