Him and their stars

Chapter 916 The Wind of the New Era

Yu Lian looked at Major Horatio Venn with a bright smile on his face with some surprise. After not being around for a while, this irritable and irritable guy who explodes at the slightest hint of anger actually already has such a city? Still growing up very gratifyingly.

Speaking of which, Wayne in his previous life would indeed go down in history as a wise and brave general until the end of his destiny, but this guy actually had poor emotional intelligence throughout his life. The insight that is extremely sharp on the battlefield is not so easy to use off the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, he is a late-stage chuunibyou who has persisted in his personality for a lifetime. But when such a guy was provoked, he didn't jump up like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He even retorted with a smile on his face?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this still the Horatio Wayne I know? Apart from anything else, my eloquence has really improved a lot!" Yu Lian laughed.

Although he seemed a bit eccentric, the other party looked quite proud.

"Horatio has already hosted several youth club study sessions." Hachiman said, "He is the vice president, so he has this kind of job requirement."

A certain president who was not doing his job nodded. Although he was a little dissatisfied with his desires, he also had a sense of accomplishment in cultivating success. Then, he was frightened by his own thoughts and got goosebumps, and quickly returned to the topic:

"Then, who is responsible for the escort fleet on the supply line?"

Luo Zeshi explained: "The fleet currently assembled in Xinyumen includes five light carriers, eight heavy cruisers, eighteen light cruisers and forty-three destroyers, respectively from the First Fleet and the Sixth Fleet. Now it is The ones that were mixed and reorganized were divided into four squadrons.”

The four fleets take turns on duty, which should be able to basically ensure the safety of the waterway.

Then, Akinayama Hachiman reported the four leaders of the squadron. They were all brigadiers whom Yu Lian was not familiar with, and their average age was over sixty-five years old. It can also be seen from their age that they must not be "academic" generals with backgrounds and academic qualifications. They should all be old sailors like Major General Marklov and Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu. You know, "Moon Man" like Admiral Connors is only in his fifties, and returnee elites like Lieutenant General Tivington are not yet over fifty.

Yu Lian brushed the sauce on the third roasted woodchuck that was served, while turning his inevitable evil thoughts.

Horatio Wayne suddenly said: "So you must not fan the flames just because the admirals are on the same level as you?"

"Huh?" Yu Lian looked at classmate Wen who had grown beyond recognition and felt as if he had been exposed.

"You are now the liaison officer of the New Yumen Logistics Base. You are responsible for the logistics deployment of the entire army and the follow-up outreach arrangements of the Allies. You must not neglect your job." Akinayama Hachiman also pushed up his glasses and said seriously.

"No, I was just thinking... isn't the highest-ranking general in the new Yumen now Lieutenant General Saiyo?" Yu Liandao.

"Lieutenant General Seyo was born in the Marine Corps." Kent smiled.

Although he is a lieutenant general, the Marine Corps and the Navy, that is, the Space Fleet, are completely two systems. In other words, in the community's military rank system, the Marine Corps only reaches the rank of general, and it was only awarded to the founding father, General Tiehua, the first director of the Armored Grenadier of the Blue Star Community.

Now, the community no longer even has a particularly imperial-flavored position like "Director of Panzergrenadiers", so naturally there is no such thing as a director.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Seyo is one of the highest-ranking generals in the Community Marine Corps system.

Of course, just like some high-ranking generals of the second and third grades have to salute first like civilian officials of the sixth and seventh grades, the "Marine Orangutan" versus the space fleet, although the situation is not that extreme, the situation is not much different. .

All in all, Seyo, a lieutenant general of the Marine Corps, is really no match for Yu Lian, a commodore in his twenties. If the latter wants to seize...

Yu Lian shuddered and felt that his thoughts were developing in a relatively dangerous direction. He couldn't help but bared his teeth and said, "What do you mean?"

"Just stating a fact." Kent shrugged: "Lieutenant General Simon is a heroic and open-minded man. In the previous exercises, although he was defeated by the local police and militia, he did not mind at all and kept I am holding Hachiman and the others in a discussion meeting and training the entire army."

"It sounds like he's a decent person to deal with!" Yu Lian was a little pleased. In fact, he really didn't think there was any problem in being transferred back to the rear. The only thing he was worried about was meeting some people who were difficult to get along with. It wasn't that he was afraid, but that he found it troublesome.

