Him and their stars

Chapter 887 Dead Silence and Blood Planet

Xiao Hui did not pause, waved his hand casually, and shared the other side of the vision with Earl Black Moon.

As a result, the scene of two giants of light, gold and silver, who were as towering as planets, fighting each other with fists, came directly into her field of vision.

"Is this, what kind of special photo shoot is this?" Hei Yue just wanted to complain, but when he looked at the surrounding environment, the words were stuck in his mouth and could no longer be said.

There is no way, in the final analysis, tokusatsu films are still a niche children's work, and it is impossible to really use more magnificent backgrounds.

She had already seen the vast background of the battlefield with stars, and also seen countless huge battleships that were tearing apart. The huge artificial steel structures were ignited by the blazing light that was also artificially made, and turned into torches. The torn warship fragments continue to spread to any corner of the starry sky. Most of them will be digested by the ubiquitous cosmic radiation, but a considerable part will float in the starry sky for thousands of years, captured by the gravity of the planet. Gradually the so-called Battleship Ranch was formed.

As for the crew members of those fallen battleships, they were already shattered to pieces the moment the spaceship they were riding in was destroyed. But compared to those companions who were thrown into the universe and were slowly killed by hypothermia and suffocation, dying in the explosion was considered lucky.

"The Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy?" Earl Black Moon asked curiously. She has also seen those triangular warships that look like sharp arrows. Of course, she also recognizes that these warships that have appeared in historical documents and museums are from the ancient Eero Empire that has been extinct for nearly a thousand years.

"This should be the area of ​​dispute for the Imperial Duke. It can drag the battlefield into his favorite environment." Xiao Hui said.

"I have never heard that the realm of disputes can spread on such a scale, unless it is derived from some precious phantom." Black Moon pondered: "This should be the trump card that Sadulan deliberately prepared to use against Master Lan. Bar?"

In short, it is precisely because of such a vast background that the two giants of light fight each other in a way that is infinitely close to that of gangsters, but the scene is too spectacular. Therefore, even the simplest straight punches, swings, uppercuts, and eight punches seem to have a little more mystery and simplicity.

However, no matter how mysterious it is, it will not end well if the fight continues like this. As a result, Duke Sartolan, who transformed into a golden giant, found a target and used all his strength to separate the opponent's wrist. Eight arms grew out of his back again, and he punched the silver giant's chest with a shower of punches, causing the liquid metal material all over the opponent's body to begin to sway.

It then stretched out its hands and directly locked its throat. Immediately afterwards, its body accelerated itself to the speed of a sub-light charge in an instant, pressing the silver giant and rushing towards the nearest gray planet. In the blink of an eye, the two giants had entered the planet's gravity orbit.

It was a gray, dead planet in this galaxy. It was originally the Blood Gate Planet No. 3. It is said that a long time ago, it was a natural planet with a flourishing garden of birdsong. However, the evil Ero Empire started a crazy experiment on biological and chemical weapons on this planet, and then used neutron bombs to wash the ground, and then turned it into a planet. It became such a gray place of death.

This Blood Gate No. 3, of course, became one of the crimes of the Empire and the Alliance in their crusade against the Eero people.

Of course, the planet's surface ecology has indeed been destroyed, but the planet itself is still intact, and the gravity is naturally there. There is not much problem in catching the two giants of light who have lost their balance.

Suddenly, the giant of light, one gold and one silver, became unbalanced during the struggle and fell awkwardly toward the gray surface. Naturally, the silver giant being strangled was pinned down by the statue of Duke Sartolan. Once it fell to the ground, its body would definitely become a backrest and it would definitely suffer the greatest damage.

But at this moment, its neck suddenly stretched out, and then it suddenly became flexible and slippery like a snake's body, and it was suddenly dragged out of the opponent's grasp. He shook his snake-shaped neck, as if turning this important part of his body into a chain, and the raised head with a cross painted on the front became a war hammer, and just hit Sadhu directly and violently. In front of Duke Lan.

"Headbutt! Young gangsters only use this move in fights." Black Moon couldn't help but comment.

"It seems like someone has already said this just now." Xiao Hui couldn't help but comment.

But with the blow just now, the direction of the two giants was suddenly deflected. When they crashed into the atmosphere of the death planet, the object that served as a stepping stone became the golden-armored statue of Duke Sartolan.

