Him and their stars

Chapter 703 Three girls and four groups

Of course, there is one thing to say. Although it can't fly, the speed of the titanium dragon is still quite amazing when it charges with its two stubby legs (compared to an ostrich). With just a little jump, he could easily cross mountains, rivers and seas, and instantly rush into the woods and disappear without a trace.

When the imperial military who came from behind finally opened the shield of the main entrance, Yu Lian and Feifei were already riding Titanium Dragons and were already far away.

Zephyrus walked forward in a roundabout way, adding two or three jumps, and reached the end of the space in less than half a minute. What appeared in their sight had changed from mountains, rivers, forests and grasslands to particularly disappointing metal walls, which looked like prison walls covered with armor.

"You also like to fly freely, right?" Yu Lian laughed.

Titanium Dragon expressed that he didn't want to talk and pulled his stubby legs to apply an emergency brake, then pressed against the wall and continued firing. Soon, a corner appeared at the entrance to the wall.

Long rushed into the corner and saw a long passage. Looking in that direction, it is obviously leading to the outer wall of the ship.

So, this should be the dragon's take-off cannon path. Although an unscientific animal like a dragon does not need to take off at all, it can drive a body that is estimated to be at least a hundred tons to rise up from the ground by simply swinging its wings, which are not used for eggs. However, with such a cannon path, when the Titanium Dragon rushes into the sky carrying its own knights, it will feel excited to charge.

This is also a sense of ritual.

Running in such an unobstructed passage will naturally lead to faster speeds. But after seven or eight seconds, the end of the passage was already in sight. Needless to say, nature is also closed.

"Uh-oh!" The giant dragon made a strange sound.

Although Yu Lian didn't understand it, he instantly understood its meaning, stepped on the dragon's head, stood up, and opened Linguang's energy blade again. Under the guidance of his spiritual energy, the golden energy beam was hoopted by the magnetic field into a very thin beam, as thin as a straight silk thread.

However, precisely because it is so detailed, it makes people even more heartbroken. At least the Titanium Dragon, which was so close, felt a huge sense of crisis. It always felt that the thin light, which was no more than one meter high from its head, seemed to be able to cut through space. Naturally, it could also cut through its scale armor, which could resist the anti-aircraft fire of battleships.

The Titanium Dragon leaned down slightly, as if looking for a better space for Yu Lian to attack. Yu Lian's iron feet placed him firmly on the dragon's head, and he once again pointed the light spear forward and raised it on his shoulder, making a starting gesture ready to throw.

Following Yu Lian's movements, the heraldic machine slowly opened all its joints with a gentle rhythm of movement. Spirituality seeped out from every gap in the armor and from every piece of armor, covering the light without any loss. On the spear. Although the psychic array carried on the body did not respond, it could not give him any physical and strength bonuses. However, this carefully designed psyker mecha can restore 100% of its own power, which is enough.

You know, for psykers, a piece of "technological side" armor that does not constitute a burden is really precious.

At that moment, the spiritual energy condensed into light that ordinary people could catch, completely covering his armored body. At that moment, he was like a god descending from heaven covered in sunshine.

Feifei sat on the dragon's back without saying a word, but she didn't know that a camera as big as a golf ball was pulled out from there. She left the mask and showed a smile, turned around and made a heart sign to the camera, and by the way, Yu Lian was glowing. The light and windy back serves as the background.

The action this time was exactly the same as when he attacked the lord on the distant planet, but this was really not an ordinary javelin investment, but the ultimate move "Long Night Meteor" from the Astral Knight's submachine gun skills. To put it simply, it is the integration of murderous energy and spiritual energy, and through the projection of Noble Phantasm-level weapons, it forms a killing blow with an Arrancar.

At the beginning, Emperor Elithel stood on the earth, looking up at the stars in the long night, and then used this blow to shoot down all the satellite weapons in low earth orbit, hence the name "Long Night Meteor".

...Hmm, it does have some similarities with the "Star Hunting Hand", the ultimate way to "Hunt the Star".

Speaking of which, everyone knows that His Majesty the Emperor has nine rings, but there seems to be no precise explanation of which star ring it is. Most people take it for granted that it is a "throne", and it is indeed an extraordinary sequence that is particularly in line with the superior's royal taste, but the emperor himself has never admitted it.

Of course, no one in this world would dare to force the emperor to answer this question.

So, he can’t really be a “star hunter”, right? Who says you have to use a gun and a bow to shoot down stars?