"You should go visit him." Hachiman said.

Wayne also added: "We don't mind at all being tied up by you and can only be used as food guards. You also must not think that after persuading Vice Admiral Simon and the other commodores, you can bring our fleet to subordinates, let alone dragging us to the front lines to win battle glory. We are all professional officers who fulfill our duties. Unlike some guy who always disobeys the rules because of his psychic abilities, we are willing to obey the orders of our superiors. In short , this time the entire army will appreciate your kindness, and you should take a good rest."

Yu Lian clicked his tongue in surprise and looked at the friends present with different expressions: "...If I really do this, will you obey my orders?"

"You are a general, we are just a group of ordinary officers." Kent laughed.

The implication is that if you, Brigadier General, give the order, what can we, the eldest, a major, do?

"This is definitely a precursor to warlordism!" Yu Lian sighed.

What do you think you are doing in Xinyumen now?

Wayne spread his hands and said: "You are the one who did it. That's why we told you not to do it. We are both members of the 830th class and classmates. We really don't want you to take the path of walking alone! The universe Only then do we know how much pressure it is for us to persuade a psyker to go crazy!"

Yu Lian was silent for two seconds, patted Wayne on the shoulder, laughed and stood up.

"After eating and drinking, I'll take my leave first. Well, Hachiman, inform all members of the club in New Yumen that there will be a meeting in Tulong in three days."

Akinayama Hachiman nodded, and everyone looked at each other. It was hard to believe that Yu Lian had admitted defeat so easily.

"I'm looking for Feifei. I don't know how her movie is going. By the way, Brother Horatio, you've been in Xinyumen for more than half a month, right? Has Director Feifei shown up once?"

Sure enough, the muscles on Horatio Wayne's cheeks still twitched uncontrollably after being upgraded.

The friends nodded one after another and raised their glasses to clink them. They felt that this was a normal development.

The good old man Deng Zhengqing couldn't bear to see Wayne's stiff expression, so he said: "Classmate Fina Li said hello in the group, and specially circled Wayne."

"She circled all of us," Kent said.

Among the friends, who is the least good person, Akinayama Hachiman, the invisible brother with chuunibyou, who is full of bad intentions, or Michiel Kent, who has been serving as the bottom line of the team's common sense? This is actually a situation worth considering.

So, Yu Lian left the barbecue restaurant alone with a group of friends who were laughing and arrogant, and Wayne who was sipping tons of bitters.

After Yu Lian seemed to have gone far away, Akinayama Hachiman raised his glass and touched Kent next to him gently: "Are you a little too eager?"

Kent smiled and shook his head: "He is actually the youngest among us. He is already a brigadier general before he is twenty-four years old. How much time do you think we will have? Since he is the boss, he has to be anxious. A little, and you have to learn to shield yourself from the wind and rain in advance. The founder of the Lionheart Club, Marshal Victoria Lee, did the same thing back then. He must do the same."

"If this is not possible, the club president can be replaced." Luo Zeshi also said.

"Substitution, who?" Wayne put down his glass.

"You have been letting your mind go just now, but now you hear it?" Kent said angrily.

"Hahaha, isn't my advantage that I only listen to what I want to hear?" Wayne looked like he was not ashamed but proud.

Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses, hiding his sharp arrow-like sight under the lenses, and lowered his voice: "...Mihir, which one are you waiting for him to become? Victoria Li or Allen Emperor Nuo?"

Emperor Aerenal was one of the few people who could be called the "Great Emperor" in the Dawn Dynasty that lasted for three thousand years. He was also the leader who led the Tirero people to continuously explore and conquer in the early days of the Galactic Age of Discovery. He was a tyrant who suppressed and enslaved all conquered races with tough and even cruel methods, but he was also a wise brother who brought the empire from the harshest military dictatorship into the era of enlightened monarchs.

"Haha, actually... I don't want either one, but either one is possible. However, no matter which one it is, it is better than what it is now." Kent also suppressed his smile: "Hachiman, Mr. Qi's "Original Theory" is Have you seen it?"

“…The New World has not yet been published.”

"Then you can copy a copy and take a look." Kent sighed quietly, a complex light of fascination but mixed with a little awe flashed in his eyes: "I have already smelled the wind of the new era. So, let's let Whether this wind blows gentler or it turns into a storm that blows away all the past, we always need to be aware of it."

