Him and their stars

Chapter 776 The worm eats the snake

Most of those who escaped were old pirates. They could be considered to have crossed the sea of ​​stars and had experienced a lot. I have seen creatures that can fly spiritually in space several times. They have also seen things that are more ferocious, more terrifying, and more sinister than that insect-egg-like thing.

But for some reason, when the pirates looked at the giant chrysalis parked not far away with their naked eyes, looked at the ferocious horns and arms and legs, and the purple light flowing between the gaps in the black carapace, they felt as if they were witnessing it directly. It seems like a concrete representation of the most terrifying and indescribable thing deep inside my heart.

Some people fainted on the spot, and some simply couldn't control themselves and screamed in panic.

Of course, that thing can be said to be an oversized insect chrysalis, but many pirates felt that it was clearly bigger than a giant egg that was pregnant with a great demon that was devouring the universe.

"Reinforcements?" A few bolder pirate leaders looked at their boss with trepidation.

"It's just reinforcements. It's natural if the gentlemen say so." Gru said with a straight face. Even if the opponent had already jumped out of the window of his flagship, he still showed no expression on his face, interpreting the tough guy's spirit of being inconvenienced by the collapse of Taishan Mountain almost perfectly.

Seeing the captain being so calm, the bolder pirate leaders also felt relieved. Looking at the two "big men" wearing black robes covering their heads and faces, they seemed to be very calm as well.

"Captain Gru, ask your subordinates to greet them." One of the men in black said in a gentle voice.

This big man in black is gentle in his dealings with others and has a very upright manner. The pirates all respectfully call him "Your Excellency Silver".

But how should we welcome it? The pirates looked at each other.

"Idiot, open the hangar door!" Another man in black shouted.

This boss was usually fierce, but just by looking at his behavior, he found out that he was a surly guy, so everyone called him "Master Yan" at the request of the group leader.

Although these two men in black were dressed sneakily and never showed up, they did not deliberately create an image of mystics for everyone. Overall, the Pirates still respect these two big men.

So some pirates actually went to open the hatch.

However, before the hatch at the back of the Guirong's belly opened, he saw the tip of the horn in front of the huge insect egg flash suddenly outside the porthole. Immediately afterwards, a thick purple-red beam shot out from there and headed directly towards the ship.

The minds of the pirate officers on the bridge went blank. It took seven or eight seconds for them to completely lose their minds. It was not until the ship they were on began to shake violently like an earthquake that they realized what had happened.

They suddenly realized that they were still alive.

...It can only be said that although the giant monster on the opposite side that looks like a demon egg spits out an attack that looks like a positron beam, its attack is indeed inaccurate. Even at such a close distance, it did not hit the bridge. Instead, it penetrated directly into the belly of the ship like a spear, and immediately triggered a series of explosions inside the ship.

"Is she crazy?" Lord Yin shouted.

"She must stop immediately!" Master Yan roared louder, like a wounded beast.

These two big men also lost their temper sometimes! the pirates thought.

This was also their last thought. Immediately afterwards, the chrysalis-like monster on the opposite side suddenly raised its long tentacles that reached more than a hundred miles away, and slammed towards it.

The tentacles covered with scales were like long whips covered with iron shells. They flexibly and powerfully tore open the outer armor of the bridge, and then easily shattered the second hull and the internal portholes.

The huge gap that appeared in the porthole sucked the air and them all into space. The sudden loss of pressure killed most people before the low temperatures in outer space froze their internal organs.

What the dead pirates didn't know was that when the two big men in black robes followed them out of the void, they casually threw away their black robes, revealing their close-fitting power armor and breathing masks that still covered their heads and faces.

They stayed on the pirate ship for a week, but they remained vigilant.

But even so, they never expected that the Leviathan opposite would suddenly attack.

Judging from the body shape and outline, Gin-dono should be a human being. He quickly used the suction of spiritual energy to take himself out of the airflow and landed on the hull of the ship. He then used spiritual energy to suck in another body, but it was none other than Gru, the leader of the pirate group.

However, the famous "Heart of the Ghost Tree", a head practitioner who could be ranked in the top ten on the Galaxy's Most Wanted Pirates list, has completely turned into a corpse. His strong body was like a balloon that had been popped. It deflated quickly and died completely.

