Him and their stars

Chapter 710 Original Equipment

Yu Lian and his friends are in very good shape now, not a little good but a great one.

Because he had just learned "Cosmic Perception" from Zephyrus, a magical skill for starry sky exploration, Yu Lian had directly occupied the position of navigator in the past few days, and had a great time trying out every move.

Of course, on a small ship like the Bus Street, the captain and pilot are often the same person, so there is no problem of one of the crew members being sad if their job is taken away.

It must be admitted that since it is a top-level psychic technique called "Cosmic Perception", the user experience it brings to Yu Lian is completely unmatched by the "Void Consciousness Perception" in his previous life. In Yu Lian's open perception, the vast universe is like the most perfect three-dimensional geometric diagram. The intersection of the gravity of the planet and the radiation of the universe that are invisible to the naked eye is completely composed of the simplest connections of points and lines.

In those intuitive geometric figures, although the vast and lonely universe is vast, it seems that all the secrets are no longer hidden. As a result, Yu Lian was always able to find the most perfect and labor-saving channel. Because of this, he was probably able to put some distance between himself and Giaphiel, who was pursuing her.

In my previous life, I was "cruising", that is, the opposite star ring of "exploring". There are still many similarities between the two. I also systematically studied the knowledge of the navigator, and I knew that in this technology tree In a twisted world, a navigator with extraordinary abilities is better than a clumsy and dull computer. The new routes were created step by step by psionic adventurers with extraordinary intuition driving small boats and narrowly escaping death. Only those merchant ships that run fixed routes rely on navigation computers to run fixed routes.

In short, Yu Lian, who has experience in this field, knows that the "exploration" star ring is really impossible to fight, and there are no psychic techniques directly used in combat below the fifth ring. However, in this area, psychics can indeed hone themselves through continuous exploration and find a special path of extraordinary practice.

Of course, other star rings can also be played in this way, but it is not as intuitive as "exploration". Anyway, during this period of time, Yu Lian felt very good. He was swimming in the three-dimensional geometric patterns formed by the universe, and felt that he was about to realize the Great Way to Heaven. In this state, it should be possible to prepare for a breakthrough in the fifth ring.

As a master who doesn't take the ordinary path, of course, to break through to the fifth ring, he must prepare the ceremony in the virtual environment. However, all this has to wait until he escapes from the empire.

However, what surprised Yu Lian was that among the friends in the entire team, the one who had the fastest upgrade was not Yu Lian or Feifei, but the one named Fulers.

In the process of everyone's escape, every time he passed through a galaxy, Severus would be more or less injured - after all, he had to pass through the gravity well through the body, even with the shield provided by Fei Fei, It was impossible to completely avoid the damage, so Yu Lian had to rely on Yu Lian's "Touch of Life" to work hard to get it back every time.

However, every time the Titanium Dragon is brought back, both the strength of its limbs and the spiritual fluctuations will become stronger, and even the silver-gray scales will become darker. By the time everyone jumped to the Gray Wind 07 galaxy, they were not even injured.

"So, are you really a Saiyan?" Yu Lian had indeed never seen a Titanium Dragon of this genus, and had never even heard of it in his previous life. He was immediately surprised: "There must be something fishy in this. What do you think? ?”

"You ask me? I'm just a planet developer! Although I have worked with psykers, I don't know anything about dragons." Uncle Maozi shrugged: "For this kind of thing, boss, you should go to the alliance's big library Look for it. There should be records in the Infinite Library, right?"

I also know the key, how many levels can I get? That place is the most important cooperation project between the Curators Association and the Bei family, and most of the information in it can even be regarded as a letter of submission submitted by the association to seek refuge with the alliance.

Uncle Ginsu, who worked for the imperial military and also did short-term guard work for noble lords, said: "I have heard that the eight dragon species raised by the imperial royal family are not actually the rarest and most powerful war in the universe. A fantasy beast, why was it chosen by the Dawn Royal Family, and why was it regarded as a totem by the Tireluo people?"

Because their obedience and discipline are very good! Although food is expensive, it is not so scarce that it would pose a financial burden. Combat effectiveness and IQ are also at a balance point with the highest cost performance.

"I heard a certain Li Bo'an say that potential individuals among the eight starry sky dragon species may evolve special spiritual-like talents, and continue to see self-breakthroughs, eventually becoming more divine beings."

