Him and their stars

Chapter 822 If you don’t explode, I will look down on you.

In an instant, Ash felt like his skin was melting, and he almost screamed in pain. He knew that if the robot, well, the robot claiming to be the engineer "Mr. Summers" had not stood in front of him, he and the reporter would have been seriously injured.

In fact, the reporter lady couldn't help but groaned, but she still held it back at the critical moment and bit her tongue hard to stop herself from humming.

She wanted to stand up, but she found that her hands and feet were soft and her whole body did not feel like her own. She hesitated for a moment, then used her last strength to reach into her pocket and hold down a small command spell.

This was a gift given to her by her beloved great-grandfather on the day she came of age.

"No matter where you are, as long as you are still in the material world, it can send you to a safe place. Your great-grandfather has been studying occult alchemy for a lifetime. There are not many successful works, but this divine order is indeed one of them. One." Her mother once said to her: "Bring it with you. We will all be relieved. But remember, it can only bring one person."

Miss Taina Morn looked at the back of Ash, who had been blocking her in front of her, and was caught in the battle between heaven and man for a moment.

Of course, the Ranger guy had no idea about the inner conflict of the young lady behind him. He just gritted his teeth and forced himself not to yell out.

After all, if he really screamed, the tough guy character of this Ranger would really be unsustainable.

In any case, as an excellent ranger, you not only have to grit your teeth to resist such pain, but also find opportunities to fight back. To put it bluntly, isn't the opponent's move just an elemental battle cry? I think back then, when I was training in the Guerrilla Association, I had seen even more powerful methods than this many times. Didn't I get through them all?

The so-called elemental battle cry should be one of the few attack techniques used by human shield psykers such as "Blood Path". However, as far as Ash knows, when other star rings use psychic techniques, they rely on perception to capture nature and then use mental power to interfere with physical phenomena, but "Blood Road" does not have such perception. Rather than saying it is an attack technique that relies on spiritual energy, it is better to say that it is a natural phenomenon obtained by burning life.

Generally speaking, only people above the fourth level can withstand this consumption of vitality.

However, this troll should not be so powerful - if it is really a "blood path" above the fourth ring, it can kill the weak and helpless second ring like itself, as well as two people without it, in a few seconds with brute force alone. How could a rookie who had fought in a war be torn into pieces?

Either that, or this guy has some kind of treasure on him. Or, he used some evil means to awaken in advance.

The former can almost be ruled out. After all, everyone knows that the predators are really poor, even poorer than myself, a ranger who runs a single gang. Besides, there is a Noble Phantasm, so why does this guy need to be entangled with us for so long? It’s long overdue!

And if it's the latter, there will definitely be a heavy price to pay! So heavy that there is almost no value for money.

Yes, that must be the case! Otherwise, he would have had countless opportunities to use "Elemental War Cry" just now, even better opportunities than now! But why wait until now?

There must be some very harsh activation conditions!

Ash felt that his combat wisdom and battlefield analysis had improved a lot. Sure enough, only high-intensity actual combat is the best way to temper yourself! However, this guy is really cruel! But why is this? Are the things in this ruins so important to him?

When Summers blocked more than 60% of the attacks, Ash also blocked the remaining 30%. He felt that he should fight back by himself, so he raised his head in the raging fire and loaded another pencil missile into the gun. He looked for the enemy's shadow in the surging flames, and raised the special pistol that had been equipped with hive missiles.

After all, he is only a second-level ranger and does not have any high-intensity attack skills. At this time, of course, using weapons is the best choice.

However, before he could pull the trigger, an energy arrow made of lightning emerged from the flames and rushed towards the ranger's head.

Ash could only dodge subconsciously before being hit on the wrist by the arrow of light. As soon as his hand softened, he could no longer hold the pistol.

It's the "controlling" sandman! Although this guy's level is not high, he is quite proficient in all the psychic techniques he can master, and he also grasps the timing of his attacks very cleverly. In Ash's knowledge, with this skill alone, he is also an absolute leader in the guerrilla training camp. Maybe the Association and the Management Bureau will provide him with a lucrative and decent life-long career before he graduates. .

