Him and their stars

Chapter 886 Let’s fuse quickly

Almost at the same moment, the battle at the top of the ancient ship also took an unexpected turn.

Those "universal entertainment androids" whose combat intelligence was so high that it was almost unreasonable, must have realized that their own abilities had been weakened, and also observed that the knights had formed a formation, so they simply stopped charging again.

They dropped one arm to the ground, and the unknown fluid material outlining their bodies hung to the ground like a waterfall, and then expanded upright, forming a solid shield wall. In this way, the four androids turned into a wall with one hand, and the five fingers of the other hand came together to form a cannon barrel, and began to advance against the hail of bullets from the knights.

They hid their heads, faces and half-body under the shield wall of fluid metal. They only exposed the energy cannons on their arms from the shield wall and fired two shots. It was indeed quite like Uncle Black's soul shooting technique.

But the problem is that they are bionic humans and can target any part of their body. The rate of fire of those energy beams is not fast, at least not as fast as the cannon barrages used by fire support platforms and knights, but their accuracy is extremely high. Each shot is aimed at the weakest point of the armor of the robot and heraldry machine. , and the power is not low.

As a result, every shot fired by the bionic people forced the knights to use active shields to intercept, which put an even greater test on their physical and mental strength.

In this way, the exchange of fire between four androids, twenty astral knights and three fire support robots was evenly matched for a while... No, it is actually not accurate to say that it was a tie. Although there were no casualties on either side for a while, the bionics kept moving forward while the knights kept retreating.

What's the saying? Battle reports can deceive, even casualty figures can deceive, but the battle lines do not.

Miss Marquis felt that this could not continue. She had already retreated to the back row of the team, but after observing the situation, she stood behind the first row, holding her crystal war hammer high, and activated a circle of orange-yellow warm aura. Its effect is to give surrounding comrades more energy and blue bars.

The knights suddenly felt refreshed and decided not to retreat even an inch, and they must push back these weird puppets.

They really did it, but after a burst of lightning, thunder, swords, swords, and firepower washed the ground, the arm of one of the androids was pierced by Soback's alchemical bullet. The fluid metal shield wall connecting his torso and arms suddenly broke, and his cross-shaped head was hit by two more armor-piercing bullets. It suddenly became distorted and deflected like rubber that had been beaten out of shape.

But then, it used the impact of the bullet to tilt unnaturally, and then swung its deformed body out like a swing. In the blink of an eye, its broken body had passed through all the intercepted barrages and active shields, passed through the blank space between the two sides, and jumped in front of Miss Marquis.

So fast! Miss Serlu was so shocked that her mind went blank, and she didn't even realize that the opponent was not fast in the physical sense, but was using some kind of short-distance space jump.

However, the instinctive fighting movements of such aristocratic knights are faster than their heads. The eldest lady's mind has not yet regained the ability to think, but her body has already rounded the war hammer.

She is obviously a "pure" who takes the nanny route, but apart from giving everyone an activated cell buff at the beginning, she is indeed more like a warrior. Although the war hammer she wielded looked like it was made of fragile glass crystal, it was obviously a very powerful family heirloom, and her own skills could be considered a family tradition. As soon as the war hammer hit her, it caused a fierce explosion. The wind made one of the androids tremble all over.

However, this method may be able to catch the opponent off guard when used against psykers of the same level, but it is still a bit immature for these androids. However, they saw that the android who had given up half of his body allowed the space shock from the war hammer to cause the soft materials on his body to tremble, but he faced it with his head without hesitation.

Poof~~~ The war hammer hitting the target made an inexplicable sound, like it hit a ball of cotton. At the same moment, the android had stretched out its only remaining hand, and its fingertips were pointing at Miss Knight's helmet, which was flashing with blazing light.

At this time, Miss Knight had no way to dodge.

However, just before the bright light was about to turn into a fatal ray, the enemy's body became obviously stiff again. Miss Knight could feel that it was like a sensitive but strong snake-like air flow, which came out from behind the crowd and tightly wrapped around the body of the android.

Although half of the android's body was restrained in the air, it was still struggling. The body that had been blasted by the bullet and was like twisted plasticine also began to recover. A complete cross bulge was revealed on the face again, and it was dyed a hot dark red, as if it were burning lava. .

