Him and their stars

Chapter 885 The so-called melee has to be like this

That huge, shuddering roar seems to violate the laws of physics and spread directly in the vacuum world. The barrier unfolded by "sound waves" is like directly creating ripples layer by layer in the quiet space of the universe. After the action of the ripples, the blurred planet gradually shows vivid colors. As a result, this wonderful universe is almost no different from the real universe.

Immediately afterwards, the outline of the golden armored colossus also appeared in the sound wave attack. He is in the orbit of a brown planet, standing in the invisible void, with eight huge wingspan-like arms spread out behind his back, each holding a sharp weapon.

The silver humanoid monster stepped on the ground with gravity. It was obviously just stepping on the void, but it seemed as if it was stepping on the ground without substance. It gained counter-impact force in an instant. The huge body crashed into the golden statue like a huge comet,

At the same time, the cross emblem on the face of the humanoid monster also burned fiercely. Countless beams of light appeared out of thin air, hovering around him, turning him into a track that penetrated the sky, as if it could appear at any time. It might smash the sun into pieces.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, the golden colossus incarnated by Duke Sartolan just stood there, without even putting up any resistance, as if it had been stunned by this terrible scene. .

However, at this critical moment, countless blazing lights were seen flashing from the surroundings, turning into an impact even more violent than a meteor shower, and continuously hitting the hovering silver comet.

The silver giant was so stunned that he could only stop charging. The fluid material on his body moved like boiling mercury, forming a shield in front of him.

However, in the face of such fierce artillery fire, it turned into a strong wind. Its huge body, which is over ten thousand feet tall, is as fragile as a paper man. It is constantly blown away by the strong wind, and gradually disappears as it floats.

Yes, those continuous rays of light were clearly released from countless huge fleets that suddenly appeared in the distant airspace. This is indeed a terrifying scene that humans of this era have never seen before.

Just appearing within the range of everyone's perception is already over 10,000. And those giant Titans and dreadnoughts that looked like moving fortresses even reached three digits. They were divided into two military clusters with an aura as boundless as a catastrophe. It was as if they did not see the silver giant and the golden-armored statue that were confronting each other at all. They were just tearing each other apart with artillery fire crazily across the vast starry sky.

Yes, in the decisive battle between these mighty fleets, the duel between the eight-ringed demigods and the ancient war machines was like an inconspicuous natural rising tide before the tsunami.

"So, is this the battlefield you chose?" Lan Jiufeng's voice sounded in the universe: "The third galactic war, the Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy?"

"Hahahahaha, Brother Lan is a knowledgeable person." The golden-armored statue said: "Yes, it was the decisive battle in the Third Galaxy War that changed the entire battlefield situation. In this battle, our side and The alliance each concentrated its main fleet, plus the coalition forces of various countries, to confront the entire main force of the Eero Empire. After this battle, the elite of the Eero people's forbidden army were completely wiped out, and the countdown to the death knell of their bloody empire had come. . This moment is just like that moment. Isn’t it?”

Lan Jiufeng said: "Then, this is what you call a melee, right?"

"Yes! Melee! In fact, they can't see us, and they will subconsciously ignore us. However, they will definitely regard the three of us as enemies. Isn't it interesting? Although Brother Lan claims to be an indifferent person, but in those days the sword I've witnessed the arrogant style with my own eyes. You actually like this kind of scene, don't you? Don't pretend to be confused, it must be like this, right? "

Lan Jiufeng sighed faintly: "Those who are good at holding on to the victory regard the strong as the weak. Get the essence and forget the gross, stay within and forget the outside. See what you see, don't see what you don't see; see what you don't see. Look at it and ignore it. Brother Sa, I think you have suffered the consequences of being uneducated!"

Duke Sartolan shrugged noncommittally, stepped on the void, and retreated behind the blue planet. Then he stretched out eight huge arms to block the sword energy blasting out from the surface of the planet.

"As expected, you are hiding there!" Duke Sartolan let out a maniacal laugh, which immediately attracted the "attention" of the surrounding battleships. These ancient battleships from the galactic countries, like NPCs that had been attracted their attention, turned their guns and started firing salvos at the planet where Duke Sadolan and Lan Jiufeng were located.

