Him and their stars

Chapter 698 You came at the right time

Yu Lian stared at Brynhild, who looked like a boss, with dumbfounded eyes, thinking that if it unfolded like this, it would be inconsistent with the style of the entire world. However, when he saw the other person suddenly covering his mouth and laughing "Oh, hehe, hehe", Yu Lian could only laugh along with him.

"Your Highness, this joke is...well, Your Highness is really witty!"

"Yu Lianqing, why do you think I'm joking?"

Yu Lian thought to himself that you, a little bitch, had made a sneak attack again! It doesn't matter if you make me laugh or not, is it funny?

"Yu Lianqing, didn't I tell you? We in the Chenxi Royal Family are all paranoid! Whatever we like, whether it's a person or an object, must be ours. We will never give up."

"Are you referring to the earth, or to me?" Yu Lian finally asked this question.

However, King Suliuka did not answer directly: "Yu Lianqing, what do you think is the reason why I invited you by name to participate in this expedition?"

"Because no one understands the insect swarm better than me?" Yu Lian stretched out his index fingers and made a parting motion.

"No, it's because I want to tell you what strength is!" She spread her hands: "Yu Lianqing, I just told you so much, just to tell you that all ideals must be realized with strength. . I showed you my power, and now it’s time to show you my ideals.”

Indeed, in the first actual battle, he directly defeated an army of marauders twice his own size. In other words, for all the Tirillo military nobles, there is no more perfect debut ceremony than this. For a warrior like Yu Lian, there should be no more palatable lord.

But you really don’t have to! Yu Lian thought to himself, no one knows better than me what potential you have. Even you yourself don’t know it as much as I do. In any case, apart from occasionally playing tricks on others to make others crazy, from the perspective of the master, this beauty who is still in her prime is the kind of perfect "philosopher king".

"Oh, Your Highness...can I ask you another question?"

"Tell me about it." Brunhilt was very interested.

"There is no doubt that the Galactic Empire is the greatest civilization in this civilization in history. The Dawn Royal Family is also the greatest ruling family. Don't laugh, this is a very objective comment. So, what do you think, the greatest , are they the wise kings and wise masters of the past dynasties? Or are they the people of the empire?"

Brunhilt was stunned, not only because she didn't know how to answer for a while, but also because she never thought that she would be asked.

"Then let's change the question. Your Highness, are you the one who has the power, or your people?"

"...Yu Lianqing, it really makes me unhappy that you are so aggressive." Brynhilt curled his lips: "But I also admit that this question is the most essential. Then I can answer it after a while. You?"

Yu Lian smiled and shook his head: "No, Your Highness, you have already answered my question."

Brunhilt was startled again, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Well, your expression now makes me even more unhappy. But because of this, I feel that I can't let you go even more!"

Are you a tremolo? I never heard of you having this attribute in my previous life!

"So, this is the time, you can stay on the ship as a guest for a while. I will let some informal media publish gossip, saying that you have accepted the invitation to be my personal tactical advisor. Of course, and I will also send someone to handle the diplomatic disputes regarding the community, and I won’t embarrass you.”

You have already made things difficult for me!

"Anyway, it's just lip service. If it lasts for a few years, you should accept your fate. We can continue to discuss ideal issues by then. I said that I will become the Nine Rings before I am fifty, and I I think you can do it too, Yu Lianqing. So, we have plenty of time."

"...Your Highness, a fed eagle cannot fly."

"I have raised twelve eagles in my manor in the Shengyuan Star District. All of them are much more ferocious than the wild ones. They even dare to catch wolves and lynxes."

"Oh, Your Highness, you must know that any affairs involving the diplomatic field must objectively look at the international situation and the difficulty of self-execution, carefully analyze the international impact that promoting the event will bring, and execute it without consideration. An incident involving foreign affairs personnel with diplomatic status is equivalent to the implementation of an economic policy or temporary decree that has not been fully demonstrated and mature backup plans, which will cause irreparable damage to the empire's diplomatic reputation and the support of the vassals. The heavy losses will even damage the trust of ordinary people in the royal family and you, thus affecting the future emperor election strategy. I think all your orders and strategies should be based on objective consideration of many practical issues and possible consequences. All consequences should be fully planned and resolved before starting."

"What?" Nelhana Mehra's mouth was already wide and her eyes were a little dazed. As for young Emil, the way he looked at Yu Lian was close to admiration or even pilgrimage.

