Him and their stars

Chapter 841 Aren’t everyone begging for food?

Among the ten greatest Poseidon-class merchant ships of the Free Galaxy Alliance, the Kalila is more like a moving steel city than a ship in terms of its size and tonnage. In the universe, there are indeed artificial creations larger than her size, but a steel city that can race through the universe at cruiser-level speed is unheard of.

This is like saying that a fat chick is nothing in fact, but if this fat chick breaks the sound barrier and flies faster than a blackbird at every turn, it will subvert people's perspective.

There is truly no better place in the galaxy for the Alliance to show off its technology and shipbuilding prowess.

After all, the Alliance has always claimed that they are a friendly pacifist country. It is really hard to imitate the Empire and always build a new type of Titan to scare people.

In this way, the captain of the Poseidon Ship must also be a big shot in the shipping industry. In addition, the captain must also manage this huge ship like a steel city like a mayor, as well as hundreds of thousands of crew members and passengers. Some people say that the captain of the Poseidon Ship even has more status than the heads of some remote small countries, but this is actually true.

After all, many of the member states of the Galactic Civilization Council only have their home planet as their home planet, and the total number of space vehicles in the country is less than a fraction of the weight of a Poseidon ship.

The captain of the Kalila is a Nedian dragon named Dejala Shahei. He was born in the Alliance Navy and retired from the army with the rank of commodore and captain of a dreadnought. He is a burly man. Although he has entered the end of his prime, his figure is still as tall and straight as a marble statue. He does look like a very powerful man. After all, the fact that a non-human can achieve this status in the alliance really speaks volumes about his abilities.

According to the nearly 30,000 sailors and security personnel stationed on the Kalila, their Captain Shahei is a great man who does not speak much. He is usually taciturn and unsmiling, and always uses the simplest and most precise words in the workplace. The words he issues decisive orders are completely the realistic version of the classic tough guy and cool uncle captain image in movies and anime.

For the crew members who have been floating in the universe all year round, there is no more reliable leader than this one. Although the captain is not the kind of "kind father" who gets along well with the crew, and his style is strict and even a bit harsh, the crew all respect him.

What the crew of the Kalila never expected was that at this moment, their selfless captain, facing the people behind the screen in his captain's cabin, would actually look at his face covered with black scales. A cautious and almost flattering smile appeared on his face.

"Understood, Miss. Let me repeat your request. First of all, we need to observe the current situation of the community's colonial star areas to determine whether they can really undertake the logistics support task of the large fleet's march." The captain nodded and said: "Indeed, this Khan is indeed a hero just because the predators made a huge detour in the Abyss Nebula to break through the Gate of Glory. Of course she will take this opportunity to destroy the colonies of the two countries. Haha, it's just that all her The plan is all within your prediction, Miss!"

However, it was obvious that the young woman with short amber-blond hair and blue eyes on the screen was not interested in Captain Shahei's flattery. She pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Mr. Shahei, you don't have to force yourself to do things that you are not good at doing in front of me. The reason why you can become the captain of the Kalila is naturally because of your other qualities. You will not You don’t even have such confidence, do you?”

"...I'm really, really sorry!" Captain Shahai suddenly started sweating profusely and quickly lowered his head to apologize.

This Poseidon-level captain also has an alternate director seat on the Poseidon Ship Group's board of directors. His power is comparable to that of the head of a small country. At this time, he is acting like a humble servant.

There is no way, the little girl in her early twenties on the screen can be called the "Princess of the Alliance" after all. To ordinary people, this may be just a joke, but the more upper-class he is, the more real he feels.

Yamida Senge Berenkeist smiled slightly: "I believe that the loyalty and bravery of the community soldiers will not let the predators take advantage. Haha, or in other words, if that guy can't even deal with the predators, What I have lost is my face..."

Mr. Captain laughed dryly and said nothing. With his IQ, of course he had already guessed who "that guy" was referring to. However, as a newly rich person who has climbed up from the bottom, he understands very well that the gossip of people above him cannot be spread randomly.

"Captain, if the condition of the community's colonial star sector is relatively complete, you will be responsible for communicating with Major General Yang Xiyi, the supreme commander of the community over there, and hand over everything in the ship to them."

