Him and their stars

Chapter 697 Kitchen Debate?

As a disciple and grandson of Teacher Li, your loyalty can be to the country, the people of the world, and even yourself, but it cannot be to an individual ruler.

Of course, for the sake of Miss Brunhildt and the future Queen's good looks, Yu Lian decided to show a certain sense of guilt for her disappointed expression, and then thought about his choice a little. Tone:

"I've said this before. If I were born as an imperial citizen, I might serve you without waiting for your invitation... Well, of course, because of my gender, I will definitely not be able to join you. The core group." Having said this, Yu Lian also glanced at Miss Nelhana who had just revealed her head from behind the table.

What does it have to do with me? Miss Knight thought sadly and angrily, can't you just treat me like a piece of furniture?

Brünnhilt said angrily: "Ah, there are rumors about my sexual orientation circulating in the world now. However, if I have a few more men in my core team, tomorrow it will become all kinds of things." Have you planted a little book?"

After all, it is about choosing an emperor. As long as something involves the operation of "election", this kind of operation will inevitably occur. This is also a traditional entertainment. Yu Lian chuckled, thinking that even if it were so, it would only be some small handwritten books with low circulation. After all, in the empire, slandering the royal family is a serious crime! But if it were an alliance or a community, would you try? In every election, from presidential to local elections, there have been famous scenes of children of different races holding the legs of electors and calling them daddy.

...Well, there is no need to worry about Mr. Qi, who is preparing to participate in the New China election. After all, he is the cultural business card of the community, and ordinary politicians would not dare to offend him. Moreover, with Yu Lian's relationship, the senior brother also selected two "nephews" from the spiritual research association to join Mr. Qi's "campaign team."

If someone really wants to play tricks, Yu Lian will show them what a flexible moral bottom line is!

While thinking about things in New China, Yu Lian said: "I was born as a citizen of the community and grew up drinking the water of the community. If I drink water that I am not used to, I may be in danger of harming my body."

What a stupid metaphor! Yu Lian sighed in his heart. However, I am so stupid that I should be able to represent my attitude.

However, Brünnhilt did not show offence at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "But if the people on Earth had not become independent, you might have been born an Imperial."

It's more likely that I won't be born at all. When the time comes, you can directly dress up as an Imperial person, and you will really be able to distinguish yourself.

"Marshal Victoria Li, after graduating from the Lunar Military Academy, set up an office in the Imperial City of the Earth Governor's Palace and served as the liaison team leader for half a year. I have been thinking, Yu Lianqing, if His Majesty had seen him at that time With his talents, he was entrusted with important responsibilities. History may have taken a completely different direction."

Well, this is kind of interesting. It was as if the political friends in the previous life were all discussing how the world would change if the head of state was admitted to the Vienna Academy of Arts.

In the end, everyone accepts the view that although there will be changes, they will not be too much. The Second World War will always break out, and its origin must be Germany, which was beaten to the ground in the First World War, but has not completely fallen, unless it becomes red... However, this is almost impossible, because Germany There are more petty bourgeoisie than proletariat!

This is your view of heroic history that should be criticized!

"We really can't ignore the impact of heroes on the world, but we can't attribute all changes to the appearance of heroes." Yu Lian rinsed a piece of duck intestines and counted them carefully, and then naturally He put it into King Suliuka's bowl, and then picked another one for himself: "At that time, the nationalist sentiments of the people of the earth had already formed a mature political force seeking independence. Without him, there would have been others who would have held this flag high. "

"Yes, but without him, the independent forces on Earth may not be able to make up their minds so easily, and your independence process will be delayed for a period of time. By then, the empire may be able to free up its hands, and the strategic situation will be completely different. Yes." Brunhildt had a different opinion.

"In the final analysis, Yu Lianqing, the strength of the people on earth is too small. In the face of the size of the empire and the alliance, no matter how hard you work and how you plan, the space for maneuver is too small. Admit it, Yu Lianqing, the reason why the community can be independent , it was Marshal Victoria Li’s transcendent strategic insight and extremely strong mobility that allowed him to skillfully seize that momentary opportunity. This is a small probability event. Yu Lianqing, your community is a hero History made. Is it difficult to admit that?”

