Him and their stars

Chapter 771 The world has changed without you realizing it?

Even though he said that, Yu Lian always felt that there was still a bit of evil in it. As Mr. Bernard Wood said, the job of their civil service is to keep the train from derailing. Out of instinct, they will do their best to prevent any changes beyond their cognitive scope.

A huge technical college is built on the outskirts of Tulon, and it will recruit a large number of Shaman technicians. What kind of problems this will bring will definitely exceed the imagination of the Governor's Palace.

"Actually, this is quite easy to solve." Feifei said with a smile: "Mr. Bernard Wood's eldest son runs a small engineering company locally. When we expanded the insect catching machine factory in New China, we gave them a contract. Of course, the information here was collected by Akinayama-san.”

As a result, the Tulon Technical College was established and soon filled up with students. Among them, there are only 20,000 young people immigrating to Earth, and the other 100,000 are sand people. Of course, there are currently far insufficient teachers for professional courses. For example, students in schools start with language and primary education, which can be learned through teaching robots.

"The sand people are really here too?" Yu Lian was really shocked.

Two years ago, they were still saying "Sand people will never be slaves", and they were still gathering an army of two million to besiege Tulong! Elder Brownsen, the spiritual leader of the sand people, and Kaz Khan, the future leader, both died in their own hands... The latter one did not become famous, but it can be ignored.

In addition, after all, this place is far away from the mainland, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Mine bosses and farmers from all walks of life are also more unscrupulous.

All in all, the relationship between the earth and the sand people may not have reached the point of a blood feud, but the relationship with the earth's colonial government is at least indifferent.

"Of course, most people are waiting and watching, even the tribes and city-states that were originally relatively friendly to the Governor's Mansion. Only a few thousand students were found in the first month of school. So Major Wayali personally led the attack He conquered several sand people city-states."

"Attack, attack...has the Governor's Palace approved it?"

"The Governor's Mansion cannot control the Thirteenth Fleet, and Governor Jiang was inspecting New Port Arthur during the attack. In addition, these city-states were all participants in the Tulong Incident a few years ago, and Qiu Mingshan had already collected sufficient information. The evidence proves that they are still colluding with foreign forces. It is only natural for us to suppress the rebellion."

Most of the tribes and city-states that attacked Tulong, nomadic tribes, have been trapped in the vast grasslands and sand seas, and have become horse bandits, becoming copies of various bounty hunters to gain records and money. On the other hand, the princes of the city-states who originally settled there just fled back to their strongholds and shivered.

However, at that time, the Governor's Palace was dealing with a series of consequences after the Tulong incident, so it paid no attention to these guys. After a period of trepidation, they carefully tested the Governor's Mansion and presented a large sum of money.

The Governor's Mansion really dared to accept it, and the princes of the sand people felt that they could support themselves again, and they felt relieved from then on. But what they never expected was that the Governor's Palace let them go, but the Thirteenth Fleet did not.

"Major Wayali killed all the princes and nobles with black scales, red scales and white scales, but also freed all the slaves and oppressed civilians. Among them, he selected some who had a certain foundation in reading and writing, and who were not so interested in us. A young man with great resentment... Haha, in fact, when he killed the princes and nobles, the ordinary civilians had no resentment towards us at all."

yes! Before the arrival of the earth, the civilization process of the sand people had just reached the era of city-states and nomads, and had just produced rudimentary writing and social systems. It was far from the point where nationalism could be born.

However, for these ordinary sand people, most of whom have never left their cities, the oppression of the people on earth has no intuitive impression, but the whips of their own gentlemen can be felt with physical pain every day.

The dried corpses of slave workers hanging on the wall were also made by the masters.

No matter how hard-working the earth's miners and farmers are, their food and appearance are still much better than those of the Sand People themselves.

As for the hatred of hundreds of thousands of the same people who died in Tulon, after all, most sand people do not have the concept of compatriots. They now feel that the people on Earth are pretty good. If we don't cause trouble, the people on Earth won't do anything. Those unlucky ones who died were the result of listening to the deceptions of these noble lords!

"Just like that, in the second month of school, we had 10,000 students."

