Him and their stars

Chapter 839 Isn’t this a coincidence?

"But, teacher, if the armored grenadiers and imperial stormtroopers guarding New Yumen would have such a record?"

Duke Sadolan looked at the casualty figures in the battle report again, and said calmly: "At least he won't perform better than the people on Earth. I have to say, Yeager, your old enemy boy, not only can fight, but he can also use troops. He is indeed very organized, and he is indeed the best young man of our generation. You and Shameen must work hard! Hahahaha!"

Poor Akinayama Hachiman, he was obviously the real battle commander, but because someone with too much fame and no martial ethics showed up to make his presence felt, such a tragedy suddenly occurred.

How could I be that person's old enemy? Jaeger Sobek didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"However, I never believe that those security guards and indigenous levies have the combat effectiveness of our grenadiers. It must be for tactical reasons." Duke Sadolan thought of this and patted his disciple on the shoulder: "In this regard, I You're not very good at it, but it's your strong point. Analyze it carefully and make a detailed report to see if it can be used in our army. After the report is out, it's time to hang up your general star and go to an actual combat unit. Leading troops."

This is not my strong point either! And I don’t want to go to Laoshizi’s actual combat unit. Can’t you find a logistics department to send me away? Looking at his mentor's expectations, although Soback wanted to say that, at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and nod seriously.

Duke Sartolan has now not only become Jaeger Soback's mentor, but also his biggest supporter in the military and political circles. No matter how unreasonable the tasks assigned by his old man were, of course he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

However, as he carefully looked at the subsequent analysis of the battle report, he became more and more interested. He always felt that he seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

There is one thing that Soback agrees with his mentor. The New Yumen's community army could never compare with the Empire's elite grenadiers in terms of combat effectiveness, but they still achieved a brilliant victory with minimal casualties. There is really only one explanation. The tactics used by the people on earth are indeed very effective.

"I see, is it a large-scale field defense? Trench can indeed function as a city wall, and in this way, the exposed area of ​​​​soldiers will be smaller. Wait, isn't this the same theory as the bow of a ship against the enemy in space? Do you mean something?" Soback's mind opened up, and he suddenly felt that he had realized something.

"Scalable power grids and minefields can restrict enemy movements. This is the same as a frigate group relying on shields and armor to block the front line with intensive auxiliary firepower. Yes, there are also firepower points, as if they are carefully deployed in the fleet. Arsenal ships. Although they are thin-skinned and big-packed, they do have ferocious firepower. As long as they are used properly, they can cause huge damage to the enemy's main fleet."

Colonel Yeager Soback, who was now seriously studying ancient battle cases, thought about it carefully, and immediately thought of several battle cases in which the fierce firepower of the arsenal ship was used to gain an advantage.

"So that's it, fleet operations in space are actually similar to surface operations! Is this the legendary saying that one method can lead to all laws? Gu, you are indeed my old enemy...ah, I'm just I'm not your old enemy! I just want to stay away from you!" In short, Soback once again expressed respect for the big devil who couldn't even mention his name, and then felt that he should be able to write A paper.

"Let's call it "Space Land Warfare Theory." However, more and more detailed battle intelligence is needed. Our country's intelligence department is so powerful, it should be able to find a few parties involved in the predators, right? Now the predators and indigenous people The army was defeated, and many defeated soldiers fled into the wilderness. Can the intelligence personnel catch a few trolls that slipped through the net and send them over before the people on earth?"

In short, Yeager Soback is full of confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Intelligence Department, and is ready to give orders like Party A's father. Of course he didn't know that Dr. Warren, the biggest escapee on the Marauders' side, the former second-in-command of the Sazaka Troll Warlord Group and a citizen of the Alliance, had already fled to the New World of the Community in a modified armed merchant ship. The edge of the other side of the star sector.

At this time, he was only two jumps away from returning to the Nantianmen of the Milky Way.

However, after being on the run for a week, he avoided the intensive artillery fire and satellites over Xinyumen, the pursuit of the huge dreadnought, and all the ships he encountered on the waterway, but at this distance In the remote galaxy where Nantianmen jumped twice, he suffered the greatest misfortune in his life.

