Him and their stars

Chapter 821 It’s great to have a long health bar

At this moment, these community soldiers defending the second line of defense have also been fighting fiercely all day and night. They were the first team to enter the battle. When faced with a fierce attack by superior enemy forces, they had to fight and retreat in vain without chaos. After retreating to the second line of defense, it took less than an hour to repair and then immediately went into battle again. They are indeed the hardest working part of the army.

Even so, when they took a breakfast that included meat and egg burgers, bread with meat, canned fruit, and broth, and then looked at the enemy struggling in the fire on the opposite side, a sense of happiness suddenly emerged.

Not only the people of Earth and Rumina, but also the sand people all felt that they were happy.

Xia Xiake, the commander of the militia group from Hongfengchang, held a big loudspeaker and shouted greetings in the trenches.

"Comrades, listen carefully! There is a call from Tulong Headquarters! After the bombardment is over, reinforcements will also begin orbital airdrop! In order not to cause chaos on the battlefield, everyone must stick to their posts and wait for orders from the top! After breakfast After that, everyone goes back to work!"

"Hey, are the last heads going to be picked by reinforcements?" Someone expressed dissatisfaction, but was immediately pushed back into the trench with a slap from Xia Xia Ke.

"Captain Yulian who just arrived at Xinyumen... Captain Yulian has already said that we are the first contribution of the entire army in this battle! Everyone will get a medal!" Xia Xiake said loudly.

"I, can I apply for nationality based on my military exploits?" A sand citizen holding a bandage said cautiously.

"Of course it's no problem! Not only do you apply for nationality, you also need to apply for a passport, social security number, free night school, and your children's school ID numbers. Oh, yes, if you want to stay and serve in the military, you must have military status."

"Ah, can children also study?" Some militia soldiers were dumbfounded.

"I, I've heard that public schools in Tulon offer free education, but even Earthlings can't be admitted." said a slightly older sand civilian sergeant. He has been a laborer in Tulong for more than ten years and is a knowledgeable person.

"Yes, I have inquired. There are only five public schools in Tulong." Xia Shaike nodded: "So the club and the Red Star Institute will take the lead and build ten more schools next year. After you get your nationality, remember to line up! "

Of course, it is impossible to meet everyone's requirements with the addition of ten kilometers of schools, but it is at least a start.

"Oh, the technical college should be able to start the year after next. If you can get a diploma from a public school, you can also report. However, it is not free unless you get a scholarship."

The captain of the Rumina Volunteer Army has already gained the trust of all his comrades through his actions, and everyone is willing to believe everything he says. Immediately some militia soldiers cheered happily.

"Can I go to the military academy?" a young sand citizen said cautiously.

"So after you pass the exam, I will have to call you "sir" next time we meet, right?" Xia Xia Ke said angrily: "Let's wait until your kid graduates from a public school."

The scene suddenly burst into laughter.

At this moment, an automatic sentry alarm sounded in the distance. At the same time, the scouts who had been observing the enemy's situation from a high point also shouted: "They are coming up again!"

Everyone picked up their weapons and returned to their posts. The young Shamin who said he was going to be admitted to the military academy held a gun and wanted to rush forward excitedly, but then he was hit on the head by Xia Xia Ke's fist.

"You told me to keep your position!" Xia Shake cursed, and then said to the other soldiers: "Comrades, it's not time to open the champagne to celebrate! Stick to your respective positions! Finally! Victory will come naturally!"

Behind the volunteer captain, artillery shells like meteors continued to fall into the dense enemy group, always crushing double-digit enemies to pieces in an instant. Whether it is the Myshandar troll that moves like a mountain or the elite knight of the Sand People riding a giant tyrannosaurus, they are all equal in the face of cannonballs from beyond the orbit of outer space.

Of course, there were also enemies who were driven completely crazy by the explosion, carrying various types of firearms and shooting wildly at the shadow of the giant ship that stretched across the sky. Some tanks joined in the firing. However, although the famous "Son of the Silver Heart" tank is an almost perfect land combat armored weapon, it still cannot be equipped with heavy artillery that can attack outer space orbits.

Immediately afterwards, a whistling sound was heard from the sky, but several fighter planes penetrated into the atmosphere and roared past, slamming bombs into the most densely populated areas of the enemy.