On this side, Titanium Dragon seemed to feel a stronger sense of crisis and a familiar sense of oppression, and immediately acted more honestly, not daring to move his body at all, for fear of affecting Yu Lian's performance.

But at this time, the communication channel of the heraldry machine suddenly flashed a voice call, and then opened automatically. On the lower left side of the window of Yu Lian's helmet, Brunhildt's big portrait has appeared.

"You're going too far!" she shouted loudly, "I asked you to come on board with good intentions!"

Yu Lian pretended not to hear, sighed and gathered strength.

"If you have any questions, we can discuss it." She changed her tone to a warm tone again.

Yu Lian took a deep breath and immersed himself in the feeling of the emperor shooting down the stars. He mobilized every muscle in his body that was full of spiritual energy and transmitted it to his shoulders and arms, and struggled to throw the light out.

A moment later, cracks appeared on the armor plate at the end of the gun channel, but only a "crash" sound was heard. Yu Lian and Feifei felt the violent airflow from behind at the same time, and they rushed forward like crazy.

Before the emergency passage behind it closed, the Titanium Dragon followed the direction of the storm, waving its wings that seemed to be made of thousands of blades, and plunged into the void that was flickering with light.

"Fly! Zephyrus! We have to fly higher!" Yu Lian laughed.

"It's bigger than you! It has a handsome name like Salamander." Brynhilt said in a louder voice.

"Oh, really? Then if you change your name, it will be faster than Salamander!"

Brunhildt and Sarah... ah no, even though Severus didn't understand what Yu Lian meant, they both felt some kind of deep malice for some unknown reason.

King Suliuka felt that Yu Lian should have successfully escaped from prison and started going crazy. Thinking about it carefully, that guy seems to have shown this trait during the God of War Festival. One person charging with dozens of people is certainly an epic battle. If you win, you will become a legendary hero. If you fail, you will definitely be killed. Laugh at him as a brainless fool until the next century. However, he still did it.

Hmm, it seems like I am the same type?

The future queen and the current Miss Elector are still very self-aware. Looking at the giant dragon that has broken away from the ship, she is not very angry, but feels extremely regretful, and then advises: "Okay, Just leave Sephorus. Yu Lianqing, you see, you and it are a perfect match. Come back, it will be yours..."

She wanted to say something else, but Ostana, who had just finished checking the information, ran to her ear and whispered a few words, which should have informed her of the meaning of "Sephorus".

Brunhilt's eyes suddenly lit up: "Look, Yu Lianqing, aren't you very ambitious? Just follow the call of your heart..."

"This does not represent any ambition. Your Highness, it is just a simple bad taste. If Yu'er gets a red dragon this time, he will definitely name it Chitu. Will you still dare to recruit him then? Your Highness."

It was Feifei who interrupted. She had been figuring out the function of the heraldic machine just now. Although she still couldn't activate the psychic array, she finally got the communication connected.

Brunhilt was speechless for a moment. After all, she was not Yani, so this was a bit beyond the scope of her knowledge. However, she quickly regained her composure and magnanimity, looked Feifei up and down, and showed unabashed admiration: "Miss Fina Li... is so brave, but also so regretful. If there is a chance in the future, we will definitely return it." You can continue to be good friends. Of course, if you are willing to surrender now, we can become good friends right away."

She paused and then said: "So that you know, although the white-furred fox in the Bei family smiles harmlessly, he is the one who cannot be trusted the most. In comparison, I think I am still a An open-minded person will at least not hide something and will tell it to his face."

"Indeed, that white-furred fox has seven or eight eyes in a blink of an eye. If there are ten buckets of bad water in the universe, she has eight buckets!" Feifei kept nodding her head with a concerned look.

This is the legendary three girls, a total of four groups, tsk tsk tsk...

"Actually, I have also heard of the name of His Royal Highness King Suliuka's 'Flower Knights'. If I can become one of them, it is of course an honor for a small town girl like me. However, it is a pity that after all, I As an active military officer of the community, I can only refuse your kindness. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely apologize in person."

"Then apologize now. Miss Fina, how did you get on my ship? Tell me and I will forgive you."

"It's a false order." Feifei said.

"Huh?" Brunhilt raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing it.

"The blue brand's virtual spirit has the exit scale set on Yu'er's light spear. Didn't you find out? This is normal. It uses a Lasis-style space array and can be sealed on the spear handle with krypton gold powder. The inside of it is, of course, undetectable.”

