Him and their stars

Chapter 699 A big scene

Feifei narrowed her eyes slightly and looked Yu Lian up and down. There was already a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Did I really come at the right time? I feel like I just happened to wander into the scene where you betrayed the motherland!"

Only then did Yu Lian remember that he was still wearing the uniform of an imperial general. The dress with black as the main color stands straight and upright. The elegant silver patterns form exquisite vine-like lace on the shoulders and cuffs, and there is a whole piece of lace on the chest and abdomen. It is easy to think of a nobleman with a rich history. Family pattern.

"It fits very well." Feifei sneered.

"It does fit very well, but the dress is a bit like a cosplay, which makes me stand out from the crowd." Yu Lian solemnly stuffed the gem that represented the general's star into it: "You can use this as a hairpin."

Feifei was quite satisfied with the bribe and decided to let the other party go for the time being.

Feifei made a victory gesture and shook the Holy Jade of the Sky, which was slowly fading its luster: "Although it is the first time to use such a high-end treasure, it still succeeded. Hahahaha, I am the second one to show off. He must be an active-duty officer on Earth who has boarded the Angel of Dawn."

"That's because Feifei is a genius." Yu Lian praised, while holding Feifei and spinning around.

"Genius..." Feifei tilted her head curiously: "Suddenly speaking of flattery, Yu'er, have you done anything to feel sorry for me?"

Well, it was a sneak attack by King Suliuka just now, and the occasional hug and kiss between friends is just a courtesy. If you think too much, it is definitely not my problem but your own problem.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian said seriously: "...you, comrade, why do you have such a twisted mentality? Feifei is so good in other aspects, there is no reason why she should be poor in mysticism. I swear to the spirit of the universe, I never doubted that you would succeed. After all, you look really good like this."

At this time, Feifei was completely dressed in combat attire, wearing a military three-proof robe with its own shield, covering up her graceful figure wrapped in a close-fitting protective suit.

She wore goggles on her face and held a very technological smart staff in her hand. The former can help psychics analyze the activity of spiritual factors, while the latter can model and reorganize the manifestation effects of spiritual factors.

To put it bluntly, it is the so-called "technological side magic weapon", and it is indeed the standard equipment for psychic spellcasters like Feifei.

Yani, who is currently returning to China, owns a priceless "Unionizer Goggles". It is indeed the same type of equipment as the goggles Feifei is wearing now, but the difference is between handmade and mass-produced products.

"When I activated the Holy Jade of the Sky, a certain amount of space rejection occurred. Your space ring couldn't be brought over, and all the equipment had to be carried over by myself."

This is indeed a problem. In the past, Yu Lian swallowed the ring into his stomach and locked it with active cells, but it would be unseemly for a girl to do this.

Of course, if you are a more advanced psychic master, you can find a way to smooth out the dimensional fluctuations on the space equipment, so that force field conflicts and space rejection will not occur during long-distance jumps.

Although Yu Lian has no doubt that Feifei will become a master one day, the human girl has just stepped into the gate of the extraordinary world.

At this time, Feifei had already untied her burqa and removed a bunch of weapons from the inside. She first gave Yu Lian a Black Hawk RX-type special riot pistol that could be fired repeatedly, three ordinary magazines and one high-explosive magazine.

This is a very classic special pistol used by the imperial military. It is two rounds larger than an ordinary pistol. It can switch between continuous fire and special bullet shooting modes. It has a history of two to three hundred years since the weapon shooting was finalized. , but they are still being equipped in large quantities to the imperial military and armed police. You can imagine what a classic design it is.

Then, there is the helmsman's compass, Fafuer dragon's eye and a stack of "peach charms".

Only then did Yu Lian realize that the close-fitting power suit Feifei was wearing was probably made by himself from the scaly leather of the Cangming Crocodile. It should have a layer of nano-protection and a kinetic energy meter attached to the relatively primitive handicraft. In addition, she also wears a watch on her right hand, which looks a bit awkward when placed here, and the thing looks vaguely familiar.

"Ah, Yu'er can't remember? I got this from Mr. Flores Wanda." Feifei raised her watch: "It's actually a nano-armor, and it also comes with an information terminal function and ten Two mind control blades."

Only then did Yu Lian find this piece of information from a certain ravine in the cerebral cortex, and he suddenly realized it.