"The head teacher should be able to sense it right away, right? What a pity, he has been training this actor for ten years, right?" Your Excellency Yin murmured and sighed.

"Take care of yourself first!" Master Yan also fell next to his companion. His body is relatively stout and stocky, and his head is huge and in the shape of an inverted triangle. He may be a Montmalo man:

Both of them were psykers with outstanding strength, and both wore advanced power armor and breathing equipment. They would not be killed immediately, but even so, they still felt lingering fears. When I finally stood on the hull of the ship and stabilized my body, I saw that the swarm Leviathan opposite had completely turned several other pirate ships into space junk, and was bombarding larger ships in the distance with energy beams condensed from its horns. That space maintenance platform.

By now, the pirates should not be dead, but they have already been frightened by the sudden sneak attack. Until this time, they have not even made any effective counterattack.

"...I know I can never trust this little monster!" Master Yan cursed through gritted teeth.

"But, didn't the 'past male' and the 'present lady' all say that she has formed an alliance with us?" Mr. Yin was a little hard to understand.

"It's Ms. Now's doctrine to form an alliance with her, and it's also the person on her end who is responsible for contacting her. Who knew... wait, it was that lady who contacted her?"

The two backbone thugs of the Snake Organization suddenly realized that there was actually some discord between the two top bosses in the organization "in the past" and "in the present". This is actually not much of a secret among the top leaders of the organization and their double red sticks.

The two of them looked at each other, and both felt that they had discovered something extraordinary.

"Yes, we must inform the past father-in-law immediately. That woman...that lady betrayed us!" His Excellency Yin said.

"No, the communication terminal was broken just now. Look at those..."

Lord Yan is talking about those flying objects that look like large floating insects that have been scattered in the surrounding airspace for some time. They were twisting and floating, their irregular skins were twitching and undulating, and their mentality was strange, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

"The flagella of amoeba? These things can shield gravitational wave signals." Mr. Yin said.

"As for the source wave..." As soon as Lord Yan said this, he wanted to give himself a slap in the face. This is a new world. Communication basically relies on shouting. What kind of instant messaging does it come from?

"However, Gru is dead. The leader should be able to guess what happened here."

But even if he knew, he would definitely be too late to save us. No, even if it was too late, he would definitely not come to save her.

Master Yan was about to say this when he felt his scalp numb and his vision was affected, as if dark clouds had blocked the sun.

The two looked up and saw more than a dozen monsters that looked like giant crabs. Each one was visually the size of a two-seater sublight speed interceptor or orbital bomber. They opened more than a dozen thick thighs and directed their blades, revealing their petal-like mouthparts, and spit out balls of light towards where the two of them were.

"Execution bug!" His Excellency Yin let out a cry that was almost a scream.

Unfortunately, in the universe, no one could hear his screams except for his companion who had a headset on the other side.

Those scarlet light balls then hit the hull around the two people like raindrops, continuously forming explosions. The high temperature and arc energy were constantly entangled and raging, forming a completely violent vortex.

If he were a mortal, his body would have been gone by now.

However, at the critical moment, Mr. Yin grabbed his companion, and a force field flashed to open a distance of more than 100 meters, thus avoiding the first round of bombing.

"She found us! Hurry, get back to the ship!" Lord Yan said to his companions.

He was naturally referring to the high-speed cruise ship he took when he came here. It was an exclusive vehicle for the organization's senior commissioners. Although it lacked armaments due to its size, it had strong protection, extremely fast speed, and a black-tech stealth system. As long as you can get on the ship, you should be able to escape even if you are blocked by the empire's large fleet.

Now, the ship is parked on the back side of the Guirong and is connected through a traffic bridge. It has not been involved in the explosion yet. However, if you don't go back cleanly, it will be a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Master Yan opened his hands and pushed towards the swarm of insects in the sky. Immediately afterwards, ion energy condensed out of thin air in the starry sky and turned into a deadly storm.

Seven or eight giant execution bugs were thought to have been torn apart by the lightning storm, and the rest were also injured and stopped attacking.