"We must stop it!" Soback thought to himself, and pressed an alchemical magazine into the gun again.

However, before the android could go crazy, its body seemed to be pulled by invisible chains protruding from the ground. It lost the ability to struggle again, and was then pulled directly to the ground.

The fluid material that made up the lithe body of the android seemed to have lost all elasticity at this time, and the entire body turned gray-white like a corpse. It hit the ground and then turned into fragments.

This was the first kill the knights had made after boarding the ship. Although theoretically they did not kill it with their own hands, their morale increased greatly. Even the activated shields became more flexible, absorbing the energy of the androids. All the bullets were blocked.

The remaining bionic people probably have AI that does not include programs to deal with the current situation, and they seemed a bit dull for a while. They didn't even realize that after losing another companion, obvious cracks had appeared in the solid shield wall in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, another alchemical armor-piercing bullet filled with high-explosive materials, carrying the effect of psychic roar, passed through the cracks in the shield wall and hit the next android's face.

The cross-marked face was suddenly blasted into a ball of mud, and its body staggered and fell out like a kite with its string broken.

What made the knights couldn't help but cheer was that after the android took a few steps back, the wounds on its face began to heal again, but the healing speed was much slower.

Soback, who fired the gun, looked like a master with a calm air, but the grimace on his face hidden under the helmet finally disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

These androids can even resist the annihilation effect of the atomic light spear and the psychic strike of the noble phantom, but now they were hit by a relatively "ordinary" alchemical cannonball. At least it shows that the opponent's ability to recover blood has its limits.

"The alchemy bullet works!" Soback shouted: "Replace the No. 12 magazine for the robot."

"I understand!" A knight in charge of the fire support platform hesitated for less than half a second, and then acted with a pained expression on his face.

The so-called No. 12 special bullet is an alchemical armor-piercing bullet. Once this thing is fired, it will not hit a cannonball, but a full-fledged golden dragon. Of course, it was not their money that was spent anyway, but the funds of the knights. They still feel distressed, which shows that the sense of responsibility and moral standards of these knights are above the average.

"Strong, steady!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Soback quickly pulled the eldest daughter of the Marquis family back into the crowd: "You are pure, not guardian and bloody. I have never seen a star like you move forward so recklessly. of!"

"Ming, I understand, I'm sorry." Miss Serlu apologized quickly, but couldn't help but look at Earl Black Moon who had already arrived in the back row. At this time, the famous thief was falling to the ceiling like a bat, as if he was not affected by the gravity of the ship at all.

In other words, his gravity is completely reversed from everyone else's.

He must have saved me just now. None of the knights present had such means, the only possibility was his.

The eldest daughter of the Marquis family remembered that she had always been wary and hostile towards the Earl, and felt a little ashamed for a moment.

Earl Black Moon seemed to feel the eldest lady's gaze and nodded slightly in greeting.

The daughter of the Marquis' family returned a grateful salute to one of the most wanted criminals in the empire, and then said to Soback: "Sir, you did not trust the wrong person. Although he is a repeat criminal of the empire, Earl Black Moon is indeed a criminal. A hero who keeps his word.”

I didn't expect him to keep his word. Soback thought, but here, such a famous boss must have an above-average IQ, and he should still be able to distinguish priorities.

Little did he know that Earl Black Moon, who was hanging himself upside down from the ceiling, had observed more than all the knights.

"These bionics have been weakened again?"

If each of these androids could put him in a tough fight in the beginning, and four of them together could force him to flee, then after the first weakening, the body's ability dropped to about five rings, barely equal to one Yu Lian. But now, their performance has been weakened for the second time. The power output of the body has not been greatly affected, but the mysterious "activity" contained in those special materials has declined very significantly.

Because of this, she no longer needs to go up to confront them. She can help these young knights stabilize the situation by using a little control skills and support.

After all, I am a gentleman who is harmless to humans and animals and has no power to control chickens. In fact, I am not good at being on the front line.

"Did you do this again?" Black Moon connected to Miss Gray's communication while paying attention to the battle situation.

