Him and their stars

Chapter 804 Sector Level Illusion

There was finally a commotion among everyone on the Blizzard. If what appeared in front of them were multiple enemy fleets or even the space Leviathan that covered the sky, they would not be so frightened.

However, when the unknown that they never expected befalls them, it's a completely different story.

Captain Hongshan was also panicked, but still ordered everyone to check the voyage log again, but found no clues. He was very confused for a moment, and then looked at the strongest psyker on the ship.

"This possibility exists." Yeager Soback could only bite the bullet and said: "Not to mention psychic energy, there are also natural astronomical phenomena that can interfere with our cognition."

In fact, he didn't know at all. After all, the Soback family was just a declining nobleman who had lost his territory and title. He didn't have much secret inheritance of mysticism left, so naturally he could only consider memorizing some. But now that this is the case, there is really no other way except to open your eyes wide and talk nonsense.

You know, the mental structure of sailors who are out of control is not stable, and there are many examples of senior officials on the ship being dragged to the gangplank. As a supervisor, he is much more dangerous than the captain.

Fortunately, as the strongest psyker on the ship and a member of the Ares Festival champion team, Yeager's words were still somewhat convincing, so the sergeants still doubtfully agreed.

"Then what should we do?" Hongshan said.

Soback hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Walk again."

He felt the gazes of everyone on the bridge, but he still struggled to maintain his apparent composure and said seriously: "Just go through it again. If the same situation still occurs, just turn back. I promise everyone."

no way. If I turn back after a problem occurs, the gentlemen above can use my head to send a flag. It can even be said that what we see along the way is a mass hallucination caused by timidity and cowardice.

But if the same thing happens twice, take pictures of everything along the way. There is no way to explain it as the so-called group hallucination, and there should be nothing more that can be said above.

"To be on the safe side, video recording is required 24 hours a day. And..." He looked at the maroon earth-like planet not far away: "Place a gravitational wave beacon on the surface of the planet."

The universe can produce hallucinations, but how to explain the hallucinations on the surface of the planet? Soback thought.

Having said that, everyone had no choice but to agree to accompany Soback to try again.

Everyone set off towards the predetermined galaxy for the second time. This time it was still calm and harmonious, and no danger was encountered, but it took everyone ten days. This is because every time it passes through a galaxy, Buran is eager to collect all the optical images and astronomical data in the galaxy, leaving unmanned detectors in the low-Earth orbit of almost every planet. It even conducted a 30-hour landing exploration on the naturally habitable planet on the waterway, collected a large number of biological specimens and environmental data, and also left a double-digit number of unmanned exploration robots on the planet.

Then, everyone started moving forward again, and on February 16, we returned to Blizzard X12, which was the original starting point.

This time, even with Soback's reputation on the ship, everyone couldn't hold back.

"Sir, although we all hope that you can defeat that Earthling once, but..." The navigator's face was full of shame.

"But, but, at least I have to keep myself useful!" The boatswain scratched his scalp and said helplessly.

"Yes, if you are really trapped and die here, in a place like this, will everyone turn into one of those space ghosts?" The chief engineer continued to look left and right as he spoke, as if he had been frightened and lost his soul. A brave duck.

"I don't know if everyone will turn into ghosts, but if this continues, the blizzard will turn into a ghost ship." The first mate said in an eerie tone.

Well, it must be admitted that Soback could be proud of his authority on the ship. Even if everyone couldn't stand it and wanted to leave, they still used very polite negotiation and persuasion, and never thought of rebelling and dared him to take a walk.

Of course, Sobak, whose scalp was numb at this moment, did not expect this. He checked the camera to make sure that the footage was complete, and was about to order a retreat.

But at this time, Captain Hongshan said: "Let's go again, this time don't go to the end. Go to Salt Garden Planet and have a look."

Salt Garden Planet is the temporary name of that habitable planet. According to the general exploration regulations that the first discoverer of a planet or galaxy has priority in naming the planet, the two people with the highest status on the ship, Soback and Hongshan, are the ones qualified to name that planet.

Of course, Hongshan was just a citizen, while Soback was a noble. The old captain was not the type to show off, so he gave up this honor to Soback.

