Him and their stars

Chapter 770 What did the friends do?

Perhaps feeling that Yu Lian's expression was close to mocking him, Mr. Wood added: "I personally think that the Governor should be able to raise around 1 billion special military expenditures for the headquarters within two months. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

This number is not something you made up on the spot, right? Yu Lian looked at Mr. Wood with suspicion and said, "Blue Star Shield?"

"No, Alliance Beacon." Mr. Wood said: "I can be sure that your Excellency the Governor's trip will be successful."

To put it bluntly, this billion is the money to buy his life.

You know, as a colonial governor, you have the responsibility to defend the territory. If you escape during the battle, you will definitely have to go to a military court even if you successfully escape back to your homeland. Yang Xiyi could kill him on the spot without even returning to his hometown.

But if you get an order from the Defense Command to return to your homeland to raise military funds, that's another matter.

Yu Lian couldn't help but marveled. This is already a huge amount of money that can buy three or four rangers. You know, the friends of the Thirteenth Fleet went to No Man's Sky to hunt for treasures and dig graves for half a year, and they only got more than two billion. Of course, these were the ancient technologies that were dug up. The products and gorgeous alchemy items have not yet been appraised.

"I didn't know that Mr. Jiang still had such resources."

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for him as a governor to come up with so much cash for the billion. He should exchange interests with his "friends". But doesn't this also show that he does still have some energy in his hometown.

Why would such a person go to the New World colonies to become a member of parliament, and what kind of governor would he be?

"It's easy to draw on white paper. This truth is not only understood by you East Asians." Wood said with a smile: "Governor Jiang was originally the son of a wealthy businessman in New Rome, but because he was the youngest, he did not receive any support from his family. , if you want to stay in the country, you can only start from the grassroots level of the company, and then receive 2,000 blue star coins per month for living expenses provided by the family fund."

Yu Lian wanted to exclude the psyker subsidy. My official salary as a colonel was just this, which was actually enough to easily provide a comfortable life for at least a family of five in the most expensive city in the country.

"Mr. Governor took the initiative to go to Xinyumen. He opened a farm and a mining company, and then became a member of the parliament. Originally he just wanted to do business, but he didn't expect that by chance, he would reach this point." said At this point, Mr. Wood shrugged: "Most of the big shots we stand on the stage actually have such a past. But when they get to the stage, they will always have some unrealistic ideas. In comparison, Mr. Governor He is already a very good leader. At least he is pragmatic. In the past two years in Xinyumen, he has indeed carried out fruitful cooperation with local companies. Now, the population of Xinyumen has exceeded 2.5 million. Well. Tulon Port has also expanded a lot, and the population has exceeded one million."

Well, if it were normal times, this could certainly be regarded as a political achievement, but here, Yu Lian only felt a headache.

Of course, Governor Jiang could go from Governor of New Yumen to District Governor in two years, and it is unjustifiable without some political achievements. As a result, he established a relationship with the local wealthy people, which is indeed reasonable.

"I understand the intentions of you and His Excellency the Governor. Don't worry, I will issue this report... However, without the leadership of you and His Excellency the Governor, New Yumen will be in chaos! Our military has changed its policy again. Who will take over these matters?”

Mr. Wood opened his mouth slightly, but he quickly switched to a personable business smile, covering up his suddenly rising blood pressure and resentment: "You really know how to tell jokes. The government affairs situation in Xinyumen, Haven’t they all been taken over by your department…your comrades?”

Although Mr. Wood is very good at acting, Yu Lian still easily felt the other party's sadness and said quickly: "Although there are only two of us here, we can sue you for libel for talking nonsense. I am just a soldier. I just last month." Arriving in the New World and not even knowing what happened there yet.”

"But aren't you the president of the youth club?" Wood laughed.

"Youth clubs... are all called clubs. You can imagine what kind of groups they are. There are at least one or two hundred small political groups in the army. But young people, if they don't support politics, can they still be called young people? " Yu Lian shrugged.

"Hahahaha, Marshal Victoria Li said the same thing when she established the Lion Heart Club. Isn't your current Young Officers Club 2.0 developed on the basis of the Lion Heart Club?"

Yu Lian said no more.