Brunhild frowned, as if he half believed it.

"The Lasis Array is a secret of the Berenkeist family. Of course it was created by Yanni. She also gave me the blue virtual order."

This time, Brunhild seemed to be completely convinced. Although he was still laughing, Yu Lian could see the obvious low pressure through the screen.

"Then, goodbye! I'm very happy during this time." Yu Lian quickly turned off the communication and continued to drive towards Zeverus, towards the distant starry sky and the direction of Fujie No.

Of course, he soon felt spiritual fluctuations, not from human psykers, but from a certain level of life energy among dragon species.

If there is any essential difference in the use of extraordinary power between humans and fantasy beasts, it must be that the latter hardly knows how to hide it.

"There are three more dragon knights coming from behind." Feifei looked back.

This "only" is used very spiritually. Does it mean dragon or knight, or both together?

Yu Lian did know that the Dawn Angel, as a gunboat-style Titan, had a small hangar and was only equipped with a squadron of multi-purpose fighters and four assault landing craft, but it had at least twenty dragon nests.

Probably because Yu Lian's movements were too fast, the fighter planes had no time to prepare and take off. If they wanted to pursue or intercept, they really could only use the Astral Knights to ride dragons to pursue them.

"One of them is still wearing red armor. He is an old acquaintance of yours." Feifei said again.

Isn't Miss Giafel at the Lion's Den Fortress?

Yu Lian looked at the Lion's Den Fortress in the distance, which served as the background. In the current environment, this artificial celestial body, which is smaller than the moon, is the most majestic behemoth in his sight, occupying one-tenth of his field of vision. The fluid metal armor flowing on the surface of the fortress reflects the light of the stars and the sun. In a daze, it seemed to be integrated with the universe, and its outline was almost invisible.

Again, as long as you don't have a phobia of giants, you will subconsciously regard overly great man-made structures as sublime miracles.

If it weren't for the fact that one side of the fluid arc-shaped mirror wasn't glowing with fire, maybe ordinary people would really think so.

As for the fire, it goes without saying that it was the scene of the opening scene.

"The troops that Brigadier General Sambeka has organized should have been filled in," Feifei said.

Yu Lian didn't quite know who that "Brigadier General" was. However, launching an attack on the fortress from space is indeed a way of fighting. Especially now that most of the fortress is under the control of the Imperial Army. Then a surprise attack from the outer layer will form a perfect flanking situation.

However, the troops attacking from the outside will suffer the greatest losses.

"Using government soldiers as cannon fodder?" Yu Lian clicked his tongue in surprise.

"No, they are slave soldiers." Feifei said: "During this period, most of the nobles and citizens who brought troops to the Jijiang Sector are industrial and agricultural pioneers in the border sector. Who doesn't have a few slave soldiers under his command? What? Anyway, if you die, the Generalissimo’s Palace will give you a subsidy, and you can still show your face in front of King Suliuka, so why not?"

Yu Lian sighed silently.

The camp on the imperial side still retains the evil system of slavery and the relationship of personal dependence guaranteed by law, which sounds like the cancer of civilization in this universe. However, on the opposite side of the Alliance, the workers who toiled day and night in the sweatshops for little more than a moment of peace had an average lifespan that was not even as good as that of the serfs on the Empire side.

Although they can accuse others from the moral high ground, they are always unconvincing.

In addition, although the cannon fodder troops composed of slaves and criminals did all the work that did not attract the limelight, failed to achieve success, and had a very high mortality rate, the overall morale has always been good. In an empire with extremely strict laws, this was the easiest way for oneself and his family to get rid of their low status.

The Titanium Dragon continued to advance, and its acceleration was comparable to the charge of light-speed fighters. In the blink of an eye, the armed merchant ships that brought "government soldiers" from various places came into view.

The crew on the ship didn't realize that this was a pursuit at all. Instead, they thought that this was the Astral Knights riding on sacred dragons, coming to cheer them up, and they cheered loudly.

A large-looking armed merchant ship even fired a few fireworks from a distance to pay tribute.

As a result, Yu Lian deliberately slowed down, waving his hands while flying at low altitude close to the fleet of ships.

With this going on, it was indeed starting to look more and more like a military parade, and the three who were chasing after them... ah no, the three dragon knights immediately became entangled and could only slow down.

Soon, a "small boat" flashed its lights at Yu Lian from a distance and approached slowly. It was naturally the Jincheng Fujie that had been painted with war paint.

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