Him and their stars

Chapter 805 Small Problem

Yeager didn't know how many years he had spent in that illusory and mysterious spiritual world. When he suddenly woke up and his consciousness could capture the information of the real world, it took him at least a minute of sluggishness before he gradually recovered. The ability to think.

During this period, Duke Sartolan was just sipping tea indifferently, until the other party was sure that he had recovered his sanity, and then he said: "Your psychic talent is indeed just a talent for others. The switch between reality and the soul world takes a lot of time." 71 seconds. But in the same situation, Shameen only took 3 seconds."

Yeager Soback had nothing to say and just nodded Nono. The power of the three rings flowed through his body, brewing into a responsible emotion that dominated his thinking. For a moment, he didn't even know if he should be happy.

After a long time, he finally confirmed that he had indeed entered the third ring. This was something he never dared to think about when he was a junior officer in the Marine Corps in the New World and burrowed into the ground with the indigenous rebels.

He should really be happy.

As a result, Soback finally showed a stiff smile on his face, and then looked at Duke Sadolan beside him in confusion.

Is it so easy to break through the third ring? Or is this the ability of His Excellency the Grand Leader?

Duke Sadolan said: "No need to guess, this is indeed my ability. I don't want you to delay another one or two years in the second ring. These days, you must upgrade to the ring as early as possible!"

Soback stood up and bowed deeply to the Grand Leader. He wanted to say some words of thanks but didn't know where to start. This is a kind of kindness that can be called repeated! According to the traditional moral principles of the imperial nobles, Sobaek is now considered Duke Sadolan's "person". Whether in politics or the military, he has the obligation to cheer for the other party.

Of course, similarly, the Duke has become Soback's most solid backing.

However, one side is the Grand Master of the Astral Knights, Minister of the Privy Council, and the head of one of the empire's thousand-year-old wealthy families, while the other side is just a small baron and newcomer to the Knights. No matter how you look at this deal, it's Soback who wins.

"Yeager, I know you don't aspire to be extraordinary. However, if you, as the commander of an army in the future, have more strength at your side, it will be very useful whether you are running the army or preventing the enemy from assassinating you. I am old, but you still have a bright future. I hope you can serve the Empire for at least another 60 years."

Colonel Yeager Soback looked at the Duke's sincere expression, and a feeling of warmth flashed in his heart. More importantly, the emotion felt at this time was not a secular emotion about finally being taken seriously by a big shot and about to achieve great success, but a purer emotion. This surprised even him.

At this time, the previous complex emotions of joy and worry were dispelled by a sudden sense of mission.

"Then...are you willing to become my disciple?" Duke Sadolan said.

"Yes, but I am an 'explorer'! I am not good at frontal combat, so how can I qualify to receive your teachings? I have just started to learn the formation-breaking spear skills and charging swords now." Soback said embarrassedly, feeling that for the first time Visibly ashamed.

Then he began to worry again. You know, the salary of the Astral Knight is not that easy to get. Therefore, a full knight will have a combat skills test every two years. If he fails to pass the test, he will have to rush to the knight training camp to attend classes with a group of knight students for three months and then take the retake exam.

It's okay to retake the exam, but sitting in class with a bunch of half-kids is such a humiliation that no serious person can bear.

"Haha, don't worry. If the disciple trained by me cannot even pass the formal test, then I am not qualified to stand in front of Lan Jiufeng." Duke Sadolan stood up and looked directly at the young man. eyes: "Yager, your true potential is not your spiritual talent, but whether you have the will to continue to forge ahead despite frustration. Shameen has already done this, and I hope you can It can be done. Yeager, we, master and disciple, must not be left too far behind by our old enemy!"

But, but... I really don't want to be his old enemy at all! Soback was really moved by His Excellency the Grand Master's expectations and almost cried on the spot.

At this moment, Colonel Yeager Soback's "old enemy", the Earthling named Yu Lian, was heading towards the New Jade Gate with his friends from the Scarlet Throne, eating hot pot and singing.

After all, they had just completed a brilliant victory, and they should celebrate it logically and logically. Even if it was just for the sake of everyone's morale, Yu Lian would not be such an incomprehensible person.

Of course, celebrating is a celebration, and working overtime is working overtime. Soldiers on duty at important positions are absolutely not allowed to relax, and must even be more focused than before.

Ever since, this ship, currently the only dreadnought ship in the entire New World (except for the Predator), continued to march forward bravely while eating hot pot and singing songs.

