Him and their stars

Chapter 778 Charlie is thinking in confusion

This is actually not the first time Charlie has met the Star Eater. The last time, when he left his hometown of Sarna, which seemed like a world away, the escape method his father had prepared for him in advance was a Star Eater that had been sleeping for hundreds of years.

This kind of cosmic Leviathan, which is even rarer than dragon species, survives by devouring rocks and metals from planets. It has no malice towards life and civilization, and it does not even have any desire for the flesh and blood of carbon-based creatures. It just relies on its instinct to attack and devour nearby planets to maintain its own existence and balance. It is quite a kind of destruction. What does it have to do with you? the taste of.

Therefore, for any kind of creature in the universe, this is a walking natural disaster that can be easily eliminated.

However, we have to know that since this thing is called a Star Eater, the intimidation brought by its size alone is enough to make those monsters speechless. If you want to nip these natural disasters in the cradle in advance, you must mobilize the main battleships.

As for Xia Li now, although she was salivating as she stared at the hundred-mile-long body, she still maintained her basic composure after hesitating for a moment.

"It's a pity that you showed up too early! If I had waited until I matured and showed up and eaten one, I could have built a dozen Leviathans and hundreds of millions of legions."

Charlie was indeed sorry, but she didn't show any concern. Anyway, the universe is so big, there is always something to eat. You can't eat Star Eaters here, but maybe you can eat Dome Whales and Star Dragons if you turn around.

This giant creature is not prepared to cover up its existence at all, or in other words, it has no such awareness. Therefore, even though she was hiding in the asteroid belt tens of millions of kilometers away, Charlie captured the state of this giant beast through Leviathan's newly evolved biological sensing organs.

It had just woken up and was now very hungry, eager to catch something.

But this is very unscientific.

The Star Eater is a space Leviathan that has no thinking ability and can only act on instinct. When it feels hungry, it will just subconsciously move towards the nearest nearby planet - of course, except for stars and gas giant planets.

But now, it passed over a barren rocky planet, passed through the asteroid belt, and continued to move towards the distant starry sky. It didn't even pay attention to the predator fleet following behind it.

At first glance, this scene really looks like a pack of wild dogs following a strutting African elephant.

Probably because this kind of tailing mission still puts too much pressure on them, everyone is cautious and trembling, but they don't even notice Leviathan hiding in the asteroid belt, or even that there has just been an event here. Skirmishes.

So, Xia Li became a little bolder and sent a few explosive mosquitoes for reconnaissance into the distance to enhance their vision.

Then, a warship with a twisted shape, full of sharp corners and ferocious exterior decorations came into her shared sight. Of course, this is also a typical predator warship in the style of wasteland splicing, but it can be seen that the owner of the ship still has a very personal aesthetic. Although the taste is not very good, the stylization of bad taste is still very strong.

"...It's the Bloody Battle, the flagship of Warlord Sazaka."

After all, Xia Li accompanied the main fleet of the Marauders through the Gate of Glory, and she still remembered the ships of some important figures very clearly.

The owner of the Blood War, Sazaka, is a very brave troll warlord. The Great Khan doesn't have many die-hard supporters among the trolls, but Sazaka is one of them.

You must know that the soldiers and civilians of this predator's great expedition certainly include not only the Elor people, but also a considerable number of trolls, long-bearded demons and other races.

As the "number one ally" of the Predator Group, Xia Li certainly knew that her side did have a battle plan to divide its forces to destroy the colonies of the Community and Alliance in order to slow down the opponent's counterattack. She also guessed to some extent that these tasks should be carried out by the troops of trolls and long-bearded demons - you know, at this time, the colonies of both countries lacked garrison troops. It was better to talk about fighting than a plan to make them rich.

Now, the plunderers have penetrated all the way through the empire's glorious colonies, and they have almost destroyed everything that should be looted and destroyed. It is the turn of the community.

However, Xia Li really didn't expect that the attack force was composed like this.

For some reason, a star-devouring insect was willing to serve as a pawn. With this guy alone, the Predators even had the confidence to start a war with a Titan.

