Him and their stars

Chapter 809 Are we doing a good job?

"I don't understand. New Yumen is the territory of the community, right? Our country is a republic, right? Then why are there so many Lao Shizi city lords, elders, clansmen, kings and lords, and they are all guests of the colonial government? Why is Pong Sha Are the people no different from their slaves? This is the time! We..."

"With all due respect, Mr. Busca, it is actually Marshal Li who hates identity politics and racial discrimination very much, so when the founding of the People's Republic of China, he established the policy of equality among the four peoples and abandoned all status distinctions. But in fact, our community They are the non-mainstream of all countries. Not counting the Empire, even the Alliance has not completely abolished slavery. Many influential members of the Alliance Congress still retain their hereditary status in remote star regions." John Mr. Prince reminded.

"Oh, it turns out that without realizing it, our community has turned into the most progressive country in the universe?" Buscaqi said, and then raised his head proudly.

"Well, in a sense, yes." Mr. Reporter said.

If Marshal Li's blueprint during his lifetime can really be realized. he thinks.

"In this case, don't let the founding father's spirit down!" Busca said loudly.

In the following ten minutes, the young engineer began to let himself go completely.

He said that Hongfeng Factory's investment in Xinyumen includes a metallurgical base and a machinery parts and shipbuilding material factory. The investment is not small. Hongfeng Factory provides funds and technical guidance, and the New Yumen Government provides land and manpower. The new enterprise is equivalent to a joint investment by the two. In order to avoid some financial problems, the colonial government was entrusted with paying wages to local sand workers.

But now, there is such a problem! What responsibilities should the colonial government bear?

Busca immediately asked, is it the colonial government collaborating with the powerful people of the Sand people to harm ordinary workers? Later, he said that he would protest on behalf of Red Maple Factory and even report it to higher-ups when necessary.

Later, he derived from this topic to the in-depth topic of who is more important, workers or gentlemen.

Busca is just an engineer who graduated from a college and has no theoretical foundation, but "gentlemen are actually supported by workers" has always been a truth he firmly believes. Even in front of this reporter who could hardly tell the difference between friend and foe, he did not bother to hide this.

In other words, for him, even if there is a big demon king who chooses people to devour, he still has this view and attitude.

Later, the two of them didn't seem to be doing an interview. Instead, they went to the market outside the city, found a snack shop run by humans, ordered some cheap snacks and local beer, and started talking and laughing.

On the other side, Simon Vayali stayed at the scene, exchanged a few words with the security team members who came later, and made sure that all the finishing work had been properly arranged. Only then did he return to his armored vehicle, and then Directly connected to Akinayama Hachiman's communication.

"Look, it's better to use my method." He smiled at the glasses behind the holographic projection: "If it's not a last resort, there's really no need to take too drastic measures!"

"...Actually, you are taking risks, and you are more radical than me. The sandman named Ermen just now really wants to hurt you." Akinayama Hachiman's voice and expression were very calm: "If you If you really die there, have you thought about how it will end? What should I do with Mr. Engineer? What should I do with those hostages?"

Simon shook his head and said: "After all, I am a third-ring psyker, so I cannot deal with a top master. A top master who can manipulate mental techniques wants to directly attack my spirit through a layer of human media, but it is not that easy. of."

Now he has figured it out. That Ermen must be controlled by some psychic master.

"Furthermore, I am responsible for the security of the vigilante group and the light rail work, so I have the obligation to resolve this matter and pay the minimum price to resolve it."

"You...doesn't this make me seem very unconscious? When Yu Lian comes, I will be framed by him and be yin and yang weird again." Akinayama Hachiman sighed.

Simon chuckled and said: "Hachiman, when I went in just now, you were already investigating, right?"

Hachiman pushed up his glasses: "The man named Ermen was a warrior chief born in the city-state of Ovi. During the Tulon Incident, it was also a large city-state. In the war, that city-state lost most of its troops, so It was destroyed by the massive horse banditry that followed, and it is said that more than 20,000 civilians and slaves were killed within a few days.”