"Oh, dear, what a standard court Tirero language and damn long difficult sentences, but, Yu Lianqing, just so you know, I have a degree in classical literature."

Tsk, this little girl’s skin is really incompetent!

Although Yu Lian is still smiling, the relaxation in the corner of his eyes has completely faded: "Then, I have only one way left. Your Highness, you are less than half a meter away from me now. If I want to hold you hostage at this time, You can escape.”

Before Brynhilt could react, Miss Mela jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. However, the moment she clasped her hand on the light spear at her waist, she couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

"Yes! But at this time, you are the one who is being unreasonable. Yu Lianqing." Brunhilt smiled and said: "All actions involving foreign affairs should be fully considered and mature responses should be prepared. Measures and solutions can only be implemented after they are filed. Isn’t this what you just said?”

"So, how about my joke?" Yu Lian said.

"It's very interesting, oh hehehe..."

Just like that, in the confused eyes of Miss Nelhana and Emil, the two of them continued to eat hot pot while laughing.

Then, after finishing the hot pot meal, Brynhilt was extremely satisfied and prepared to leave with a smooth face. But before leaving, he still remembered to give Yu Lian a affectionate hug, and then said to him left a kiss on the cheek.

"This is the most satisfying late-night snack I have had in the past ten years, so this is a deserved reward." The Queen whispered in Yu Lian's ear: "We always think that the judgments we made when we were young are It is an unshakable truth, but the road ahead is always long. What’s more, I still firmly believe that you and I can reach the side of the Holy Spirit. So, give me a little patience, and Can I give you a little patience? Yu Lianqing, we will find a way for both parties to reach a consensus, and then give this galaxy the prosperity it deserves!"

This process lasted for several seconds. Yu Lian could have done whatever he wanted, but he did nothing. As a result, Brunhild chuckled and walked away.

When King Suliuka left, Yu Lian touched his cheek, rolled his eyes and sat down again.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, but the consequences will be serious if he does it! Although the girl only wore a military uniform and a beaded hairpin to tie her hair, which was much simpler than most of the bejeweled Tirillo noble ladies, this did not mean that she was completely defenseless.

Yu Lian recognized several of the protective treasures disguised as accessories on uniforms. If he couldn't recognize them, he really didn't know how many there were. If you really take action, let alone how it will end later, your success rate will be too low.

What's more, Yu Lian has no intention of dying with the other party. He still has a lot of good life ahead of him.

He said to the knight lady and the orderly boy who were still installing furniture over there: "The boss is gone, why don't you come to eat? Are you really going to stare at me and eat by yourself!"

Nelhana and Emil looked at each other and instantly reached a consensus with their eyes. One of them is a star knight who is the proud son of heaven, and the other is a minor who is still receiving military education and secondary education. However, because the two of them were forced into a restless situation just now, there was actually a person at this time. A kind of tacit understanding like comrades-in-arms.

Really, do you really want to eat it? Emil was full of hesitation.

Just eat! I've been busy for so long, I can't really not even eat, right? Nelhana said with her eyes.

So, the two of them slowly entered the table. However, when the smell of the soup pot began to waft away, they all put aside all their doubts and automatically put themselves into the perspective of the diners.

Yu Lian expressed satisfaction. Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by a hot pot meal. If there is any problem, just have two meals. After eating several large plates of hot dishes, everyone relaxed and could ask some questions that were difficult to say before.

"Sir, are you willing to accept His Highness's invitation?" Emil asked.

Before Yu Lian could speak, the young man rushed to add: "If you can become a general of the empire, I will be able to study under you for a longer period of time."

Yu Lian couldn't help but feel happy: "Okay, Emil, a little middle school student actually became a lobbyist for an elected emperor? What, is this the ownership spirit of the citizens of the empire?"

"But isn't this what you taught me?"

Nelhana Mehra said with a smile: "Every citizen of the empire firmly believes that the future of the empire is our future, and the glory of the empire is our glory! This is the reason why we are invincible. In addition, since The quality of young people should also be able to predict the future of a country. You can seriously consider His Highness's suggestion."

Emil said seriously: "Although it didn't take long, I really learned a lot from you. If it took longer..."

"I didn't teach you anything, Emil." Yu Lian couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub the boy's soft hair. It felt good, as if he was stroking a furry cat: "Besides, even if I become a General of the Empire, the person you want to serve next time may not be me. More importantly, I am an Earthling."

