Him and their stars

Chapter 808 It’s over

Of course Tituo asked in vain. Although his good friend Tutu is living a prosperous life as a child, he is just a militia leader and really doesn't know the current status of the attack case. Of course, he didn't even know that this "vicious" incident, which caused a lot of trouble but only caused double-digit casualties, was basically coming to an end.

Major Simon Vayali, who was not carrying any weapons, and Engineer Busca, who was only wearing a wrench and a hammer, were surrounded by a group of armed sand people "kidnappers" and listened to their voices.

The hostages were all gathered in a corner of the factory, looking at the scene with curiosity, looking like they were enjoying themselves, and there was almost no fear on their faces.

"In other words, your wages were robbed by those lords?" Simon listened and recorded each stroke with his terminal.

"Yes, that's right! We clearly agreed that the wages will be our own. I was still thinking about saving up enough money to move to Tulong," Shamin A said.

"I, I don't even have this hope." Shamin B said, "I just want to buy some medicine for my sick mother."

Sha Min C said: "Originally, they said they were recruiting some intermediaries, so we tolerated it. But now, not only do they want to rob, but they also want to kill people..."

Sandman D said angrily: "And he said that if he doesn't give it, he will drive his family out of the city!"

"Very good. I have heard all your requests." Simon closed the notebook: "Don't worry, those in our youth club..."

Busca calmly gasped and kicked Simon, who quickly changed his words: "Under the governance of the community government, all the sand people in the Star Gate no longer have any personal dependence. There may still be the city lord and the clan leader. Master, but at most you are renting a house from them, not their domestic slaves."

The sand people "thugs" looked at each other, some were disapproving, some were thoughtful, and some looked even more confused.

"Did I teach you how to read and write on the first day? Can't you hear it now?" Busca shouted.

This hot-tempered young engineer has a very high prestige in the eyes of ordinary workers, no less than Simon, the psychic and leader of the militia. After all, the latter is a gentle political commissar who speaks very politely and patiently, but Busca said that labor and management are the working class and can really hit people with a wrench.

When he roared like this, all the "thugs" immediately dropped their heads.

"Besides, can't you tell me this kind of thing? Tell it to your squad leader? Why do you do such a stupid thing?" Busca said loudly.

After a while, a sand citizen said cautiously: "...I, indeed, I do feel that my brain is not working well during this period. I am always groggy."

Another Shamin said: "Well, I'm like that too. I get very angry every day. As soon as I hear that my wages have been taken away, I feel very hateful. Yes, I hate it so much! I hate it so much! Why why why why why oops!"

Sand Min let out a scream, because Busca had jumped up and slapped her, and said angrily: "A man should stop imitating the words of the resentful woman in the comics, it's not disgusting. You are a worker, you are a fucking worker! The worker grandfather is fearless! Do you understand?"

Wayali glanced at Busca next to him. This young black technician actually didn't read many books, and he was not a psychic who could control the mind, but he thought this guy's words were particularly pleasant.

No, the sand people at the scene also heard it, and they were all ashamed.

If it were those sand people who were still working as thugs for the city lord and clan elders, they might not quite understand. But after all, these people here have been construction workers for a long time, and they still have great sympathy for the "worker grandpa".

"So you have woken up?" Simon asked.

"Yes, he woke up after he died."

The dead person everyone is talking about refers to the red-scaled corpse of a sandman lying next to him. This guy's body is extremely burly. If ordinary sand people are alligators, this guy might be considered a Nile crocodile.

Both Busca and Simon knew this guy. After all, sand people of such a large size were rare, not to mention that this guy was as good as ten at work. He is a sandman named Ermen. Because he is tall and powerful, he is also active in work. He has become a section leader in the construction team. He is in charge of several work groups with two to three hundred workers.

Simon felt that it would be a pity for a guy like this who could stand head-to-head with a troll just by looking at his size to be a worker. He should be a warrior, so he went to ask for his opinion.

However, this Shaman worker named Ermen said that it was very good to move bricks at the construction site every day. Food, housing and allowances were included, and he was ready to continue doing this.

