Him and their stars

Chapter 917 Finalization

It was obvious that the main character in this scene was not the heroine whom Selena rolled her eyes at, but the hero.

The frail Mr. Winmore, who was born as a comedian, was covered in blood and dust, standing precariously, but with a kind of fanatical cold light in his eyes, he only stared at the "corpse" in front of him.

The "corpse" was a burly man with a big hole in his forehead, and his features were no longer clearly visible.

Mr. Wenmo spat viciously on the ground and took trembling steps to leave, but after taking only a few steps, he collapsed limply on the ground. He knelt on the ground, looked at the hills directly in front of him, sighed loudly, said a line that he couldn't hear clearly, fell to the ground, pinched the soil and weeds in the wilderness, and just broke away. Out of breath.

Feifei, wearing a peaked cap, held her breath and stared at the monitor until the gentleman on the screen lay down completely, then she put down her hand and breathed a sigh of relief: "Passed."

She stood up again, straightened her peaked cap back, and said loudly: "I announce that "Cold Hill" is finished!"

The whole audience burst into cheers.

It seems that the nearly two months of filming have been very hard. Many of the crew members who I had met once looked haggard and exhausted. Mr. Wenmo, who played the leading role, even had obvious skin damage on his face. of sun spots. You know, Mr. Wenmo is a Caladan, and he is famous for his smooth, moist and durable skin.

Now that it is said to be "finished", everyone's cheers are naturally very joyful. However, Yu Lian could hear that everyone's cheers were not just because they had completed a hard job, but because they had accomplished something that they were proud of.

It looks like it should be a good work.

"Oh, is it finished now?" Yu Lian asked curiously: "Where is Selena?"

"Selena is on the crab boat." Feifei stood up and turned around. There was obvious fatigue on her face, but her smile remained bright.


"I'm talking about the plot in the movie. She has escaped from the clutches of the slave masters, left these icy hills, and boarded a work ship that grows mire crabs on various planets. She is currently planning on the ship The laborers rebelled and seized the ship.”

"...Here, I've read the script! Didn't Selena play an orphan girl who grew up in a small theater troupe? She sang so well that she threatened her status as the troupe's mainstay. After being framed, she was sold to a place full of cold hills. Planet. Is this how the final plot develops?"

"Of course it's a metaphor. The open ending is left to the audience to figure out. Don't worry, I told Mr. Qi and he agreed."

Yu Lian was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Liar. Mr. Qi is busy forming a party and running for district governor. And this is the New World, how can you discuss it with him?"

Feifei blinked her eyes, and then said in a matter-of-fact tone: "So I have written him a long letter. He has not replied yet, but he must understand. I have already said it, the last one is an open ending . The main context and the fate of the characters that are officially shown are all developed in accordance with Mr. Qi's script. As for those metaphorical concepts, haha, I don't understand audio-visual language or anything like that, so don't mess with it!"

Well, even if I live three lifetimes, I have nothing to do with the high-level aesthetics of art, and I really have no say in this aspect...ah! I, Yu Lian, understand the aesthetics of working people very well!

Feifei added: "Besides, as a director, if you don't change the script, do you still deserve to sit behind the monitor?"

For some reason, these words made Yu Lian almost clench his fists, feeling that his blood pressure was a bit uncontrollable.

However, Feifei had already stepped forward, generously opened her hands and embraced Yu Lian, giving her a moist kiss, and the latter's blood pressure suddenly disappeared.

"So, where did Selena go?" Yu Lian laughed and said, "You don't know, she made me an enemy!"

Feifei understood instantly and couldn't stop laughing: "Brigadier General Wu Sansong, right? He was really unlucky. First he was plotted by Wayali, and then he was led into the minefield and blown up by Meng Jiao. He died without even a serious battle taking place. They were all dead. And Selena watched the whole process."

"...So what exactly was the plot?" Yu Lian was very curious.

"Simon and Meng Jiao became members of the crew, led by Selina, and entered the headquarters of Lieutenant General Seyo and Brigadier General Wu Sansong in the name of labor, and then suddenly launched an attack. Of course, the overall plan was actually designed by Qiu Mingshan .”

What a good means, Akinayama Hiroshi!

"You, the director, actually allowed it?" Yu Lian asked in surprise.