"I don't know that you still have the potential to be a poet. I have also read "The Theory of Principles", but I know that whether you have counted or not, the wind is there." Wayne sneered: "Once a man starts to think wildly, It seems very pretentious.”

Kent was slightly startled and turned to look at Wayne, but the latter had already completely focused on the barbecue. He couldn't help but smile helplessly: "Sometimes I also want to learn someone's great wisdom that is rare and foolish, but I just can't do it! This is why I will never be as good as you and him!"

Yu Lian on the other side just walked out of the alley, thinking he had eaten. However, when he turned onto the main road, there were more officers and soldiers in uniform. Obviously, the extra 200,000 troops in the new Jade Gate have indeed turned this small-populated planet into a big Jade Gate.

Yu Lian didn't seem to realize at all how much pressure walking on the road wearing a general's uniform would bring to these officers and soldiers who were either on duty, patrolling or on vacation. He just smiled casually, nodded and raised his hands to return the salute to the officers and soldiers who saluted him.

Fortunately, he did not torture the officers and soldiers in the city for too long. After taking a few steps, he received a message from Feifei, which was the coordinates of a location a hundred kilometers away from the outskirts of the city.

Yu Lian estimated that that should be the filming location of "Cold Hill". He was already very interested in this movie. If he hadn't been busy exploring the labyrinth of enlightened beings, he would have gone to visit the class long ago, so he casually commandeered a military vehicle from the street and drove there himself.

He drove in the direction of the address, and within half an hour, he saw a sentry post. This is a wild hilly area southeast of Tulong Port. It is not located on a major traffic route. There are no settlements nearby, and there are no important resources or factories. It is an inaccessible wilderness. It's a bit strange that there are sentry posts here.

Although the sentries did not wear full armor, they were wearing the Marine Corps' desert terrain combat uniforms and back armor made of composite materials. They were holding C11 rail rifles in their hands. They looked quite strong. , the spirit is much fuller than that of the security team members (before Yu Lian). Needless to say, it should be the elite Ma Run.

In addition, a holographic light and shadow banner of "The Crew of "Cold Hill"" was hung on the sentry gate temporarily spliced ​​together with steel bars.

...Well, speaking of it, although there are no transportation routes here and it is inaccessible, the hilly scenery here is quite beautiful. Although it is not large in scale, it has majestic rolling lines and a rather cold and desolate beauty. Suitable for the location of this movie.

When filming a movie before, because he often had to go to inaccessible areas for location shooting, Yu Lian sent a security team to the crew, but it was mostly composed of sand militiamen who were familiar with the terrain and a small number of security guards. After more than a month, it was taken over by the newly arrived Marine Corps.

Naturally, the sentries also saw the approaching off-road vehicle, and came over with guns in hand. Then they saw Yu Lian with a general star hanging on his collar, and hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

Obviously, the Marines had guessed who it was. After all, a general with such a tender face is the only one in the entire community. Their expressions were quite excited, but they still checked Yu Lian's ID and terminal information with great respect before letting him go.

"You took over the security of the crew?" Yu Lian still asked curiously.

The second lieutenant who led the team quickly nodded and replied: ""Cold Hill" is a co-production between our country and the alliance. It is a major cultural project this year. The general has told us to ensure the safety of all cast and crew members. And, um..."

The second lieutenant looked embarrassed, but still said: "He is here now."

"The general is here too?" Yu Lian was a little surprised, but he continued to move forward without asking any more questions. He soon saw a temporary parking lot in an open space, got out of the car and walked there. After walking for a few minutes, he rounded a small hillside and saw the crew at work in a gap in the canyon among the hills and peaks.

Interestingly, in addition to staff from both the Alliance and the Community, he also saw Ms. Taina Mohn, a reporter from the Alliance's "Herald" who was temporarily serving as a stills artist, and her attachment Ash Because... by the way, these two guys are actually still in the New World?

In addition, he also saw several officers in uniform, whose temperament looked like the attachés and security guards around senior officers.

However, none of this mattered. Yu Lian soon saw the director who was sitting behind the monitor and was concentrating on her, and he walked over. The crew members naturally saw him, but they didn't dare to stop him.

Of course, Yu Lian did not embarrass them and stopped five or six meters away from Feifei without disturbing them.

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