Him and their stars

Chapter 842 The so-called zong and du.

"Dear Sir, I have received the first volume of "Yuan Lun". After reading it, I am very impressed..." The following 2,000 words of reading comprehension and appreciation of the beautiful article are omitted.

"However, I still have some small opinions. I hope I can discuss them with my husband..." The 5,000-word opinion and the attachments and outline of the information collected by myself are omitted below.

"In addition, in Chapters 5 and 6, you have systematically elaborated on the opposition between class antagonism and nationalism. Here are some of my personal researches, which I compiled into "On Organizational Structure" , "Militia Training Manual" and "Public Situation Survey Strategy" can be published together as supplements to "Principal Theory". Of course, if it causes trouble, it can be distributed as a pamphlet. This is up to you and your secretary The team will discuss it.”

As far as Yu Lian knows, the secretarial group around Mr. Qi is actually divided into three parts - several capable writing secretaries and publishing assistants he used when he was a writer and university professor; he has officially decided to run for the governor of the New China Sector Later, a team of professional campaign consultants were hired from their hometown. Then there are the "returnee" elites brought back by the Tianyu Overseas Students Association such as Tan Jize and Seldy Stork.

To put it bluntly, the first two parts are for odd jobs and campaigning, and the last part is Mr. Qi's real core secretarial team, although their average age is only in their early twenties.

In addition, among this group of young people, there is a current student named Yang Mingzhao who joined the secretarial team as an intern. Of course, everyone knew that this was a third-generation disciple of the Spiritual Research Society, and they thought it was the bodyguard Yu Lian sent to Mr. Qi and everyone. The senior brother didn't know why Yu Lian valued this relatively mediocre disciple so much, but he still gave Yang Mingzhao the title of "Juque" and sent him to Mr. Qi's side.

This spiritual research association has indeed lost its relationship with the "Swordman Sect".

In this way, this great master who would push the Spiritual Research Society to its peak in the future would step onto the stage of history earlier.

Who says that a first-generation grandmaster must be particularly good at fighting?

In the letter, Mr. Qi and Tan Jize were full of praise for this young man. They both felt that it was too unqualified for such a talent to only be a bodyguard.

Yu Lian thought for a while and continued to write: "In any case, Tan Jize's social investigation is very important, and may even become the most important process for perfecting our pioneer theory. However, nothing can be seen in the bustling star area. The investigation requires more attention to safety. Please make sure to get in touch with the Spirit Research Society when he reaches the next stop. I will ask the master to send someone to protect his safety."

Of course, Yu Lian has no way to get in touch with the locals directly, but our Spiritual Research Association is also a top occult organization. It is not realistic to send bulk goods across the interstellar space, but it is still no problem to send a message across the interstellar space.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian suddenly became full of expectations for Tan Jize's interstellar version of "Analysis of Each Class in the Galaxy".

"I thought about it carefully. "Public Sentiment Survey Strategy" is just a creation based on my own experience. There should be a lot of taken-for-granted views in it, which may not be published enough to mislead people. I hope you can take it for granted. This article was forwarded to Tan Jize earlier, hoping that his real investigation can improve it. As for "On Organizational Structure" and "Militia Training Manual", I personally think that such things will never be outdated at any time. Please Spread the information to the Nebula network. This matter can be left to the Red Star Office."

The world of the Internet is a truly free world, and things posted there are actually very forbidden. Now that you've got a short video on making 105s, AKs, crystal bombs, and disintegration generators, there's no shortage of a pamphlet on how to set up an organization and train a military.

However, when Yu Lian wrote this letter to the end, he couldn't help but stop and think for a long time before picking up the pen: "As for your last question, I am actually confused and confused now. . Indeed, due to the existence of occultism, cases where individual brute force exceeds collective strength often occur. This is not oppression in the spiritual sense, but actual authority in the material sense. Natural rulers will also naturally emerge. However, if you think about it more carefully, in our past history, why did civilized society lack "supermen" who single-handedly changed the world in various fields other than psychic powers? Since the power of psychics cannot be hereditary, There is no hereditary basis for the power of psykers."

This is indeed Yu Lian's true words.

It seems that the children born from the union of psychics and psychics are more likely to be sensitive than the union of ordinary people, so there is indeed a saying that a family of psychics exists in this universe. However, the above statement is just a convention that "everyone is willing to believe", and there is no truly convincing scientific statistics.