"There is a plot in the movie about the border war between the Alliance and the Empire, which destroyed the farm that the protagonists had saved with great difficulty. There was a small war scene in it, which was also one of the opportunities for the heroine to awaken. I asked Selena to go to the nearest place Seeing how the real military operates really puts her in the drama."

"She has never seen a real army..." Otherwise, what were the things she saw on the Blue Princess?

"No, she hasn't seen it. She has only seen terrorists struggling desperately. Of course, there are also some heroic behaviors. Such experiences have no social significance." Feifei laughed, and her smile was very layered. .

What she said seemed to make sense, and Yu Lian was speechless for a moment.

"However, General Wu Sansong is actually a decent man." Seeing Yu Lian's puzzled expression, Feifei explained: "He was obviously plotted by Qiu Mingshan and Simon, but he did not hate them, but hated them. Fuck you. You see, even if he finds a hostile target, he still has to target you, who is at the same level as himself, instead of just blaming his subordinates. Isn’t this a decent gentleman?"

Why does she make so much sense every time she speaks? Yu Lian found that he was even more speechless.

"Selena's scene ended three days ago. Now I'm going to discuss with the seniors of Ice Cream how to score it. They also think that this movie will be a masterpiece, so they must have a soundtrack and theme song of the same level. Feifei shrugged.

Yu Lian said that this was the first time he met a director who declared his work a masterpiece just after calling "finished". From this perspective, Feifei's arrogance is actually engraved in her bones.

He wanted to say something else, but then he saw that the "corpse" that had just been beaten to death by the male protagonist Mr. Wen Mo had stood up and walked towards the two of them. Only then did Yu Lian realize that the gentleman who appeared as the corpse was a huge man with a height of over two meters and a rather burly build. Judging from his complexion, he must be nearly sixty years old, but his figure and physique are not old at all. His walking movements make his body seem to form a moving mountain.

However, the smile on his face was quite amiable, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

This strong man with a kind smile was wearing an alliance colonel's military uniform of the last century. He looked at the general star on Yu Lian's shoulder and suddenly laughed more generously: "Hahahaha, the noble officer is Brigadier General Yu Lian, right? ?I’m Manu Sayo, who plays Colonel Getai in Cold Hills.”

Oh, Colonel Getai, one of the main villains of this show.

Of course, he is said to be the villain, but in fact he only appears in three scenes and has less than ten lines in total. He is not so much a villain in the sense of a character, but is actually just a concrete representative, expressing the natural malice of the great powers' struggle for hegemony towards ordinary people living in the cracks.

This is probably what Mr. Qi calls the "sense of destiny". It is indeed a more advanced concrete form of tragedy.

But then again, a Marine Lieutenant General from the Community appears in a movie or plays a villain. Is there something wrong with this?

Yes, this brawny uncle named Manu Saiyo is the highest-ranking general in the community currently remaining in the New Continent.

"Hi, Brigadier. When I was young, I was also a well-known handsome student from all over the country. I almost applied for the Art Academy. Unfortunately, I really didn't have the money to study, so I had to join the army and eat the royal food." Lieutenant General Saiyo is very confident. He patted Yu Lian's shoulder familiarly: "Major Li is the benefactor who helped me realize my dream when I was young!"

"Hahaha, as long as you have fun." Yu Lian responded with a business expression, and then cast questioning eyes on Feifei, who smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Your Excellency Saiyo helped. There are a lot of us. Without him, the later stages of the film would not have gone so smoothly. It just so happens that the general’s ancestors are actually Gaboi people, so pretending to be a high-ranking Alliance officer was not a big problem.”

Yu Lian looked at the general's light brown eyes with a hint of gray. The outline of his facial features was indeed quite exotic. It was indeed not against the rules to play an Alliance officer, but...

"I know, I know. Colonel Getai in Mr. Qi's original script is a Nedia dragon... Well, Miss Li initially wanted to find a sand citizen. However, these sand people have never received any professional acting experience. Training." The general said.

So, what kind of professional performance training has your Marine Corps Lieutenant General received?

"I can't help it. I really couldn't find a Dragon Man actor from when. I originally thought that Shamin could take over... Hey, they don't feel comfortable as soon as they put on the expression capture device, let alone do their actions in front of the camera. . And the general did have experience in this area before joining the army, and he also had basic acting skills." Feifei seemed to see what Yu Lian meant, and explained with a smile: "In your spare time, you often go to small theaters What about the drama performance. Is that so?"