This amount is remarkable. With the productivity of the city-state era, even if they could occasionally obtain industrial products and books from this side of the earth, if a young man born in an ordinary family could read and write, he would definitely be the best among children of the same class.

"After another month, we will be full of students..." Feifei added.

Yu Liandao: "I know, these are students sent by those friendly city-states and tribes, right? They should all be children of nobles. They were still waiting and watching before, but they can't do it anymore. If they still have to wait, I will be in the Governor's Mansion. There is no influence left.”

Feifei smiled and nodded, then said: "I dream that one day, on the Red Mountain of Wolfgang Star, the son of Wolfgang Gladiator will be able to sit down with the son of Star Knight and share the friendship of comrades."

"I have a dream that one day, even the Helok Sector and the Symoe Sector, two places where justice has disappeared and oppression is rampant, will become oases of justice and peace."

"I have a dream that one day, a poor young Razakai will live in a universe where they will be judged not by their race, but by the quality of their character. They are not born to be Tirero. Servants and servants may also become scholars, engineers, and artists.”

Although Feifei's narration was full of emotions, Yu Lian's goosebumps suddenly rose, and it felt a bit like a large-scale social death scene.

"No matter what Yu'er's state of mind was when he said this, I think at least Wayali really listened to it." Feifei smiled and said, "And it was actually implemented. Did Qiu Mingshan listen to it?" I don’t know what went in, but he at least had a good time, and that’s how the story turned out.”

Yu Lian felt a little ashamed of himself for a while, feeling that all his friends were purer than him.

"What else? In those city-states, the princes and nobles have been killed. What will happen to the remaining civilians and liberated slaves? Don't tell me that they can manage themselves."

Again, the problem is that in this era, working people at the lower levels rarely have the opportunity to receive education. The reason why they are oppressed by the masters is not because they are born this way, but because they have no choice, or in other words, they do not even have the concept of choice.

"This is the next step." Feifei smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that a new factory jointly funded by Red Star Investment Company, New China Heavy Industry, and Hongfeng Factory has been built?"

"Yes, it seems to be a huge metallurgical base. If all the plans are formed, it will be a replica of another red maple factory. I got the money from Yani...the money I got from Miss Bei. You guys really jumped in without blinking an eye."

"To be precise, the metallurgical base is to provide support for the ship material and mechanical processing base. There are so many ores, such good natural conditions, and so many labor forces here in Xinyumen. It would be a shame not to use them! In short, The processing plant will be placed on the seaside in Yumen, on the plain about 100 kilometers away from Tulong. As for the metallurgical plant, it will be placed at the foot of Mount Kililuo, not far from the valley where the fish fled last time. There are high-quality Iron ore and copper mines. However, in this way, basic transportation facilities should be built."

At this moment, it was still 9pm standard time in the New Lushun Star Port, but it was exactly 10am in the New Yumen, more than 300 light-years away.

On the rugged hilly terrain between Mount Kililuo, the highest in Xinyumen, and the plain outside Tulon City, hundreds of thousands of sand laborers formed two long snakes that snaked beyond the horizon. They stood face to face, wearing strange steel-framed gloves on their hands, holding impact hammers tightly and hitting the ground continuously.

A young human with tanned skin stood on the bed of a nearby truck, holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Listen to my orders! One! Two! Smash!"

Following his orders, the sand laborers pounded the ground with hammers. The impact power hammer is like a crude version of a road roller, constantly punching the undulating ground into a smooth road surface.

The chant shouted by the human youth was in Earth language. Although it was simple, the workers nearby understood it, and the movements were neat and rhythmic, like a machine. In other words, even better than machinery. At least it is impossible for a machine to feel so hot.

Among these two long queues of sand people workers, there were hundreds of people like him who were shouting slogans and commanding them. There were humans like him, and there were also Rumina people with four arms and carapace on their backs. .

The Rumina people have the attribute of "relocating to their homeland". This must be the first batch of Lumina workers to come to the New World since the birth of this nation. However, after a short adaptation period, they still hung up the carapace humidifier and entered into the hot work.

The surface of this hilly area is very rugged, making it difficult for large machinery to drive in. Of course, they can also use engineering robots with flight and anti-gravity functions to work, but then the cost will be out of control.