When did such a person appear among the mere sand people?

Ash gritted his teeth and took a step back, waving his arms as if having a convulsion to relieve this fatal paralysis. As a result, the opportunity to counterattack just now was also lost.

Engineer Summers still used his steel body as a shield to reach the endless invisible flames, and shouted loudly: "Back up! Back into the ruins!"

Ash quickly hugged Miss Moen who fell to the ground and walked all the way through the passage behind her. According to the routine of traditional treasure hunting stories, there should be some very powerful guardians of ancient ruins, who can beat the adventurers to death every time. But at this time, he was too lazy to care about it.

In his opinion, the most the unknown guardian could do was to swat him and his friends as easily as the mosquitoes that entered the house on the spot. But falling into the hands of trolls is not that simple... These guys really have the habit of eating people.

He doesn't know that the eldest lady of the Moen family who is being held by him is still in the midst of a fierce battle between heaven and man.

As an investigative reporter for the Herald, the number one left-wing newspaper in the universe, although she is young, she has traveled across the vast territory of the Alliance, and she thinks she is well-informed. No matter how scary or dangerous something happened, she could deal with it calmly and calmly find a way to deal with it.

However, she now knows that she is really just a rookie.

Mom was right, I was just an arrogant little girl who thought she had seen everything, but actually understood nothing.

I gritted my teeth and hid my face in Ash's arms. I held the lightsaber tightly in my hand, but let go of my magic talisman. This move surprised even herself. She knew that she was not the impulsive type, but she didn't know why, but she felt a sense of openness and relief.

This passage is shorter than imagined, only about one or two hundred meters. As a result, the scene at the end of the passage suddenly became clear. It should be a quite open hall. This is also the traditional setting of this kind of enlightened person's ruins.

The reporter could vaguely see the smooth and spacious ground like a palace hall, with a long staircase extending. On both sides of the steps, there are dozens of statues more than three meters high. If things unfold according to the past, these statues should turn into powerful guardians of the ruins, giving all tomb robbing stories a very traditional ending.

But in fact, even though the two sides were fighting like this, the statues didn't even move.

Look at the end of the stone steps, connected to a high platform. On the high platform, there seemed to be several stone monuments like spires.

This is all the reporter saw.

At this time, Ash had already heard the mechanical noise and the roar of the troll behind him, so he reluctantly put the reporter down on a random step, let her sit against the wall, and then picked up the opponent's lightsaber.

He didn't even have time to observe the situation in the hall, so he turned around and faced the direction where the powerful enemy appeared.

Then, the robot claiming to be Summers was seen flying upside down from the hole, as if it were a rag doll thrown out by a naughty child, rather than a steel creation weighing at least four or five tons.

Immediately afterwards, it hit the smooth floor with a loud clang, and its parts flew around like scattered pieces of flesh and blood.

Three of its four mechanical legs have been broken, and it should be completely unable to support its body. However, the robot shook its arms, and two of the thick ones slid downwind along the torso and reached the legs like assembled parts of a toy. It caused the rectangular trunk to twist and then stood up again.

Ash was indeed amazed by what he saw. He is now convinced again that the alliance's mainstream combat robots really don't have this ability.

Although he still doesn't quite understand the meaning of this function.

General Sazaka was also amazed, but it did not affect his subsequent attacks at all. He waved his sword and rushed over from the entrance of the aisle, like a storm. Before the robot could stand still, he jumped up with a roar, like a hunting beast.

The robot raised its muzzle and fired an ion beam towards the troll's chest. The energy group wrapped in plasma suddenly exploded at a very close range, and then formed an extremely hot energy group, covering the chest armor and even the front of it. A shocking dent was burned into the body of his chest.

I saw that the troll's chest looked like a whole piece of flesh had been ripped out directly. There was still plasma around the wound, and there was even a trace of flame attached.

A disgusting burnt smell spread like this.

No matter how tough a tough guy is, if he receives this energy blast on his chest, he may not even be able to stand up. However, this troll shook its head and slowly walked towards the opponent step by step.

