Him and their stars

Chapter 802 The time is not yet ripe

Me, it’s so hard for me! The little master of the swarm huddled in Leviathan's belly, shivering.

She was very tough indeed. In the past twenty hours, my mood has been like riding a roller coaster that has not been tested yet. It is really a stormy sea!

Tai (meow) led the predator fleet into New Port Arthur. She originally thought she could take advantage, but she didn't expect that the evil star snakehead was also here. She was so scared that she wanted to run away on the spot. but. Charlie quickly thought that she had already maxed out Leviathan's stealth ability. No matter how powerful the opponent was, they should not be able to detect her if they were below a saint.

So, she carefully hid it and observed secretly. She didn't expect to be a fisherman, but as long as she could pick up some scraps, she would be very satisfied.

She saw the Star Eater being torn into two pieces during the battle, and was glad that she chose to hide. You know, those earthling psychics, led by the "snake head", can land on the head of the Star Eater and behead him. Couldn't they also land on their own Leviathan and capture themselves? What about killing?

When she thought that she might be dragged out of the hole like a gopher and beaten to death, Charlie wanted to cry.

However, the unfolding of things is still gratifying. The terrifying "snake head" never noticed him from beginning to end, and evacuated after killing the Star Eater.

Star Eater's huge body was floating in the cosmic space, but his head was captured by the gravity of the new Lushun 4 planet, and he was carried towards the desolate wilderness of the planet.

After Xia Li hesitated for a few seconds and made sure that the two warring parties were finishing up and would not find her, she left the asteroid belt where she was hiding, and headed towards the desolate place with no water or life at the maximum cruising speed that she could maintain stealth. The planet flies away.

To ordinary civilizations, Star Eaters' armor, limb fibers, organs and tissues, and internal connective tissue are all treasures. Not to mention that we can advance technological development through comprehensive research on these organizations, even if we use them as materials to refine them, the benefits will be considerable.

However, to Xia Li, the most precious thing was actually the huge head. She can figure out the structure of the mouthparts of those lunatics who can bite planets, and how their jaw tentacles transmit information. Maybe she can also understand how the "immune system" of the Star Eater works.

As long as that head is obtained, the combat effectiveness of the insect swarm army will definitely be qualitatively improved.

Charlie has this confidence.

She waited until the "snake head" left the planet in a boat, and she landed safely on the surface of the New Lushun 4 planet. Of course, the place where the Star Eater's head landed is actually more than half the equator away, but this is not a very important situation, just crawl through the ground.

But at this time, she clearly felt that something powerful enough to completely annihilate her existence here suddenly came to this universe.

The little master's eyeworms have done a great job. If she hadn't placed eyeworms near the gravity well passage where she came from, it might not have been so easy to detect the opponent's arrival.

Of course, this sudden will did not deliberately conceal its existence, which may be one of the reasons why she was discovered.

Charlie instinctively recognized the danger and reacted instinctively. She immediately ordered the eyeworm monitoring the gravity well to explode to avoid being discovered, and at the same time, she took Leviathan and drilled thousands of meters underground.

And just when he finished all this, two wills from outside the vast sky, like black holes or abyss, had already swept over.

not one? Two?

She felt like a rabbit trapped in a pit by natural enemies, as humble, pitiful and helpless. She could do nothing and dare not do anything except huddle in the corner at the bottom of the pit and disguise herself as a piece of harmless dust.

Fortunately, those two powerful wills quickly retracted and began to enter the stage of confrontation with each other.

Yes, when two lions are about to bite, they will always ignore the reptile around them.

Taking advantage of their will to leave, Charlie drove her Levitan and continued deeper into the rock crevices of New Lushun No. 4 Planet. Now she just feels that the deeper she buries herself, the safer she will be.

Fortunately, this desolate planet has almost no water sources, but it is full of many canyons and caves, some of which are even deep near the center of the earth. As for the insect swarm, what they are best at is hiding their existence through the smell of rocks and soil on the planet.

As for the head of the Star Eater...at most it would have been drilled through the ground.

Of course, it’s still the same sentence, safety first, everything is for survival!