Yeager Soback was very moved. After giving in a few times in a very adult and social way, he named the blue habitable planet "Sote Garden". This was the name of the territorial planet when the Soback family was still a prince. Of course, after losing the title and the territory was reclaimed by the central empire, the name was naturally lost in the long river of history.

Soback immediately understood what Captain Hongshan meant.

If everything we are experiencing so far is an illusion, what are the robots left on the planet? What about biological specimens and natural environment information?

Must confirm again!

After all, Captain Hongshan is an old sailor who has served in the Imperial Army for forty years. Most of the officers present are his old subordinates, and his prestige in the blizzard is certainly higher than that of Soback.

After all, everyone reluctantly carried out the order.

However, after the incident, the bosun reminded the captain: "But no matter what, everyone on the ship has reached the limit. Not physically, but psychologically. This is actually more troublesome than imagined..."

"I understand," the captain said, "so if you want to get nothing this time, just run away."

It took less than two days for the Blizzard to arrive at the Salt Garden this time. Soback even personally led the team to land on the planet, which also greatly improved the favorability of the ship in the minds of the grassroots officers and soldiers. .

Of course, it's not that he suddenly changed his mind and suddenly became brave, he simply felt that compared to the universe that seemed to be dominated by unknown hallucinations, being down to earth on the surface of the planet seemed to make him feel safer.

This time, it only took them ten hours to find the exploration robot left behind. These advanced robots, which can operate for several years with their own power supply and solar panels, have been operating according to predetermined procedures for several days and have stored a considerable amount of planetary information.

After analysis and comparison, there is indeed no problem.

This planet is real. At least no one present noticed any problems.

However, the more this happens, the more creepy it becomes.

So Soback, who returned to the ship, said to everyone: "Don't go forward, just go back the way you came."

"... Indeed, indeed, this star field is really weird. We have collected enough information to hand over to the superiors." Captain Hongshan, the most responsible and well-informed captain, also said agree.

"Indeed, indeed! If these phenomena are abnormal celestial phenomena, that is a matter for the experts from the Wisdom Palace and the Tiangong Institute. If it is some occult phenomenon, then you have to count on the domestic experts. Uh, I'm sorry. "Sir, I'm not saying you're not an expert, but..." the navigator said quickly.

Soback shook his head indifferently, but frowned and said, "Do you think the main force of the Marauders also escaped into this illusion and got lost like us?"

Everyone present looked at each other.

Soback shook his head again: "No, this is unlikely. These illusions may also be caused by the looters."

His judgment actually has no basis, but it is logical. Although some of the friends on the ship felt that Mr. Supervisor might have overreacted, when they reported to Duke Sartolan after escaping from danger, the latter agreed with this.

"Indeed, this is the only logical thing." The old Duke said: "What you encountered... this, um, cross-system phantom formation may be the predators' trump card against our army's encirclement and suppression."

"Your Excellency, to be precise, at the sector level." Colonel Soback had indeed fallen into memories. For a person with such a high emotional intelligence and good social skills, he didn't realize that speaking like this in front of a big leader seemed a bit frivolous. It was obvious that the impact of the scene at that time was really serious on him.

Of course, the grand leader does not have the same experience as this young man, and continued: "However, even I have never heard of an illusion of this scale. Young man, you really dare to think!"

"...This is not because I want to think wildly. In fact, with my knowledge, I can only think about it from this direction. There are many unsolved mysteries in the universe." Soback didn't know who the other party was. Whether to praise myself or to criticize myself, I can only answer bravely.

The Duke laughed: "This is a good way to think. When encountering an unsolved mystery, it is actually very important to make bold assumptions in a logical direction instead of being restricted by common sense. It’s more important than so-called knowledge and brute force.”

Soback couldn't even tell whether the other party was acting strangely, and he became even more confused for a moment.

"So, is this how you returned?" Duke Sadolan asked again.

Soback hurriedly said: "Actually, no... we returned along the original route. When we reached the starting point, which was the Storm Xu X12 galaxy, we found that we were back in the Thorn Garden galaxy."