Who can deny a small but sure happiness to a living person? Although Simon felt it was a pity, he didn't make it difficult for him.

However, what I never expected was that this guy would be the mastermind of this sand workers' riot. However, looking at it now, this "mastermind" is just a tool being used.

Two hours ago, he and Busca proposed to enter the factory and interview everyone. But for some reason, the man named Ermen allowed everyone to enter without thinking too much.

"I'm here for fairness!" The man named Ermen said: "You earthlings are just the oppressors here. I am a disciple of Great Elder Hessen, and I want to fight for the well-being of all my fellow sand people! "

Great Elder Hessen was the hero of the sand people who led the million-strong army in the uprising. He was eventually killed in the Battle of Tulon. In addition, Yang Xiyi, who took over the military intelligence work of New Yumen, had all his relatives within the fifth server and all his disciples, plus the relatives of all his disciples within the fifth server, investigated. This does not include the one named Ermon.

"So, what are your demands?" Simon asked: "As far as I know, you have been promoted to section chief and applied for citizenship of the community. My wife and sister run a restaurant together in Jushi Town and sell fried dough. Shu, several children are also in the town’s primary school, taking classes with the children from Earth.”

As soon as these words came out, Simon saw the struggle on the other person's face with his own eyes, and immediately understood something. Although he did not feel any spiritual fluctuations, he had to think in this direction.

"Don't let it take away your sanity! Ermen, you are a good worker!" Busca also noticed something and shouted loudly.

However, Ermen's struggle finally turned into a kind of morbid convulsions and fanaticism. He let out a low roar, stretched out his giant hand as big as a leaf fan, and pressed directly on Simon's head: "Feel our pain! Understand our pain! Accept our pain!"

He yelled, but the moment his palm came into contact with Simon's head, he let out a low howl of pain. His head seemed to have been opened by an invisible bullet, and his brains and blood splashed around.

The huge body hit the ground like an overturned giant truck, and lost all sound on the spot.

Not only the hostages and other sand people, but also Simon and others were stunned by this unfolding.

"You, are you actually so powerful?" Busca was shocked. He was not a psyker, but he had seen a psyker open the film with his own eyes, so he still had some knowledge.

"I, I don't know either! I've only just reached the third level!" Simon said, "And I'm a judge, so I don't have the ability to explode people's heads!"

"Oh, you already have three rings!" Busca was even more shocked. You know, the "White General" who betrayed Hong Fengchang and Rumina and defected to the empire was only a second ring.

"I've really grown a lot lately by working with everyone... But even if I get to the Sixth Ring Road, I can't blow people's heads like this!" Simon said loudly.

He looked at the headshot corpse of the opponent suspiciously, and recalled it carefully. He was certain that the moment this guy's hand touched the top of his head, his mental shield did start to react automatically, and there was a faint sound coming from his temple. It stung.

Then, the stinging sensation was like a beast that had encountered a natural enemy. He retreated on the spot and could no longer feel it.

Simon looked carefully again, and could vaguely see something like tentacles trembling slightly around the wound on the half-stretched head of the Sandman Giant, but he just blinked slightly and it was gone. The trace seems to be just an illusion.

However, he is a psychic after all, and he must not explain these subtle phenomena with such superficial explanations as hallucinations.

No, when Ermen fell to the ground, the sand people "thugs" with guns and ammunition around them calmed down as if they were waking up from a dream. Their expressions were still evil and fierce, but their eyes were a little confused and confused, as if they had just recovered from a murderous dream.

Then, they really found out that this was not a dream. A sandman screamed on the spot, subconsciously raised the rifle in his hand, and was immediately hit on the head by Busca with a hammer.

"Yell your ass! How big of a shit do you know to yell! Solve the problem!" Engineer Busca shouted loudly: "And you guys, drop your guns. Let me tell you, you are in big trouble this time! "

Simon also showed a pleasant political commissar-like smile: "Everyone, please put down your weapons. Let's talk it over. I am now sure that you must have been affected by some illusions. Don't worry, the community government has very complete regulations for victims of psychic powers. . I estimate that the most serious crime you can commit is accidental injury."