Charlie dug herself to a depth of 10,000 meters below the surface. Only then did she feel a little safer, and then she fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

On this side, Lan Jiufeng was already having a drink with Yang Xiyi and a group of military officers at the seaside restaurant on the new Lushun planet, as if they were having a belated celebration party.

The officers all felt that since he was the martial god of the community, he might be a very cold, indifferent, moody and peerless master. However, they never expected that he was a sweet-tempered person who could sing loudly when he was drunk. During the winter, he could play electric guitar and even drums, and he played a whole band on the spot in full view of everyone, which amazed everyone.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone will dare to call Mr. Lan Jiufeng brothers in the future. They only dare to express that the actions of an expert are indeed unpredictable and cannot be discussed by ordinary people like us.

Lan Jiufeng had a feast of pythons hosted by Yang Xiyi, but his old enemy, Duke Sadolan, had to eat a simple marching meal on the boat.

Perhaps feeling such inequality, when their elegant cruise ship retreated to the New Lushun Galaxy, Duke Sadolan, who was sitting in his seat, couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, and his upright waist also He stooped down.

The whole person's aura seemed to be much depressed.

Duke Sadolan has always looked like an old man who is about to die, which is completely consistent with his true age. This was almost unimaginable for a psyker of his level. At this moment, the old Duke's face was even more gray, as if he might meet the spirit of the universe at any time.

The attendants and crew members were startled and hurriedly dropped their simple meals and rushed over. The attendant knights of the Grand Master are naturally psychic or sensitive people, and their spiritual senses are far superior to those of mortals. At this time, they felt a gray and withered aura, and they suddenly became very nervous.

One of the knights, who looked very honest, had a hint of crying in his voice: "Your Excellency, you..."

Before he could say anything, Duke Sadolan raised his head again, the color on his face had returned, and all the aura of decadence and decay had disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Then, the Duke stood up directly and hit the squire knight on the head with his scepter: "I can't die yet. But if you show this expression again, I'm afraid you will be angry for up to a year. die!"

The young squire knight was hit on the head, but he scratched his head honestly and asked carefully: "Your Excellency, Grand Commander, over there..."

"The fight just now?" The Duke sneered: "It's still the same as before, aggressive like fire and motionless like a mountain. If we fight again without any worries, I may not be his opponent."

"Your Excellency, you are too humble." A girl who looked smarter said to the knight: "We all see how hard you work, but Lan Jiufeng is just playing in the market. So lazy How can he still look like a warrior? If there is a decisive battle, he will never be your opponent..."

"Child talk!" Duke Sartolan also stretched out his scepter and hit the girl on the head: "A little girl who has not yet awakened dares to talk about the rights and wrongs of demigods? Within ten years, if you don't If you are so ashamed of what you said today, I think you will not have much future in the extraordinary field."

The girl knight covered her head and did not dare to speak. However, she was obviously not convinced, and maybe she didn't even understand the meaning of the grand leader's last words.

At this time, the captain said: "Your Excellency, just now Prince Mane of Katai requested to speak to you."

Duke Sadolan said in a cold tone: "Tell him that since Lan Jiufeng is in the New World, the time is not yet ripe. The combined fleet needs to return on its own and be on standby."

For Duke Sartolan, whether he is a general or a prince in a vassal country, he is just like a lackey who shouts around, and there is no need to waste time on a few diplomatic remarks.

As for when this so-called time will come, this is not something that Cat Man and Bird Man can know. Even the few attendant knights on the ship did not dare to ask more.

In this way, the combined fleets of the two countries, which had arrived with great momentum, sailed towards the imperial colonies in disgrace. After working hard on the expedition, they achieved nothing and were severely slapped in the face. Naturally, their morale was extremely low.

However, Duke Sadolan was completely unprepared to take responsibility for their mental state. In his opinion, the volunteer fleets of the two countries, which are purely composed of small and medium-sized ships, are just an outpost for the subsequent large fleet operations.

In fact, what really played a decisive role was the quarrel between Hua Xu and the Galactic Civilization Council.