At this time, the Kalila is carrying food and daily necessities that can last 5 million citizens for the first half of the year, enough munitions to arm ten more marine divisions, and enough weapons to allow all members of the ten Thirteenth Fleet to fight seven or eight high-level battles. Ammunition, energy and ship consumables for strength fleet battles, and even two sets of temporary repair platforms.

"If the damage is serious, only one-third of the goods will be taken out," she added.

The captain nodded, thought for a while and then said: "...Actually, we only had to take out one-third of it at the beginning. As long as we have these, we have done our best, and the Galactic Civilization Council has nothing to say. of."

Miss Yamida didn't speak, she just smiled, held up a tea cup, and took a sip of tea.

"Yes, I'm sorry for talking too much."

"Princess of the Alliance" then put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "The voting on the third amendment to the "New Continent War Readiness Treaty" will begin in Huaxu tomorrow. Then, the discussion on the amendment to the "New Continent Development Treaty" . No matter what, the Alliance cannot stand on the opposite side of history. Sooner or later, the galactic native army will arrive in the New World and use all its strength to nip the predators’ ambitions in the cradle.”

Captain Shahei quickly said that he can definitely do such a thing well, please rest assured that this is the case, and then said: "Then, there is the second thing, with Miss Taina Morn, and Ash... Mr. Tein got in touch, right?”

Yamida nodded: "It is basically certain that they are in Xinyumen. If they are still alive, bring them back."

"...However, this Mr. Stern can say that Miss Taina Moen is, after all, a reporter for the Pioneer Newspaper. If she is unwilling to return to the country, I will not resort to extreme measures. "Captain Shahei said.

"No, no," Yamida smiled: "Even against Mr. Stern, we don't need any extreme measures. They are all legal citizens of the alliance and have the right to travel and settle anywhere in the universe. You Just tell her that's what I meant."

"You, what do you mean?"

"Yes, it's not what her mother and the Morn family meant, but what Yani meant. She will understand."

She still had a nice smile and a calm tone, but this kind of frankness was the most terrifying thing to think about. Captain Shahei quickly gave another apology smile: "I understand."

"If you bring Taina Morn and Mr. Ash Stern with you, please contact me immediately when you return to the mainland of the galaxy. I will come over and meet you as soon as possible."

Although the captain didn't know why the eldest lady was so concerned about this "little thing", he wasn't prepared to ask, and certainly didn't dare to ask.

At this time, the main business was probably finished. The eldest lady of the Bei family started drinking tea again, and the atmosphere quickly became much more relaxed.

Captain Shahei became even more nervous. If it were another eldest young lady, he could take this opportunity and take the trouble to discuss the customs and customs of the New World with the other party, implicitly saying that he would definitely send a new local tea and special fruit plate, etc., and he could easily get the other party. good impression.

However, the eldest lady of the Bei family opposite was completely different.

As soon as you see her, you can truly feel that sometimes the gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs; and the gap between children of the same family is sometimes even bigger than between people and dogs. Paramecium is still big.

At this time, it is useless whether you have watched "Emotional Intelligence" or "Pattern". The best way is to play the role of a tool and wait silently for the eldest lady to ask questions.

Fortunately, perhaps because she had finished her work, the eldest lady was in a really good mood now. She put down her teacup and said with a smile: "We will enter the New World tomorrow. Before that, remember to buy some Xianchuang Technology. For stocks, the price is below 10,000.”

The captain was startled for a moment, then overjoyed. Just as he was about to say thank you, the eldest lady asked with great interest: "I heard that this time, in addition to normal merchant ships, there are also ships from the Universal Group that formed the fleet with the Kalila. A comprehensive entertainment ship?”

The captain quickly said: "Yes, it is the Dancing Girl, the 12th comprehensive entertainment ship of the World Group. There are several celebrities on the ship. The singer from Earth who won the best newcomer last year is also on the ship. Woolen cloth."

Yamida smiled: "Look, the alliance's literary and artistic workers went directly to the front lines of the New World to express condolences to the soldiers who fought bloody battles. Who said that our alliance did not do our best?"

