Him and their stars

Chapter 493 The New Mission of the Thirteenth Fleet

The Kuifei people probably saw that Yu Lian's expression was not very good, so he quickly told the smiling face all the information they knew, which naturally included their encounter with the Mithril Thorns Team.

He and his team, the "Starfish Trading Chamber of Commerce", should have encountered the Mithril Thorns team 30 hours ago on a beach about 30 miles away from here.

Of course, thankfully, the captain of the Mithril Thorns is Astri Ainol, who comes from the Ainol family, one of the league's super political and business elites. The direct descendants from this kind of family, among other things, at least understand the principle of mutual exchange of needs.

As a result, the battle never happened. Astri also seriously asked Jie Xing what he thought, and immediately expressed his appreciation, and told him that after the God of War Festival, if he wanted to develop in the alliance, he could help match him.

The Mithril Thorns team took out some victory points and some materials collected from hunting, completed a large deal with the Starfish Trading Chamber of Commerce, and then headed northwest.

"To the northwest... Are you going to directly cross the Hengduan Mountains over there? Well, if the information provided by the Shared Emergency is correct, there should be an Earth Mother in that mountain range. That is a creature that represents a community. Do they not know, or are they preparing to hunt?" Yu Lian was mentally calculating, and then asked: "Then, what did they exchange?"

Jie Xing hesitated for a moment, then shook his head like humans, but since this guy looked like a starfish after all, his whole body seemed to be shaking: "Sorry. I can't say."

"Huh?" Yu Lian found it interesting.

"Without Lord Astri making a good start, this small business would not be able to continue. Besides, even a businessman like me has to be ethical." Jie Xing said: "I I'm sorry for revealing their traces to you. But if there were more... Well, I know that a powerful master like you can guess the opponent's purpose in all likelihood through the materials collected. Nine. I’ve seen this happen several times.”

"Oh, aren't you afraid that I will resort to tricks?" Yu Lian asked with a sneer.

"Then I have no choice but to open the transmitter and surrender." Jie Xing said helplessly, but there was a hint of firmness in his solemn voice: "Giving up at this time will cost you a lot. But as a businessman, you can't do this. Just put your own credibility on it.”

Yu Lian looked at the other person again with surprised eyes and decided to remember the other person's appearance firmly.

There is no way, the Kuifei people do look like starfish, there are too many similarities. Even a psyker like Yu Lian would not be able to remember the difference in their looks if he didn't look at them a few times.

"You are a good businessman. As long as you stick to your original intention, you will make a fortune." Yu Lian said with a smile: "Any contestant with a slightly clearer mind will not attack you. However, the only risk is that you will be The phantom beasts are watching."

"Yes. But I got the news from a friend. This used to be a city of ancient civilization. Although there are only a few relics left, as long as it is leveled well, its defense line can be set up. You know, even if it is A large fantasy beast will most likely take a detour if it sees a large number of people gathered together with basic defense facilities."

Indeed, even for phantom beasts with psychic abilities and rudimentary intelligence, animal nature still prevails. The instinct of animal nature is not to kill crazily, but to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They will not attack civilized gathering points unless absolutely necessary. It’s not that there’s no ability, it’s that there’s no need.

This Mr. Starfish is indeed a talent!

"Did you hear this information from Miss Amiya?" Yu Lian asked.

Jelly Star smiled and said nothing, but did not deny it.

"Are you still planning to gather here? You should have made an appointment to provide each other with some supplies, right?"

Jie Xing continued not to speak, but did not confirm.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to meet the two Gumei girls here, and said: "Okay, I want to go due north, but I need some supplies. Salt, MSG, dried meat. , dried fish, whatever. In addition, I also hope you can help me process some arrows."

Ging Xing was startled, then overjoyed, and his brown skin suddenly glowed with a festive red light due to his excitement: "Hey, that's great. Don't worry, our craftsmanship will never let you down. of."

Yu Lian glanced at the equipment brought by the Starfish Traders Association. Among them were small metal refining equipment, as well as relatively sophisticated stamping machines and molds. As a terrorist... ah no, the blood of the working class suddenly boiled, and I felt that I could earn another big job.

In addition, he also wanted to prepare more spare arrows with various functions for himself, so that the subsequent work would be easier.

"Thank you so much! However, I'm not just bragging. We have several masters here who also came from famous weapon workshops." Jie Xing was rather proud of himself.

"That would be even better!" Yu Lian was happy. Wouldn't it be possible to save a lot of things if there are skilled workers?

"I can help you set up defense and early warning facilities. In addition, I bet that using my method to make weapons is a method you have never seen before."

After all, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us!

"Sneeze!" Captain Ina Sirica sneezed involuntarily, raised her head from the light screen of the personal terminal, and looked around with some confusion.