Simon sighed. Those so-called "large-scale horse bandits" are, to put it bluntly, the army of the sand people who were defeated and lost their organization in the Battle of Tulong. They were unable to return to their city-states and tribes, and even lost their homes, and could only survive by plundering. Preliminary estimates put the number of these guys at more than 300,000.

The fleet and the garrison have jointly eliminated large-scale sand caravans and bandits several times, killing at least six figures, but they only reduced the group-level gangs to smaller and smaller sizes. Both Simon and Hachiman feel that it is almost impossible to completely wipe out these gangs through force.

Hachiman added: "Emen lost two brothers and his elderly mother in this catastrophe, and the cause of death was because the city lord closed the castle in advance and did not allow civilians to take refuge. To be honest, if the Ovi city lord had been a little more decisive, There will never be more than 20,000 dead, most of them will survive."

Simon nodded, thinking that this should be the reason why the soldier was charged. According to his understanding of spiritual psychic techniques, even a top master would find it difficult to control his mind if he encounters a "mortal" with a firm will, a clear goal, and a very clear understanding of himself. However, if someone encounters something painful that is unbearable and unresolvable, obvious flaws will be left in the soul.

"However, the chief culprit, Lord Ovie, is now a member of the colonial government." Hachiman added, "Now he is Governor Jiang's guest."

"Didn't he take part in the siege of Tulon?"

"But after all, he is not the mastermind, and his attitude of resistance is not firm. He belongs to the category that can be correct. Moreover, this guy is actually quite good at managing money. He is considered to be a very lively mind among the sand people lords. Although his city-state was destroyed by Once, it did not affect the large treasures he had buried elsewhere. When the incident was over, he brought a cart of traditional gold handicrafts of the sand people into Tulong, and after some activities, he became a sand citizen of the colonial government. Congressman. Governor Jiang regarded his old man as a symbol of racial reconciliation and publicized it a lot." Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses.

"Now, the Lord of Ovie is not only a parliamentarian and an industrialist, but he has also received an investment loan to rebuild the castle, and he can still retain his status as a lord. Some time ago, he was moving up and down in the parliament, talking about why colonies in the New World have their own public sentiments Furthermore, some laws should not be completely in line with local laws and need to be in line with local characteristics."

"Does he want to retain slavery and institutionalized status?" Simon said coldly.

Hachiman nodded.

"It is understandable that the upper class people in the colony would be angry when they see the oppressive culprit who killed his family suddenly transformed into a high-ranking person in the colony. It is normal to regard him as an accomplice of his enemy." Simon said.

Hachiman shrugged.

"Speaking of which, Davarixi Qiu Mingshan, we have been busy in Xinyumen for ten years and eliminated nearly a hundred lords and clan elders, but in fact they were all those who were hostile to the colonial government."

Hachiman continued to nod: "But those who are respectful are more troublesome than those who are hostile. Also, please don't imitate our Mr. Chairman's speech."

The two looked at each other, and each saw a very dangerous element in the other's eyes, so they ended the topic with a tacit understanding and continued to talk about the current business:

"In short, there should be some mastermind behind the scenes who used these things to guide Ermen's spirit and turn him into a fanatical avenger and terrorist. During this period, he and at least ten or more sand civilian foremen, We have contacted you with your militia captains," Hachiman said.

"This is very consistent with the performance of being controlled by the mind. Generally speaking, people who are controlled by the mind will show overly radical or even fanatical actions. It seems that their physical strength is unlimited." Simon said.

"Most of the people who came into contact with him thought that this guy was talking crazy and ignored him. However, there were still a few people who thought that what he said made sense and wanted to participate in the action, but later thought about it and regretted it. They all felt that, Life is actually very promising now, there is no need to take risks anymore." At this point, Akinayama Hachiman also felt a little scared.

