Him and their stars

Chapter 803 Yeager Soback’s January Trek

The cruiser Buran that Yeager Soback was riding on was supposed to carry out this so-called special reconnaissance mission together with the Scarlet Throne where the rest of the company was located. Although he only has one cruiser under his command, with only 2,000 people on board, he is lonely, weak and helpless in this mysterious new continent. Fortunately, there was a dreadnought ship accompanying him. Even a dreadnought with residual HP and no full firepower is still a dreadnought.

Although it was hard to say whether that ship was an enemy or a friend, for example, Captain Hongshan on the ship showed obvious doubts and even secretly reminded Soback to be careful. But even so, Soback still felt very safe.

"Colonel Yu Lian is indeed not an ally, but he is not a despicable person either. At least in this operation, he will not backstab when facing predators." He explained to everyone on the ship.

"Well, after all, during the God of War Festival, you are comrades fighting side by side. There is always sympathy between arrogant geniuses and geniuses." Captain Hongshan sighed: "But an old sailor like me can only learn from despicable Realism comes into play. If... Colonel, I mean if, if necessary, we encounter danger and need one of the ships to break up the rear. At that time, I hope you will follow my instructions. No, as long as you remain silent.”

Soback thought to himself that I am nothing but a genius, and I don’t understand why the “God’s Chosen Champion” opposite me is so polite to me. If the time permits, I will leave him behind and run for my life without hesitation.

Although he thought so in his heart, for the sake of character, he could only smile noncommittally: "You are worrying too much. This is just an investigation operation, and we will all be safe."

Not two days after he said these words, there was a joint attack by pirates and strange space crystals.

They were just pirates, but those space crystals that would actively attack warships and people were beyond his imagination. Colonel Soback said that he grew up in the New World, but it was the Glory Colony, which was more than 20,000 light years away. It was a peaceful and good star region with outstanding people and rich products, but it was not as restrictive as the Glory Colony. There's no end to the endless array of weird space monsters.

His mind was quite blank, and he even forgot to give the order for a while. Therefore, Captain Hongshan implicitly handed over the command to him.

So, under the command of the old Kiyan captain, the Blizzard, which could almost be regarded as the most advanced cruiser in the universe, was "separated" from the Scarlet Throne while fighting and retreating.

Probably because the Clear Sky-class cruiser was much prettier than the predators' green skins, and looked easier to bully than the dreadnought, it still attracted a considerable number of crystal monsters and pirates.

Although Captain Hongshan was impressed by Sobaek's ability, he felt that the other party had no experience in commanding battleships in direct combat, so he directly took over the command and led a ship's elite crew with full firepower. Opening it, the Blizzard's performance was brought into full play at 120% of its combat effectiveness.

This most perfect cruiser in history always uses high-speed cruising to open up the formation of the pursuing troops, and then uses its firepower advantage to defeat targets one after another. After everyone went through a pursuit and counter-pursuit battle that spanned four galaxies and lasted for twelve hours, the Buran almost defeated all the pursuers without any damage.

No matter how you look at it, this is a brilliant record that can be used in textbooks.

Of course, the only problem is that he got separated from his friendly ship.

"I saw most of the crystal monsters chasing the big ship. We are safe." Captain Hongshan said.

Colonel Sobak had mixed feelings for a while, feeling that it was really important to have an experienced sailor under his command. While he was still hesitating, someone was already able to help him make important decisions.

"I understand your current struggle, but we did not abandon our comrades, but made a last resort choice when necessary. I believe Colonel Yu Lian will understand us." Captain Hongshan patted him heavily. Patted Soback on the shoulder: "What should we do next? Continue the investigation?"

Of course we have to go back, but now we are the only ones left. After losing the Scarlet Throne, Soback really felt that he had no sense of security left.

However, the Snowstorm had been strictly implementing kite-flying tactics just now. The hull only suffered a few scratches and there were no crew casualties. The energy and supplies on board are enough to allow the ship to run for more than half a year without replenishment, and the ammunition can also carry out several high-intensity battles. If we go back at this time, it seems like there is no way to explain to the superiors?