"Colonel, there are only two of us here. What I have to say is that our civil service system was established in the imperial era. Our job is actually to keep the country's train running on the established track. In this regard, I But they are much more sensitive than the high-ranking politicians. I really don’t know what your comrades are doing, but I know that this train is going to float soon. However, even you, maybe only in the New World, Or maybe this is the only way to operate in a remote area like Rumina."

So what did they do? Could you please stop being the Riddler?

"Mr. Wood, are you going to report it when you get back? Report my ambition and evil intentions?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

He believed that Mr. Wood would not. As a good bureaucrat, pretending that nothing happened until something happens is a traditional skill. Moreover, if he really wanted to report it, he would not come here to tell him whether or not he did.

Do you really think that I, the God’s Chosen Champion, can’t kill people or silence them?

At this time, the old bureaucrat showed a harmless smile: "I will retire in more than ten years. This time I followed my leader in embarrassment and fled back to my homeland from the New World..."

Yu Lian corrected him: "I'm going back to help raise funds for the front line."

Mr. Wood was slightly startled, and for the first time there was gratitude in his eyes: "Yes, I will go back to my hometown to raise money... But even with your proof, I don't have to go to court, but my future in the civil service will be ruined. I will probably be assigned to another remote star region in the future and spend the rest of my life. In that case, I will just wait for retirement, so why bother?"

"Hey, isn't the duty of your civil service system to prevent trains from derailing? Don't you have any fighting spirit or responsibility?" Yu Lianqi said.

"So, if a system is too strict, once you join, you will only do things according to instinct. But how much affection and responsibility we have for this train, hahahaha, do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it." Yu Lian smiled.

"Yes, I don't believe it either. It's just that the job pays well, is decent, and is stable and won't be fired. In the final analysis, it's just a job." Mr. Wood sighed, and then revealed his face again A hint of smile: "I have prepared all the government approval documents you need. The seal box is in the second drawer of the bookcase on the left side of my office. I have not locked it. If you need anything else, just write one. .”

Wait, what kind of approval is it?

"In addition, the shares of Xin Yumen Spice Trading left by Mr. Ducasse after his death...the Governor will agree to Red Star Investment Company's acceptance. However, you'd better pay off the payment within one year. This way the accounts I’m good at it.”

So, what did the Red Star Institute do again? What is the relationship with Xinyumen Spice Trading Group? That company claims to be a trading company, but in fact it monopolizes nearly 30% of the mining and production of Xinyumen spices and mines.

The man named Ducas owns the largest share of the company and is also the richest man in Xinyumen.

I remember that in the previous life, after the New Jade Gate fell into the hands of the empire, that guy transformed into an imperial noble, flaunting his power every day like a pheasant with a peacock tail.

What's the matter, this character who fully interpreted the gold belt of murder and arson in the previous timeline is so dead?

"...These are just the deposits paid to you by your Excellency the Governor. Although he does not like the operations of your subordinates, he admits that they have brought him a lot of political achievements. If the plunderers had not invaded this time, he would have I really want to continue to cooperate with you. Hey, this is really God’s will!” Mr. Bernard Wood also showed a regretful expression.

Yu Lian could tell that the other party was sincere this time.

So, my subordinates... well, let’s call them my subordinates. What did those guys do?

At this time, Mr. Wood bowed to Yu Lian and prepared to leave. Looking at the back of the other party who had not lost his demeanor and grace even at this moment, Yu Lian couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and said by mistake: "Mr. Bernard, after the fundraising work is completed, are you going to return to Earth to report on your work?"

Mr. Wood stopped and turned around. Although he didn't understand why the other party asked this obvious question, he still smiled and nodded.

"So, how about applying to be transferred to work in the New China Star District? After all, you are a senior civil servant. Even if you have made some mistakes, but now you take the initiative to apply for transfer to a remote place like New China, your superiors should respect it. It’s your decision.”

Mr. Wood certainly hadn't thought about that. However, after a brief moment of daze, his head started spinning rapidly.

Yu Lian smiled again and said: "Then, you can also partner with a socialite who has never had political experience. I have heard that civil servants like this kind of leader the most!"

Bernard Wood quickly understood what Yu Lian meant: "You mean, Qi, uh... I'm sorry, I lost my temper a little."