As for how this thing ended up in Feifei's hands... Hey, isn't it also reasonable to bleach on the battlefield? Anyway, with how cautious she is in doing things, she must have submitted a reasonable and legal report to the superiors.

All in all, the weapons and treasures brought by Feifei have obviously been carefully selected by her, and they are all practical and portable.

In addition, Yu Lian has an atomic light spear in his hand, so of course there is no need to bring a lightsaber.

After distributing the equipment, Feifei took him to the window and pointed to the starry sky in the distance.

"Our Fu Street number is over there, did you see it?"

How can I see it? Yu Lian thought, this is at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, right? Isn't this equivalent to standing on the 300th floor rooftop of a skyscraper and finding a paramecium on the ground?

"Now that the meeting is over, what should we do next? The cooling of this Noble Phantasm still takes a lot of time, right?"

"There will be certain fluctuations depending on the environment, but the shortest time is at least half a day." Yu Lian said. In fact, it varies from 12 to 24 hours, with the former being a very small minority and the latter being the majority. In addition, depending on the user's psychic micro-management level, there will be a period of fluctuation.

In addition, there are some psychic life tricks that can end the cooldown time in advance, but this only consumes energy and money.

"It's not realistic to stay in this room for 12 hours." Feifei thought for a while: "However, I can find a way to hide in the room for a while, and when the cooling is complete, I can find an opportunity to escape together. .”

This method sounds a bit negative, but it is indeed the method with the highest success rate. However, Yu Lian shook his head and said: "But hiding in the room, if someone really leaks something, he won't even be able to escape."

Will I be discovered? Haha, unless there are multiple investigating judges of Xunfeng's level on the ship. Although Feifei thought so in her heart, she still nodded seriously and said that Yu Lian was right.

...There is one thing to say, and there is indeed nothing wrong with what he said.

"And I'm about to be imprisoned by His Highness King Suliuka! That woman openly said that she wanted to imprison me! It's not rude to come back without reciprocating! If she just ran away in despair without doing anything, she thought I was Mr. Yu has really become a bitch."

"...Well, don't the fish feel excited?"

"Is this a question of excitement or not? This is a very serious matter of principle." Yu Lian gritted his teeth and said: "Anyway, if we don't cause a scene, I won't be able to settle it!"

"...Hey, boys really never grow up!"

"Well, don't say that you are trying to take care of minors, okay? If you stop the smile on your lips that worries about the world, I might really feel a little guilty." Yu Lian said helplessly.

He then explained that in order to activate the Blue Sky Sacred Jade in advance, a lot of precious zero element crystals would be needed, but he no longer had any in stock. In this way, instead of hiding in the room and betting that the other party will not come to make a surprise ward inspection, it is better to go to the treasure house of Dawn Angel and make trouble by the way.

"Anyway, she's going to imprison me. Isn't it reasonable for me to just take something as a mental loss?"

"Hey, I just went to the treasure house to steal something!" Feifei showed a disappointed expression: "I thought I was going to at least plant some bombs in the main engine. I even brought these."

She opened the other side of her burqa and showed it to Yu Lian. Sure enough, there were four fixed "pens" hanging there, with blue lightning symbols painted on them. They were clearly solid ion salt bombs, which made Yu Lian subconsciously Just swallowed.

"Where did you get this?"

"Isn't he the well-connected gentleman introduced to us by Major General Lal?" Feifei said with a smile: "He is amazing. Not only did he help us change the ship, he also introduced a very reliable arms dealer. Although the price is expensive It’s a little expensive, but the stuff is real. I told him I could introduce him to some new customers, and he happily gave me a discount.”

"new customer?"

"Yes, I sent him the contact information of all your students, Yu'er."

"my student?"

"Yes, those children at the God of War Festival! The angry bureaucrat's son of Franmore, the simple mayor's son of the Sumi people, the young avenger of the Terrabi people, and so on."

Yu Lian opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he heard Feifei say again: "Now I also hold the position of director of external relations and director of publicity of our youth club. These are my due responsibilities, Yu You're welcome."

She immediately showed a sad expression: "Of course, if Yu'er feels that it's wrong for me to act on my own, you can directly remove me from my post in the name of the chairman."

Yu Lian smiled as if he was drunk: "I can only say, well done! No one in the world understands me better than Feifei! But, is that arms dealer reliable? The Jijiang Sector is a frontier. There is room for these underworld people to develop, but the closer this thing is to the hinterland of the empire, the more strictly controlled it will be."