Indeed, given the severity of the imperial military law, giving up on your own while still being able to perform the mission can be regarded as escaping from the battlefield, and the commander will definitely be severely punished. Many times, even the descendants of noble families and even the royal family could not escape death, not to mention him, a young baron who had lost his ancestral territory for hundreds of years.

"Continue to move forward in the established direction. However, we must ensure that the gravity beacon and gravitational wave relay device along the way are operating well." Soback said: "Even if something unexpected happens to us, at least we can send the last bit of news back to the headquarters. .”

As soon as he gave the order, someone on the ship reported: "The gravity well signal was captured ahead."

Sobek was overjoyed, pulled out his commander and shouted: "Get ready to meet the enemy!"

Hongshan looked at the commander who suddenly became excited and sighed: "I know you are feeling aggrieved and want to vent, but... Hey, forget it, all crew members, get ready for battle! We are a dignified Imperial Navy, What’s the point of escaping all the way?”

Seeing that the captain was inexplicably more enthusiastic than himself, Soback was about to say something, but he saw everyone on the bridge shouting in response as if they had taken gunpowder, and they all gnashed their teeth with red eyes. I almost felt a little breath coming out of my nostrils.

So, he didn't know what to say.

His plan was simple. If you can catch up with the enemy fleet, try to find a way to fight again, preferably a more brutal one. If you suffer a little injury and use up a little more ammunition, it will be natural for you to retreat.

Of course, the only person I'm sorry for may be the comrades who may have died. They accompanied him from the extreme frontier through the Abyss Nebula and then to the New World. It is of course impossible to say that there is no friendship at all.

But what he never expected was that his comrades were much braver than him.

...that's understandable. After all, they are the elite troops of the Imperial Navy, the number one in the universe. Who doesn't have any blood and who doesn't feel aggrieved?

As a result, the two Marauder battleships drilled out of the gravity well were stunned by the Blizzard on the spot, and were blasted by the main cannon before they could even get out of their stance.

One battleship was destroyed on the spot, and the other one was seriously injured, and was then occupied by heroic stormtroopers.

This battle lasted very short, just over an hour. During this process, Soback didn't even have time to issue an order to express his presence.

From the prisoners, they learned that these raider squadrons were responsible for contacting pirate groups in various places. There is only one purpose, to contact all outlaws, harass the colonies of the empire and the community, destroy the facilities in both places as much as possible, and reduce their ability to support the army's logistics support.

This isn't big news. Anyone with a little bit of strategic vision will make such speculations, and Soback is no exception.

Of course, there are also unexpected surprises. They seized a star map on board the ship. Of course, it is just a very incomplete star map, but it marks a new route and points to a galaxy that has not yet been explored.

According to physical distance calculations, it is about 1,000 light-years away from here and requires nearly twenty jumps. Even at the speed of the Buran, it would take half a month to arrive.

However, this is indeed a place that none of the civilizations in the galaxy have explored.

"...Big, His Majesty the Great Khan said that after we complete the mission, we will leave the pirates behind and go to that galaxy to wait. She will contact us." The captured leader of the looters said.

"Haha, sir, you are indeed a man of great luck! Isn't that where you should go next?" Captain Hongshan said.

Good luck! Is there any more negative development in the world than this? I was thinking about retreating immediately after a few battles! Who wants to travel to an unknown galaxy 1,000 light-years away?

"Then, sir, I'm going to check the channel information." The navigator said.

"I'll interrogate the prisoners again and see what else I can bring out," the stormtrooper leader said.

"As long as we can get there first, we should be able to find traces of the main fleet of predators. In this way, Captain Soback, you have defeated the Earthling once, right?" the boatswain said.

"Hahahahahaha, you're right. Even if it's just to let our Commander Soback defeat his old enemy once, we must work hard!" Captain Hongshan waved his hand and gave the next step to the whole ship. Action sets a tone.

Yeager Soback knew that the people on his ship were all elites, but he didn't know that they were still so mediocre, let alone that his prestige on the ship was so high. For a moment, he didn't know whether to be moved or to find a place to go. cried.

