Him and their stars

Chapter 709 Pursuit

"That's the situation! We still have four space torpedoes on board. However, using a dreadnought to smash torpedoes sounds unprofessional, but your ship is professional. After your ship docks, it immediately takes away the torpedoes. Don't do that on our ship. Bring everything you can use. You only have twenty minutes to prepare. Then, chase after me! At least let me keep that disgusting aunt's ship!"

Major General Biffick, who still had a bandage on his head, looked gray and looked like he had lost too much blood, but his expression and eyes were extremely vivid. Combined with the gnashing of teeth, he looked like a burning torch. , surging and growing very strong.

"But, but..." Soback's heart was really numb at this moment. He was just trying to fulfill his duty as an imperial soldier, so why was he caught as a young man?

You said, I am a small cruiser... ah no, not even a captain. How could he be ordered to pursue the dreadnought? Although the two battleships of the Predator are also riddled with holes, they can continue to float forward because of the blessing of the spirit of the universe, but the dreadnought is a dreadnought!

"This is an order! You have accepted the dispatch of this ship!" Rear Admiral Biffick did not roar this time, but lowered his voice and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Colonel Soback, can I feel the thing underneath you? Get hard! If you can, jump on me and lift those tentacle heads back!"

The injured general was like a wounded tiger, but his power was even greater. Soback did not dare to hesitate any longer. He trembled, crossed his legs and saluted: "I understand! I will never let you down!"

There is no way, he is a general and a hereditary noble. He was just a colonel, and no matter how hard he pushed, he might actually be subject to battlefield discipline.

"Don't worry, as long as you try your best, of course you won't enforce battlefield discipline." However, the fierce general brother seemed to have seen the other party's psychological activities, and suddenly smiled.

Soback didn't know whether he should cry or laugh at this time.

"Anyway, your noble officer is also a member of the Knights. I don't have the authority to shoot you. What's more, you are also the benefactor of the entire fleet."

Soback thought to himself, yes, you finally remembered that I am your savior. Just when he was about to show off his emotional intelligence and humility as an adult, he saw the other party and smiled again: "It wasn't just your bombardment that saved my life." , but the decisive role you played in the entire battle. At the beginning of the war, the sudden explosion in the troll's dreadnought ship was the work of a noble official, right?"

Colonel Soback looked at this fierce general in surprise, wondering which bastard could call him foolhardy?

Before the Predator fleet arrived, Soback used the knowledge he learned from the "Ares Festival Technical Training Course" to transform the minerals in the two automatic mining farms in the Modan system into crystal bombs.

The plunderers who were already short of food, clothing and ammunition were undoubtedly him. The latter said that when Major General Biffick led Wang Hu's troops to the city, they had no time to check and quickly used these as energy and fighting All materials and minerals were brought on board.

Then, as soon as the war started, Soback activated the timer.

The Troll's dreadnought suffered heavy damage immediately. Its shield system was obviously down. It could not even be activated in the first five minutes of the battle, and half of its main guns were lying on the spot.

The red Dreadnought, which Rear Admiral Biffick was obsessed with, suffered less damage, but it also showed a very obvious panic.

In such a decisive fleet battle, the battleship, which serves as the absolute tactical core, pulled its hips at such a critical moment. The outcome of the entire battle can be imagined.

Major General Biffick felt that without this opening, even if his side could win, the losses would never be light. At least, he started this battle with the determination to die, and was even prepared to sacrifice himself to win.

...Okay, I almost died, but it was actually my own fault. In terms of pure battle loss ratio, this can definitely be regarded as a glorious victory that can be used in textbooks.

"You know everything..." Colonel Soback was a little embarrassed by the praise.

"In the second hour of the war, I received news from His Royal Highness King Suliuka in the Lion's Den and the Knights. I knew that we had a cruiser nearby, and the person in charge was a man with outstanding strategy. Young elite! Even the news that the remnant fleet of predators is gathering nearby was passed on by you, right? Haha, it really deserves its reputation!"

Colonel Soback thought, is this talking about me?

Well, it seems like it is indeed me. I was the one who sent the information, and I was also the one who manipulated those minerals. Although I learned the technical techniques from the evil star whose name I cannot even mention, it is indeed my own credit.

Thinking of this, Soback straightened his waist and straightened his back, feeling that he was qualified to be proud.