Then, at the moment when they were about to crash into the dry blue-gray dead earth after passing through the dense smoke and dust atmosphere with blazing high-temperature flames, the sword energy fell directly to the ground like divine punishment from the sky. On the back of the silver giant, it was directly submerged into the still trembling fluid metal.

At that moment, Heiyue felt like he saw the beam of positron cannon piercing into the lake on the surface. Even these ancient fluid materials that could withstand fleet bombardment and high-level spirit son bombardment were like ordinary lake water. It also steamed up.

This is the arrival of Lan Jiufeng.

At this time, he was like a swordsman sitting in the sky, using his fingers as swords and the stars in the sky as swords. The light of his swords was as powerful as the roar of a dragon, or like Yi falling for nine days, and everything he passed was filled with thunder. , the head of all evils.

All the sword energy like beams of light had penetrated into the body of the silver giant, and turned into countless vertical and horizontal sword energy, which continued to rage in his body. At first glance, it looks like a boiling mercury lake has been thrown into a nuclear reactor that is constantly erupting. Within a few seconds, the fluid material that made up the silver giant's body seemed to begin to melt.

Although it showed no stinging expression, it still made a difficult roll, broke away from the entanglement with Duke Sadolan, and directly hit the gray ground next to it.

However, even after enduring such a blow, it still staggered up, allowing the fluid material on its body to melt and peel off like wax eroded by high temperatures, but its body shape remained straight as if carved from an entire mountain. The giant statue.

Its current condition is indeed not good, but compared to the Duke of Sartolan opposite, he is actually fully qualified to laugh loudly.

No, the man who used his own great power to form the golden colossus still stretched out his eight tough arms holding various weapons, and still looked like a great and powerful god, but that calm and calm face The majestic face, full of divinity, has been deformed by the blast. It was as if the nasal bones and skull bones had been smashed and fractured.

"...Tsk, why did you suddenly change your target?" The statue of Duke Sadolan pursed its lips and spit out a shining golden tooth as big as a tank.

"Fa Tian Xiang Earth is the evolution of your spiritual power, and they are all integrated into one. What's the significance of this?" Lan Jiufeng had stepped on his flying sword and slowly landed.

"It doesn't make any sense, it just makes me look like a tough guy." Duke Sartolan chuckled: "So, why is it targeting me? Within the realm of disputes, the source of disputes is also the source of disputes, and I am still the maintainer of this field. Brother Lan, why should a Shura like you attract more hatred than me?"

Lan Jiufeng stroked his beard and said, "Don't take arguing as natural! I've already said it, brother Sa, you just suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated."

Hei Yue, who was secretly watching the casual melon eating, glanced at Hei Yue and said, "Actually, Master Lan doesn't understand it himself, does he?"

Xiao Hui said: "Who knows? This old man is not an idle person. At least his wild intuition is still very clear."

Duke Sadolan over there couldn't help but look at the other party with a more scrutinizing look, and then smiled casually: "It doesn't matter, anyway, when we are here, neither you nor I have a chance to take any tricks."

"Blood Gate No. 3?" Lan Jiufeng looked at the gray earth that seemed to have been completely dead. Behind the continuous black mountains, there was a large gray sky. There was no blue sky, no white clouds, no birds singing and fragrance of flowers, and even sunlight. After passing through the gray fog and falling to the ground, they all became the color of tragic defeat.

The old man sighed: "I have wanted to ask before, the disputed area of ​​​​your throne can only simulate the death and withering after the war. Isn't it devoid of glory and beauty?"

"Who knows, the eighth ring of the throne is called 'Lord of Strife', which is probably the limit of our abilities. When it reaches the ninth ring, it might be a different story." Duke Sadolan said with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, the scene changed again. Behind the gray horizon in the distance, there was first a thunderous sound like an earthquake, and then if you listened carefully, it was clearly the sound of a large area of ​​dense and heavy footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, pale light shone on the end of the horizon, and countless figures rubbing shoulders slowly appeared. Each of them wore heavy powered mechas, lined up in neat formation, and moved forward step by step carrying huge flags.

"On that day 800 years ago, the 104th, 105th and 112th Imperial Stormtrooper Divisions, as well as the 29th and 45th Panzergrenadier Divisions formed the Second Landing Group, with a total of 65,000 mobile infantry, and 72 Astral Knights Under the command of , a 48-hour battle was fought on this planet with the main force of 100,000 Eroan Guards gunners. In the end, after 12,000 people died in battle, three With more than 10,000 people injured, we cut off the heads of more than 60,000 Elero people and achieved a brilliant victory! This is also one of the most important winners in the Battle of the Blood Gate Galaxy!"