The troll general seemed not to be injured at all. He violently penetrated the machete into the robot's body. With his heavy body and the momentum of the charge, he immediately rushed the robot that had just stood firm again. Fall to the ground.

This time, one of the robot's mechanical legs was severely broken off, and it was no longer able to get up. However, it still raised its ion cannon and struck the troll's chest wound again.

This time, the ion beam was blocked by a force field shield, but the winding impact of energy still caused a considerable degree of counter-impact force.

The troll roared like a wounded beast, opened its mouth and finally coughed up blood. However, the expression on his face was clearly a maniacal grin. He struggled to lift the machete, let out an unexplained cry, and swung the machete hard.

With an unexplained roar, half of the robot's torso and the left mechanical arm were torn off.

Ash's eyes twitched when he saw it, and he could only hope that the robot's pain sensation was different from that of humans. It wasn't that he was unwilling to help just now, but that he had too much time to take care of himself - just when the robot and the troll crashed into the ruins site, the black-skinned sand citizen also teleported over and just condensed into his true body. He directly fired another three lightning bolts. The target of the attack was the exhausted Miss Tanah Morn. Of course, he was stopped by Ash with his lightsaber.

He placed the two lightsabers in a crisscross pattern in front of him and gave the other party a provocative look.

If you have the guts, come over and let me go! He said with his eyes.

This move seems to be just an ordinary "killing with eyes", but it is actually the most basic psychic technique. What is important is to use your eyes to convey the most direct and decisive taunt to the enemy.

If the other party is not strong enough, he might actually be provoked and lose his mind.

However, this sand people "mage" paid no attention to it, and quickly moved behind the troll.

Well, he is obviously a genius who will not show any signs of timidity even in the training camp of the Guerrilla Association, but when he is fighting, he is so wretched that he does not have the pride of a genius at all.

The Ranger boy found in despair that his side was now at an absolute disadvantage, with no way to make a comeback at all.

Now, the robot is almost crippled. Miss Taina Morn was seriously injured and exhausted, so I was the only one left.

Ash pondered that as a good ranger, it was time to make the right decision. So, he shouted: "Are you sure you want to continue fighting? Do you want to fight here?"

The opponent got up from the robot limbs that had lost its combat effectiveness, looked up at the human ranger who was no taller than his chest, and looked at the latter with a puzzled expression.

"You have sacrificed so much, isn't it just for this relic?" The ranger took out a bomb marked with blue lightning directly from his arms: "If you take one step forward, I will blow up this place! You will get nothing. arrive!"

The troll and the sand people looked at each other. The former wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked suspiciously: "Is that an ion salt bomb? Brother, you... aren't you a ranger? Why are you carrying that thing? Is it possible? What kind of weird sociopath?"

Ash rolled his eyes and forced out a maniacal smile: "You don't understand this, do you? We, the rangers and mercenaries who come out to form one-man gangs, will always fight with the most anti-social monsters in the universe. We have to deal with them. You have to be more ruthless than them in order to get a little advantage!"

"I see... But, little brother, have you made a mistake?" The troll pressed his waist a little and sneered: "I am much more dangerous than the so-called monsters and monsters you mentioned, how could I be treated like this by you? Is this little trick threatening?"

"You can try it!" Ash grinned through gritted teeth.

The black-scaled sandman "spellcaster" opened his mouth slightly and wanted to say something but didn't say anything. He just took two steps back. At this time, the troll had already dropped the "wreck" of the robot and took steps forward with a long knife.

Ash sneered a few times and turned the knob of the bomb in his hand. The thing suddenly emitted a dazzling red light and a sharp sound.

The reptilian-like vertical pupils of the sand people's "spell caster" twitched, and then they made a sound like a snake spitting information, and turned the spear sideways, probably preparing to launch some psychic technique.

However, the troll acted as if he had not seen the actions of both parties and continued to move forward without any hesitation. The ferocious smile on his face became more and more obvious, and blood flowed from his grinning mouth and covered half of his body. He seemed to enjoy this scene so much that he laughed out loud.

"You're about to explode! Little brother! If you don't explode, I'll look down on you!"

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