Him and their stars

Chapter 779 The advantage is mine

Not to mention how Charlie and her Leviathan will perform well in an operation such as tailing, the targets she is tracking, the predator fleet, seem to be very confident in their combat effectiveness and anti-sneak attack capabilities, and There was no deliberate deployment of a warning network with a radius of hundreds of kilometers or even across several galaxies, so naturally they did not notice what was happening in the asteroid belt.

Of course, with the size of their fleet at this time, it seems that they do not expect to hide their whereabouts. Ever since, when the main force of their fleet left the inaccessible URW46 star field and entered the "New World Highway" with prosperous waterways, it was naturally discovered by the unmanned reconnaissance equipment deployed by the community here, and then used gravitational wave transmission to the New World Highway. An early warning signal was issued in the direction of Lushun. All the information they photograph and listen to will be transmitted to the gravitational wave relay port of this galaxy, and then transmitted in the form of a "beacon" to the Community's New Continent Command in New Lushun.

However, the gravitational wave signal was still very obvious. The Predator fleet quickly discovered the existence of these reconnaissance drones and even launched a considerable number of fighter planes in the direction of the signal.

These strike fighters from the center of the galaxy are distinguished by their high firepower and high charge speed. They are more like interceptors with extreme functions than fighter jets, specially prepared to clear orbital facilities. They quickly found the location of the drone, and a burst of artillery destroyed them all.

For the advancing predator fleet, this was really just a small episode. Their direction and speed did not weaken at all.

However, the technicians on board the Bloody Battle have already transferred the intercepted gravitational wave signal to the fleet commander, Warlord Sazaka.

This is a burly giant with a height of nearly four meters. Even by the standards of the Myshandar troll, he is already considered a strong man. However, I don't know why, but compared to his intimidating figure, his temperament can be considered quite gentle. This is probably because this armored troll warlord actually wears a pair of large special glasses.

"Three minutes before the drone was destroyed, the signal transmission was already transmitted. However, according to the images in the intercepted information, there is currently only a series of long-range shots, and the enemy can only vaguely see the approximate strength of our troops. "The technical sergeant said.

The troll general nodded, but still ordered the technicians to pass over the intercepted footage. He took off his glasses and wiped them, then looked at the series of pictures carefully, and then nodded and said: "The outline of the ship is also very blurry. It should be difficult for people on earth to judge the type of ship."

He is not worried about his own warships. After all, after so many years of fighting, there are no secrets from both sides. However, those triangular and circular new forces are different. If the opponent cannot see clearly, they can have the greatest effect as a surprise force.

Warlord Sazaka estimated that this should be because the radio telescope used by the opponent's drone had not yet had time to take a close-up shot, or the shot had not yet received a feedback signal.

Of course, it was a pity that the other party's drone also captured the star-eating insect.

"Actually, from another perspective, this is also a good thing." Sazaka said to his subordinates: "When the people on earth saw this monster, they should have been afraid before fighting. Their fleet just wanted to We have to do our best to prevent the Star Eaters from attacking the inhabited planet. All we have to do is destroy important facilities step by step!"

His subordinates all said that what the General said made sense.

"...It's a pity that we have lost contact with Greenbeard and the vanguard of the Ghost Tree Pirate Group." A subordinate said.

"Yes, if we have the cooperation of the pirates, our subsequent offensive will be much easier! It was clearly promised that they would meet with us three days ago, but there must be no movement now. What on earth did they do?"

Seeing that his subordinates expressed regret, the Troll General comforted him and said: "This is not surprising. There are human patrol fleets on the New World Highway. Their actions are hidden, and there is no lack of danger of exposure. The early liaison mission they carried out was originally As for the danger, I have already been mentally prepared to shed my blood for our thousand-year plan."