"What you said makes so much sense! The Alliance is still the beacon of civilization and the land of hope in this universe. I firmly believe in this." The dragon captain held his head high and spoke in a tone that seemed to be describing objective truth.

"A beacon of civilization? Haha, I'm actually very curious about how Mr. Qi will describe us in the book." Yamida smiled.

"Mr. Qi?" The captain was stunned.

"Mr. Qi Bingwen, aren't you also a fan of his books?"

"He has a new work? Is it going to be published in the Alliance? Then, you really need to read it carefully." The captain was really interested this time.

Yamida shrugged: "Unfortunately, I haven't seen it either, but I'm sure there is such a work. Captain Sand Black."

"My subordinate is here!"

"Bring sharp eyes and keen ears and record everything in Xinyumen! Report it to me!"

At this moment, the undercurrent in the Milky Way has little to do with Yu Lian. He has now spent his third week in Xinyumen. This period of time can be regarded as the most leisurely period he has lived since leaving the imperial capital.

Not very leisurely, but fulfilling and regular.

There are two classes each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, each class lasts about an hour. I must admit that it is quite interesting to teach a group of junior officers and senior non-commissioned officers whose average age is more than ten years older than myself. It fully satisfies someone's emotional appeal of being a teacher.

In addition to relatively metaphysical military theories such as the so-called "Defense Omnipotence", he also imparted his knowledge on organizational structure, team formation, personnel management, and even the most minute official buildings and firepower allocation. It even included how to give ordinary soldiers blood and chicken soup.

"The most important motivation is not to rely on fancy words, but to firmly believe that you are one of our own who can be trusted."

"Yes, you are the grassroots officers and non-commissioned officers, the leaders and backbone that soldiers need to face most of the time. So, think about it carefully, what kind of officer do you want most when you are soldiers?"

"Haha, this doesn't mean you can hang out with the soldiers and have fun. Soldiers on the battlefield are all adults. Is it true that basic good guys can't tell the difference? Soldiers can chat and hang out with a fair-weather friend, but Would you really trust the decision of a fair-weather friend?" Speaking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but think of his first boss, Lieutenant Mondson of the 14th Military Station. The old man who claims to have made a mess of his life may be this kind of person.

He's really not a good officer, but everyone likes him. Although everyone likes him, they don't really trust him.

"Master the technical and tactical knowledge that an officer should have, care about but be strict with your soldiers. Also, remember well, learn to say "Follow me" instead of "Follow me!"

Yu Lian didn't know how many people would master the knowledge he imparted to these people today, but as long as one-tenth could meet his requirements, he would be very satisfied. He doesn't even know how many people can meet his requirements for non-commissioned officers and junior officers, but as long as one percent understands the truth, they can become seeds.

In any case, compared to the high-sounding "Defense Theory of Omnipotence", these relatively trivial knowledge and requirements are much more important to grassroots officers, and will never become outdated. I hope that the students in these training classes will really You can understand this.

Classes were all in the morning, and in the afternoon, Yu Lian would spend two hours after lunch to discuss their book "Defense Omnipotence" with Akinayama Hachiman - this guy also made a cameo As a teaching assistant, Yu Lian took as many classes as he could, and he was also the commander of the battle, so he really knew how to combine theory with practice.

So, after a multi-planet discussion, the paper outline and various arguments and materials were confirmed, and the practical stage officially entered.

"Very good, I'll leave it to you from now on. Remember to keep the number of words within 200,000 words. After you finish writing, revise it for me, and then send it to the National Defense Commission and the General Headquarters, and then you can contact us for publication. Luck Maybe we can still get the textbooks, and we can get an honorary master's degree from the National Defense University directly." Yu Lian patted his shoulder, his tone was solemn and firm, as if he had given you the glorious task.

"Wait, you mean, we compiled the information and outline together, but I have to write the text myself?"

"That's right!" Yu Lian nodded.

"After I finish writing it, I just bring it to you to revise it."

"That's right." Yu Lian continued to nod.

"And you want us to jointly sign it?"

"Is there any problem?" Yu Lian asked knowingly.

"I have to do so many things, but the author jointly signed the name, so shouldn't I have to kneel down and beg for food?" Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

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