Of course, this is also because so far, all the dead are members of these rioting sand people. Not only are civilians killed, there are not even serious injuries. The follow-up is relatively easy to deal with.

"In short, it's not too late to stop now. But now that you have obviously woken up, and you are still stubbornly resisting, that is a different nature." Seeing the timid and hesitant appearance of these sand people, he added : "However, what psychic means amplifies is the dark side and extreme thoughts deep in your hearts. At this point, everyone feels aggrieved, right? Are you willing to talk to me?"

Simon, who has reached the third ring of "Judgment", is now the "Judge". The higher the energy level of this star ring, the stronger your beliefs and values ​​will become, and your temperament will change accordingly. Coupled with the bonus of a gentle political commissar, it is actually easy for him to gain the trust of the lower class working people.

Ever since, there was the previous scene of the complaint meeting.

"I promise you, no one dares to take away the fruits of your hard work! I will give you a satisfactory explanation within three days at most." Simon assured everyone, and then changed the topic: "But, you are indeed Participated in attacks and kidnappings. So, you must put down your weapons, go out and surrender to the police. Don’t worry, no one will abuse you while you are in the detention center. Do you want to believe me?"

The sand people looked at each other, and one of them said cautiously: "I, we believe you. But, after you come out, can you continue to come back to work?"

They looked at Busca with hopeful eyes, and the latter scolded: "Maybe the light rails will be repaired by the time you come out!"

The construction workers drooped their heads again.

"Humph, in the final analysis, it's because you are so lackluster. You are so weak and you still want to be a worker? It's obvious that you lack labor education! Captain...well, my previous leader told us that we must strengthen our own cognition and three views. , in this way, even the top psychics will have difficulty controlling us! Look at your worthless looks, can't you really see that we are actually changing the world with our own hands? Something is wrong. You don't think about solving the problem or resisting the bad people who oppress you, but you only know how to complain, and then the evil psychic takes advantage of it! When the steel mill is repaired, they will be hired as furnace workers! It’s better to roast all the shadows in your souls!”

The construction worker raised his head again, but all that flashed in his eyes was the light of hope.

As a result, the attack that lasted for twelve hours but caused double-digit casualties and no civilian deaths came to an end.

The remaining sand people dropped their weapons and, under Simon's guidance, walked out of the factory and surrendered to the guards outside.

All the hostages who were held hostage were also eliminated. Afterwards, no one was injured or injured. Except for being a little thirsty after not eating enough water and rice for a long time, there was no problem.

These hostages include Tulon citizens selling snacks at the construction site, workers from the Red Maple Factory, and several foreign businessmen inspecting the machinery factory. They were indeed a little frightened when they were first kidnapped, but after Simon and Busca entered the factory I wasn't scared anymore, and I was enjoying myself the whole time. They all felt that with the super development in the second half, the kidnapping was a worthwhile trip. It's definitely worth the effort.

Busca followed everyone out of the factory and made sure that every hostage was in the ambulance and that every sand citizen was not injured or beaten before preparing to leave. He declined the offer to go back to the hospital for a checkup and rest, and instead prepared to return directly to the construction site. However, before he could get back to his car, a well-dressed and dignified middle-aged uncle emerged from nowhere and appeared next to him with a swagger.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Busca? I am John Prince, a reporter from "GNN News". I heard that this case was caused by the Sand workers being dissatisfied with their pay. Is that true? Some Tulon citizens You think this is caused by the greed of the Sand workers, do you think..."

"Which xxx said that? The income of the workers of the sand people is less than one-third of that of humans, and they are still being deducted. Who is greedy? I want to ask, the red maple factory sent it Their wages were paid to the workers through the colonial government. What on earth is going on?" Busca wanted to hide when he saw the reporter, but when he heard this, he burst out: "Obviously they were bullied! They did this It’s one thing for them to do something wrong, but it’s another thing for them to be bullied!”

The reporter looked directly at the furious black young man, but smiled happily.

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