She looked directly into Yu Lian's eyes and talked. This was the first time she spoke to herself in such a serious manner. When she spoke again, Yu Lian incredibly felt a faint sense of rhythm, as if it was the most moving music.

He knew that at this time, only he could hear this movement, and no other sounds could be heard.

She was clearly in the kitchen of the ordinary soldier's dining room on the fifth underground floor of the battleship. Next to her was a red soup pot that made a "gud-dong-guk-dong" sound and was full of smoke and smoke. She had clearly unbuttoned two buttons on the collar of her uniform, and was supporting her delicate chin with one hand in a lazy manner, sitting behind a messy dinner plate, but she still looked like a beautiful picture.

This is a young man who is favored by the spirit of the universe, the god of beauty and the god of war. However, her beauty is not the fragile and delicate beauty of a delicate vase, but a vibrant and high-spirited beauty.

The so-called "light of heaven" is indeed the light of stars.

Yu Lian scratched his head a little and started looking for the cooked tripe and ribs in the hot pot.

"More importantly, Yu Lianqing, heroes are not able to fully display their talents in every era and under every system. Have you forgotten about General Yue Qingtian Wings? This But it’s the real history of you people on earth.”

Yes, I understand. But this "Wings of the Sky" made me so excited! Yu Lian finished eating the ribs and took out a few chopped mushrooms.

"I also know, Yu Lianqing, that so far, your famous classmates in the Lunar Military Academy have all been commanders of actual combat forces, but you, until now, have only held temporary positions. Now, you I still believe that my ideals will be realized in your country... I said, can you stop eating?"

"Didn't you enjoy eating just now?" Yu Lian swallowed the mushrooms in one gulp and said helplessly: "Your Highness, my military rank is the first among my classmates."

"Twenty-two-year-old Sihuan, we already have generals on our side. Look at your old enemies Shameen and Gilly."

When did that guy become my old enemy? You were obviously being beaten by me the whole time!

"Your Highness, you just mentioned your ideal. What do you think my ideal is?" Yu Lian pointed to himself.

"Give the people justice, prosperity and peace, and grant each of them the right not to be harmed, to receive education, and to pursue their own ideals and self-worth. This is of course my ideal as well. What you did at Red Maple Factory, In fact, it is also an experiment for your ideal." Brynhild shrugged and smiled: "Yu Lianqing, if you hadn't saved the Red Maple Factory, I would only think of you as another Shamei. En or Gilly...well, at best, it's a combination of Shamaine and Soback."

This time, Yu Lian finally couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, and finally stopped the uncontrollable twitching of his cheeks.

Isn't it? Do you even have any abnormal misunderstandings about Sobek? In your previous life, weren't you the one who sent the guy who was already an admiral to the Helots sector to manage the coal mines?

However, this kind of issue cannot be discussed in detail, so Yu Lian can only endure it.

"You've given me the award. It's just that the Red Maple Factory is what it is today because of the efforts of all the workers in that factory. I just..."

"You are just taking advantage of the situation, right? But, without you, Yu Lianqing, what would happen to Red Maple Factory now? Don't talk about him, put your hand on your conscience, and think about it seriously."

Yu Lian stopped smiling. Without me, the Red Maple Factory would be completely unsustainable and shut down in two years, and the mining rights would be sold to a leather company with alliance and Minlan backgrounds. However, after the collapse of the community, the Luna system would be re-incorporated into the empire's territory, and would also become the fiefdom of Marquis Odegaard (who was already a duke at that time).

So, the new red maple factory opened again. However, this time, Lumina and the workers on Earth have united together, and finally reached a consensus with Duke Odegaard, owning half of the factory's equity, as well as all management rights and personnel rights.

Although this is far from being called a revolution, who dares to say that this is not a kind of success and progress that belongs to ordinary workers?

However, in this era, there is no such direct example. Therefore, in Brünnhilt's view, the prosperous Red Maple Factory is just another heroic undertaking.

So, Yu Lian was happy, and inexplicably felt a sense of superiority from standing on the lower reaches of history, so he smiled and said: "But, if the workers of Hongfeng Factory did not have the courage and determination to unite and fight for their rights, this period of my life would be impossible. Doesn’t the legend of heroes become a cult-like brainwashing and instigation?”