"So did my great-grandfather." Emil said dullly.

"My eighth cousin also married an Earth girl. Oh, yes, the manager of my spice shop in Tianyu is also a second-generation Earth immigrant." Miss Meira said.

"What's the matter with you? Also, aren't you quite happy eating the connective tissue of the sandworm? Just now you were so virtuous that you almost vomited it out." Yu Lian said angrily.

"Well, maybe it's the aroma of this hot pot that successfully extinguished my physical aversion." Nelhana also took a crunchy bite and was completely addicted to it.

"Well, girl, you still know it very well. The most all-encompassing thing about spicy hot pot, and of course the most criticized thing is that the presence of seasonings is too strong, which in a sense will cover up the taste of the ingredients themselves. Of course, it also includes other ingredients. The smell. Even food that doesn’t look fresh can be put into the pot. Of course, this is the diet of the common people. Who can expect the common people to have fresh, plump and top-quality ingredients every time?”

Of course, at that time, you have to feel the quality of the ingredients through the concept of taste. Who dares to say that this is not a high-level aesthetic in food?

"You are too humble. The definition of good quality is not defined by gourmets, nor by ingredients, there is only one thing, taste!" Miss Nelhana Mehra looked at Yu Lian deeply.

However, Yu Lian seemed not to understand, and nodded with a concerned look on his face: "You are a classy person! There is only one hot pot restaurant in Tianyu, which is too few."

Miss Nelhana sighed in her heart, but still smiled: "Yes, I want to open a restaurant in the imperial capital. Do you have any suggestions?"

"The essence of hot pot is stir-fried ingredients. In terms of stir-fried ingredients, who in the world can compete with Rong Xia Lou, who has a 1,500-year-old culinary heritage? Of course, our Rong Xia Lou is not a professional hot pot cook and is not well-known. If you are willing If so, you can find someone to visit my uncle in Jincheng. However, it needs to be opened in Tianyu and the advertising should keep up. The people in the empire need to accept this setting, but they must not change it randomly. You have to tell them that this is It belongs to the taste of a warrior, and then like this, and then like this,..."

All in all, the atmosphere in the second half of the night snack was still very lively. This is understandable. When we talk about ideals, the topic is always heavy. But once we talk about common interests, everyone's mood is naturally a different matter.

In short, after reaching a consensus on jointly opening a hot pot restaurant, the guests and hosts had a great time, and the happy supper time was over.

Yu Lian also returned to his room after eating and drinking. He closed the door and took a shower. He put his coat, which already smelled of hot pot, into the laundry basket, and prepared to take out his spare uniform and put it on. Then he discovered that his large set of community colonel uniforms had disappeared.

Instead, it was an imperial general's uniform with black and silver as the main colors. The collar badge had been embellished with a dragon pattern and a gem star representing the rank of brigadier general.

This little girl is so cruel!

He was silent for a few seconds, and then put on the uniform, but casually took off all the collar badges, military ranks and all the official logos of the empire. In this way, it is a uniform that can be bought in second-hand stores.

Of course, the General's Star is a polished high-quality gemstone, and it also represents the imperial military rank. If put on the black market, it can be sold for at least several thousand gold dragons. Yu Lian conveniently put it into his trouser pocket.

It must be admitted that, purely in terms of aesthetics, the Imperial military uniforms really stand out from the Community and the Alliance by a wide margin!

At this time, he had already felt that outside his bedroom, in addition to the Emil boy who was resting on his side, there were several people's auras outside the room, and there were even several psychic fluctuations. One of them was clearly Nerha. Miss Na.

We just agreed to open a hotpot restaurant together an hour ago! The result turned out to be such a realistic development!

He immediately put on his clothes and lay down. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a very subtle spiritual fluctuation around him.

However, after a few seconds, the spiritual fluctuation began to calm down again. When it completely dissipated, Yu Lian turned his head slightly and saw an all-too-familiar figure standing beside the bed.

If not Feifei, who else could it be?

"Yu'er, it's not the right time for me to come, right?" Feifei, holding the Holy Jade of the Sky in one hand and the captain's compass hanging on her chest, couldn't help but feel happy when she looked at Yu Lian, who was wearing the uniform of an imperial general.

"No, you came just in time!"

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