Him and their stars

Chapter 491 Cat-eared girl and little starfish

Yu Lian held the crystal bomb and displayed it in front of the camera for nearly half a minute before carefully gathering them back.

"Okay, today's teaching of earth engineering materials ends here. We will see you tomorrow. If you can find good quality malachite or moonlight rock tomorrow, I will teach you how to make concussive impact bombs and petrochemical bombs. The former can be used to explode Fish, the latter can soften mountains... Uh, wait, why are you leaving?"

The drone that had been following Yu Lien for three days and three nights, that drone that was as loyal as a dog, seemed to be endowed with the same high but useless intelligence as a human at this moment, and suddenly found itself following the camera. The evil side of the object just drew out of the cave backwards, and suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the night.

...Tsk, does this mean my live broadcast has been removed from all channels?

Well, although the God of War Festival is now a program for the entire galaxy, and it does borrow a lot of resources and teams from the alliance side in terms of broadcasting and promotion, it is still the empire that takes charge. Even if the league insists on increasing its exposure for the sake of ratings, the empire has the right to kill it.

There is a saying that the big bosses of the empire could endure such an eye-applying method until the third day, which is enough to be praised as "magnanimous and noble".

This is also the behavior of the arrogant Tirillo military nobles. In their bones, they believe that those who cannot win on the battlefield, no matter how they look at it, are just incompetent and furious, and they cannot shake the rule of the Galactic Empire at all.

Therefore, it is very likely that they have just reacted.

After all, this is a universe where the civilization process has been stagnant for so many years. Even "first-mover civilizations" like the Empire and the Alliance theoretically matured by digging graves, and they still have a naive side.

Again, although the ruling class of this universe can literally move the heavens and the earth, their level of struggle is far worse than those in our previous lives!

But what if I remove my drone? As long as this hero is still in the God of War Festival, the glory of the simple laborer cannot even be hidden.

What's more, if you withdraw like this, in the eyes of others, isn't it because your empire is afraid?

Oh hahahaha, the majestic Galaxy Empire is actually afraid of my little first lieutenant colonel and muzzles me in front of trillions of viewers?

Now Yu Lian only needs to think about the constipated expressions of the empire bosses who are in a dilemma, and he feels very good. He hums a song and continues working.

He purified all the spiritual stones he collected into explosive crystals, and then began processing arrow shafts. I was so busy until almost four o'clock in the morning, and finally made myself twelve explosive arrows.

What, you mean bomb? Well, how can a crystal bomb be considered a thermal weapon? And this is made by my own hands. If the empire organizers dare to make trouble in this regard, they will dare to take the lawsuit to the spirit of the universe.

In this way, long-range, short-range and self-defense weapons were all available. Yu Lian hugged the newly made bone bow and arrows, and leaned against the rock with contentment and slept for another two hours.

He got up and quickly packed his tool bag and weapons and put them on his back. He ate another handful of pine nuts, climbed down the mountain ridge, and continued towards his destination in the north.

This time it was really calm.

The Imperial people behind did not chase them, nor did they encounter the ambushing predators or the other contestants who did not open their eyes. As for the territory of some powerful fantasy beasts where fierce battles were likely to occur, Yu Lian also avoided them early.

Thinking about it this way, the previous battle was clearly caused by that drone.

But to be honest, Yu Lian actually felt a little empty without that gadget that followed him in the sky.

Compared with an empty heart, what is more empty is naturally the stomach. Yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast were both filled with pine nuts, which was indeed a bit painful.

Of course, as an experienced galactic person, he is not unable to bear this hunger. Whether he was fighting guerrillas in the Volunteer Army, or when he was a ranger in the sea across the stars, he had never had the experience of going without food for several days in a row. But, that kind of memory, if possible, I really don’t want to experience it again.

Therefore, of course, when you can eat, you should try to eat as much as possible. Since he is a psychic and has a source of life, shouldn't he be like a camel and store enough food and nutrients at one time?

Yu Lian weighed it carefully and then looked at his current general position. He estimated that if he continued to move forward and everything went well, he should be able to find a basin hidden in the mountains. That place did not exist in the empire's external map database, but Yu Lian found it on the map he obtained from the Sharing Foundation.

The foundation's codename for that basin is the BS141 area, which is hidden all year round in a dense fog with the power of spiritual factors. Even the most advanced military detectors cannot complete a thorough observation. And if the perception ability is poor, even the naked eye and even other direct sense organs will be deceived.

As for the cause of the fog, the foundation did not give a clear answer.

After all, there are so many possibilities.

Yu Lian felt that he might be able to go there to find out what was going on, and if there was any unavoidable danger, retreat in advance. If there is no danger, just hide in the basin, make yourself something serious to eat, and maybe collect some more necessary supplies.

