Him and their stars

Chapter 840 Mass Production of Lord Insects

Facts have proved that in front of the well-prepared insect swarm that launched a sneak attack, a mere armed merchant ship and hundreds of armed bandits really had no chance. Most of the predators didn't even put up any effective resistance. They were frightened by the alien charge they heard about and shivered in the hidden corners of the cabin. They thought they could escape, but each one was pulled out of the hole like a gopher and bitten to death.

If Charlie is willing, with just a little more thought, she can easily wipe out all the opponents hiding on the bridge. However, it is quite surprising that the defeated remnants of the first-hand raiders managed to escape all the way here. Maybe they also have some important information in their hands.

Thinking of this, the little queen came to the bridge in person and soon asked the prisoner about the identity of the "captain". Surprisingly, he is actually a human being, and he is said to be a doctor.

However, this Dr. Laoshizi was completely speechless, as if he had stopped thinking. Maybe his brain had been gnawed by a hydralisk. So, the girl curled her lips with an unlucky look on her face and said: "It looks like he is a fool. Let me tell you, where did the human captain come from on the troll's ship? Eat it."

Miss Dominator said it very calmly, but to Dr. Warren, it was like a flat thunder, and that deep-seated tremor seemed to overflow from the cells, spreading from the pores to the spine and hair. When he was about to die, his mind suddenly came to his senses and he said loudly: "No, wait! Wait! I, I, I am willing to surrender, great queen! Sublime goddess! Please take my place no matter what... …”

He quickly raised his head and saw the young and beautiful face of the other party. He suddenly thought of something. He couldn't help but be startled. His mind became clearer and calmed down. He begged with a more sincere attitude: "Ah, I am in Khan I saw you on the bridge of His Majesty’s ship. Yes, I was once one of His Majesty’s technical officers, the Great Khan. Woohoo, dear lady, this is all a misunderstanding. Madam, I am really a subordinate of the Great Khan, Now he is sent to the Sazaka Warlord as an advisor. Madam, we are allies, you see..."

Although Dr. Warren is a highly educated intellectual, he really does not have the knowledge to dominate the insect swarm. He estimated that this "girl" with a very young face should be an extremely powerful and mysterious psyker. Although she was indeed too young, it has always been a traditional skill for high-level psykers to be beautiful. .

She should be able to control these terrifying alien battles through some extraordinary abilities or some mysterious treasure.

High-level psykers control strange monsters and monsters to fight, which is also a traditional skill.

In this case, calling the other person "ma'am" is the minimum etiquette. You know, some civilizations with a strong religious atmosphere even have the habit of calling high-ranking psychics "Holy See" and "Holy See".

Then, the lady said coldly: "Wasn't she still the queen just now?"

"Hug, I'm sorry, it's really my fault! My queen." Unexpectedly, this expert lady likes this tone? Warren thought. But it would be nice to have a tone, at least someone with whom we can communicate.

"Tell me, how did you escape here?" Charlie said in a pleasant tone.

You can indeed communicate! That's really a misunderstanding. Dr. Warren looked at the "girl's" silver frosty eyes that seemed to be flowing with moonlight, and felt that he should be able to escape. So he simply ignored that his subordinates were almost dead, and quickly told everything he knew.

For example, when the entire army was a little too fanatical, Warlord Sazaka led everyone in a desperate attack. Another example is that they clearly had the upper hand and the advantage in strength, but in the end they suffered a bloody blow in front of the defensive arrangements arranged by the people on earth in advance. For another example, the Scarlet Throne arrived at the height of the battle. The subsequent battle situation could be guessed without waiting for the end, so Dr. Warren had no choice but to run away.

Of course, he did not forget to tell the master that he had been hiding and escaping close to the edge of the galaxy, and he still observed several waves of ships coming from the Nantianmen. Most of them were small and medium-sized warships and transports full of land combat troops and supplies. The ship is naturally a reinforcement from the Galaxy itself. However, the galaxy where Nantianmen is located has been very busy recently. Many automatic engineering ships are building energy warehouses, accelerators, etc., and two nano-maintenance ships have entered the galaxy and are on standby.

