Him and their stars

Chapter 777 Everyone is confused

Since Charlie prioritized the evolution of the Leviathan warship, she chose speed and stealth. Therefore, Noda was a giant insect the size of a battle cruiser. It did not have a main gun, but was densely covered with hundreds of cannons. The horns that emit energy beams are only as powerful as destroyers. So, even though it was just a few pirate ships and a second-hand maintenance platform, it had been bombarded for so long and still not completely destroyed.

But even the destroyer-level firepower was already an unbearable pain for the two psykers. The torrent of light came in an instant, covering Silver Hand and Calamity Flame on the spot, and they were no longer visible in an instant.

Don't blame Charlie for not practicing martial ethics. After all, Silver Hand and Calamity Flame are both senior executive operators with exclusive code names, and are one of the double bonus sticks of the Snake Organization. Let’s put aside whether their heads are useful or not, at least their combat effectiveness cannot be faked.

After Charlie followed the predator fleet through the star gate, she broke through to the fourth ring in one fell swoop. His control over the insect swarm, his understanding of Leviathan's Nest, and his own hard power have all improved qualitatively. But even so, she had no confidence in winning against the two operators.

Fortunately, she suddenly remembered. She is the majestic leader of the insect swarm, and she is also a powerful woman with an army and a battleship!

If it were her before, she might actually jump down and fight those two guys to hone her fighting skills. However, in the past few years, she had not been beaten head-on by psychic masters many times, but she had been bombarded by battleships many times, and she had already awakened some special attributes.

"After suffering so many losses, even a paramecium should have a longer memory. If there is a chance in the future, I will prove to the entire universe that psykers are meaningless in the face of gunfire!"

In short, now that Xia Li has figured this out, the subsequent development will be a matter of course.

Continuous artillery fire was fired in that direction for several rounds, as if they were ready to completely blow the opponent into a paramecium before they could rest assured.

It must be admitted that the Guirong pirate ship is indeed the flagship that the great pirate Gru spent ten years making through various magical modifications. If nothing else, at least it is really tough. The main armor belts on the middle section and front end of the ship on both sides are the top priority of the transformation. The Guirong withstood seven or eight bombardments at almost the same position, trying hard to hold on until the internal explosion almost completely destroyed all the facilities on the ship, and then the hull reluctantly began to break.

The little master then made his Leviathan stop the bombardment. She released all the insect swarms that could fly in space from the belly of the "battleship", allowing them to freely clear out the fish that slipped through the net, collect all available resources on site, and then left the insect body.

Eight spider-like insect limbs nearly three meters long spread out from her back, pushing her body towards the broken pirate ship like a demon's bone wings.

Of course, you don't actually need wings to fly in the universe. The reason why you open them so wide is naturally to prevent fighting. Once any mishap occurs, she can switch into combat mode as quickly as possible. Every insect limb on her back is a sharp blade that can cut through alloy armor, and it can also create fireballs and discharge lightning. Naturally, it can be regarded as the most deadly weapon on her body.

A few minutes later, Charlie hovered a hundred meters away from the damaged battleship, pointing the sharp tip of the insect blade at the entanglement of energy that had not completely dissipated after the explosion, looking for the target.

After a few minutes, she immediately let out a scoff.

Behind the entanglement of dissipated energy, there is a silver hemisphere about three meters in diameter hidden. At first glance, it seems to be a defensive turret on the outside of the battleship. However, the appearance of ordinary spherical turrets does not have such a smooth and round texture, as if it is flowing mercury.

Of course, this hemisphere was bombarded until it was only half-stretched. No matter how round or smooth it is, it cannot be beautiful.

Hiding under Banla's sphere were Silver Hand and Calamity Flame. Judging from their appearance, these two people are still in good condition. After all, we are in space. If the power suit outside has a hole, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, even if there was no obvious trauma, Charlie could clearly feel that the auras of these two people were getting weaker. In order to resist the bombardment just now, they spent almost all their spiritual energy and physical strength, and now they can't even hide their status.

Immediately afterwards, only the faint spiritual light on the opposite sphere was seen, and it went out like an LED light that had completely stopped powering. The silver shield formed by spiritual energy immediately fell apart.