In addition, there are currently more than 200 artificial flying objects that have jumped into this system, but there are less than 20 real predator warships among them. One is the large fire-breathing ship Blood War as the flagship, and the rest are medium-sized motherships. and flamethrowers, eight each.

The combat effectiveness of such a fleet is roughly the same as that of the Community's Thirteenth Fleet stationed in the New World.

What really surprised Xia Li were the aircraft she had never seen before.

Most of them were in the shape of a regular triangle, very flat in shape, and generally sharp arrow-shaped, which easily reminded her of unmanned combat aircraft.

This is not an unfamiliar weapon. Although civilizations across the galaxy generally reject the existence of omnics, drones have never been uncommon on the battlefield.

For example, those maintenance engineering drones, and then there are the cleaning drones responsible for cleaning the battlefield to recover zero elements and precious metals, and then there are the unmanned fighter jets. In some powerful military countries with advanced robotics technology, a fighter plane flown by a pilot will always be assigned two to four drones to serve as wingmen.

If the driver is a psyker with strong mental power, there are even extreme examples of tens or even hundreds.

...Of course, if the Palladium people of the Iron Army Complex pretend to be robots for so long that they have deceived themselves, dragging hundreds of them is just a routine operation.

However, most unmanned combat aircraft are not large in size, and most are less than two-thirds of the size of light single-seat fighters. These triangular flying objects are generally more than thirty or forty meters tall, which is already the standard for assault ships and assault landing craft.

In addition, there are four or five spherical flying objects hiding in the Predator battleship group. Their diameter is no different than the Predator mothership, and they can be regarded as large "battleships".

However, although they were very different from the triangular flying objects, for some reason, Charlie felt that they were the same model.

"...Hohoho, Tomitelli, my Great Khan, you have dug out a lot of good things from that ruins!"

Charlie knew that her "best friend" and "number one ally", the Great Khan Tomitelli of the Marauders, did have a lot of secrets. As a political figure, the Great Khan had a lot of secrets about herself. The ally is quite candid. She once told herself very frankly that the reason why she dared to plan such a grand strategy that shocked everyone in the galaxy was naturally because she took out an extremely rich sum of money from the center of the galaxy. Ancient heritage.

"I very much suspect that that ruins should be a library left by the ancient enlightened civilization, which contains endless secrets and wealth in this void. My ancestors knew about the existence of this ruins a long time ago , but it wasn’t until my grandfather’s generation that its location was determined, and it wasn’t until I successfully opened it.”

"In the era of the Third Galactic War, the former kings were unable to save their lives, and they really pinned their hopes on this treasure house. Haha, they used their last resources to explore the center of the galaxy, but it had no effect on the war situation. It has no effect, but it opens up a base for us to escape. Isn't this ironic?"

This includes the secret passage in the Abyss Nebula, the star map of a certain star field in the New World, and the large and stable group of young and middle-aged stars in the core of the star field. It is thousands of miles of fertile soil that none of the major civilizations in the galaxy have discovered. It is virgin land that has never been cultivated. As long as it is given a few decades, any civilization can be rebuilt.

...Of course, it is not very accurate to say that it has not been "cultivated". In fact, according to the information in the ruins they decrypted, it was once one of the most prosperous core star regions of the civilization of the previous enlightened beings. However, with the technical capabilities of the Enlightened Ones, they have already reached the realm of symbiosis between heaven and man. There is no problem of resource depletion, and it is not known how many resources are left in the deep starry sky that can be utilized.

For the predators struggling to survive in the center of the galaxy, this is the imperial gift that can revive them again. No, if it is done well, it can even establish a greater empire than the First Ero Empire that fell in the war.

"But since you already knew where it was, why didn't you explore it in advance?" Charlie didn't quite understand.

"Because of its location, even in the center of the galaxy, it is the most dangerous area. We tried our best, but we couldn't even break through the periphery." The Great Khan said.

"So, it's okay now?"