As for the silver machine giant, it had long been completely covered by a large wave of ferocious artillery fire, and for a while, even its shadow could not be seen.

However, what the three parties involved do not know is that their current situation has been completely seen by someone and an ancient nanorobot.

"It turns out that even the bosses of the Eighth Ring are afraid of being covered by the artillery fire of a large fleet!" Yu Lian looked at the spectacular picture on the pop-up window occupying his own perspective, and it was difficult to restrain himself from being shocked.

In his previous life, he had seen one-on-one battles between big guys and a decisive battle in a large fleet, but he had never seen the famous scene where the big fleet focused on the big boss.

Yu Lian focused on his three o'clock position again. The overall appearance of those battleships is a rather solid triangular structure, with a ferocious but mighty appearance, full of villain-like sharp charm.

"This is... the Eero Guard Fleet. In other words, this should be the period of the Third Galaxy War?" Yu Liandao.

"To be precise, it was the largest fleet battle in the Third Galaxy War." Xiao Hui said.

"The Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy."

The so-called Blood Gate is the "southern" gate of the ancient Aero people. Before the outbreak of the Third Galactic War, the Erro Empire had been operating here for more than two hundred years and built it into the most important strategic base. It could be used as an outpost in advance and defended accordingly when returned.

Later, the Empire and the Alliance each mobilized more than 2,000 cutting-edge warships and the best officers and soldiers. Together with the troops of each family, they assembled a fleet of more than 7,000 ships, with a total force of more than 50 million including the Marine Corps. The coalition forces, the main fleet of the Eero Empire, which reached 3,500 ships at its peak, and the garrison of more than 30 million people in major fortresses and planet strongholds, began a decisive battle that lasted for half a year.

This is the famous "Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy".

This is also the largest galactic war that has ever occurred so far. After this battle, the Empire and the Galaxy finally roughly determined their respective spheres of influence, and the Ero Empire, a third party that was ambitious in trying to challenge human hegemony, has since become a term in history.

Of course, looking at those sharp triangular warships with aura of villainous bosses in the Ero Empire era, and then thinking about the green-skinned style used by the Ero predators now, Yu Lian suddenly felt embarrassed, and it was indeed sufficient. I understand Miss Great Khan’s painstaking efforts.

For most ethnic groups, "their ancestors were once rich" is not an honor, but more like a cursed obsession!

Yu Lian asked: "Is this where Duke Sartolan's confidence lies in challenging the master? He uses some kind of noble phantom to expand his own dispute field infinitely, creating a home court that is most suitable for him to perform?"

Xiao Hui said: "I'm a robot, so I don't quite understand how you carbon-based psychics play, but according to the calculation results, this possibility is 92.3%."

Although I am more curious about what the other 7.7% is, it should not be the focus.

"...So, you can even invade the realm of strife of a big boss psyker?"

"How is that possible? I've already said that I'm not good at psychic abilities." Xiao Hui spread his hands and shrugged: "I used the vision from the core of the guard robot. Although the guard robot AI of the Spirit Explorer and the central control AI They are independent systems, but they are part of the ship after all and can share the view."

"Oh, that means you finally succeeded in invading!" Yu Lian raised his hand and wanted to shout long live.

"It's still a little bit close. I need you to try again." Xiao Hui looked at Yu Lian, whose half of his body was still burning but half of his body had healed. He couldn't help but bared his teeth in a humane way: "I started with I was worried that the way you played just now was so extreme that it would destroy your spirit, but I didn’t expect that you would become more energetic as you played. We must admit that such a perversion is difficult for our silicon-based digital beings to understand.”

"This feeling of jumping left and right between life and death is quite exciting once you accept it. I also feel that it is quite different...ah, this is obviously a kind of training of the fearless spirit! You, a robot, must be You won’t understand!” Yu Lian said loudly, shaking his hands vigorously. Half of his body healed immediately, and the heartbreaking pain just now dissipated.

Well, once you get familiar with this feeling, it is indeed quite perverted.

