Him and their stars

Chapter 704 The dragon ran away

"Hey~~~" Yu Lian patted Long's head. This big guy seemed to have accepted his fate, not feeling the humiliation of being treated as a strange-hoofed female animal at all. He immediately closed his wings and made a very precise emergency stop.

The titanium dragon carried Yu Lian and Feifei like this and stopped less than twenty meters away from Fujie No.

Feifei had been studying the communication facilities of the heraldry machine just now, and immediately connected a large number of Fujie. A window suddenly popped up within their field of vision, revealing a group of stunned faces. Among them, the one occupying the C position is Miss Agnes.

Of course, she was the first to speak.

"This, this...Miss Fina, you said creating a big event, is this the kind of thing you want to do?"

I always feel that this Gumeiya girl's attitude towards Feifei seems to be a bit too respectful. It's not like she is treating her as a friend, but more like she is treating her leader.

"Is it too late for us to end our relationship now?" She sighed sadly.

"It's too late. If you rob the dragon and the heraldry machine, even if you are just an accomplice, you will be chopped into pieces and fed to the dragon." Mr. Ginsu said. Although the old ranger's face was calm, the ears on his head were twitching uncontrollably.

"Does this mean that I will soon experience the ultimate adventure that I have never imagined in my life - being hunted down by the Imperial Forbidden Army?" Mr. Ustinov said.

"Okay, open the rear hatch." Feifei ordered bluntly.

The group of friends behind the screen suddenly became busy. Although they were so shocked by the current unfolding of God that they almost lost their thinking, the movements of their hands were not ambiguous at all. Soon, Fujie's body, which was longer than the Titanium Dragon, moved sideways lightly and opened the hatch on the top cover of the rear half of the hull.

"Let's go in the direction of Gravity Well No. 5!" Yu Lianda said.

Feifei immediately understood what Yu Lian meant, nodded, and immediately jumped up and took the heraldry machine with her into the hatch, as if she was playing a perfect pot throwing game with her own body.

As soon as they entered the cabin, the door was immediately closed. Immediately afterwards, the Pujie hovered in place for no more than three seconds before starting the sublight engine. It did not take more than two seconds before it directly entered high-speed cruising mode.

So it makes sense that this boat is expensive! If an ordinary civilian ship wants to reach this speed, the engine must not be warmed up for three to five minutes?

Of course, before this ultra-high-speed cruise ship, which had been changed beyond recognition, entered the state, Yu Lian had already controlled the dragon and spread its wings towards the distant jump point. At this time, Severus' body was resonating with Yu Lian's spiritual energy, and the power of the "source of life" flowed into the dragon's body, stimulating its innate abilities in a more efficient way.

Titanium Dragon already had the ability to cruise at sub-light speeds in space, but now it was equivalent to having unlimited physical energy, and it immediately began to have fun unscrupulously.

As a result, one dragon and one boat left the militia fleet, with three dragon knights still chasing after them. Before the crew and militiamen on the armed merchant ship could figure out the situation, they left directly.

Yu Lian's communication channel has been ringing for a long time. It doesn't take a guess to know that this must be a call from Miss Giafel, but he has been too lazy to pay attention to it before.

Now, since he has joined up with his friends, his mentality is much more relaxed. He slowly connected to the communication, but this time it was not just Giafel, but also Nelhana who came into view.

Needless to say, they should be two of the three dragon knights who are chasing him. The remaining one may not have shown his face because his name and identity are not important. He is just observing secretly from the side without saying a word.

Speaking of which, Brunhildt himself probably had no idea how to deal with the current situation. Otherwise, they would have opened fire long ago during the pursuit.

In short, the expressions of these two young ladies are still very wonderful. Countess Giafel's face was expressionless and solemn, while Baroness Nelhana looked pitiful and on the verge of tears, as if she had been abandoned by someone who had betrayed her heart.

"You're such a pathetic piece of shit!" Yu Lian said loudly, "You act like I'm sorry for you first."

Nelhana babbled and said: "...Yes, do you have anything to say? You were obviously the one who shouted to kill first, and you were the one who took away the dragon and the emblem machine. It's okay now, I say You may be fined, dismissed or even reduced in rank, and the spice shop can only use it to pay off debts. The hot pot restaurant is also gone."

Yu Lian pretended not to hear, and smiled at Giafel: "Shouldn't you be busy liberating the fortress now? Gilly, I'm not telling you, the supreme commander cannot leave his post without permission!"