These plunderers who carried out dangerous early liaison missions were all direct descendants of the Great Khan's Ero people. They were said to be plunderers, but they were completely elite professional soldiers who obeyed the orders and prohibitions, and each of them was determined to fight to the death for the great cause of the Khan. . Since they didn't arrive on time, it was certainly a disaster.

However, there was one sentence that the Troll General did not say.

It is precisely because the Great Khan will use his direct troops to carry out such dangerous tasks that these non-direct troops who are not Ero people are willing to die for such a lord.

Of course, in the eyes of most marauder warlords, a mission such as attacking the Blue Star Community colony is not a result of death, but more like a benefit given by Khan to repay Sazaka, who is not an Eroan, but still A "foreign" warlord who is willing to serve him.

His Majesty the Great Khan is so graceful! But I, Sazaka, am by no means a ungrateful person!

While the troll general was expressing his determination in his heart, he heard one of his captains say: "Actually, it would be good if the pirates didn't come. Our combat power still has an absolute advantage, and all the colonies of the people on earth belong to us. Hunting grounds.”

"Then after entering the territory of the earthlings, you will get a new Jade Gate?"

“Can’t New Port Arthur do that?”

"No, it's a military port there. Although there is a livable planet, it is poorly developed and has little oil or water."

Obviously, the looters are much more formal than the pirates. Although they had never been to the New World, they probably did their homework when the Galactic Center was in full swing.

Indeed, although New Port Arthur is the capital of the Community's New World Colonial Star Area, this is mainly because it is located on the route of the "New World Highway". There are eight gravity well passages found in the entire galaxy, which are considered important transportation routes. There is also a habitable planet in that galaxy named "New Lushun". The vegetation looks much denser than that of New Yumen, but no precious mineral resources or biological resources have been found. Even the highly intelligent indigenous creatures that had sprouted the seeds of civilization were gone.

So far, there are only more than 500,000 people living on the New Lushun planet, and the wilderness of the planet is being reclaimed step by step, but there is really not much to gain.

What is really responsible for the intelligence of commercial transportation transfer stations is the spaceport in low-Earth orbit.

All in all, although New Yumen is a sea of ​​sand, and although it cannot even feed itself, it is indeed the most prosperous and valuable planet in the community's colonies.

No wonder the predators are so obsessed with that topaz planet.

"So, we are going to bypass New Lushun and attack New Yumen?" A soldier looked at his leader longingly, his face full of expectation, as if to express with his eyes, "This way we can have a good time."

Warlord Sazaka was silent for two seconds. He took off his extra-large custom-made glasses and wiped them again. Then he waved his fist and sent the warrior, who was half a head older than himself, flying away and fell into a pile. I didn't get up from the mess for a long time.

The officers and soldiers on the bridge were accustomed to it and were just going about their work silently.

On the other hand, all the military leaders, big and small, who were present at the meeting were silent and quickly stood up and stood at attention, like a group of well-trained quails.

"Repeat our mission goal, you bastards!" The troll general glanced at them with a calm gaze, like a kind and kind elementary school teacher who was more than four meters tall and weighed half a ton.

After a while, someone finally spoke obediently. Soon, everyone started reading in unison like primary school students memorizing text in class:

"...annihilate or severely damage the Earthlings' New World fleet, destroy all starports and orbital facilities that can be used to station waves and repair large ships, and burn all the farmland in New Lushun and New Yumen. After the above goals are completed, you can have your own Loot for two weeks. Then, all warships and soldiers must leave the Community colony before March 15 and rendezvous with the main force."

Only then did Warlord Sazaka push up his glasses with satisfaction. He felt that this was what a serious army looked like, and his subordinates had to change in this direction in order to keep up with the new generation created by the Great Khan!

He stood up, signaled the technical officer to open the star map, and pointed in the direction of New Lushun with his cane: "New Lushun, in the first three years of the development of mankind's new continent, has already had more than 50 major and minor conflicts. Again, it is difficult to say what is right and wrong. But we should also note that this small galaxy determines the rise and fall of the people on Earth in the New World."