Mr. Qi intends to participate in the election of the New China Sector Governor as an independent candidate. With Mr. Wood's connections as a senior civil servant, although he is not in the local area, he can still hear some news.

Of course, precisely because he was not in the country, he did not receive the news that Mr. Qi was already forming a party.

The general election in the New China Star District has not started yet, but the other party looks determined to win. If it had been anyone else, Mr. Wood might have laughed at him, but if it had been Mr. Qi Bingwen and Yu Lian standing behind him, he would have had a different attitude.

He paused for a few seconds and bowed to Yu Lian again: "Then, please... please bear with me, Mr. Qi."

Yu Lian looked at Mr. Wood's back getting on the elevator at the end of the garden, feeling somewhat respectful. After all, he is a veteran of the civil service system, and his level of harmony is very high, but it is indeed rare to have such courage. In another timeline, it is no wonder that at the age of ninety-eight, he can still serve as the caretaker prime minister of the breakaway Republic of Terra.

You can't count on this kind of character's integrity, but as long as you can keep an eye on him, you can still count on his abilities.

Fortunately, Mr. Qi's team of secretaries is now in charge of Lao Tan, and they can count on their ability and integrity, but overall they are still a bit younger, so they need an old bureaucrat like Mr. Wood.

Yu Lian was very satisfied with his smooth arrangement and was ready to return to the banquet hall. However, he still doesn't understand what his friends are doing in Xinyumen.

So, after returning to the banquet hall, Yu Lian first said hello to Mr. Governor, drank wine, and exchanged a tacit smile. Then he found Feifei: "So, what did they do? ? That guy Hachiman is making a conspiracy, right?"

"You're wrong, Yu'er." Feifei said with a smile: "The one who made the decision this time was actually Major Vayali, and he was also the one who carried out the specific execution. Captain Qiu Mingshan just checked for omissions and filled up the vacancies, and by the way did something he was good at. .”

"Simon?" The boy who was born in a soy sauce shop has always been in good spirits since he joined the youth club. He would also send himself a long email every month, which was about what he saw, heard, and thought when he was serving in the Thirteenth Fleet, in the mainland, in the New World colonies, and in the annihilated pirate lairs. Thoughts.

Yu Lian feels that thinking is a characteristic of smart people, and smart people tend to become stupid easily. As long as they are free, they will always answer each other's questions.

Of course, there are some issues that he can't actually come to a conclusion on, so he will definitely make it clear that this is just his family's opinion.

...So, when did the child's style of painting change?

"When Major Vayali arrived at Xinyumen with the fleet, he applied for secondment to the Tulong Security Command to prepare to train a stormtrooper team composed of local people." Feifei said.

"Oh..." Mobilizing local people to defend their homes and country is also a traditional operation of traditional generals. Of course, the reason why it is traditional is that it is really easy to use.

"Then he thought about it again and felt that the total population of Xinyumen is only more than two million, and even if New Lushun is added, it is still less than five million. Among them are a large number of refugees who cannot make it in the mainland, gold diggers and people who want to make a fortune. There are bounty hunters, and even ruffians and gangsters. The quality of the soldiers is really hard to describe.”

Indeed, the best sources of troops must be farmers and industrial workers, while the aggressive gangsters and people in the gray area must be the worst.

"So, Major Wayali recruited some young adults from the sand people and formed two stormtrooper regiments."

Yu Lian hesitated to speak, but still didn't say anything.

"Later, he felt that if the Thirteenth Fleet continued to expand, what was lacking was not ships and stormtroopers, but well-trained crews. But this did not happen overnight. Just as it happened, our Red Star Office led Along with the engineers of the Red Maple Factory and the team of New China Heavy Industry, they were preparing to put into operation the optical rail factory and the ship material processing factory in Xinyumen, which required a large number of laborers. Major Vayali asked the Governor's Office to designate a piece of land on the outskirts of Tulong. , built a junior college that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of students at one time."

Of course, with a size of hundreds of thousands, it cannot be prepared for the mere two million immigrants from the earth. It must be prepared for the sand people.

"The Governor's Office actually approved it?"

"Of course it's approved, because this is a great political achievement! Sand people have begun to study in colleges on Earth. This is the first step to integrate into Earth's civilization! This is also the first step to the long-term stability of the colonies in the New World!"

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