While he was thinking about this, he was thinking about whether to go hunting on the way and find some usable seasonings. But just as he crossed a dry ditch with almost silent steps, his ears suddenly twitched.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, and was sure that he heard some voices. With a flash of his body, he disappeared into the dense forest. Then he moved in that direction with a steady and concealed rhythm, but without losing speed.

He captured the sounds and breaths of more people. He quickened his pace, gently pushed aside the grass blocking him, and looked into the distance. What came into view immediately was a relatively open wilderness, about the size of a football field.

The formation of this wilderness is really a bit abrupt. You know, it is surrounded by dense forests, and there are no mountains to block it. The sudden appearance of this wilderness is like someone pulling out a bunch of hair from a thick scalp.

Yu Lian had a guess, so he took a closer look, and soon saw the ruins of artificially carved walls in the gaps between the pastures in the open space.

...Sure enough, this should be the remains of an ancient Meiya city. It's just that the last traces of their existence on this planet are buried knee-deep in weeds, and can't even be seen if you're not careful.

In the wilderness formed by the ruins, there were more than forty people, divided into two waves and fighting.

There were ten people in one wave, all upright creatures of standard size, and their appearance was somewhat similar to humans. They were actually a group of Terrabis with cat ears.

The composition of the other wave of personnel seemed quite complicated, including two giant Wookiees and an even bigger Legg Titan. However, generally speaking, the majority are Razakai who are no more than 1.5 meters tall and Kufi people who are no more than 1.3 meters in height.

Yu Lian thought he could see Amiya and Agnes here, but after scanning them three times, he was sure they were still not there.

Although the numbers of the two sides are unbalanced, their strength may be balanced. Anyway, they stared at each other, held their swords, gestured and yelled for a long time, but they didn't start fighting.

As a result, everyone can only find ways to negotiate.

Then I saw a female Terrabi and a Quafi whose gender could not be determined, walking out of the team. They must be the leaders.

Not to mention the cat-eared lady, the boss of the team here is actually a Kuifei! Just one look at its crooked shape like a starfish, and you know that it is not good at moving on land, let alone in the forest.

Yes, the Quafi people are the starfish in the story "The Green Star Princess and the Seven Little Starfish".

...Speaking of which, Little Starfish actually came to Princess Green Star’s hometown. This is really fate and wonderful.

Of course, a little starfish can actually become the leader of the God of War Festival team, it must be the battle star among starfish.

No, it was just the little brown starfish in the middle, dancing its tentacles, forcing a fierce expression on its cute triangular head, and facing the taller person opposite. The Terrabi, who had a whole body and head, grinned and said:

"Don't be complacent. I'm a very brave man! We met the Alliance's Mithril Thorns team before and fought them for three hundred rounds!"

The Mithril Thorns team is also one of the star teams in this Ares Festival. If this team really fights with them and still maintains such a number of teams, that little starfish must be the military star among the starfish.

"...So, so what? We just met Viscount Shameen, but we scared him away." Terra said louder than the cat lady.

Well, if these ten cat ears can really scare Shameen away, their fighting power will definitely be much stronger than the group led by the yandere San Wuwei and her brother just now.

Little Starfish and Cat-Ear Girl threatened each other a few times again. It seemed that they finally decided that they were all the same type of people, and gradually let down their guard.

"There is silverweed here, I can smell the smell. For us, it can be made into a refreshing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine. It can also satisfy hunger at critical times." Terrabi Cat Girl said.

"There is Kuisa grass here, and its grass seeds can replace seaweed and serve as our temporary dry food." Kuifei Haixing said.

At this time, Starfish and Cat Girl finally knew that there was no conflict between them. Their teammates also immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't completely let down their guard, at least they didn't look as tense as before.

The two teams began to disperse and collect the supplies they each needed.

At this time, Terraby Cat Girl looked at the tired little starfish, hesitated, and said, "I, I have some dried fish and meat here, do you want to exchange them?"

As soon as he heard "dried fish", the little black eyes of the Kuifei people suddenly lit up. He thought carefully about the supplies in the team and tentatively said: "I have salt and MSG here, is that okay?"

Even though Terrabi has the same thick hair as a cat, he really likes food high in salt, sugar, cholesterol and protein. He was so happy that he even turned his cat ears twice, and he didn't care what the other person was. I got the salt and MSG from there, and nodded quickly: "Okay!"

It looks like this is someone you can ally with!

The two sides looked at each other again and immediately felt that there was still warmth in this murderous God of War Festival. They immediately called on their teammates to bring out the extra supplies.

But at this time, there was only a "whoop" sound, and a figure seemed to flash between the two teams out of thin air.

Both parties were stunned into silence, staring blankly at the human male who appeared between them.

"I want salt, monosodium glutamate, and dried fish." Yu Lian made a hearty voice: "Also, when and where did you say you met the Mithril Thorns and Viscount Shameen... …Wait a minute, you guys are running away! What kind of trouble are you going to make when you meet the big devil? I’m not robbing, I’m here to exchange what I have.”

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