This galaxy, numbered DS149, doesn’t even have an official name. Although it is very close to the Nantian Gate, it is indeed the end point of this waterway. There is no earth-like planet that is habitable or transformable, and the resources are not rich. Apart from a gravitational wave beacon and two automatic mining sites, there are no artificial facilities in the entire galaxy. Even the workers who maintain the equipment only come once a month to perform regular maintenance and remove the mines.

Dr. Warren felt that he should be able to hide here for a while. When the military control near Nantianmen is relaxed a little, he will be able to enter the country as a "legal businessman".

As an old predator, he has rich experience in this area, so he is naturally well prepared.

This ship is an old classic freighter that has been modified, but there are not ten (million) but eight (million) such freighters in the entire galaxy, and it also has an official registration ship code. Of course, the armaments on the ship are slightly more, and there are also force field disintegration and collision angles dedicated to gang jumping and assault landing. However, as long as these things are dismantled and thrown away during the run, there will be no problems.

In addition, there are only 30% Myshandar trolls on this ship, and the rest are technicians from various races, and even a dozen humans. It is very much like an interstellar voyage cargo ship that is out all year round, a perfect sociological template for the reunion of galactic civilization races.

As for the problem that there are slightly too many trolls on the ship... Hey, it's not like all the trolls in the galaxy are hanging out with the predators in the center of the galaxy. There are also a lot of people working as mercenaries and security guards! Moreover, the current universe is so chaotic, wouldn't it be very reasonable for an ordinary merchant ship that travels all year round to hire one or two hundred trolls with live ammunition as security guards?

In short, Dr. Warren felt that the possibility of his being exposed was not high, but he still needed the cooperation of his partners behind Nantianmen. He decided to hide in the DS149 galaxy for a few months before talking. Anyway, because most of the soldiers were taken to Xinyumen by Sazaka to die, the living supplies on the ship were unprecedentedly abundant.

In the process, you can also continue DIY with the crew, changing the ship to look more like a standard merchant ship rather than a hideous and ugly predator warship. However, what he never expected was that on the fifth day of his hiding, the ship and everyone hiding in the asteroid belt would be attacked by a herd of space beasts that came out of nowhere.

"I have never seen such a thing before. It must be a native alien species in the New World!" The troll security captain said to himself.

"You idiot! Of course I've seen it before! Didn't they also appear when they attacked the Empire's New Baronque Galaxy?" A Sumi technician shouted.

"Those? Those are not! Those are biological weapons cultivated by the Great Khan, and they will not attack the loyal soldiers of the Great Khan!" The troll security captain objected seriously.

But no matter how the two sides argue, these alien monsters flying in space have indeed launched a full-scale attack, and they have no power to fight back. In just ten minutes, 80% of the crew were killed. The remaining officers who were hiding in the bridge and resisting persisted for five more minutes. Then the armored door was dissolved by the highly corrosive liquid sprayed by the alien species.

"My majestic Reka Warren is a doctor of power engineering from Kajal University of Technology! Will the future great scientists and great inventors become food for a group of alien monsters? I will never accept it, I will never Accept it! Even if it is an order given to me by the spirit of the universe, I will never accept it!"

Dr. Warren yelled, laughed, cursed, and then started crying and crying again, as if he had really turned into a madman, until he was slapped in the face by a snake-like monster.

A shocking wound was suddenly opened on Dr. Warren's face. The severe pain made him tremble on the spot, and he suddenly regained some consciousness. He turned his eyes and looked around, and found that the entire bridge had been occupied by various alien monsters. Most of his friends were dead, and the remaining dozens of cats and dogs rushed to the corners of the bridge and trembled.

As for himself, the captain, he was held in the middle of the bridge by two snake-like monsters. In front of him was a scorpion-shaped alien monster as big as a brown bear, but it relied on a huge head and was connected through a neck that was so flexible that it was not an insect at all and a torso wrapped in a purple-red carapace.

There were no eyes on the head, only a terrifying garland-shaped mouthpart formed by thousands of densely packed fangs, which was swinging not far from him and could bite off his head at any time.

Dr. Warren suddenly felt that if he was bitten on the head by this thing, he would die instantly, but he would not have to endure any pain. He was just afraid that this guy would have to eat it from his hands or legs. But at this moment, he suddenly heard the other party say: "Are you the captain here?"