"Yes, I don't want to leave my post without permission. Fortunately, the overall situation of the war inside the fortress has been decided, and it is only a matter of time before the marauders are wiped out. Of course you are more important now... At least Brynn thinks so."

At this point, the female knight's expression became unbearable and she said helplessly: "Hey, actually I don't even know what happened?"

"That's right. That woman will definitely not notify you when she does something bad." Yu Lian said with a smile.

This has happened many times in my previous life.

The chief best friend is of course the chief best friend, and Brunhilt has never doubted Giafel's loyalty and courage. When she needs to lead an army alone, she has always been her first candidate to be the commander. However, people who are too noble and incorruptible are actually not suitable for enduring darkness.

In this regard, Miss Brunhildt has always been very clear.

"As expected! Brynn was just preparing to put you under house arrest, wasn't she?" Miss Giafel sighed, and then said to her companion: "Nelhana, you actually have a share?"

"...I, I'm just guarding the door." Miss Nelhana knew that she was in the wrong, and her voice was not very energetic.

Yu Liandao: "I have dragon quality here. Besides, you can't catch up no matter how hard you chase, so why waste your efforts."

"The sacred dragons that fly among the stars are allies of the Dawn Royal Family. Both the Star Knights and the Imperial Army have the obligation to save them." Giafel sighed: "What's more, this dragon named Salamanda The real dragon is a coming-of-age gift given to His Highness by His Majesty the Emperor, and it is one of His Highness’s eight favorite dragons.”

How many dragons does she have? Isn’t the food expense alone enough to support millions of refugees every year? Yu Lian mentally scoffed at the decadent ruling class and said, "Maybe His Majesty the Emperor doesn't like His Highness Brunhilt that much, otherwise he wouldn't have given him this name."

Count Giafel naturally didn't understand what this meant. Just when he was about to ask, Yu Lian interrupted her and said, "Gili, when we jump out of this galaxy, I will let it go."

After the countess pondered for a moment, she nodded and said, "Yes, I believe you."

Miss Nelhana stopped talking and could only lower her eyelids and sigh silently.

"However, after you jump out of this galaxy, I will personally lead the team to pursue you." She added: "When that time comes, I will definitely open fire without hesitation!"

Yu Lian blinked his eyes and said with a wry smile: "...Uh, how dare you counter-threat? It's me who obviously has the dragon quality in my hand! But, Gilly, His Highness Su Wang's behavior is not very honorable, you have to admit it, right? .”

"It is indeed against morality and damages the reputation of the elected emperor. As a friend, I will advise her. However, I am also a knight who swore allegiance to her, and I am also obliged to fulfill her wish."

She paused and then said sternly: "However, if her wish will benefit the entire army and burden her career, I will also help her make a decision."

Is this why he said he would fire without hesitation? Yu Lian couldn't help but roll his eyes, thinking that you imperial nobles really understand the advantages of flexible moral principles!

"...You are a hereditary noble of the empire with an inscription on the coat of arms, a brigadier general of the imperial army, a regular knight of the Astral Knights, and one of the Four Heavenly Kings (younger generation)!"

"There is no such title." said the countess.

"A person like you would actually swear loyalty to someone other than His Majesty the Emperor. This is a precursor to warlordism!" Yu Lian clicked his tongue in surprise, as if he had witnessed a story of great filial piety.

However, Giafel was too lazy to argue with Yu Lian, and said bluntly: "In any case, although I don't agree with Brynn's doing this, I can understand it. In fact, if possible, I also hope to be able to work under the command of your noble officer. Learning how to use troops."

These words made the heartless, shameless and skinless Yu Lian feel a little bit embarrassed. You must know that so far, he, the chosen champion of the God of War Sacrifice who is famous throughout the galaxy, is known as a powerful genius. And his only achievement in the art of war is the "Four Symbols Tactics" that is said to be very revolutionary.

But this was actually plagiarized from Miss Giafel’s paper a few years later.

Li Kui wants to learn how to swing an ax from Li Gui. What kind of thing is this?

"...You are already a general. Coupled with your achievements in this battle, it is estimated that another gem star will be pinned to the collar soon." Yu Lian smiled and said: "If I put on the imperial uniform, I will have to pay tribute to you." You saluted.”

"If you come to the Empire, I will salute you soon. I firmly believe this. Moreover, you are wearing the Empire's heraldry machine now. Doesn't it fit you very well?"

"This is..." Yu Lian suddenly realized that if he said "loots", wouldn't he admit that he had gone to war with the empire before?