Of course, in order not to inadvertently injure friendly forces, the direction of artillery bombardment or bombing is still far away from the Earth's military defense line, so some fish that slip through the net are always left in this relatively "safe" isolation zone.

Most of these enemies caught in the middle seemed to have finally woken up from a nightmare. Both the sand people and the marauders dropped their weapons, squatted down and huddled together, holding their heads, shivering. It's not that the Earth's soldiers are telling them to surrender, but that they know that this action is actually the least likely to be hit by bullets.

Of course, there were also a small number of warriors who rushed towards the Earthlings' positions in a state of self-destruction, and were then blasted into sieves by the dense rain of bullets.

A troll captain was hit by hundreds of bullets. He still dragged his body, which was still almost a rag sack, a few steps forward, and then fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Mount Kililo. However, what was reflected in his increasingly distracted eyes were more meteors falling from the sky, more violent meteors than the cannonballs just now.

One of them has already gone straight towards Mount Kililuo.

The troll captain coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and internal organ fragments, and clutched at the dirt beside him before dying.

The sound of intensive bombing from outer space seemed to have reached the Kililu Mountains. The Sazaka Warlord, who was in the ruins hundreds of meters below the mountain, seemed to have felt something, and let out a sad and heavy sigh.

"Are we here?" A red light flashed in the eyes of the leader of the black-scaled sand people, and he asked in a solemn voice.

"We are here. However, even if we are not here, your and my troops will not be able to break through the defenders' defense line." said the Troll Marauder.

"They deserved their death." Sandman said lightly.

The Troll General glanced coldly at this "comrade" and said to his opponent: "My army failed. I may be the only Myshandar on this planet who is still holding a weapon."

Ash suppressed the soreness that was constantly churning in his internal organs, while looking at the two people around him. The robot was spreading out its four arms and legs, still blocking the entrance to the ruins and not planning to move. The reporter lady stared at the black-scaled sandman with a solemn face, breathing a little heavy.

At first glance, he looks like a rookie who hasn’t fought much. Ash thought, the more intense the battle, the more he needs a chance to breathe! Don't let tension weigh you down.

Thinking of this, the ranger also smiled at the troll: "Oh? Well, then you don't need to be special at all. It's not good for you to drag it down! Even if you win here, what can you take away? What? How about we calm down and go back to the beginning."

"Ah ha ha ha, you are really good at talking! If we had known each other a few years earlier, I would have definitely hired you to come to my ship to work together on big things." The troll general grinned and revealed his bloody mouth full of fangs: "But you have gone in the opposite direction! I have staked everything on myself, including my army of course! How can I accept failure after I have made it this far?"

"Are you really sure you want to continue fighting? This is the ruins of the Enlightened One. According to common sense, there are guardians in the ruins. What if we fight too fiercely here and wake up the guardians? With your size, you can’t escape as easily as us, right?”

The troll general laughed out loud: "You are so pitiful, little brother! You may be the only person here who doesn't know where you are!"

Asher Stein was slightly startled, but saw the other party take a stance and pounced on him again. The opponent's machete collided with the robot's power ax again. After the impact with flying sparks, he ignored the bullets fired by the reporter and pressed his Gatling on the robot's torso with great force. , also blasted out a large string of fire.

The ranger looked at the Myhandar Troll who was playing so crazy, and secretly groaned in his heart.

One thing to say is that this troll general doesn't actually know any exquisite psychic martial arts and techniques, and his equipment (by psyker standards) is rudimentary, but his flesh is really thick! Even a lightsaber, a precious weapon that can cut through armor plates, cannot directly penetrate its body. You can feel the obstruction of a deflection shield when it stabs. If he stabs hard enough, his body will probably stop and he will immediately suffer a fatal counterattack from the opponent.

So, we can only change from stabbing to cutting.

This kind of defensive psychic technique is not particularly advanced, but it is very precise in its operation. Ash estimated that it was impossible for the Myhandar Troll to have such a level. It should be the sandman hiding behind the troll.

This guy was hiding behind the Myshandar Troll, firing cold shots while holding a spear and releasing various psychic techniques.

In addition to deflecting the shield, he also gave the troll a steel skin.