It was a beautiful girl wearing a pure white dress. She was cute and youthful. She was in her prime of fifteen or sixteen years old. Her bare white feet stepped on a huge alien monster. She stood on the head of this terrifying and ferocious beast, but she seemed to be sitting on her own throne.

Ferocity and innocence, curiosity and purity are intertwined, contradictory and strange yet natural. Such an impactful picture is directly reflected in Dr. Warren's eyes, creating a huge sense of shock and oppression.

At that moment, Dr. Warren felt as if he had seen the opposite side of the spirit of the universe, which seemed to be a demon king from the endless abyss who could devour the universe.

He almost didn't dare to look directly at the condescending gaze of the "girl" and was speechless.

Needless to say, this is the lady who dominates the insect swarm. She slept under a certain planet in New Port Arthur for three days and three nights before she regained a little strength. At this time, the two individuals who were powerful enough to destroy themselves had already left the galaxy.

The star-eating insects floating in the space orbit of the galaxy have also been mined as minerals by the earth's army, and most of the earth's warships and space defense facilities have also begun to undergo large-scale maintenance and repairs.

Charlie knew that with the failure of the predator fleet, this galaxy would soon become a frontline base for the earth's counterattack. If he didn't leave at this time, he might really be blocked in the galaxy by the Earthling fleet coming from his homeland. Now that the two powerful psykers are gone, it's the best and possibly the last chance to evacuate.

So, the queen of the swarm, who had raised her latency to level 99, took her Leviathan and carefully crawled out of the rift on the uninhabited planet, and took advantage of the planet's revolution to reach a considerable distance from the new Lushun star port. At that moment, it quickly rose into space.

She is not worried about being discovered by the Earth's army here because she is very confident in Leviathan's speed. Of course, it would be best to exit quietly without being discovered.

Fortunately, the most critical situation did not happen after all. Leviathan just passed by a mining drone when it left the orbit of the planet. Of course, perhaps the "void shedding" on Leviathan's skin made the robot mistakenly think it was just a deep space, so no warning reaction occurred.

The subsequent process could be described as smooth and uneventful. Until she dived headlong into the gravity well, no Earth warship showed any alert reaction.

However, when she escaped from Xinlushun, she encountered a new real problem.

Now, where should she go?

Xia Li did know that there was a relic of an enlightened being buried in the sand sea of ​​Xinyumen. It was a great relic. This was the news she shared from the Great Khan. Normally, she would be happy to try her luck there. But the problem is, that planet must have become a mess now, and it will be difficult to hide one's movements after going there.

What's more, her instincts, comparable to those of wild animals, told her that it was dangerous there, as if her natural enemies were hidden there.

Well, it's all about existence anyway, so you should find a safe place to hide. In this way, Xia Li took her grown-up Leviathan and drove towards Nantianmen in a confused manner - of course, she deliberately bypassed Xinyumen.

Although she suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated in the past, she actually achieved the achievement of "darkness under the lamp" with her wild intuition.

Then, when she arrived at DS149, a remote and inaccessible galaxy, and was ready to rest and recuperate, she discovered a big surprise.

How can we still find biological resources in such a remote galaxy that does not even have an Earth-like planet? What else can we call a surprise if it is not a surprise? More importantly, her eyesores told herself that there was only one ship with a few hundred crew members. Doesn't this mean that it could be taken without worrying about the other party being able to sway people.

As a result, Charlie didn't care who these "prey" were. She let Leviathan release the shielding field and let the dragon insects tear open the ship's armor, and then ordered the springtails and hydralisks to swarm forward.

The battle lasted less than half an hour. In fact, if Charlie hadn't noticed that the ship had a predatory style when boarding the ship, and realized that the younger brother who might be an "ally" hesitated, the security personnel on the ship might not have been able to hold on for five minutes.

Did I accidentally hurt an ally? At that time, Miss Dominator actually felt guilty. Of course, it only lasted a few minutes.

Then, she ordered a more intense attack, and sent more insect soldiers, attacking every corner of the ship three layers outside and three layers as if they were searching for food, like digging into the ground. He looked like he was going to kill everyone even if he was three feet away.

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