Now, since the theft was unsuccessful, there is no use value (temporarily). As long as they don't collapse before the large army arrives, they can still perform auxiliary work by then.

Before the ultimatum given by Yang Xiyi arrived, the fleet left the border of the community. They stayed at the terminal system of the New World Road for several hours, waiting for news about the reconnaissance fleet that was exploring the direction of the main force of the Marauders.

During this period, news finally came that was enough to make Duke Sartolan very happy.

The Snowstorm, which had been "lost" for a long time, finally returned. It has now reunited with the main force of the Imperial Colonial Fleet.

This cruiser has been out of contact with the upper level for more than a month, and everyone thought it must be in danger. Baron Yeager Soback on the ship was naturally unlikely to survive. The Grand Marshal's Palace and the Knights' headquarters were even cast a shadow of sadness. They all felt that it was unavoidable that such an outstanding young genius died in the unknown star sea of ​​the New World. It's such a shame, more heartbreaking than the loss of a Dreadnought. More importantly, during this period, the empire's geniuses always died young, which would inevitably remind people of the fate of the country.

The Duke of Sadolan felt that this was simply because the bureaucrats in the military and political departments had become ill and started to suffer. Those guys all look like dogs in military uniforms, but inside they are still cautious little intellectuals. In the empire's talent pool, the word "genius" is the most worthless one.

However, the Duke still agreed with Colonel Soback's military exploits in the Extreme Star Territory. If he really fell like this, it would be impossible to say that it would not be a pity.

Fortunately, according to the reports from the fleet over there, the Blizzard only suffered very minor damage. Not even one of the crew members on the ship was injured, and they also brought back very important information.

"Oh, I didn't expect that boy to be a lucky man." Duke Sadolan was quite surprised.

He had a chance encounter with Colonel Soback at the God of War Festival. Of course, he could tell that in terms of talent, that person was only at the level of an ordinary Astral Knight, not to mention someone like Shameen or Giafel. The genius, or the contemporary "Divinely Chosen Champion" on the other side of the earth who amazes all the forces in the universe, is that the two knights he currently carries have greater potential.

Of course, judging from the current direction, Colonel Yeager Soback may take the route of a wise general, which does require the status of an astral knight to be gilded. But then again, if he really becomes a famous general, he can also help the Knights.

Everyone succeeds each other, this is the long-term way.

Speaking of which, the boy from Earth also regarded Yeager as a respectable opponent, and he admitted it himself. After thinking about it, Duke Sartolan suddenly felt that the taste seemed quite good, so he ordered him to board the ship in person and report to him.

Soon after, Colonel Yeager Soback, who was as meticulous as a model of knights in his dress, stance and expression, appeared in the Duke's office.

Duke Sartolan has served as the Grand Master of the Astral Knights for almost half a century. He knew what kind of prestige and intimidation he had over the most junior young knights. What's more, Soback was not educated at a knight academy, so he might be more afraid of himself because of this sense of alienation.

Duke Sadolan originally thought that he would see a young man who pretended to be calm, but was actually so nervous that he could not even speak. However, he did not expect that when the other party saw him, he was of course very calm, but his eyes But a light full of hope bloomed in it, as if a lost puppy had seen its owner.

His Excellency the Duke really did not expect that it would unfold like this, and he was a little confused for a while. By the time he reacted, Colonel Soback had already stood at attention, saluted, and said sincerely: "Hey, I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I'm a little out of control. But, if you know, we have been lost in the unknown starry sky for two years." For a few weeks, I even broke into a ghost, so I can understand the official's mood."

Having said this, Yeager Soback took a deep breath with fear, and added: "When I finally escaped and ascended to heaven, I was always worried about the shadow behind me. But at this time, I saw you coming. This place. There is nothing more secure than this in the entire universe.”

This guy almost said, "The grand leader is the sun in my heart." Although his tone was sincere, and Duke Sadolan did feel his true emotions, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

A traditional imperial warrior like him likes geniuses and values ​​warriors, but what he dislikes the most is rhetoric that is exaggerated, so he said expressionlessly: "Explain what you said about me being haunted."

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