Fortunately, under the guidance of humans and Lumina engineers, although the sand laborers still felt dull, they did a good job in these mechanical labors.

After nearly a month and hours of hard work, the ten-kilometer-long ground was finally leveled. Immediately afterwards, another group of workers entered the site with tools and began to reinforce the road surface. They also wear strange steel-framed gloves.

This is another flagship product of Red Star Office, the Worker 5 work exoskeleton that has been officially put into production. Low cost and good performance. It allows each worker to exert more than twice the strength of his original body when using his upper limbs to work, without spending too much physical energy.

Now, the Worker Type 5 has been sold to the Alliance, and is being entrusted to the Alliance's famous Hearth Industries for production. The annual agency fees alone are calculated in hundreds of millions.

The dark-skinned young man breathed a long sigh of relief, jumped out of the truck and checked the smoothness of the road. He was quite satisfied with everyone's work. He patted the cyan-scaled Sand Miner foreman next to him and laughed, "Extra meal tonight!"

The sandman was startled for a moment, then flopped down on the ground.

"I told you not to kneel down at all times, I am not your new master!" The young man shouted helplessly, and he raised the sand people with all his strength, and gestured with his hands and feet: "Extra food today! Extra food, eat meat. …Meat, do you understand?”

The other party should be able to understand the word "meat", and he immediately smiled, as if he was lying down and kowtowing, but was supported by the young man.

"I told you not to kneel! You are an honorable worker, so who are you kneeling to?"

The foreman of the Sha Min did not understand and looked confused.

The young black man let out a helpless hey. Just as he was thinking about how to tell the other party such a complicated matter, he heard a burst of footsteps in the distance. If it were human footsteps, the sound couldn't be this heavy and oppressive, it would be more like a heavy robot.

"Has the big guy from the mainland arrived?"

The young man also looked at it with a smile, and quickly jumped on the roof of his dump truck, looking towards the direction of the sound. Then he saw a group of people wearing power mechas appearing from behind the hills, and the marching team kept marching. After climbing over the hillside and the ditch, we passed right outside the construction site.

On normal days, when ordinary sand people see earthlings wearing military power armor, they will either hide in the soil like lizards, or kneel down and tremble. But now, these workers just made way for each other. Although they still flinched, at least they did not run away, and they even dared to stay away and look at this scene like a zoetrope.

This is probably because of the five hundred or so people who came here, only half were humans, and the other half were sand people.

The power armor worn by the sand people is not a military product with military armor and supporting firepower. It is more like a hand-made exoskeleton, which always looks a bit wasteland. However, each of the running Sand Soldiers felt like an interstellar knight wearing a heraldry machine, and their energy was even higher than that of their Earth comrades next to them.

"Run! Run! The Imperial Panzergrenadiers wearing power armor can march two hundred kilometers every day for a week, and then immediately go into battle! Even the stormtroopers can reach one hundred and fifty kilometers. I don't ask you to reach the grenadier level. The standard of the bombardier, but how can it be defeated by the stormtroopers?" A young earthling who did not wear power armor but only wore a sports suit ran on the side of the team. While running, he kept encouraging everyone: "Run! Run! Look! Look at the folks around you, think about your current life, it’s up to you to protect it all!”

Tsk, it’s not a machine sent from the mainland! The young supervisor curled his lips in dissatisfaction, sat down and wanted to take a nap on the roof of the car, but the leading young officer had already looked at him.

"Hi, Mr. Busca." The young man greeted loudly.

"Hi, Major Vayali." Mr. Busca, a young engineer at the Red Maple Factory, said helplessly: "You are really good at it. Do you still need to lead this kind of training yourself?"

"After all, I am a psyker. At least I am very confident in my physical strength." Simon Vayali stopped, took a few steps closer, and asked with a smile: "How is the progress of the project?"

"Mr. Summers has inspected it. If everything goes well, the light rails can be laid next month. Of course, the premise is that the materials are sent from China and no one disturbs the construction." Busca spread his hands and shrugged. Shrugging: "Tell me, how come I, a worker's son who has never left Lumina's hometown, somehow ended up on this planet two million light years away and started chewing sand?"

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