"We have received help from powerful people." The Great Khan still said frankly: "In this way, our explorers and warriors will be able to break through the outer dead zone."

For some reason, Charlie immediately thought of the drugs taken by the Elorian navigators when they were marching in the Abyss Nebula.

"If you really need men and horses to go to a dead end, I have plenty here." Charlie said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

The other party looked at the little master and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "That won't work. I like you very much. I hope to be your lifelong friend and ally. I really don't want to fight with you one day. See you!"

In other words, in the ruins opened by the other party, there is a treasure that can make both parties fall out. Charlie immediately smiled and never mentioned the matter again. However, she was still very interested in the "help" the other party received.

"I also have other allies, Charlie. There are many people who sympathize with the situation of our Erro people. Of course, there are also a lot of people who are just unhappy with the Empire and the Alliance and hope that I can cause trouble for them. But it doesn't matter at all. Anyway, I only look at the results. To me, the second type of person is even more trustworthy than the first type of person."

"Because sympathy is just a condescending and self-satisfying emotion. If you say it doesn't exist, it won't exist. However, common interests are eternal."

"I hope you will serve as a pawn to disrupt the empire and the alliance. Is this also a common interest?"

"Hate is also a kind of interest. Otherwise, why would our relationship be so good?" she laughed.

The little master of the insect swarm also had to admit that what the other party said did make sense.

Later, at the expense of many members of the exploration team, the Great Khan did take out the legendary relics of the silver core of his ancestors, and then formulated such a crazy family-changing plan.

Many predator warlords feel that this plan is too risky, and if they don't give up, they will all perish in the unknown deep space. In this way, using the center of the Milky Way as a natural fortress, hiding in it and forming a whole, and running out to "hunt" in your free time, isn't this kind of a peaceful and beautiful life? Why take such a big risk.

However, there are many people who are willing to follow the Great Khan's plan. They all know that the predators are said to be cosmic nomads based in the Galactic Center, but rather they are prisoners locked in the Galactic Center. No matter how many times they hunt, no matter how many times they defeat the main fleets of the Empire and Alliance, they are slowly entering a slow death.

Therefore, those who are willing to follow in the footsteps of the Great Khan are not only the direct descendants of the Elor people, but also a considerable number of bearded demons and troll leaders.

Charlie then knew that only 70% of the soldiers and civilians in this raider's expedition were from Elero, and the rest came from other tribesmen of the raiders. If the Great Khan Tomitelli can really succeed, what she will rebuild in the New World will not be a country of pure Eero people, but perhaps a multi-ethnic cosmic empire.

Of course, the premise of everything is that she can succeed.

For this purpose, she certainly did not hesitate to play all the cards in her hand. The giant star-eating insect is like this, and so are the weird triangular and round warships. Of course, it also includes the larger pirate groups in the nearby star field.

Speaking of which, the Great Khan had already sent people to contact the nearby pirates and told them that they would gather in the near future. Why is there no movement yet? The little master thought about the situation in front of her, and then thought of the last conversation between her and the Great Khan before they parted.

"Anyway, Charlie, just go to the so-called promised land and get what you should get. As for the snakes, I won't force you to cooperate with them. Everything is up to you to judge. However, I will Launch a defensive counterattack in the near future.”

"Defensive counterattack?"

"Isn't an active attack launched in order to survive called a defensive counterattack?" The Great Khan said with a smile.

"If you are interested, you can come and take a look. Don't worry, I am different from a snake. I will never let you be used as cannon fodder."

In other words, the snake-headed "playwright" who is in Xinyumen has also calculated that there will be this attack, and is he ready to fish in troubled waters?

Then, I also...

But will this be dangerous? Not only is there a "playwright" over there, but the God-chosen champion is also there now, and it's just two snake heads!

Wait, there are two snake heads, one inside and one outside. Could this be a trap?

But, is this directed at me? Or is it aimed at Khan?

The more Charlie thought about it, the more complicated and confusing it became. After the Star Eater and Predator fleets had left the galaxy, she hesitantly drove the Leviathan and followed her back three times.

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