"Nano maintenance ship?" Xia Liqi asked.

This queen seems to be uneducated. Dr. Warren thought, but this is normal. There are actually many high-level psychics who are uneducated because they are too superstitious about their own brute strength.

Of course, he would not dare to say these words, so he quickly explained: "It is a nano-repair warship of the Iron Army Alliance. Each warship is equivalent to a nano-machine control center, capable of commanding hundreds of millions of nano-machines at the same time. We can also repair and rescue our own equipment on the fiercest battlefield. We have already encountered this once on New Port Arthur."

Charlie thought that she was also there, but because she was too far away from the battlefield, she didn't notice it, so she just said "oh".

"I heard that the Pallai people of the Iron Army Alliance have had a good relationship with the people on Earth recently, and they should be willing to provide them with nano repair ships. The ones on the New Lushun battlefield are the first batch, and this should be the second batch."

Charlie said "Oh" again and motioned for the other party to continue talking.

"I estimate that reinforcements from the Milky Way will come sooner or later, and the people on earth are preparing to build some outposts at Nantianmen."

Charlie looked up and down with great interest to make sure that this guy really didn't know about the ruins.

"You didn't forget to detect the enemy's situation when you were lurking. It's really hard work." Charlie praised the doctor with a smile, and the doctor immediately showed a flattered expression.

"But why have you been lurking here? If the Earthlings' army arrives and they send a branch here to investigate on a whim, won't you be doomed?"

"Indeed, there is indeed such a hidden danger, but this is the only way I can think of." Dr. Warren hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The captain of the Kalila of the Alliance Poseidon Ship Group is an old friend of mine, and he also works with me. I have always been in contact. His ship runs a regular route from New Yumen to Earth and then to Nephi every year. When he passes through the New World, he can find a way to take us out of existence. If the people on earth want to sell the alliance's face, it is There will be no thorough investigation of the Kalila."

"Kalila? That Shenzhou?" Even the uneducated Miss Xia Li had heard of the name of this legendary ship. It was one of the ten Poseidon-class giant ships built by the Alliance twenty years ago to demonstrate its national power. It was also the largest warship in the history of civilization. It could be called a steel city that traveled in the starry sky.

Even a Titan ship looks like a traffic boat in front of this thing.

Of course, although it is such a giant steel ship, it is still a civilian armed passenger and cargo ship after all, and its armament level is that of a light cruiser.

Of course, even if it is only a light cruiser class, with this size, this armor, and this shield, its deterrence is no less than that of a main battleship.

More importantly, this Poseidon class is one of the models used by the Alliance to declare its national power. Although it is large and is only a "civilian ship", it is equipped with the Alliance's latest twelve booster reactor engines, which can Let it also run at cruiser-level high speeds.

All in all, everyone felt that the Alliance was clearly hiding explosive troops. With their capabilities, these Poseidons can be equipped with greater firepower and sent to the battlefield as battleships in a month or two at most.

Of course, the empire showed that it was emotionally stable, and even expressed it gracefully. Who doesn't like a serious person?

However, since he is a Poseidon-level captain, he is definitely a senior member of the ship group, and may even have a seat on the board of directors of the Poseidon Ship Group, the largest shipping giant in the universe. In a sense, such a figure is even more powerful than the heads of some small countries.

"Are you still in contact with such a person?"

"I, hey, Her Majesty the Queen..." Dr. Warren said sheepishly: "I can only make unreliable guesses about some things that are left under the table. In fact, I have been working in his department before and got along well. Very good. Even if he committed a crime and fled to the center of the galaxy, the contact was not interrupted, and some information was occasionally exchanged."

Having said this, he took out another piece of paper: "This is a relic of an enlightened person that I occasionally got. Two pieces are a set. It can be used once every ten days. Just write 50 words here. The message can be received on the other side. No matter how many light years away, it can be received immediately. I guess its method of transmission is related to the virtual realm, and I communicate with the captain through it."