"Does that mean you can advance to a higher level like you psychics?" Uncle Maozi asked curiously.

"Of course, in the final analysis, it's just hearsay." Terrabi adventurer said.

"It's not hearsay, it's true. Similar situations are recorded in our ancient Meiya mythology... I used to think it was just some primitive ancient documents that the gods talked about. But now that I think about it more carefully, it is clearly a scene of the evolution of phantom beasts. . If everyone hadn’t chosen this way, it would have been better if Amiya was here, she would definitely be able to explain it more clearly.” It was Agnes who spoke, and her face now looked annoyed that she was such a scumbag.

In short, the fact is that after escaping from the Angel of Dawn, Severus awakened the attributes of the Saiyans, and from then on became a titanium dragon with the aura of the protagonist. Of course, this is not important now. What is important is that raising dragons is indeed a troublesome matter. In addition, Titanium Dragon is also a carbon-based creature after all. In addition to its own characteristics as a spiritual fantasy beast, it needs to absorb a lot of heavy metals to maintain the strength of its bone scales, but it also needs normal carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

The last time I saw this guy, it was even using zero elements as supplies.

In addition, the relationship between the star dragon population and the universe is like that of whales to the ocean. Although they can swim in the universe for a long time, they occasionally need to find a place with oxygen to breathe fresh air.

All in all, after escaping for three days, although I did get rid of Gia Feier, because of such an extra "teammate" outside the budget, the ship was originally enough for everyone to use supplies for two or three months. I'm afraid it's only a week. Can't even support it. This is not even enough for everyone to run to the Gate of Glory.

Of course, Yu Lian was not worried at all about this.

"I don't know what the battle situation in the Modan Galaxy is like. However, I estimate that the chances of the Predators winning are very slim, and there will definitely be many enemy ships retreating from the battlefield. Whether they want to escape back to the center of the galaxy, or If we find a way to flee to the Gate of Glory and meet up with the main force of the Elor people, there is a high possibility that they will pass by here. Therefore, we only need to find an opportunity to destroy one or two enemy ships that have been defeated by the predators and rob them. Just supplies.”

The friends looked at each other, and then, except for Feifei, everyone looked depressed, wanting to complain but not knowing where to start. After a while, Agnes hesitated and said: "...I heard , the predators don’t have small battleships, the smallest ones are heavy cruisers?”

"To be exact, it's a small fire-breathing ship. You can think of it as a heavy cruiser with enhanced firepower. Of course, if you include the assault landing craft, there are still quite a few small predator ships." Yu Lian shrugged.

Of course, that thing is not so much a ship as a larger fighter gunboat, and it also has extremely enhanced collision and troop transport functions. It has no jump ability, and even the endurance level during normal cruise at sublight speed is hard to describe.

"The thing that the plunderers seem to be lacking the most is food..." Mr. Ginsu, an experienced old mercenary of Terrabi, muttered, with a look of dismay on his face.

"Yes, the most powerful business I have ever done so far was to exchange a bunch of breadfruit seeds for a large box of gold bars from a black gang that acted as a second-hand dealer for looters." Experience. Mr. Ustinov, the equally rich old adventurer, is very proud.

"Then you lost everything in the casino of the Toss Golden Ship." Mr. Ustinov's wife, Mrs. Dasha, sneered. This is a tall and cool woman with gray eyes and short silver hair. She is already over forty, but her appearance, figure and physical fitness are all well maintained. She is the kind of woman who can be directly cast into a movie to play a cool woman. Type of killer. She was a very good coxswain and mechanic, and also had a good shot.

"Then I was disappointed and met you in the golden ship!" Mr. Ustinov laughed.

Yu Lian guessed that no one wanted to see a ninety-year-old uncle and aunt spreading dog food, so he said: "Look, aren't we all quite skilled? The looters are certainly short of food, but the soldiers on the front line are Basic rations are still available. That’s what we can deal with.”

Feifei asked back: "What if we wait for a while and still don't find the looters' defeated army passing by?"

"Anyway, I plan to stay for six hours. First, I will find the signal source that Severus said. If there is no prey by then, then I will go directly to the battlefield in the Modan system. I can't find any plunder. Or, you should be able to find some supply ships from the empire, right?" Yu Lian's tone was very confident, and then he felt that the reaction of the friends around him was a little silent, so he said angrily: "What's wrong? We can't even elect an emperor. The Titan ships have been blown up, so what if we hijack one or two supply ships? As long as we don’t make too much trouble, the nobles of the empire may have to pinch their noses and praise us for being good thieves."