"After the matter was completed, I did not hesitate to fight, but I was sure that our side would win, so I withdrew from the Modan Galaxy in advance and went to the Crystal Plains Galaxy to ambush. I should have expected that if the Marauder's capital ship wanted to retreat, it would inevitably Will you pass by here?"

...I just want to stay away! My little cruiser really doesn't dare to invade the scene of the fleet battle! When Sobak thought this, he suddenly lost his pride again.

Biffick laughed and said: "... Your official is indeed an amazing wise general, with excellent insight and action. Haha, but you smart people just like to make plans and act later, and occasionally you will miss opportunities. Ah! Young man, go for it! Then you will find that there will be a wider world waiting for you! Hahahaha, but I don’t hate such smart people at all! When you return in triumph, I will I applied to the Generalissimo’s Mansion for you to come and be my deputy. Don’t you think we complement each other very well? Hahahahaha!”

I don’t want to be your second-in-command! Although you are not stupid and are very smart, you are so reckless when fighting! Even in a crushing round, you can seriously injure yourself. It’s no surprise that you sink your flagship anytime!

Colonel Soback closed the communication and was about to find a place to cry, but then he noticed that the officers on the ship were still watching, so he quickly put back the sad face that he had just shown, and pretended to be indifferent to everyone. Said: "Look, this is the situation. We have changed from a scout to a fortress. What do you think?"

"It's up to you to decide." Captain Hongsha looked indifferent: "You just give me a symbolic chase. This ship will definitely be the first in this battle."

Colonel Soback nodded, and just as he was about to do so, Captain Hongsha said again: "However, the Marauder's ship is so virtuous, I really don't know how much combat effectiveness it still has. Maybe it's not good. , it will fall apart on its own after catching up to a few galaxies.”

"Are you sure?" Sobak said that he was moved again.

The experienced Kimyan captain said: "Half of the engines of those two ships have stopped. They were almost forced to stop just now. It is obvious that the energy supply system has been severely damaged. If you want to maintain the speed, you have to sacrifice shields and The energy from the firepower is replenished to the engine. But in this way, not to mention our firepower, even the cosmic radiation from nearby galaxies can continue to burden the hull, and we are getting closer and closer to the Abyss Nebula. We may catch up with a few galaxies, but they will disperse on their own without us fighting them."

"Then, shall we chase?"

"Follow me. Anyway, if there's a problem, just run back. I'm not bragging. You never have to doubt Lao Hongsha's skills, and you never have to doubt Blizzard's performance. Even if the two broken ships of the Predator are intact, Even if Wushu stuffs their stomachs with 10,000 tons of high-explosive dust, they won't be able to catch up with us." Captain Hongsha was extremely confident.

"Space bubble torpedoes seem to be quite powerful." The gunnery chief also said: "I heard that in the Battle of Asti last week, His Royal Highness King Su used this thing. He killed the main force of the predators 80 million kilometers away. Destroyed.”

"Then chase! At least blast these torpedoes out!" Soback finally made up his mind.

Again, if you find something wrong, you can still withdraw it.

It must be admitted that the technical and tactical level of the Imperial soldiers is indeed the best in the galaxy. Although Major General Biffick gave him twenty minutes, in fact, while he and Soback were talking, the technicians had already started working. Within fifteen minutes, they not only safely placed four space bubble torpedoes into the torpedo compartment in the belly of the Buran, but also removed more than a hundred high-explosive missiles.

In addition, a company of reorganized stormtroopers plus an assault craft were on board.

Eighteen minutes after connecting with the Wanghu, the Snowstorm started on time and rushed towards the Marauder warship that had gone far away. It was like an energetic but hungry hyena, preparing to hunt two scarred and exhausted elephants with bared teeth.

Of course, hyenas are not destined to walk alone. Not long after the Snowstorm separated from the King Tiger, a light mothership and two light cruisers approached to form a new fleet formation. These were the three warships that had just followed Wang Hu to the end. Their power systems were not damaged and they could still participate in the final pursuit.

"The Count Ryback accepts your orders!"

"Gulda No. 112 (Leighton No. 47) accepts your order!"

The three captains reported respectfully to Sobek in the communication. They now admire this astral knight who descended like a divine weapon from the sky, and they don't mind at all that the other person's age can only be regarded as their nephew. Anyway, in the empire, this is a traditional art.

Now, I can be considered Admiral Soback, right? Colonel Soback felt that he had reached the peak of his life ahead of schedule, and felt that he might really be able to keep the two huge predator ships.