Lieutenant General Seyo wore a proud and complacent smile, and nodded naively.

A play in a small theater? That is indeed a capable person. Yu Lian couldn't help but be in awe of this lieutenant general.

Feifei also said: "Of course, the general just wore a transparent movement and expression capture device. If Mr. Qi has any objections, he can still make it into an Argonian later. However, I will be sorry for the general at that time."

"I'm very satisfied." General Seyo gave a generous smile: "If I can participate in Mr. Qi's script this time, I will have no regrets in this life. Does it matter whether I can show my face or not?"

"It's still very important." Feifei said with a smile: ""Lengqiu" will definitely participate in next year's Yage Mi Awards. I am ready to apply for the Best Newcomer Award for you."

"The best newcomer?" The general was shocked. There was a flash of struggle in his eyes, but he quickly shook his head: "I can't afford it, I can't afford it, and I am still a public official after all. A guest appearance is one thing. I really go here to evaluate the impact. That’s not good. And I am self-aware. Compared to geniuses like Miss Selena, I am still far behind. The best newcomer should be her!"

This is a real actor! I never thought that a person who only loves acting would be worthy of being called a real actor no matter what his actual level is! Yu Lian was even more awe-struck.

However, Mr. Qi will not have any objections. When they sent the script, they said that the director could do whatever she wanted, but they have made enough gestures, so you can't be too deviant, right?

"Then, let's put the movie aside for now and let's talk about other aspects." The general scratched his head, his tone seemed solemn, but a trace of embarrassment still flashed across his face.

"Yu, Brigadier General Yu Lian?"

"You said, I know everything I know and I can't tell you anything." Yu Lian guessed that the other party was preparing to talk about something serious, but he didn't know why he was a little hesitant.

"That's an exaggeration, that's an exaggeration." The general waved his hand quickly, and then said in an expectant voice: "Well, Brigadier General, why are the police and militia that you trained so powerfully?"

He added: "During this period, I also held many discussions with Major Qiu Mingshan, but as expected, I still should invite the real master. Uh... Of course, I also know that famous generals actually have their own Special military management methods, if you have any difficulties, just think that I am rude!"

What kind of manual agriculture theory in the art of war is this? Yu Lian blinked and finally hid the words "You want to learn? I'll teach you" in his mouth, but he showed a happy smile: "If you are interested, then I will tell you everything I know. However, tactics are only a terminal issue, and more systemic issues are a very grand narrative!"

The general also blinked, as if he already understood, and smiled knowingly: "It doesn't matter, I consider myself a young and artistic person... er, middle-aged, and I like grand narratives the most."

At the same time, far away in the Milky Way, in the capital of the New China Star Region, on a planet with a dreamy name like "Bai Yujing", a small party called the Pioneer Party has contracted the second floor of a not-so-luxurious office building on the outskirts of the main city. The top floor of the twenty-first floor serves as his campaign headquarters.

Now, the owner of this office, Mr. Qi Bingwen, is carefully reading the draft of his public speech for tomorrow.

Seldy Stock, who was working as a secretary, refilled a cup of tea for the party leader who was studying hard at his desk:

"Your speech this time is quite...well, it doesn't have such a grand narrative."

"You actually want to speak too plainly, right?" Mr. Qi raised his head, looked at his young secretary, and explained patiently: "The people I spoke to last week were journalists from the solar system. They represent It’s the earth’s gentlemen who want to hear what they say. They also need the rich and colorful material that can make big news. Of course, they like to hear the so-called grand narrative the most. If I speak too truthfully, I will be tired of speaking, and they If you can’t remember big news, why bother?”

Seldy Stock nodded thoughtfully, feeling that his media negotiation skills had improved a lot.

The young Pioneer Party member looked at Mr. Qi in amazement, feeling that the old man looked a bit like Tan Jize inexplicably, but this was actually not in line with the old man's past personality.

"...Why, you don't feel like me? Haha, politics is nothing more than talking about people or talking nonsense. I just didn't want to do it before, but it doesn't mean I won't do it. In the past, I felt that I was a snake with these guys, and it was very special. It's hard to calm down. But now, as long as I think about the future of the new era, what kind of grievance can it be considered to be a little pretentious?" Mr. Qi put his hands on his hips, as if he was a young man who had just found his ideal, and raised his head proudly .

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