Oh, and there’s a surprise? Charlie suddenly felt that she was about to turn a corner, but she still nodded expressionlessly: "When will the Kalila arrive?"

"If we go according to the voyage plan, we should pass through Nantianmen on the 5th of next month. I can't tell now that we are fighting. However, the captain told me that it will not be later than May at the latest. I estimate that by then , it’s time for the Galaxy’s native army to arrive.”

"Oh, why is that?" Charlie tilted her head and asked.

Dr. Warren said somewhat complacently: "The reason why the Milky Way mainland did not mobilize a large army is because of the New Continental Arms Limitation Treaty. The Alliance is also happy to pass these treaties and legitimately cause harm to the Empire, but we Poor nomads, they are already the public enemy of all civilization. The "Arms Treaty" will definitely be abandoned, and reinforcements will definitely be sent out. Since there is no way to stop it, won't the big guys in the alliance take the opportunity to do some business? The Kalila If it is really delayed until May, it will definitely be filled with military supplies that are urgently needed by the people on earth, and that will definitely be the time when the earth’s army sets off.”

Charlie looked at the other person up and down and nodded approvingly: "Yes, our insect swarm needs talents like you!"

This was the first time Dr. Warren heard the word "worm swarm" and he couldn't help but be slightly startled. He also suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart and felt that most of his body was suddenly cold.

Me, why was I so honest just now? Why did I say everything?

Before he could fully react, the hydralisk behind him suddenly waved its hook and claws, and like the most skilled surgeon, lightly opened the back of the doctor's head.

Dr. Warren didn't even have time to feel the severe pain. He only felt a numbness on his body, and a worm-like alien species penetrated along the wound.

That's a puppet worm.

Dr. Warren finally felt something was wrong. He subconsciously covered the wound and wanted to howl, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. As if his nerves were twitching, he twisted his body a few times, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground, then fell to the ground with a thud. Then, within a few seconds, his limbs twisted and twitched again, and he stood up awkwardly like a zombie, like a zombie whose limbs had become stiff.

He looked around at the surrounding scene with a confused face, and then his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"How does it feel?" said the little master.

"I feel very good now, no, I have never felt so good." Dr. Warren smiled, his expression, tone and behavior were the same as before. Even the closest people may not be able to tell the difference: "At your service , my most noble Lord!”

Alas! good! I succeeded! Charlie almost danced a tap dance with joy. She has mastered the puppet bug many times, but this is the most successful one. Now, the puppet insect has completely devoured the memory, knowledge and spirit of its prey. Except for being unable to copy psychic powers, it has inherited everything from Dr. Warren.

She has used puppet bugs before, but most of them can only harvest a walking zombie whose use time is about to be limited. It is already very difficult to swallow even a few fragments of the prey's memory.

But now, she finally succeeded. This may be because he finally understood the "unified will" of his father's six selves and finally cultivated a truly complete version of the puppet insect. Of course, it was precisely because of the "united will" that I unknowingly penetrated Dr. Warren's psychological defense and made him tell everything.

The little master finally maintained the reserve of a superior and nodded arrogantly.

In the blink of an eye, the swarms of insects had received new orders from their master, and they raised their fangs and claws again and executed all the remaining crew members.

There was no way, if we didn't kill them all, the survivors might go to the Great Khan and complain. At that time, if Miss Great Khan is not dealt with, it will definitely make the soldiers of the three armies feel cold; but if she is dealt with, she will drive away my only, most reliable, and most trustworthy ally.

Charlie felt that as an ally and best friend of the Great Khan, she must not put others in a dilemma. As long as everyone is killed and no one is left who can report the news, a world where no one is harmed will naturally be completed.

Captain Warren looked at everything at the scene with a smile, as if the dead crew members had nothing to do with him.

Of course, it really doesn't matter. He is now just a special Lord Bug that possesses the body of Dr. Warren, as well as all knowledge and memories.

"Can I use this method to mass-produce some useful subordinates? It sounds like the captain of the Kalila is quite good." Charlie began to think this way.

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