He paused and looked at the technical officer he hired with a lot of money.

The other party seemed to have already understood what the general meant, and said directly: "It depends on the power and density of the gravitational wave nodes of the people on earth between various galaxies. However, the most conservative estimate is that the fastest time for New Lushun should be five days. above."


"If we make a forced march, it will take less than a week." The technical officer said: "It's just that I don't know if the star-devouring insect in front will cooperate. And those ancient machines..."

"They will cooperate." Sazaka was very confident, and then said to the officers: "Now, do you understand? We only need to use a forced march to reach New Lushun as quickly as possible, and the time left for the other party to react is likely to be only two days. In three days, we can completely catch the Earthlings off guard, not to mention we have star-devouring bugs and a swarm of drones to help."

Of course, Warlord Sazaka also wanted to go to Xinyumen to grab one, but he was a very dedicated warlord and decided to perfect the tasks assigned to him by the Khan first, and then consider his "private business" .

As long as we do our job perfectly, the people of Myshandar will have their own place in the new empire in the future. The troll general made up his mind and said loudly:

"No matter what, even if the sneak attack fails, we still have the absolute upper hand in the decisive battle. The advantage is mine!"

Of course, what he didn't know was that when he finished speaking, an emergency military meeting had been held in the New Lushun Star Port, which was still thousands of light years away from him.

Of course, although it was urgent, none of the attendees were too busy. Everyone had already been mentally prepared, but now there was a sense of calmness that the second boot had finally fallen.

Of course, we must also thank the commander. Major General Yang Xiyi had the foresight to order the exploration team and the main force of the fleet to drop off unmanned reconnaissance aircraft along the way, and also installed a special source wave receiver.

He didn't seem to doubt that the exploration team would be unable to bring the source wave terminal from the Bloodwing Pirates.

"It doesn't cost much anyway." Yang Xiyi shrugged: "And those detectors are classic models that can be used for at least half a century. If they are not used now, they should be able to be used in the future."

Everyone laughed and once again expressed their admiration for the commander's foresight. Then, when the mighty star-eating insect in the video was projected on the big screen, no one could laugh anymore.

Many people even let out uncontrollable exclamations.

"It's a normal reaction. I was shocked when I opened it for the first time. After all, it is a moving natural disaster that feeds on the stars. Not to mention us, since the establishment of the community, no Earth soldier has ever dealt with that thing. ." Yang Xiyi shrugged, and then looked at Yu Lian: "So, Colonel, what do you think?"

What do I think? Why cue me?

"Didn't you and Major Fina Li participate in the Glory Mission military exercise last year? It was on the Sarna planet. You should have had a photo of yourself taking things, right?"

"I didn't meet that thing face to face. It was the imperial fleet that dealt with it." Yu Lian shrugged.

We currently don't have the firepower to blast through the armor of that thing, but we are not completely without means to deal with it.

Yu Liangang wanted to explain this, but Yang Xiyi changed the subject, zoomed in on the video again, and pointed at a bunch of blurry outlines. Because the video is too blurry and the resolution is too low, everyone can only see a lot of irregular geometric outlines. At most, they can only determine that the circles should be much larger than the triangles.

"These are not predator warships. Can anyone tell me what they are?"

"Well, these triangles are very similar to unmanned fighter jets, but the size seems to be a bit larger." Rear Admiral Marklov, as an aircraft carrier expert, expressed his opinions based on his professional knowledge.

Autonomous mining drones and their control machines... How come these New World monsters and monsters jumped out twenty years in advance?

Yu Lian had a headache. Although these things are used for "mining", they are also large non-burnable garbage left by the enlightened civilization, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. However, he didn't know how to remind everyone for a while.

At this time, the general raised his hand: "Master, I have seen him before."

Mo Xie also said: "Yes, we have seen it before, but it was in the database of the Spiritual Research Association."

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