But you have to figure it out! The so-called old enemy and so on are all what that guy said! You don’t even think about it, how could I, a mediocre person who was still struggling in the second ring when I was twenty-five and far from touching the border of the third ring, become the old enemy of the God’s Chosen Champion?

However, at this time, it was too late for Yeager Soback even if he wanted to read poetry. Looking at the excited guys, he always felt that if he told his true purpose, it would definitely cause an incurable blow to the outlook of the two thousand heroes. If the crew collapses, will they push themselves as an officer to walk on the pedal?

Oh, by the way, I now have the identity of an inspector posted on this ship by the Astral Knights, which has always been the least favorite position among the crew.

...Then again, isn't this offending military supervisory post generally the job of a judge in the Tribunal? Why did I become an astral knight? This doesn’t fit my personality!

Just when Colonel Yeager Soback was thinking wildly about his future, the big guys on the Buran shot all the captives on the spot, took away the remaining energy supplies and ammunition, and finally blew them up. The ship then moved towards that information based on the captured star map information.

They were indeed very lucky and did not encounter the fleet commanded by Warlord Sazaka. Sobek, who learned about this afterward, was very lucky.

It's both a Star Eater and an ancient drone. This is no opponent that he can handle.

However, he felt that he was unlucky. If he really met these guys, wouldn't he be able to escape justly? There is no subsequent "January Trek" story.

On the night of February 3, the Snowstorm arrived at the border galaxy FX744, which is now the end of the waterway controlled by the major civilizations in the galaxy.

The guys really captured a new gravity well signal based on the route information on the captured star map.

However, at the last moment, everyone hesitated and looked at Soback.

Isn’t exploring new shipping lanes and new galaxies the job of those outlaw adventurers who eat with their heads hanging on their waists? I, Lord Soback, have a bright future, why should I take such a risk? Although Sobak thought so in his heart, at this point, if he talked about retreating, his character would really collapse. As a result, he was aroused a bit fiercely, and he gritted his teeth in his heart and said on his face:

"Our leap has expanded the borders of civilization!"

Everyone said that Chief Sobak, who had read the book, sounded good, and immediately started the jump engine.

The blizzard arrived at a galaxy where human civilization first arrived at 13:15 on February 3. As the first discoverer, Soback temporarily named this galaxy the "Buran X-12 Galaxy."

The reason for the latter code is that there are hundreds of galaxies called blizzards.

Based on the intuition of an excellent officer, Captain Hongshan believed that his side should encounter an ambush from the predators. Even if there was no ambush, it would be very dangerous if they encountered those strange battle crystals before, so he ordered everyone to be on full alert.

But the three-day voyage that followed was completely calm and harmonious. Not only did they not encounter enemies, they didn't even encounter some extreme celestial disasters. Along the way, we passed eight galaxies in a row, all of which were stable star systems in their youth. Each galaxy had two to three Earth-like planets that could undergo environmental modification, and we even encountered a naturally habitable planet.

If the Buran is really an exploration ship, this is definitely a brilliant achievement that can be called a jackpot, enough to achieve financial freedom for everyone on board.

On February 6, everyone finally arrived at the end of the channel on the previously captured star map, which was also the "standby" location.

"But, right here, we ran into a ghost." Soback said in a troubled tone.

Duke Sartolan nodded solemnly and signaled him to continue. He was surprised to find that he was also attracted by the story told by the other party.

Although this young man is a bit exaggerated, his eloquence is quite good, and his appearance and temperament are good. Even if he doesn't become a commander or a good knight in the future, he should still be able to be the head of the propaganda department.

If Soback knew the Grand Master's thoughts, he would definitely be moved to tears. What he most likes to do is this kind of job that is not dangerous, can attract the limelight, and can often be swayed under the noses of big bosses?

However, at this time, he was completely immersed in the previous meeting, and then showed a lingering fear: "Yes, we have returned to the Blizzard X12 galaxy, which is the starting point of exploration."

Duke Sartolan was slightly startled. Having experienced hundreds of battles across the galaxy for more than a century, and having seen all kinds of strange things, His Excellency the Grand Commander, who felt that he would not be surprised no matter what happened, showed a look of surprise for the first time.

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