As for those so-called famous families with numerous talents, it is more like the survivor effect caused by the accumulation of resources and the prosperity of the population.

You see, even the Dragons of the Dawn, who are said to be favored by the spirit of the universe, do not lack geniuses like Brunhilt, but aren't they more of a "squib" like her brother, Duke Andorotier?

However, it must be admitted that it is precisely because of the god-like psychics that we have the magical realism world today where advanced and barbaric people dance together.

So, at this point, even Yu Lian didn't know how to solve it.

After all, neither Teacher Ma, Master Li, nor Teacher Li had ever encountered a psychic, so Yu Lian really had no homework to copy.

Just because you don’t know how to solve it doesn’t mean you won’t do it. All progress is actually made bit by bit. This is actually what Teacher Li taught himself.

Ever since, I originally just wanted to write a letter, but it became longer and longer, and the more I wrote, the more excited I became, and I headed towards a tome of hundreds of pages.

Yu Lian is really glad that he has met an intelligent elder like Mr. Qi. Although he has reached the twilight years of his life, he still has no conservative and stubborn side at all. He still remains full of curiosity about the world, pursues truth, justice and innocence. Heart.

More importantly, the old gentleman is really kind to himself. Although there is a half-century age difference between the two parties, they are as close as if they have known each other for many years.

Yu Lian felt that Mr. Qi was a kind, lovely and wise handsome old man. As for various rumors and even later history books, he was said to be "sharp and mean", "cold-faced and cold-hearted", "arrogant and unruly", etc. Wait, it must be gossip about him!

It was precisely because he met such a loyal elder that he could speak so freely.

In this way, Yu Lian went to class during the day and took reading notes at night. His life was fulfilling and very regular. If he had not had to perform the duties of the (deputy) chief of staff of the Defense Command, he even felt that he was really teaching in a university.

There is no way, after all, I still have to hang out in the world. No matter what, I still get a salary of millions from the community every year. Even if I don't mention this, even for the sake of the people of the New World who love me so much, I should live well. Fulfill your duties as the (deputy) chief of staff of the New Continent Defense Command.

Therefore, during all working hours except classes, Yu Lian made arrangements for the next step of construction work in New Yumen and the surrounding star areas.

"No matter how hard the Alliance tries, it is impossible to really allow the Predators to develop in the New World. Now, facts have proven that the Predators' partial divisions cannot have any impact on our defensive positions, so the Alliance will support the attack on the "New World" The Arms Treaty will be revised. In short, large-scale local reinforcements will definitely arrive smoothly." Yu Lian told everyone during the meeting.

"So, do we need to increase the expansion of the machinery plant and the metallurgical plant?" Akinayama Hachiman, the true second-in-command of the new Yumen (since Yu Lian's arrival), frowned slightly, seeming to have a different opinion.

Of course, Yu Lian knew why the other party did not agree, so he explained: "This is a future plan. I have asked Busca. Hongfeng Factory has done its best to support Xinyumen. It also needs to expand its scale. , more well-trained industrial workers will be needed, which will affect the production of the factory. The fortress built by the military in the Nebula on the far bank has also reached a critical juncture. They are now the largest customer of the Red Maple Factory, but We can’t delay the project over there.”

"So, you want to..."

"Why don't we go directly to the shipyard and arsenal." Yu Lianda said.

Were you still talking about the shortage of industrial workers just now? Hachiman adjusted his glasses that almost fell off, and was speechless for a moment.

"As expected of the chairman, he is really courageous." Simon Vayali cheered loudly, looking like a crazy fan.

Boy, is there something wrong with you? You already have a personality cult, you know? Akinayama Hachiman couldn't help but give him a sideways look.

Of course, except for idiot fans like Davarich Simon, most of the participants present were probably not very optimistic about Yu Lian's whimsical plan. However, due to the latter's intimidation, they all showed embarrassing yet polite expressions. Smile.

For the last time, Mr. Bernard Woolley, the de facto "top leader" of the New World's government affairs department and the Secretary-General of the New World's Sector Government, was also at the meeting. While he was laughing awkwardly, he seemed to have thought of something again, so he swallowed the words that came to his lips with an expression as if he was waiting for something to be eaten.