Look at the virtual thing on the opposite side. At this time, Yu Lian has used the infinite blue and blood recovery method to blast it countless times, and it has also been plowed by various large-scale military strategic weapons. , the originally indescribable appearance is now impossible to look at directly.

However, in Yu Lian's eyes now, it is equivalent to a string of jumping disordered characters being forcibly stripped and deleted, but they are becoming more and more orderly.

"Have you seen the point with the densest signal?" Xiao Hui asked.

"You couldn't see it originally, but after bombing it so many times, you can see it," Yu Lian said.

"Okay, for the last time! You destroyed it, so I should..."

"Did you swallow the central control AI of this ship and gain its authority?"

"It's fusion. It sounds really ugly to swallow it. It sounds like some kind of software alien playing mitosis. And fusion also takes time. At most, it just depends on who has the upper hand." Xiao Hui said: "However, as long as you enter the fusion Program, I can do something in his name. Both your master’s side and Earl Black Moon’s side can do it!”

"Then what are we waiting for?" Yu Lian laughed loudly, and before Xiao Hui could say anything else, he jumped up again and flew directly out of the sky, which felt like he was thousands of miles away.

Above the sky, Yu Lian stretched out his hand, and there were already more than a hundred strategic weapons of various kinds hanging in the sky on all sides, ranging from anti-matter bombs, to neutron bombs, to light spear cannons and arc cannons. It's really like a cluster of flowers competing for beauty!

"This is the treasure house of the king belonging to the proletariat! Yes, within the truth of cannon, all living beings are equal! From now on, it will be called the treasure house of labor!"

Xiao Hui really didn't understand where the other party's excitement came from, so he just rolled his eyes. As Yu Lian's "labor treasury" once again submerged the figure of the Lord of the Void Realm in the bright light that could not be seen directly, the assembled figures of intelligent nano-robots could no longer be seen.

"Huh? Okay! I've done it too. Wait, why should I say yes?" Xiao Hui thought.

As a result, in the realm of disputes launched by Duke Sartolan through the secret treasure, sudden changes occurred.

The silver guardian giant stood up staring at the fleet's gunfire. He ignored these "illusory" fleets and pounced directly on the golden statue above the blue planet, which was the incarnation of Duke Sadolan.

In an instant, its body crossed a distance of at least one astronomical unit and rushed to the planet's low-Earth orbit. Then it waved fists as big as asteroids and greeted each other towards the Duke's head and face.

Duke Sadolan probably really didn't expect that the opponent would suddenly explode, so he quickly stepped aside and slashed with swords in four of his eight arms.

However, the huge golden sword derived from spiritual energy quickly dissolved in the face of the giant's hazy silver light like an ice knife encountering flames.

Immediately afterwards, the giant held the head of the Duke's statue with both hands and directly hit it with the cross bulge on the face.

Duke Sadolan felt dizzy for a moment and was shocked. He really didn't expect that a mere robot of his opponent could escape from the suppression of the rules of the disputed field to a certain extent. More importantly, since he mastered the God of War's Dharma, he had not experienced such a head-on blow for a long time.

"Ah, headbutt, that's what gangsters use in fights." Lan Jiufeng's voice rang out at the right time.

The Duke was indeed knocked unconscious and could only fight back subconsciously with his fists.

As a result, the two huge giants of light, like interstellar friends from the M78 Nebula, were fighting each other using the most ordinary, even slightly cumbersome fighting skills.

However, this scene, which looked very much like a special photo shoot, was filled with a devastating sense of coercion, causing the surrounding fleets to take a few steps back. Immediately afterwards, these projections of battleships from ancient times, as if they were afraid of being affected, ignored the still fighting fleet and focused on the other party.

As a result, the two giants of light struggled and rolled out of the blue planet's space orbit, and crashed into a gray planet thousands of kilometers away.

A figure with a flying sword rose up from behind the atmosphere of the blue planet. Looking at the magnificent special photo shoot scene, he was speechless for a moment: "So, is this none of my business?"

He remained silent for a full half minute before flying towards the direction where the two giants were fighting each other.

The speed is not fast, it doesn't look like participating in a battle, more like observing in secret.

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