"If he succeeds, a major rebellion with thousands of people might break out. And if this rebellion is seen by the reinforcements of the sand people who 'just happen to' arrive, it's hard to say what will happen next. Haha, thank you Mr. Ermen for your terrible eloquence.”

"It's not necessarily because of his eloquence." Simon recalled the sand people who participated in the operation: "It was obviously time for them to be affected by psychic energy... The man behind the scenes clearly used Ermen's body as a medium to target People who come into contact with him exert psychological suggestions, amplifying their darkness and anger."

"It does seem like this. But, are there other spiritual techniques like this?"

"Your theoretical foundation is much better than mine. You don't even know it, and I don't even know it," Simon said.

Akinayama Hachiman always felt that the other party was mocking him, but at this time, he heard the other party say: "But, is this possible? The reason why no bigger changes occurred is because our work was actually done well. Is it good?"

Akinayama Hachiman was slightly startled, thought for a moment, and then smiled: "That guy told me that what we did might be to build a world that is most annoying to psykers. I didn't understand it before, I just felt like he was being mysterious, but now he really understands a little bit more."

"I am also a psyker, but I am very satisfied with this world. I can't wait for him to come down quickly." Simon shrugged, and then his smile faded: "Major Akinayama, what should we do next?"

"This is a matter for psykers. Shouldn't I ask you? You are now the strongest psyker in the New Jade Sect!"

"Chairman Yu told me that if everything is in doubt, you can ask Hachiman."


"After a while, I will convene a military meeting. At that time, I will ask them to spread out where they are stationed and set up a line of defense and warning net along the southeastern wilderness. Your militia will be the main force of the second line of defense. , should all be in place by tomorrow.”

"Then I need at least two guard companies to set up an artillery position at the junction between the two directions." Simon said: "I don't want any sand soldier to have the illusion that we are using them as cannon fodder."

"Don't worry, I have ordered the engineers to add two more heavy artillery positions on high ground DA12 and FK71. If a war breaks out, they will be enough to cover the first line of defense." Hachiman said.

Simon was satisfied. Although my glasses colleague always likes to play some tricks that are not very fair, he has always been very reliable when it comes to serious matters.

"But why is it in the southeast?"

"1,500 kilometers to the southeast is the town of Shuangfeng... We haven't heard from Mr. Summers of the Engineers Guild Hall for a while."

Simon pondered for a moment: "Do you need me to lead the team to respond?"

"No need. You are the most powerful psyker on the planet and must be in charge of Turon. Mr. Summers is a very reliable person. He said he knows something, so he must know it." At this point, Akinayama Hachiman A complicated look seemed to flash across his face.

"Moreover, the remnants of the Marauders are retreating in this direction. They have no battleships and only a few large transport ships. If they want to do anything to the New Yumen Planet, they can only land and fight. If they want to avoid us The two defense satellites in the sky are the best choice to land on the plateau southeast of Tulong.”

"...Even if they have other ideas, you will use satellite firepower to force them to land there, right?" Simon said.

Hachiman shrugged: "So I hope they can cooperate with my work well, so that everyone will be more relaxed."

As soon as he finished speaking, an officer from the galaxy monitoring department sent an emergency message: "Chief of Staff Akinayama, a gravity warning signal has been detected, and a transition wave has been captured at the edge of the galaxy! The number is three, and the total mass is...between 10 and 14 million tons. between."

coming! Akinayama Hachiman looked at the screen, only to find that Simon had turned off the screen. No need to guess, he must have rushed to the militia station as quickly as possible.

He also stood up and walked slowly towards the headquarters. On the way, he had already issued a series of orders in an orderly manner.

"The sentry gun array switches to the self-discipline early warning mode! The two Lunars are activated and all move to the northern hemisphere to cover the sky above Tulong! The air defense artillery battalion enters the first level of combat readiness! All officers and soldiers on the planet cancel their vacation and return to their posts immediately."

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