Everyone's morale is high and our troops are well-fed. Even rotation will not affect the combat effectiveness too much. As a result, before March 4, the Throne successfully intercepted and killed all the Predator warships fleeing in the direction of New Yumen.

At this time, the Scarlet Throne only needs three jumps from the New Yumen Galaxy. The physical distance is less than 100 light-years. If it continues to maintain its current endurance speed, it should arrive at its destination within twenty-four hours.

However, after intercepting the Blood War, some unharmonious situations still occurred.

The Bloody War is also a battleship full of predator style. The green leather assembly is very obvious and the appearance is ugly. However, its body should be modified from a large high-speed cruise ship, and the overall shape is still very slender and streamlined. The size and mass of the battleship is about two-thirds of the Throne.

If the predators' usual tactical habits were followed, there should be more than 30,000 crew members on board.

However, after the Bloody Battle was intercepted, only more than 10,000 people were found, including the remains of the deceased.

"We were abandoned." A leader of the Legg Titan Raider squad said with a tearful face: "The general took away all the elite troll soldiers and technical personnel on the ship. We were abandoned!"

"Nonsense, nonsense, all the Myshandar people have been taken away, so who am I?" A troll squad leader who was missing an arm and a leg was furious.

"You're not a troll, you're just cannon fodder. In the eyes of Mr. Sazaka, only those who can fight are considered trolls. Ever since you became disabled, it doesn't count anymore." Captain Laige glanced at the opponent with contempt. He glanced at it and said with a sneer.

Yu Lian almost laughed out loud. In terms of pure average IQ, the Laig giant is even lower than the Methander troll, but this man is probably a genius among their species, and his words are inexplicably a little philosophical.

He ignored the accusations made by the remaining raider leaders and ordered all the prisoners to be imprisoned in cells. After all, these people are all strong plundering warriors. Even if they are disabled, they can still work. They can just be transported to Xinyumen for... labor reform. If you behave well, it's okay to give them freedom.

At this time, First Officer Kong Qingyu had already inspected the Bloody Battle, led the team back, and reported to Yu Lian: "We have inspected the belly of this ship. There are only two squadrons of fighters on this ship, and the rest are all medium-sized There are six transport ships in total, all of which have short-distance jump capabilities and can indeed take away ten or twenty thousand people. These predators were prepared to abandon the flagship and escape from the beginning."

Yu Lian was amazed when he heard this, thinking that the troll warlord could actually use his flagship as the tail of a gecko. With this decisive courage, he could be considered a hero.

He was indeed being hung up and beaten by Teacher Yang the whole time, but this only shows that Teacher Yang is too powerful, and it cannot be said that he does not work hard.

"Captain, we have to be careful about his retaliatory orbital bombing of Xinyumen." Mate Kong said worriedly: "Judging from the preparation data on the ship's terminal and what the prisoners told us, those six transport ships plus It’s loaded with a lot of weapons.”

At this time, Yu Lian had already received the enemy ship information compiled by the soldiers, so he opened the terminal and took a glance: "Indeed, it can be confirmed that there are at least three to four turbo laser groups and small coil guns on each ship. Huh? There are actually A horizontal axis screw is used. Is this thing used to disintegrate the collision angle? Is this to turn the transport ship into an assault landing craft? "

Kong Qingyu gave a thumbs up sign that the captain was indeed an expert.

"Actually, it's more like the crow ship of the ancient Romans." Feifei smiled: "However, it is actually a good design idea to do your best to strengthen your advantage in gang-hopping."

Kong Qingyu also said that Miss Li is worthy of being the first place in the 830 class, and she is indeed a very smart master.

Yu Liandao: "Don't worry. If a transport ship of this size wants to transport ten or twenty thousand people, it must have modified the cabin to a considerable extent, taking up a lot of hull space. In addition, there are protective turrets, armor, and small jumps. Now that the engine is equipped with a ram, how many grams of mass can it still have for orbital bombardment?”

Feifei also said: "Furthermore, after the Turon incident, the National Defense Commission placed two defense satellites in orbit. They seem to be products of Alliance Winter Heavy Industries."

You know, that famous military-industrial enterprise is owned by the Ainol family, where Astri, the smiling little fat man, belongs. Its most distinctive product is the insanely powerful, wear-resistant and durable orbital defense weapons.

After all, although Tulon is remote, it is still the only profitable colonial planet in the New World. And as the alliance invests there and the number of immigrants increases, the prospects will only get brighter. The Lords of the Earth have high hopes for this place, and naturally they will not hesitate to protect their investment.