The ensuing pursuit lasted for nearly forty hours, spanning three galaxies.

Captain Hongsha’s judgment was indeed correct. In order to escape smoothly, the predators really used all their energy to supply energy, and they were never completely caught up. However, faced with the long-distance bombardment and obstruction of the imperial warships, it was impossible to launch an effective counterattack.

"We only need to charge once now to crush them." The captain of the Earl Ryback suggested to Soback.

"Indeed. But the other party should not be completely exhausted." Colonel Soback said.

Now he really enjoys this game of toying with his prey, but he doesn't want to push his enemy into a desperate situation so quickly. You know, the only thing more interesting than a cat playing with a mouse is a mouse playing with a cat.

"Let's talk about it in the next galaxy." Soback said, "With the state of their ships, they should be almost at their limit."

The captains felt that the temporary admiral seemed a bit too stable, but what he said did make sense.

At this time, I saw the fire-breathing ship in the distance trembling again while running, and a burst of flames rose up from its waist and abdomen again.

This battle cruiser-sized giant ship did not stop, but it did not put out the fire. It just followed its flagship and fled in the direction of the gravity well without looking back. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a wild boar with its butt on fire.

The flames continued to burn for nearly half an hour before extinguishing. During this period, the Imperial Army officers and soldiers could even see with their naked eyes various parts dropped from the enemy ships.

"Look. They are almost going to kill themselves." Colonel Soback said to the captains.

Except for Captain Hongsha who hid aside and rolled his eyes, the other captains all sincerely expressed that Colonel Soback was indeed a truly wise general with no plans left!

"The next galaxy, eh, Ash 07? Haha, we are almost at the Abyss Nebula, right? Okay, let's leave them here! Tell all the officers and soldiers in the fleet to seize the last time to repair. In three hours, I will We need everyone to enter combat readiness positions!"

At this moment, General Huitan was also ordering his navigator to find the last reserves of medicine.

The navigator sighed and took out a wooden box containing a small red pill. He pondered for a moment and then said: "General, although this medicine is very useful, it is the Abyss Nebula after all. Even if it is like the Great Khan, 'Captain', there is no guarantee of success!"

"She has already succeeded!" General Huitan sighed: "If I had known I would have joined her, why did I listen to that idiot Nigelda's deception?"

"Successful?" The navigator was startled.

The long-bearded demon warlord nodded with a bitter look on his face: "She has already traveled most of the voyage. She has also left an automatic signal relay station in the Gray Wind Galaxy and is sending the newly explored star map data. With this data , can you try it?"

The navigator didn't know whether he should cry or laugh, so he could only grit his teeth and nod heavily.

General Huitan nodded with relief, and sighed heavily: "Hey, so I'm really stupid, really! I just didn't want to be embarrassed and be a dog for the Great Khan, but I didn't expect that she could really do it. That's it! I just wanted to fight the empire again to save some morale, but I didn't expect that space worm Nigelda was so incompetent and killed it before the fight... I was so stupid, really! Well, when the war started What happened to the self-destruction?"

"It's been checked out. It's the rare crystals we brought up from the automatic mine."

"You see, we have been manipulated by the empire from the beginning! If we don't fight that battle, nothing will happen. If we go to meet with the Great Khan early, nothing will happen. ? I'm so stupid, really... Now, the Great Khan is gone. It's very generous to be able to leave a signal relay station! Woohoo, I just hope that the Great Khan can slow down and wait. His faithful dog! I am coming to follow you."

The Great Khan cannot hear it now! thought the navigator. When Zhen and the Great Khan reconcile, I will report all the bad things you and Nigelda said about her during this time! In this way, I should be able to become the next general.

However, what neither of the pursuing parties expected was that a small "cruise ship" had already entered the Huifen 07 galaxy from another galaxy one step ahead of them.

"Hoo ho ho, it's been three days! It's been three whole days! We finally got rid of that manic red-haired girl. We can finally repair it and see if we can get some minerals from the nearby unmanned mining field. Feed Severus, this guy needs to eat iron in addition to protein! If you can’t feed him enough, he might end up starving and eat our Pujie No.”

Yu Lian said to his friends: "By the way, Severus just told me that it sensed some signal. There should be an empire's deep space exploration station here, right? Let's monitor the scene in the Modan Galaxy. The outcome of the battle, and then determine the next action goal.”

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