Even though the Duke knew that the other party was out of danger, he still felt nervous when he heard it. He couldn't help but raise his head and take a serious look at the young knight. After he reunited with his own fleet, he should have been repaired, but he could still feel the young man's fatigue and weakness.

But even so, he could feel that the other party's spirit was much fuller than he imagined.

"Thank you for your hard work, Colonel. I can imagine that in that situation, you were still able to maintain the calmness and sanity of the crew. You must have tried your best, right?"

Soback pursed his lips, and then just nodded silently.

"So, how did your noble officer find a way out?"

Having said this, Soback suddenly became energetic, and a trace of pride flashed on his face: "I... well, every time I go to a new galaxy, I leave behind a gravitational wave relay device. This is actually to ensure peace and harmony. The communication operation at the rear. As you know, gravitational wave signals, unlike the electromagnetic waves we commonly use for communication, can pass through the gravity well smoothly."

Duke Sadolan nodded.

"I ordered the navigation terminal to be closed, forget about the fluctuations of the gravity well, forget about the direction of the star map, and navigate through the coming and going of subtle gravitational waves." Soback said seriously.

"Navigating through the source of the gravitational wave signal?" Duke Sadolan showed an unexpected expression: "It is actually possible to do this?"

"Exactly, that's it. The gravity well guided by gravitational waves will always lead us to unknown galaxies, but in fact, after passing through the gravity well channel, it is clearly the direction back. So, it is not that the gravitational waves are wrong. It's because our ship's navigation system and even our senses are wrong. However, Xianguan's spiritual sense is finally correct."

While digesting the other party's words, Duke Sadolan looked at the young knight up and down as if he was meeting him for the first time, and said with a smile: "Classical navigators really like to abandon terminals and all scientific equipment, relying on Use your own spiritual sense to navigate. However, relying solely on spiritual sense is not enough. You must also have sufficient navigation knowledge. You were born as a stormtrooper officer in the colony, right? You actually have such an ability?"

"Xia, I have always dreamed of being a captain. I was also planning to apply for a self-study class at the Royal Naval Academy, so I taught myself some navigation knowledge. I am still very amateur, but there are Captain Hongshan, the captain, and Major Luo Dan, the navigator. With strong support, we finally didn’t make any stupid mistakes. We successfully returned home with everyone,” Soback said.

By this time, the slight ill feeling that Duke Sartoland had previously had disappeared.

In his opinion, this young man is brave, resourceful, lucky, and now knows how to take care of his subordinates. He is indeed an outstanding young man with great potential and can be cultivated as a pillar of the country.

As for speaking a little grandiosely...well, no one is perfect.

At this time, I heard Soback say again: "However, there are still a lot of luck factors in the official being able to escape this time. If this phantom formation always exists, then even if the local army mobilizes all the troops, it is very likely that they will be trapped. There is no way to advance or retreat in the phantom formation, and there is even the risk of the entire army being annihilated."

"I will report this situation to His Majesty and the Privy Council as soon as possible. You have discovered a huge security risk for us, which is indeed a great achievement." The Duke looked at the other person up and down again, and said firmly: "And, your The star ring is about to break through, is it because we used our spiritual sense to navigate along the way and gained some understanding?"

Soback was a little shocked, but he still nodded: "...Xiaguan's star ring has indeed been filled. However, I don't dare to expect a breakthrough in the near future."

After all, the material fees are very expensive. Although the Astral Knights can apply to the public, they still have to queue up! And it is said that it is quite dangerous when raising the ring, so you need to think carefully.

More importantly, if I really get promoted to the third ring, I might be directly incorporated into the actual combat unit and have to command the cannon fodder who jumped into the gang. Therefore, it is better to contact the security department first...

While Soback was still thinking this, Duke Sadolan had already put his hand on his shoulder.

He was slightly startled and looked at the Duke, but he suddenly discovered that the old man's eyes had lost sight of their pupils and kernels, and had completely turned into a ray of light, as if two suns suddenly rose into the sky, emitting a breathtaking sound. A bright light that cannot be looked directly at.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his soul was caught in the strong light, unable to break free, and then lost consciousness.

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