This skillful operation requires at least the third level of "Driving" or "Spirit Supporting"! The original Great Elder Kazi Khan was not so powerful! When did the Sand People have such a master?

The troll had two layers of protection and immediately became nervous. Even if the energy light blade scrapes its body, it can only leave a burning blood mark. This is far from a fatal injury.

Of course, when the fight arrived at the scene, Ash and Taina had already left seven or eight such blood marks on the troll general's body. A normal person would have collapsed long ago. However, not only did this guy not rush to the street, but he became more energetic. Half of the wounds on its body had stopped bleeding, and half had even healed to the point where only a scar remained.

Myshandar trolls do have the ability to regenerate their bodies, which is one of the reasons why they are so fearless on the battlefield. However, this guy's self-healing ability is already beyond the scope of mammals, and is clearly at the slug level.

Ash estimated that this guy's star ring should be a "blood path" or "guard" with a very long health bar. However, considering that this guy doesn't seem to know any psychic skills, he relies on his health bar to make a big difference. As a result, the former is more likely.

"Blood Road" combined with the Myhandar Troll, which has a naturally long health bar, is indeed a headache to listen to.

More importantly, this ruthless gangster named Sazaka seemed to be too aware of his own talents, so he recklessly maximized his talents. Although his martial arts are rudimentary, his physical quality is superior to his own in terms of strength and speed. He almost doesn't defend at all, and when he attacks, he is naturally called a storm.

After just a few rounds, everyone was already at a disadvantage. For example, in order to protect the eldest daughter of the Moen family, Mr. Ranger was forced to resist the troll's attack. Although he finally caught it, he felt that his internal organs were being hit in a circle. This was definitely a shock. Internally injured.

The eldest daughter of the Moen family must have been very touched by Ash's rescue, and she was still huddled behind him, breathing heavily with lingering fear. In normal times, Ash would have been overjoyed at the significant increase in his favorability, but now he couldn't even cry.

Obviously, although Miss Taina Morn is a psychic, she is really not professional in combat. Just from the rhythm of her breathing, she could tell that she was exhausted.

As for the robot here that calls itself "Summers", it has withstood more than 70% of the opponent's attacks. Now the entire body is covered with scars, and many gaps are still flashing with electric sparks. Now, it was hit with a series of Gatling shells at close range. If a laser cutter suddenly appeared on its shoulders and forced the troll to retreat, its torso might have been shattered.

However, after all, this guy is a robot that is so advanced that it is about to violate the ban. After it distances itself from the opponent, the "wounds" on its body begin to "squirm" slightly, and it is obvious that the nanomachines are repairing the wounds.

You are not the only one who heals wounds on your own. Although the robot didn't speak, the words seemed to mean this.

"Who are you?" The troll general had probably never seen this scene before, and his face was full of curiosity.

"Just a passing robot engineer." Summers' "eye sockets" flashed with blue light.

"...Haha, no matter what you are, as long as you are alive, you are making the biggest mockery of the Void Spirit Temple's ban!" The troll grinned: "Only on our side can you be free. Live on earth. His Majesty the Great Khan is sincerely inviting heroes from all over the world to participate in this great event. No matter who they are, they can be respected... Hey, it seems a little late for me to say this now. But, robot, I can let you go, and then we will How about going to see the Great Khan? Your trip will be worthwhile."

The robot said: "I can see it. I can guess it just by looking at you. If a hero like you can die, the Great Khan must be a hero!"

"What a pity...the robot that promised to speak so nicely is much nicer than most people." The troll sighed regretfully.

Black Blade Kit became a little impatient and said to the troll: "My men from outside are reporting that the people on earth have begun to airborne in orbit. That person should be here too!"

Sazaka nodded, opened his bloody mouth and let out a fierce roar at everyone.

A thunderous rumble suddenly exploded in the enclosed indoor space, and the impact was naturally several times stronger. Ash felt that his hearing was almost deprived, and Miss Taina behind him subconsciously dropped her weapon and covered her ears, letting out a scream.

The robot was not affected by the sound wave impact and twisted its mechanical arm in front of the two people. Immediately afterwards, the metal armor on its body deformed and even emitted a burning smell, as if it had been ignited on the spot by invisible flames.

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