"What we need to worry about is that they forcibly landed at Xinyumen. Ten to twenty thousand fully armed marauder soldiers came to the surface of the planet... This is much more difficult to deal with than the millions of sand people uprisings." Yu Liandao.

"But we are only a day's flight away from Xinyumen. If they really land by force, won't they be killed on the planet by me?" Feifei said.

"Here, maybe we can capture the civilians above and use them as hostages?" Yu Lian frowned slightly. This is indeed illogical. Since Sazaka has prepared so many escape measures, he should not force himself to die.

"Or, are they really colluding with the alliance and preparing to cooperate with the eldest lady of the Moen family to make big news?"

Of course, Yu Lian did not hide Yang Xiyi's suspicion about Miss Taina Morn from Feifei.

However, the latter disagreed with this: "It is understandable that Teacher Yang doubts her. However, colluding with the predators is not a trivial matter. Once exposed, no one can bear this responsibility. The Seventeenth Family is the real ruler of the alliance. Would they let their direct descendants do such a thing in person?"

Really unlikely. Most of the ruling class, especially the capitalists, are greedy and shady people. Although they are keen on gambling, what they hate the most is leaving no room for anything. Naturally, he would not risk his own life. Yu Lian thought. However, the seventeen families are different. The history of the alliance ruled by such political and business lords is not shorter than that of the Chenxi royal family in the opposite empire, but they really cannot be regarded as ordinary capitalist families.

"Besides, she is a reporter from the Herald after all. Maybe she is really the same person as me." Feifei added.

It turns out it’s the empathy of fellow journalists!

In any case, everything must be rushed to Xinyumen to get the answer.

So, after transferring all the prisoners, the Throne completely turned the two cannons of the seriously injured Blood War into space junk and continued to move forward.

Of course, when moving forward, a warning must be sent in advance to the direction of the Planetary Guard Command. This is the fourth warning signal sent to Xinyumen in the past few days.

There is no way. After all, the source wave communication center that everyone found is a small one with limited traffic. You can send instant emails to Xinyumen, but instant video communication is a bit inadequate.

Later, when the destination was less than twelve hours away and only one jump was needed to arrive, the Throne received an incoming call from Tulon instead.

Only then did Yu Lian realize that now there was only one galaxy separated, and through the signal relay of gravitational waves, instant communication could be completed for the time being, with a delay of only a few seconds at most.

The person who appears in the picture is naturally Captain Akinayama Hachiman, the current (acting) chief of staff of the Tulon Security Command.

By the way, one of the garrison commander and deputy commander was hospitalized for a stomach ulcer and the other asked for leave to go back to his hometown to attend his son's wedding. This is probably the tradition of Tulong and Xinyumen.

"The predator's warship has escaped and is turning towards Xinyumen. You must be prepared for defense. Can you receive my early warning message?"

"It was received three days ago. All preparations have been completed now. The surface artillery positions and the defense satellite command headquarters are in a state of round-the-clock combat readiness."

"However, the enemy ships have been destroyed. They are now escaping on small ships and may land on the surface of the planet. It is impossible for two satellites to block all planets."

"Understood. In fact, when the enemy fleet entered our country a week ago, I had already put the marines, guards and all newly formed militia troops on combat readiness."

Akinayama Hachiman is still very flawless in his work, a bit like his previous life, and Yu Lian is very satisfied.

"...Miss Taina Morn and Mr. Ash Fashbit are at Xinyumen, did you know?"

"Commander Yang reminded me. However, those two are psychics and have special status, so they dare not take too strict surveillance measures."

It seems that he doesn't know the situation of Summers and the Omnic Brotherhood yet. However, it is really not easy to talk about this kind of thing everywhere.

"However, I have arranged a Marine Corps battalion near Twin Peaks. They are elite troops that came from China for support at the beginning of the year. They are led by Major Richard Winter. They have enough heavy weapons."

This guy with glasses is pretty ruthless. In addition, Major Winter actually came too? It’s been such a long time! When the battle is over, let's treat that guy to some charcoal-grilled woodchuck.

"Very good. I'll be there within a day. You continue to be vigilant...anything else, any questions?"

"It's not a big deal, but there was a riot in the sand people's labor camp yesterday. The rioters kidnapped several engineers from the Red Maple Factory and occupied the construction site of the machinery factory we are building next to Tulong Port." Hachiman said in a calm tone. road.


"Don't worry, it's a small problem. It will be over in two hours at most."

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