"Don't act like this. I didn't say that I wanted to create a Hand of Glory and Polaris Heavy Industry in Xinyumen." Yu Lian smiled and said: "One can manufacture small ships and auxiliary weapons, and can repair large ships and large ships." I am very satisfied with the weapons factory. As I said, New Yumen and New Lushun will become the first-line forward bases of the army, and I don’t know whether it is the community or even some allied fleets. There will definitely be opportunities. of."

"Oh, this is indeed a business opportunity." Akinayama Hachiman said lukewarmly: "So, what are you going to produce in this factory, and who are you going to manage it?"

"It's not me, it's Dr. Xie Yiwei." Yu Lian said seriously.

Although the investment is mine...ah, it's from my friend's Red Star Firm! Dr. Xie only invested in the company based on technology and management, but he is the official legal representative.

It took Akinayama Hachiman nearly half a minute to remember the name. Then he remembered that there were "volunteer officers" supported by the empire on Yulian's ship, as well as cadet soldiers and mercenaries from the Toss Merchant Group, and a large group of refugees. It can be described as a mixed bag. It doesn’t seem surprising that there is another former designer of Hand of Glory among them.

Yu Lian added: "After all, he is the designer of the Hand of Glory, and he is also an immigrant from our compatriots on Earth. Blood is thicker than water! He wants to be more stylish in Xinyumen in his later years, so we also We should provide the necessary conveniences. Mr. Bernard, I leave this matter to you."

"I understand. I will do the initial work before transferring."

One of them gave orders as a matter of course like a governor, and the other really followed orders like a secretary. Everyone present felt that something was wrong, but they really couldn't tell.

"Dr. Xie has named the new captain Captain Xunfeng, which means the incense wind of the new Yumen with the smell of fresh gems."

Scented gems are radioactive. Akinayama Hachiman thought.

"In short, Dr. Xie plans to build a shipyard within three years that can build 10,000-ton scientific research ships and small and medium-sized cargo ships. Of course, according to his plan, within half a year, the new factory can build warships of cruisers and above. Undergoing major repairs.”

"Where are the skilled workers and engineers?"

"Of course we need to continue recruiting." Yu Liandao: "However, the initial stall will not be too big, just rely on Dr. A hard-core ruthless man who escaped from Silver Heart, two-thirds of his companions who accomplished such great deeds with him are willing to go home, but the other third are on the Throne."

These technicians were selected and trained by Dr. Xie from slaves bit by bit. To be able to stand out in that environment, they have no shortage of talent, will and experience. The important thing is that these people come from all races and are inherently internationalist and progressive.

Of course, Mr. Xie actually has some doubts about "starting a business". He said that he was already old, and after all, he was an imperial noble. How could he go to New Yumen and start over?

"Besides, Colonel, with all due respect, no matter how hard you try, the objective conditions here are here. I have guessed a little bit of what you are thinking, but I don't have a head and six arms, so I can't build a dreadnought here." He said helplessly.

"I don't want you to destroy the dreadnought! I am just an officer of a community, with simple professionalism and patriotism, hoping to develop this planet." Yu Liandao: "As for your words, don't ask for it. Forget, the empire has no restrictions on your travel..."

"so what?"

"You were one of the top designers at the Hand of Glory Shipyard back then. I remember that people who have engaged in military secret work are restricted from going abroad. Does this mean that the empire thinks you are outdated? "

Dr. Xie laughed dumbly: "Don't provoke me, Colonel, I am already at this age."

The implication is, what kind of thing have I never seen before at my age? In front of experienced elderly people, don't play this little trick.

"However, I will serve as the director of this shipyard. Anyway, I am just a retired old man, so I just think of it as repaying your life-saving grace." The old man added.

Although he said that, during the preparation process, he showed a spirit that even young people could not match. In just one week, he roughly determined the location of the factory and the scale of the first phase. , and made a reasonable equipment purchase list.

Yu Lian is not worried at all that his, uh, friend's investment will suffer losses. You know, the exploration and development of the New World is never-ending. Even if there is no war, there will always be a need for small and medium-sized ships for exploration and feeder transportation. In fact, the empire and alliance account for more than 70% of the market in this area. For the remaining shares, the community has to compete with countries such as Minlan, Toss and Cirke, but it is not very competitive.

However, when Brother Eisen's light-winged boat was unveiled at the autumn racing competition, it was another story.

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