Brünnhilt was startled for a moment, then laughed dumbly: "Yu Lianqing, you are sophistry! If we go around logic like this, there will be no end."

Oh haha, the deception was not successful!

Well, for this extremely smart and powerful ruling class, it turns out that this little trick has no effect.

"Emperor Yiwenya once signed the Declaration of Racial Equality. I would like to go further and completely abolish the system of slaves and criminals throughout the empire."

If this is the case, the empire will have only three levels: nobles, citizens and citizens. It can be said that the Chenxi Dynasty has undergone a major change that has not happened in a thousand years.

Miss Nelhana Mehra was not sure that she should continue listening, so she directly covered her ears and squatted behind the table.

As for little brother Emil, he would have escaped long ago if he could. Now I can only squat in a corner with my head in my hands, trying to free my mind, and keep telling myself that anyway, I am just a young military student who has not yet reached adulthood, and I don’t understand what you are saying!

Yu Lian thought about his tone, but after thinking for a long time, he simply stopped pretending and said directly: "...Your Highness, in this case, you must become the emperor. But, are you sure you can ascend the throne?"

This does sound a bit rude. But we can understand it as long as we know that His Majesty the current emperor has been on the throne for nearly two centuries. His reign alone can last as long as many dynasties. Not to mention that there are no seventy-year-old princes in the world. Looking at the current emperor's spirit, it will not be a problem to kill a few more "70-year-old princes".

There is no way, from the eighth ring to the ninth ring, it is an improvement in the realm of life.

So far, the peak lifespan known in history for the Eight Rings is 157 years, and for the Nine Rings, it is 692 years old. This kind of "old immortal" in the literal sense became the emperor, which is indeed so disappointing.

"Yes! That's why I have to work hard. Your Majesty officially crossed the gate and became a true god at the age of 54. I will try my best to advance this time to before the age of 50, so that I will not be old until I die. !" She said with a smile, as if it was a matter of course that she could get the nine rings in place.

However, even the Chenxi royal family, which is full of geniuses, has only produced three Nine Rings in its more than three thousand years of history, and only two of them have become emperors... Well, judging from the probability, this family is indeed the most powerful. It is not surprising that the family of psykers is regarded as the most noble bloodline in the universe.

Even so, Brunhildt's words were too arrogant. In the history of the Chenxi royal family, which is full of geniuses, it is not that geniuses like her have never appeared before, but they have not finally crossed that gate.

However, Yu Lian did not dare to say that at all. She really succeeded.

"If it really succeeds! I still have a long time to slowly realize my ideal. So, Yu Lianqing, are you willing to help me?"

Yu Lian sighed. Miss Brünnhilt is indeed a genius, and her character is good, at least according to the standards of the ruling class, she is already good. However, her understanding of the world is still in the era of the "Philosopher King"!

Perhaps this can only be considered a historical limitation?

Haha... How can I, a person from a civilization that has separated from its home planet, discuss the limitations of history with one of the successors of a powerful civilization that dominates half of the galaxy?

Thinking of this, he once again firmly believed that his path was correct.

"Your Highness, this universe has stagnated. Even if you are another Emperor Yiwenya, another Emperor Ilesel, or even if you do better than them, you can't push him forward one step further. The hero's The era will not end, but I need to change my understanding of the concept of heroes."

The other party did not show any displeasure. Instead, he showed more interest on his face and picked up a cup of black tea.

"Just like what you did at Red Maple Factory, are you preparing to prove something to the whole universe? What do you think is the truth?"

"At least that's my belief. I'm not sure whether there really is a universal truth in this universe that can be widely understood by other people. However, I have to believe that the truth will always come out."

"I understand." Brynhild put down the tea cup and let out a complex sigh: "I have already felt your ideals and your determination. They are worthy of admiration!"

Yu Lian also breathed a sigh of relief. It is very difficult to convince a smart and proud person, but it is also easy in a sense if you can show sincerity.

"It seems that we still have to use less upright methods!"


"Yu Lianqing, I have decided! I will put you under house arrest until you are willing to submit."

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