The two psychic thugs were still standing there, with their heads held high and their chests held high, looking proudly at Charlie in the sky.

He is indeed a high-level thug of the Snake Organization, and he can still stand up after being hit so many times by the destroyer-class main gun. On the one hand, it is of course because of their outstanding strength, and on the other hand, it should be because they carry some protective treasures.

However, judging from their condition, they have used up all their energy just standing. No, even the foul-mouthed Calamity Flame was speechless. He could only stare at those round eyes as big as mung beans, as if he was preparing to kill himself with his eyes.

...Of course, considering that the other party is a high-level thug of the Snake Organization and has experienced hundreds of battles, it is very possible to ambush him. As a result, Xia Li still did not attack immediately. Instead, she raised the insect blade behind her and sprayed a dense barrage of psychic energy at the two of them.

Calamity Flame seemed to want to create a fireball to counterattack, but he had just created a small blue flame that could light up a cigarette at most, and he could no longer do so. He even lost the opportunity to evade. His body was immediately hit by seven or eight consecutive psychic attacks, and his whole body was smashed out like a kite with its string broken.

On the other hand, the silver hand was pragmatic and a lot, and immediately made a tactical roll. But in Charlie's opinion, this guy seemed to be moving in slow motion. Even ordinary people with special combat training shouldn't stagger like this.

As a result, although Silver Hand rolled out a few steps, he was still hit by one bullet each in his thigh and waist, and his body suddenly became very obviously deformed.

This guy is really exhausted. Otherwise, how could a majestic fourth-ring psyker have his bones broken so easily by the most popular psychic pulse.

There shouldn't be any traps this time, right? It would be too exaggerated to say it was a trick.

Xia Li finally felt relieved, and immediately accelerated towards the disaster flames that were flying backwards. Of course, even at this time, she still left three points of leeway and was ready to dodge or even escape at any time.

It wasn't until the sharp blade on her back split Calamity Yan's body into four that she realized with suspicion that the car didn't seem to have overturned this time!

At this time, the insect limbs behind her had automatically changed their shape. The sharp blade was retracted, but countless sucker-like mouthparts opened on her arms, sucking the opponent's broken corpse into it, and started chewing it.

The cells and psychic factors belonging to psykers were slowly included in the master's gene pool, and she was finally sure at this time.

babble? The car actually didn’t roll over!

This is a long-lost experience!

Charlie was almost moved to tears. She quickly took a few deep breaths in the airless universe, twitched her nose hard, which only had aesthetic functions, and then looked at Silver Hand, a hundred meters away.

This guy's vitality is really tenacious. Even though his leg bones and lumbar vertebrae have been broken, he is still climbing hard with one hand, as if he can escape in this way. However, the desire for life will cause animals to lose control and perform some seemingly meaningless and useless work. However, isn’t this the greatness of life?

Seeing the silver hand dragging her broken body towards the distance, Charlie felt a little empathy for a moment. In the past few years, she was bombarded several times with only one head left, but she still struggled to resurrect. Now she has battleships and an army. Isn't it because of this desire to survive?

Out of respect, she decided to end the other person's pain as soon as possible, so she took a few steps faster and stopped less than ten meters away from the other person.

This should be a safe area, right? In the current state of this psyker, even if there are any tricks to kill each other, they will not be able to affect this place.

But at this time, the other party was lying on the ground, turned around with difficulty, raised the upper half of his body, and raised his hands to himself, probably begging.

A dignified psyker with a fourth ring or above can't even pronounce words now. Only then did Charlie confirm that this guy was really exhausted, and she immediately felt more sympathetic, and raised the insect limb on her hand. She was about to end the other party's pain completely, but she saw the latter quickly raised his right hand and pointed at the communication terminal on his wrist.

Charlie felt that after all, the other party was Snake's senior thug, and he was a decent person anyway, so he should be given a chance to express his last words. Then, the insect limbs behind her back suddenly extended, she raised the knife with her hand, and pierced his helmet and skull with the sharp blade, sucking up all the brain tissue and the last information in Silver Hand's brain.

One can imagine what kind of miserable state Silverhand's now shriveled head would be in. But the master of the insect swarm did not move at all, letting his insect limbs tear and devour the flesh and blood of the psyker like a living beast, while he closed his eyes and digested all the information.