Duke Sadolan looked at the military flags appearing on the horizon, his voice full of pride and prestige, as if he wished he could live and die with these seniors.

"Actually, that battle was just an encounter." Hei Yue said: "Both sides wanted to set up a large artillery position and shield jamming position on the planet. In the end, it turned from refueling to a battle involving nearly 200,000 people. .”

"Well, I still understand the Empire people," Xiao Hui said.

At this time, on the other side of the horizon, a larger number of Ero people's forbidden troops also revealed their ferocious military formation.

Everyone knows that in the decisive battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, the total number of extraordinary beings who can break into the tens of thousands of troops and fight unparalleled battles has reached three figures.

At this moment, the giant silver giant had shaken off the melting fluid material on his body, as if a person had shaken off his skin and muscles, leaving only a lean skeleton.

Then, a gaunt and slender mechanical skeleton sat down against the hill, then twisted half of its torso and legs, and sank to the ground half hooked. The upper body tilted up awkwardly but smoothly, and countless sharp blades popped out from the gaps in the joints of the spine.

It has now transformed from a human form into a giant centipede-shaped combat machine.

However, before Centipede could raise its head with the flashing detection light up, thousands of cannons were fired from the military formations that were still several kilometers apart between the two sides, covering the entire space between them with countless bullets of various shapes. During the bombing.

Of course, it was not just the robots that were bombarded, but also the statues and Lan Jiufeng in the sky. The latter seemed to be regarded as the most threatening bomber, and was immediately targeted by hundreds of missiles.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the artillery fire from both sides not only covered the area in the middle, but also extended to the opponent's military formation.

Duke Sartolan laughed while enduring the bombardment: "Now, it doesn't matter the level of hatred! Man, there were quite a lot of war beasts that participated in this battle..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge roar came from the distance, and hundreds more giant objects that were as tall as mountains appeared on the horizon.

It is a war beast raised by the empire, or in other words, a large phantom beast that can provide fire support and MT effects. It can also release psychic abilities. Its IQ is much higher than that of military dogs, and it is much easier to use than tanks and robots. .

At the same moment, there was also a mythical beast flapping its wings in the sky, which was naturally the dragon species of the empire.

"People like us are not very impressive on the battlefield. Brother Lan, let's fight to your heart's content. How many of the three of us will go out?" Sadulan laughed.

Before he and his old enemy could move, the centipede robot over there had already moved. It dragged a huge steel body that was completely a kilometer long. With a slight swing, it raised a sandstorm on the ground. It waved its sharp and dense blade feet. With a slight shake of its body, it threw out two fiery red rays. Falling into the military formations on both sides.

Wherever the ray passed, there were continuous explosions that shattered countless mecha warriors into pieces. This light of destruction only lasted for a few minutes, and it created a shocking void in the two military formations, like the traces of ants that have been scorched by boiling water.

However, these warriors who were part of the disputed realm had no fear at all. They quickly filled in the blank space after the explosion and continued to move forward.

"This guy has entered destruction mode." Xiao Hui said.

Although Earl Black Moon didn't quite understand what "destruction mode" was, and he couldn't feel the power of this robot at all, he did feel the tension at the scene: "Zhenren Lan... will the two seniors suffer?"

"It's hard to say. This fairy is not good at psychic powers, and I don't dare to discuss the choices of the Eight Rings casually. However, the disputed area of ​​​​the Imperial Duke should not last long."

Black Moon nodded slightly, but Xiao Hui had already switched his vision to the virtual environment, and happened to see Yu Lian carrying the atomic light spear, piercing the core of the virtual realm lord from top to bottom. Then, he lifted up the giant beast's spiritual core, which was as big as a polar bear's head, and raised it high above his head.

"Victory! Finally dead! I am also the one who hacked to death the Lord of the Void Realm!" Yu Lian cheered loudly.

"...In the final analysis, this thing is just a data simulation question. You have just penetrated its firewall. In my opinion, you are equivalent to holding a ball of scratch paper filled with discarded data in a trance. This What’s the point?”

"Do you understand the sense of ritual? Aren't you also playing OL? According to you, my level 150 sacred fire suit is still a data ball." Yu Lian said angrily: "So, what's wrong with you?"

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