She was now sure that she was still in the small open-air dome park of the Gibraltar Starport, with the Outer Rim Fleet Headquarters building behind her. On the surrounding streets, half of the pedestrians who were hurrying to and fro were wearing military uniforms. They all walked with vigorous strides, showing a vigorous and resolute spirit.

In comparison, the appearance of an officer lady wearing the rank of captain sitting in the corner of the park holding a terminal and watching videos is indeed a bit inconsistent.

Ina continued to fiddle with the channels on the terminal boredly, but after changing dozens of channels, she couldn't find Yu Lian. Even the local TV station in Jincheng, which broadcasts Yulian's 24-hour broadcast, can only cut the picture to the Cantilever Rangers. While explaining, he will occasionally complain about the empire's lack of ambition.

Indeed, the imperial devils are really worthless! Ina thought. It’s not like I haven’t seen the previous God of War Festival. Who hasn’t used local materials to make weapons?

She turned off the TV function and opened the film and television database. She has now watched all nine seasons of "The Treasure Hunters" that have been released so far, and is currently watching "King of the Nine Seas", which is about a large pirate family in the era of the Alliance's home planet. It is said that the family of the prototype is still active in the interstellar pirate world, so the story seems particularly true.

However, as soon as she watched an op, her personal terminal jumped directly to the phone ring, and it was Eleanor Bonaparte calling.

Ina did not answer immediately, but stood up and looked at the building behind her. She knew that Colonel Eleanor Bonaparte, the deputy commander of the Thirteenth Fleet, was having a meeting there with the commander, Commodore Marklov, and other senior officers and staff members.

Since it was a strategic-level military meeting, there was no need for her to attend, as a double bonus stick. No, not even Simon and Meng Jiao are here. These two should be drinking free wine and food in the officer bar right now, watching the live broadcast of the God of War Festival on the big screen.

Ina then answered the phone, and then heard Eleanor say after the call: "Come to the conference room 14."

"Understood." Ina didn't ask any more questions, stood up and prepared to leave.

A few minutes later, Ina arrived at Conference Room 14 on the 8th floor of the building, a small conference hall that could accommodate a dozen people for a meeting.

She stood at attention meticulously, saluted, knocked on the door, reported her name and unit, and entered the room only after receiving permission.

Inside the room, a row of senior officers sat. The highest ranking among them is a naval admiral in his early fifties. Ina knew that this was the current commander of the Outer Rim Fleet, Admiral Ferdinand Bonaparte. Likewise, he is Chief Eleanor’s elder brother.

This is a general who is short in stature and of medium build, but has a rather majestic temperament. Of course, judging from the pure appearance, there is no kinship with Eleanor at all.

In addition to Admiral Bonaparte, among the senior officers of the Outer Rim Fleet present was Brigadier General Yang Xiyi, Chief of Operations Staff of the Fleet, who was equivalent to Deputy Chief of Staff.

In addition, the one with the lowest rank, besides myself who just arrived, is Captain Akinayama Hachiman, who is the combat staff officer of the Thirteenth Fleet. This guy is actually basically fulfilling the duties of chief of staff now, but the personnel system is the personnel system.

However, what surprised Eleanor was that there were three ladies in casual clothes sitting in the conference room. One of them was about thirty years old, and his beauty was almost inhuman. Unfortunately, his temperament was incompatible with the environment. No matter how he looked, he looked like a gangster.

In comparison, the other two beautiful girls of high school age were very quiet. They put their hands on their knees and sat upright in their chairs, as if they were top students in the classroom.

They should be a pair of twins. There is almost no difference in facial features, body shape, height and even temperament. It's just that one has a ponytail tilted to the right, and the other has a ponytail tilted to the left.

Ina's brows moved slightly. As a bad student, her biggest headache is the typical good girl who is a top student in this class.

"Let's do it first. Captain Hilika." Brigadier General Yang Xiyi asked Ina to sit down, and then exchanged a look with General Bonaparte.

After his commander nodded slightly, Yang Xiyi said loudly: "Then, I will now convey the orders of the National Defense Committee and the Military Command Headquarters to the Thirteenth Fleet. Your department needs it tomorrow, which is July 5, 831 in the Galaxy Common Calendar. Set off at 8:00 on the same day, enter the New World Nebula through the Nantian Gate, and escort the scientific expedition team to begin the second round of geographical exploration of the RX46 star field. All pirates and lawless criminals encountered can be eliminated."

He paused and said in a deep voice: "In addition, we must also start a formal, full, and thorough military investigation into the unknown population No. 171!"

Ina now knew why she had come to this meeting.

The so-called Unknown Species No. 171 is now the official name given by the Military Commission to those strange insect clusters that appeared in Xinyumen the year before last.

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