Him and their stars

Chapter 492 Businessman

Yu Lian felt a little hurt. He has always been very confident in his handsome appearance and gentlemanly temperament. Okay, just like the Quafi people who look like upright starfish, and the Razakai people who look like large moles, they have no aesthetics, but the Terrabi cat-eared people over there should be able to tell that, right?

This hero clearly appeared in the middle of everyone with a flash of force field. Does it fully meet the standards of a god descended from heaven? What happened? It looked like it had seen a natural enemy. With a "wow" sound, the birds and beasts scattered and fled in all directions. What kind of trouble was going on? The two Wookiees and the Legg giant were even the fastest runners, and they would rush into the woods in a few steps. Hey, hey, for such a big guy, where is the promised warrior race? Can you show some courage?

This hero is such a talented person, what is it about him that is consistent with the setting of the villain, the Great Demon King?

Yu Lian was angry, so he threw a psychic pulse and knocked the crooked little starfish out of the sky.

He was indeed born... This Kui Fei man probably knew that with his short, tentacle-like legs, he couldn't run fast at all, so he actually used his spiritual energy to bring himself to the sky, spinning like a spinning top towards the nearby woods. Medium drill. Yu Lian was amazed when he saw it, and then he knocked it down without hesitation.

Yu Lian looked at the Terrabi girl who had already run out more than ten meters away, waved his hand and fired another psychic pulse, hitting the girl's leg directly.

Obviously, although the cat-eared girl ran like a leopard, she still fell flat on the ground when her legs were mixed with garlic, but she was no better than those fake lolita who maliciously show off their cuteness.

Of course, as a ranger with upright views, Yu Lian must have saved his strength. Therefore, Starfish and Cat-Ear Girl were not seriously injured.

"Who else? Who chases away?" Yu Lian shouted loudly, with the power of soul whipping in his voice.

As a result, the more than 40 people present seemed to have been under a restraining spell, and they no longer dared to move on the spot.

The Kuifei man who called himself "Jie Xing" was lying on the ground shivering. From behind, he really looked like a large starfish. As for the Terrabi woman, she got up from the ground with a bang, knelt down and bowed in the direction of Yu Lian, and said in a trembling voice: "Please, please spare my life no matter what."

"What do I want with your life? Do you want to peel off your skin and make it into a scarf? But it's summer too!"

As soon as she said these words, there was already a hint of crying in her tone: "Then, can you still give me a good time? The scarf is enough for me alone, can you let the others go, woo woo woo..."

She seemed to be thinking hard for a moment, and actually took out a wallet from the waist bag that was straddled behind her, held it above her head with both hands, and then stood up again: "This is all my belongings. You." , as long as you promise to let the others go, I will give you the password. Really, really... there are still tens of thousands of golden dragons. They are all ordinary people, and they are all eliminated with a maximum of 100 points. After the game You can never exchange it for such a large bonus."

Oh, are you still good at settling accounts? But what kind of trouble are you going to make if you bring your wallet with you to a Ares Festival?

"Get up and talk." Yu Lian said angrily.

"Is it... is it possible that you still have that intention? Yes, I remember that the appearance of us Terrabis is indeed very consistent with the bad taste of some human men. Wow, wow, is this actually the case? Forget it , Anyway, I already had this realization on the day I came to participate. Even the Spirit of the Universe and God Jialin will forgive me, right?"

Do you know that you are scolding yourself?

"But, but, as expected, it's still hard to accept it in front of a large audience... Oh, as long as you are willing to let go of my companions and let me live afterwards. This, this, I will fully cooperate."

What the hell do you want to cooperate with? It's obviously something wrong with you, right?

Yu Lian is now glad that the tracking drone has escaped. Otherwise, these words alone would be enough to kill him. And if Feifei heard it, it would no longer be as simple as apologizing afterwards.

"Shut up!" Yu Lian said coldly: "If you open your mouth again, I will really peel off your fur and make it into a scarf, and skin it alive!"

The cat-eared girl directly entered the critical state of horror. She covered her mouth with tears in her eyes and trembled non-stop. All the cats in her body were exploding, but her ears drooped directly.

Yu Lian glanced at her and pointed at a man with cat ears who looked the smartest among her companions who were about to cry: "It's you. I ask, you answer."

Fortunately, the rest of the "Freedom Team" members are not as off-line as their captain. It took Yu Lian a few minutes to finally understand the situation of this team.

They are all composed of the Terrabi people, a minority within the Kingdom of Ketai. There are three psykers in the team, two of the first level and one of the second level.

The only second link is naturally the cat-eared girl who had a lot of scenes just now. Her name is Kara Zhuwen. Although Yazi doesn't look very smart at first glance, she serves as the team leader because she is a second-level "Stalker".

With their team configuration, of course there is no possibility of challenging the team too hard. The only purpose of these Terrabi young people is to show themselves as much as possible in the God of War Festival, so as to find a good job. It would be the best if he could be naturalized in the empire as a result.