"Oh, the playwright is in Xinyumen?"

Of course, Charlie had heard of this seemingly inconspicuous nickname. It was one of the thirteen faces of the top manager of the organization, and his status was only under the Time Lord. If World Snake were a company, then the executive operators would be frontline project managers at best, but Thirteenth Face would be full-fledged board members.

It is said that their identities in reality are all bigger than princes.

She also knew that the playwright was nicknamed "Snakehead" by the outside world, but he was called "the boss" within the organization.

In other words, the "playwright" is probably a circus leader in reality?

But why did the snake head come to Xinyumen in person?

There is not much information about this in Silverhand's mind, perhaps because of the loss of information after death, or perhaps because what he originally knew was limited.

Charlie spent a long time digesting it, but she only knew that the guy came for a certain secret treasure called "Grey".

"I seem to have heard the Great Khan say it..." Charlie thought.

All in all, Snake and the playwright's next plan is to cooperate with the raiding forces of pirates and plunderers to invade the community's colonies on a large scale, so as to give him an opportunity.

As for why fighting can give him a chance, it's not too clear.

In return, the Snake Organization will give themselves another Leviathan's Nest they found.

Charlie licked her lips, suppressed her excitement, and took a few steps back. Then she used her extended insect limbs to pull Yin Shou's body from more than twenty meters away, and then found a body from the side of his abdomen. A space bag.

This is not a particularly high-energy space equipment. Charlie spent an extra ten minutes and quickly tore open the bag physically, pouring out a large amount of supplies, weapons, a few zero element crystals, and a purple "worm egg".

The little master picked out the insect egg, and just when he held it tightly in his arms, he subconsciously jumped back like a dog that had been trained to eliminate Pavlovian reactions. The golden rooster was independent and Bai Heliang was The wings represent a defense and can be turned into an escape posture at any time.

The cruel experiences in the past years have always reminded her not to drift, otherwise she will get stabbed. After all, she was beaten every time she got something good, so it was understandable that she would be so cautious.

After a while, Xia Li was tremblingly convinced that she would not be so happy and sad this time, and she was so moved that she cried on the spot.

With tears in her eyes, she swallowed the Leviathan's Nest in one gulp, allowing the two biological Noble Phantasms of the same kind to fuse in her body, feeling the joy and excitement as if infinite power was boiling in her body.

I, the dignified Overlord of the Insect Swarm, can finally stand up for myself.

"Why should I make this deal with you? The swarm of insects and the Leviathan's Nest are all the inheritance left to me by my father! What's mine is mine. This is the first time I've heard of it. Those who trade their property with people." Charlie sneered, turned around and looked into the depths of the starry sky, and raised her middle finger to the Milky Way two million light-years away: "Form an alliance? Forge an alliance with you in the universe. Damn cerebral thrombosis!"

She could not forget the torture she suffered when she first woke up, and would still regard snakes as her real life and death enemy.

Of course, the Salvins repay favors, so Ms. Now and I are still allies. At most, I will find a way to help her fight the "past" and "future" together in the future!

As for the Snake Organization's plan to attack the Earth's colonies?

"You are really wasting your efforts." Charlie looked at Silver Hand's headless corpse and shrugged: "The Great Khan is not a good person. Of course he will have similar plans. But why should I be yours? Where’s the cannon fodder?”

At this time, Charlie suddenly felt her heart tremble, leaving corpses and ship fragments all over the ground, and commanded all the insects to return quickly.

When she commanded the Leviathan mother worm to burrow into the surface of an asteroid, disguising herself as a gray ridge, she only saw a fleeting flicker in the distant starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge space floating object like a centipede snaked its body for hundreds of miles, majestically passed through the asteroid belt, and drilled towards the colony of the distant community.

Charlie knew that it was a "Star Eater", a giant Leviathan that fed on naturally habitable planets with life. It could be called a real walking natural disaster.

My mother Leviathan is still just a baby, so I can't let go of that kind of thing.

Immediately afterwards, the starry sky in the distance flickered several times, and hundreds of densely packed artificial light points also entered the galaxy.

The predator fleet finally arrived.

However, is the scale of this force too large? Could it be that all the main forces have been transferred here? Charlie was a little confused.

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