"You also said that it is the hinterland of the empire. To be precise, it is based on planets or even residential cities. The more humans there are and the more citizens and nobles live in the city, the more capable and shrewd the bureaucrats will be, and the stricter the control of the security agencies will be. . As for other places, it will be much different. Sometimes, I even think that the empire even deliberately allows some people of different races to hold weapons. Otherwise, where would the military merit come from? "

Well, although this sounds too unfair, it is indeed an operation that the empire will do.

"The main engine, the arsenal, the central control room, the bridge, and other places are definitely inaccessible. The defenses are too tight. And this is a Titan ship. Who knows if there are other things. However, I know how to take this It would be best to bury things there. It would be best if we can successfully create chaos and then grab a small transport boat to escape."

"Seize the traffic boat?" Feifei was puzzled.

"I've thought about it. It's best not to let the empire guess that I have a Noble Phantasm for long-distance space jumps in my hand." Yu Lian said: "Although this cannot be hidden sooner or later, the longer it is hidden, the better. "

"But, I'm already on the boat." Feifei was still confused.

There are many smart people in the empire. Now that Feifei got on the boat silently, it was enough for them to think about it.

"That's why we need to try our best to mislead their thinking! If we use conventional methods when withdrawing, it should make the empire confused for a while." Yu Lian smiled and said: "Of course, if the situation goes bad, we can use the Holy Jade It’s not too late to escape. The space sign over at Fujie No. has been recorded, right?”

Feifei said that she had already set the coordinates, and when she jumped in space again, she could use the compass to go directly to the bridge of the Fujie.

"However, someone kindly invited you to be an observer on the ship, but you left without saying goodbye and still caused trouble. Wouldn't it cause a diplomatic incident if you tell them?"

Yu Lian smiled "haha", and then took out a small prop disguised as a cufflink from his sleeve: "I recorded the audio, which can prove that she wanted to imprison me first. Although it is easy to fake the audio these days, as long as It will definitely be a storm if she is released. Don't forget, she is choosing the emperor, and the next step is the chair. How can there be no enemies? King Suliuka is still an unmarried lady. She will not leave this kind of excuse to political opponents. As long as we don't go too far, she will help us cover up."

Of course, this would completely offend the future Queen.

...but so what? Sooner or later I will have to go to war with this decadent feudal aristocratic dictator.

I don't know why, but after Yu Lian explained this, he felt Feifei's mood improved a lot.

"What's our next step?"

Yu Lian took out the telekinetic magic eye and used his psychic energy to knead it into a thin thread. Then he knocked down a chandelier on the ceiling of the bedroom, pulled it gently, and pulled it open. A gap.

"vanitation pipe?"

"It's better to clean the entrance and exit of the robot." Yu Lian said: "I have to eat late-night snacks before going to bed these days, and I intentionally bring some small garbage such as peels and bones and throw them into the holiday corner. Every time the robot Entry and exit are from that location.”

Of course, these small automatic machines used for cleaning are actually not much bigger than spiders, and they are almost completely silent when they move, so they will not affect the sleep of residents. However, if a psychic like Xiang Yulian is intentional, how can this little thing's actions be hidden from his ears and eyes?

However, with such a small vent, it is estimated that only small robots and mice can enter and exit freely.

However, Yu Lian held his breath and continued to compress the material of the telekinetic eye through spiritual energy until the thin line it turned into had completely disappeared within the range of the naked eye.

After two minutes, Yu Lian finally felt the direction of the thin line, and then directly closed a certain machine spring with a "click". Then he took a long breath.

The operation just now was quite torturous even for his current abilities. Fortunately, everything went well.

Just as he was about to reach out to wipe away the sweat, Feifei had already taken out a handkerchief and inserted it gently.

Yu Lian chuckled, turned on the terminal projection in the room, switched to the entertainment mode, selected a TV series "Twilight Knife" that he had been watching recently, and turned up the volume.

"I've been watching an episode before falling asleep after supper every night lately. It's really good to watch!" Yu Lian explained, then held Feifei's little hand and pulled her into his arms. .

Feifei probably knew what the other party wanted to do. She didn't struggle, but her face was full of interest.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a slight "buzz" in the room, as if the buzzer only rang once, and the two people disappeared directly from the room.

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