At that moment, the snake head that released large-scale psychic lightning was as majestic as a god. If this scene had happened ten minutes ago, the pirates would have worshiped his magical skills. Unfortunately, his attack was a little late after all. Although several bugs were killed, several lifeboats that had just escaped from the Guirong were also involved.

…We can only say that since the tragedy has happened, everyone still needs to work hard to move forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two psykers of the Snake Organization tried their best to retreat towards their ships as quickly as possible. At their current speed, it would only take about three to five seconds to get into the silver arc.

But at this moment, a bright beam of light struck again. It was like a large light blade, piercing directly into the armor of the Guirong, and then with a fierce pull, the second half of the pirate ship and the silver boat connected by the traffic bridge were all Caught within the scope of the light blade explosion.

The two snake leaders watched helplessly as the only means of transportation that could be born was completely destroyed, but they were unable to do anything and could only stand there for a while.

It wasn't until a tall and graceful woman appeared in their sight that the two regained a little bit of their sanity.

"Ah, she has grown up!" His Excellency Yin sighed.

"Disgusting little monster, such a thing should not exist in this universe..." Master Yan groaned through gritted teeth, as if every tooth squeezed out was disgust for this woman.

He calmed down and then shouted loudly: "Why do you want to sneak attack on us? You are asking for your own death!"

The woman let out a demonic and wild laugh. It is obviously in the universe and cannot transmit sound. However, her triumphant voice clearly penetrated the ears of the two senior members of the Snake Organization.

"Hahahahahaha! This is a reward! Silver Hand? Catastrophic Flame? Senior executive officer of World Serpent? You have chased me for most of the universe in the past few years. Aren't you very happy chasing me? Now I am myself Come, come and kill me! Haven’t you been waiting for this moment?”

These two people are naturally members of the "Snake of the World". They are the "senior executive officers" of the organization. To put it bluntly, they are high-level psychic thugs trained by the organization. In theory, they are the executors and frontline commanders of various evil and anti-social activities, rather than the management positions of the organization.

Even so, the authority level of these high-level executive officers is very high. They are just under the "Thirteen Faces" of the supreme leader, and they can be regarded as snake heads for the time being.

As for this woman, who could she be if she wasn't Charlie?

However, her current image is not exactly the same as when she faced the Great Khan and "Ms. Now", as if she had grown up by ten years. As a result, she transformed from a pure and lovely girl into a ferocious queen with a charming and cold appearance, but a formidable aura.

Silver Hand looked at the woman with a crazy face and felt that his momentum was completely suppressed. He couldn't help but said: "Is there any misunderstanding here? We are already allies."

"Misunderstanding? Hahahaha, I'm just here to accept my gift. You have another piece of Leviathan's Nest on your body, I smell it. Hufufufu..." The woman was still laughing.

"Yes, this is exactly why we are here. The Leviathan's Nest in our hands was originally prepared for you." Silver Hand continued to persuade patiently: "We just hope that you can act with us. , Cooperate with the head teacher..."

"Cooperating with you? Wow, hahaha, I can see it! You insects really don't have good intentions. They will definitely trick me into a remote galaxy, and they will be ambushing you all, right? I won't be fooled!"

"These are all orders from the past father-in-law, and they also represent the friendship of snakes. Young master, you should understand what this means?"

The queen of the swarm finally showed a thoughtful expression.

There is a door! Silverhand thought. You don’t want to be hunted down by the whole universe, right? That's right, I don't want to look for you all over the universe anymore.

He was about to strike while the iron was hot, but the master smiled wildly again: "But at that time, there was only one me! And, was it the friendship of the past father-in-law? After I shook hands with him, I shouldn't have gone back to look for myself. Are your hands still there?"

Silver Hand was startled. Intuitively, I told myself that there should be something else in the other person's words.

"Even if you kill us here, it's meaningless! Our companion is in the nearby star field, and he already knows the news about our attack."

"I'm not going to hide it!" the queen laughed.

Calamity Yan was too lazy to continue talking to each other, and shouted loudly: "Then come and fight! Aren't you the master of the insect swarm? Don't you represent the will of a swarm? Let me make you angry !”

Then, what answered him was another torrent of energy blasted out by the Leviathan giant insect.

At this time, Silver Hands and Calamity Flame realized that the woman in front of them was clearly a projection!

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