"It was you who blew it up, not us..." Agnes muttered in a voice that only she could hear, and then she saw Feifei looking at her with a half-smile.

"What, what's wrong?"

"You seem to be able to recognize some of the long soul sound emitted by Severus. I am coordinating its sound with the signal fluctuations of the sefirot. As long as I can connect, I can convert the sephiroma into electromagnetic waves. The simulated voiceprint signal is then communicated directly. In this way, the fish does not need to rely on mental communication to translate, which can save a lot of time."

You do know that you feel sorry for men, but I can’t even understand the long string of words you said before!

The Gumeiya girl, who had only received compulsory education in public schools, looked confused, but she really didn't dare not go.

Afterwards, everyone got busy. Uncle Maozi and Uncle Catman took their team and sailed to the nearest deserted uninhabited planet, and then found an unmanned mineral factory on an orbit covered with stardust.

There are less than ten guard robots in the mining factory, and they are all very old models. They can be wiped out without any damage in three hits, five by two, and two. Like all the billions of unmanned mines scattered in this galaxy, it is actually an automated management device that directs the automated mines on the unmanned planet to carry out mining and initial refining work according to a predetermined level.

Empire staff usually sail over every two months to perform regular maintenance and take away the refined metal.

Most of the warehouses in space contain common metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum. Although they cannot be used to repair the armor of the ship's outer shell, they can at least be polished into some necessary parts. In addition, there was also a small amount of silver and gold, which were naturally accepted by the friends.

In addition, there are some unrefined titanium ores, which are already necessary materials in the aviation field, but cannot be refined by simple automatic smelting equipment. It needs to be brought manually to the factory behind for professional processing.

Of course there is no equipment in Fujie Street to turn these titanium-containing ores into titanium alloys, but they can be used to feed dragons. Since they are already called Titanium Dragons, as the name suggests, they should be edible.

In short, Severus chewed the titanium ore in the warehouse like a jelly bean, and then seemed to regain a little energy.

"Ooooooooooh!" He tried to communicate with Yu Lian mentally.

"You mean, let me go that way with you?" Yu Lian asked. He couldn't understand what Long said, so he could only guess while feeling it.

"Oh, in which direction is the signal source you captured?"

Titanium Dragon nodded and said: "Hulu, kaaaaa..."

This time the other party's words contained too much information, and Yu Lian was confused for a while. Fortunately, Feifei had already connected the source wave receiver to the electromagnetic wave decoder at this time, and through Agnes's translation, a certain amount of direct dialogue could be carried out.

"Zefulus means that the source of the signal is behind the fiery red lava planet in the distance. You can go and have a look." Feifei said: This is not very common sense. If it is the empire's deep space probe and signal relay device, it should not be placed in this place. "

Indeed, whether it is a lava planet or a gas giant planet, its unstable geological structure will inevitably bring about extremely unstable magnetic field changes, which directly affects the power of signal propagation and the service life of equipment. The Imperial Army is almost the most professional military group in the galaxy and should not make such amateurish mistakes.

Now that such a strange situation has occurred, it should not be missed. Everyone drove the boat and cautiously approached the lava planet. When they entered its gravity capture range, even the second-hand military radar on the Fujie No. 1 also captured the unknown signal.

Yu Lian didn't worry about the battery, he turned on the second-hand shield generator on the ship, and ordered the rest of his friends to prepare for battle, asking the Pujie to slow down and press the battle from behind. He put on the heraldic machine, rode the titanium dragon and flew in the direction of the signal.

By this time, he himself had noticed a faint signal, so he once again determined that the so-called "cosmic perception" should be the power that human psykers get from the Leviathans in space.

Ten minutes later, Yu Lian rode Zephyrus along the source of the signal and finally found a cylindrical object floating in space orbit. The main body of its body is about three to four meters in length, with four transparent flat plates about the same length as the cylindrical body spread out. At first glance, it looks like a primitive satellite used by an elementary space civilization that has just stepped out of its home star.

However, such a primitive-looking facility was releasing super-light signals that spread for hundreds of light-years.

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