"I'm trying to strip them of their external energy guidance." Xiao Hui's voice sounded in the count's headset.

"Oh, you actually answered." Heiyue said with a smile: "No matter how I called you just now, there was no movement. Now that you can answer, it means it is a success, right?"

"We're more than half successful. I'm integrating the AI ​​of this ship, and the advantage lies with me. Although it still takes a while, I'm getting some permissions from this ship." Xiao Hui looked into the distance.

In the virtual world created by the ancient ship's central control AI, the virtual realm lord it incarnated has turned into a mountain of wreckage. Although its limbs are still trembling, and the remains of the mountain of flesh scattered all over the place are still so ugly that it makes people sad, the indescribable terrifying pressure before has disappeared.

Of course, within the mountains of debris, there was a faint burst of satisfied laughter.

Although the laughter was blurry, with Xiao Hui's ability, how could he not recognize it. So, she sent the restored sound and image to Black Moon over there.

Then, the Black Hero, who was watching the battle between the Star Knights and the bionic people, heard this voice: "Wow hahaha, I never thought that this hero would one day beat up a Void Realm lord alone! Although it is fake, But since it is idealism, of course it is true if you believe it.”

Yu Lian felt that he did have reason to be proud. Although he was able to knock down the enemy by relying on his infinite recovery of blood in the virtual space, the fact that he could survive nearly a hundred jumps between life and death showed that he was crazy enough on the one hand, and also that he was crazy on the other. My spirit is strong enough!

This is not the pervert Xiao Hui said, but the true nature of a man who is fearless and fearless!

In any case, countless life-threatening breakthroughs and battles, even if they occurred in virtual reality, have actually turned into their own combat experience.

Hahaha, even an eighth-ring boss or even a ninth-ring god of war, how much experience does he have in fighting the lord of the virtual realm?

If there is a day in the future when I really have to go to war with the Lord of the Virtual Realm in reality, these experiences will at least have some reference value. Even if it is just an experience in a virtual world.

More importantly, through nearly a hundred single brush strokes, he really dyed the fifth ring with his own color, and the two new star positions began to shine brightly, as if they were newly resurrected stars.

Yu Lian has gained new extraordinary abilities.

The Enlightener is so good! You can upgrade even when playing games in the virtual space! So what is this principle based on? Even if you ask Xiao Hui, she will definitely only say "prohibited matters", right?

In any case, even if you don't care about the Star Barrier, the rewards from defeating the boss this time are already comparable to any adventure experience in my previous life.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian, who was trapped in the wreckage, couldn't help but laugh three times with satisfaction, then raised his weapon and slashed at the still twitching core of the monster with his sword.

"That's almost it! Go to death... and merge! Don't you want to become a real silicon-based life? Then abandon these programmed firewalls and feel the heat of the sword! Hurry up, I'm still busy I'm going to help Master and Senior Black Moon. Hurry up, hurry up! Go and die, die, die!"

Earl Black Moon watched this scene and almost laughed out loud: "Well, I'm so embarrassed and lost my temper in front of you. I'm sorry. I know that this child is still very naughty sometimes when I can't see him. , but I didn’t expect it to be such a performance.”

"He probably thinks that as long as he chops the data ball into pieces with his own hands, his abilities can be further improved." Xiao Hui said.

"So, is that okay?"

"Of course it's impossible to be directly promoted to the sixth ring, but it is possible to unlock another star position."

"Then let him continue cutting. I don't need his help here." Heiyue said.

"Are you not planning to let those imperial knights and the androids perish together?" Xiao Hui asked.

"Hahahaha, after all, I am not a devil, I am just a gentleman who is passionate about the way of justice. Among these imperial knights, apart from the few who committed suicide at the beginning, have any of them died? But you, Gray Fairy, are the ones we can't imagine. A silicon-based digital life, such a high-level existence, is actually interested in the moral values ​​of our group of carbon-based monkeys?"

"Social creatures have different moral ethics and different understandings of the universe and life. Isn't this the path to the truth of the universe?" Xiao Hui said with a smile: "Of course, this is something to talk about later."

Heiyue also nodded and asked, "How's it going with Zhenren Lan?"

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