Tsk, after all, he was also the sword-wielding minister of the Grand Marshal's Palace, a famous general of the Imperial Duke. In the Queen's era, he could almost be regarded as the second person in the Imperial Army. Even if he is really a model of upright and loyal knight, he is definitely not the best. It can't be purely silly and sweet.

"This is just a gift." Yu Lian smiled and said, "His Royal Highness King Suliuka gave it to me. If you don't believe me, go back and ask her."

Seeing that the other party was already acting rogue, Giafel smiled and said seriously: "Then, let's say goodbye."

She was indeed a model of a true knight. Now that she had reached her promise, of course she made a gesture to signal her comrades to stop pursuing.

"Let's really let him go..." Nelhana said hesitantly.

While watching Yu Lian and the ship out of the range of his naked eyes, Gyafel said lukewarmly: "The key is not whether we should let him go, but Brynn over there... His Highness is willing I don’t want to make this determination. Otherwise, we should have fired all the guns three minutes ago.”

Nelhana thought that she would have to wait. These humanoid dragons of the Chenxi Royal Family, once they set their sights on something, whether it is a person or an object, they never give up. Our Highness is a typical Dawn Dragon.

To be honest, she is still looking forward to the hot pot restaurant opened by the joint venture. Although everyone had a little unpleasant episode this time, as long as they don't completely break up, there will still be a day when it can be opened.

"So, where is the heraldry machine..."

"Anyway, Crimson is only equipped to the slave knights, and all the equipment will be changed soon. It is impossible to keep things secret forever like technology. Besides, it has been a year, and what can be leaked has already been leaked. "

Nelhana was startled for a moment, and then realized that the other party should be talking about the battle of the Far Shore Nebula. After that small-scale battle took place, the empire immediately blocked the news, and few people knew about it. But the empire knew full well that they had lost too much in this battle.

The heavily-financed city of Kerna, Clear Sky-class battleships, space torpedoes, and the heraldic machine of Marquis Odegaard...

The three knights waited there for two or three minutes. Not long after, four high-speed cruisers and a special light mothership arrived near them.

The knights rode dragons to the hangar of the mothership and went straight to the bridge. After a brief exchange of greetings, Gyafel completely took over the command of the fleet, and let the shukui radar that had been activated send him the status of the opponent's ships in a timely manner.

The holographic projection quickly fed back the current situation, and they saw that one dragon and one ship had passed the seventh planet in this system, a frozen planet called Lion's Den IS08.

"They are choosing jump channel 5." The navigator said.

Giafel gestured to open the holographic star map, marked a solid line in the direction of Gravity Well No. 5, and fell into deep thought: "Is this...the direction of the Gate of Glory?"

"It can also lead to the Abyss Nebula." Nelhana said: "Major General Barr believes that Colonel Yu Lian should have seized a lot of detailed star map information from the All Souls Religion and its behind-the-scenes organizations, which of course includes the Far Shore Nebula, but who can guarantee that the Abyss Nebula is not among them?”

Giaphiel nodded, and just as he was about to say something, he heard the captain say: "They have arrived near the gravity well and have stopped the ship."

The captain did not ask whether to fire. At this time, Yu Company and the cruise ship were actually out of range of their main guns.

At this time, Yu Lian jumped off the back of the titanium dragon and lightly boarded the cruise ship next to it. Before entering the cabin, he waved to the dragon, signaling it to leave.

The Titanium Dragon, which finally regained its freedom, flew around the cruise ship several times, creating a little distance.

At this time, colorful energy particles also flowed out of the engine port at the rear of the Bus Street. This was a sign that the jump engine was about to start.

However, something shocking soon happened. The moment the slender cruise ship started to launch, the huge titanium dragon suddenly pounced forward and pressed its entire body against the hull.

In an instant, it seemed as if it was attached to a surfboard that was slightly longer than itself, and was carried to another galaxy by the waves of stars in space, without a trace anymore.

This scene completely exceeded the expectations of everyone on board. No one spoke for a long time.

After a while, the captain murmured: "Long, are you going to stop the enemy ship from escaping?"

"Titanium dragons are noble creatures... They may give in, but they will definitely keep their promise." Nelhana said.

In other words, since Yu Lian is willing to let it go, he will definitely make some agreement with it in advance. But doesn’t this mean that the Titanium Dragon followed the ship on its own? Is this considered a deserter?

Miss Nelhana felt that her mind was not working well. At this time, she heard Gia Feier say: "I was thinking, Titanium Dragon, does it have the ability to jump? Salamanda will not be trapped in the gravity well like this. Crushed to death?"

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