Yu Lian expressed understanding. After all, due to the failure to steal Gibraltar last time, the Cathay Kingdom is not in a good situation at this time. The domestic economy is collapsing, high-level officials are blaming each other, and the battles between various factions have even been put on the frontlines. In addition, after the last defeat, Orson Blackfin took full responsibility for his master. For the Catalysts who lacked rationality and flexibility in their minds, it just gave them a reason to be incompetent and furious.

As a result, the oppression of second-class citizens like the Terrabi will naturally become even more severe.

Of course, their first reaction when they saw Yu Lian was to run away, mainly because in order to divert the attention of the people, the senior officials of the Cathay Kingdom had naturally completely shifted the responsibility for the war to the earth. From Marshal Paris, who made the decision to start the war, to Yang Xiyi, who formulated the surprise attack tactics, each of them is about to turn into a big devil who can cry at night. And Yu Lian, who had the biggest spotlight during the war, was already the image of a boy and a girl during the solar eclipse, and a demon king who controlled a hundred girls at night.

Yu Lian had never heard that he had such a public image. It was conceivable that the level of publicity of the Kingdom of Katai was very high. But no matter what, they still have a strong influence in their own country.

In addition, in the opening ceremony, Yu Lian instantly killed a powerful astral knight in front of everyone, and he successfully made his image of the Great Demon King more vivid.

...There is no way, after that battle, Yu Lian is indeed the type that is most untouchable in the eyes of ordinary contestants.

To the young Terrabi people present, Yu Lian's sudden appearance was like a prehistoric carnivorous dinosaur suddenly landing next to a group of innocent and innocent kittens. At the first moment, they thought of the fear of being dominated by their own domestic propaganda front, and instantly lost their judgment, leaving only the instinct of escape.

Of course, being so frightened by Yu Lian, they calmed down. Although they were still so scared that they wanted to cry, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this big devil was not unreasonable.

"It's nothing more than them, why are you running away?" Yu Lian glared at the Kuifei man next to him who had been silent.

"Well, I'm used to it in my profession." Haixing wiped his triangular head and laughed. Although he can't make any expressive expressions like a land mammal that walks upright, his pair of small black eyes can really express flattery, pleading, helplessness, pity and other emotions expressively, even if it is a fan diagram That's all.

Jie Xing then introduced himself to Yu Lian as a traveling merchant doing small business. Although the business has never been big, I still traveled to many places and witnessed the magnificent endless sky in the universe, as well as the natural wonders and customs on various planets. Then, while watching the fusion of stars, I suddenly awakened to " Prosperity" Star Ring became an "apprentice".

According to imperial law, any person or race who wakes up and has no criminal record will automatically obtain citizenship. In this way, Ge Xing became an extremely rare imperial citizen of the Haixing clan. After thinking about it, he simply returned to his hometown to form a team, signed a long-term contract with the three mercenaries he had worked with for a long time, and then took them to participate in the God of War Festival.

He was the only psyker among the thirty-three people in the team, and he was still a "rookie" in the first level. In a sense, a one-man team like him and Yu Lian is really another level of extreme.

The team with this configuration was able to persist until the fourth day, and no one was missing. I don't know if it was just luck, or if they really had something special.

However, such a team ultimately lacks the ability to attack tough targets. No matter what, it is impossible to challenge Tailao.

"I don't expect to challenge that giant turtle. I can't afford to offend any of the giant beasts on this planet." Little Starfish said: "Actually, we are here to do business."


"Yes, I have discovered before that most contestants cannot survive to the end just by relying on the supplies they bring at the beginning. They must purchase them from the organizer through points. But in the God of War Festival, 100 points The points can be exchanged for a business meal that lacks salt and oil, or 10 kilograms of unprocessed raw meat, but after the end, each victory point can be exchanged for 100 golden dragons!"

Yes, this is what it means to be absolutely necessary!

"There are more than 30 people in our team, all of whom have special skills. I also brought a lot of equipment. I can help the passing contestants process weapons, tools, and provide supplies. As long as the other party provides a few points, it is definitely better than the host. It's much cheaper. If it doesn't work, you can also use the various raw materials they got. I think, even for those experts, the existence of our supply personnel is still very meaningful? It should be better than Isn’t it more useful to eliminate our points?”

This starfish is truly a talent! Yu Lian couldn't help but look at the other person a few more times.

"But you also know that those who do business like ours will offend the organizers the most..."

That is, if I were the organizer and you first started doing this, I would directly ask the IRS to investigate the eighteenth generation of your group. If I didn't find some tax evasion records, then I would lose.

"Besides, not every master is reasonable. Many martial arts factions are naturally disgusted with businessmen like me. So when I saw you just now, I ran away subconsciously."

Oh, so I have an unreasonable face?

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