Him and their stars

Chapter 918 Remote Exploration of New China

Stoker also found it particularly interesting. Mr. Qi is obviously 40 years older than him, but when he gets along with him, it feels like he is starting a business with his peers. He is obviously a cosmic cultural celebrity with admirers all over the universe, but he does not let himself feel restricted or rigid at all, as if he is a young warrior who never runs out of energy and may enter a fighting state at any time.

Of course, this is worthy of Mr. Qi’s mental state. At the core, he is still the elder who has crossed mountains, seas, and seas of people:

"What I have to deal with tomorrow are local celebrities, so I have to be honest. This is the same as the script I wrote. I used to particularly like the surrealist dreams to be brought into reality, because the big shots and the middle class want to I can feel the taste from it. But now, when I am really ready to express my true thoughts and thoughts, I need something that everyone can understand. This is "Cold Hill", haha, I hope Miss Fina will not Change it beyond recognition."

"Well, with the captain watching, he shouldn't go too far." Seldi quickly comforted him.

"It's because that kid is watching that I'm even more worried." Mr. Qi said angrily: "You've been getting along with him for a long time, right? Don't you really know that this guy's background is actually a A lawless monkey?"

Stoker found it a bit ridiculous and wanted to laugh.

You know, the universe-level writer Mr. Qi is a universe-level cultural idol, and he is also a universe-level troll. In the past years, Mr. Qi was actually very disgusted with other people's random alteration of his works. Even the famous director is often criticized by him until he cannot take care of himself.

However, towards Miss Fina Li and Yu Lian, he was tolerant to the point of even doting on them, as if he was really ready to be an amiable and kind elder.

Stoker asked again: "If you are a celebrity, shouldn't you also like the grand narrative of retreat?"

"You are not a local, and you still don't understand the folk customs of New China." Mr. Qi smiled: "You have also seen the conditions of the New China star area. The geographical conditions are here. The celebrities here are not well-dressed upper class people. , but more like pioneer leaders who lead everyone to expand the boundaries of civilization. They and the lowest workers want to hear the same things."

Stoker thought carefully about the people and things he encountered in New China during this period. It seemed that this was really the case, and he couldn't help but look forward to his future work.

After Tan Jize temporarily left to do social research, Seldy Stock played the role of his chief secretary. However, what this young man is better at is actually more specific industrial affairs planning and management, rather than coordination.

Fortunately, Mr. Qi is the biggest celebrity born in New China, and he has a mass base. And now with the full support of the New China Bai family, if the secretarial team is a little younger, it will not affect the overall situation. Now, less than half a year into the election year, he's already leading the polls.

This is probably because although New China has a vast territory, it is a remote area with limited transportation conditions and sparse population. The first-class political forces on earth such as the Co-Prosperity Party, the Political Friends Party and the People's Choice Party are not willing to visit this planet. The district has invested too many resources.

Again, this is an election year, and the Earth’s president is the most important political battleground.

Basically, as long as Mr. Qi doesn't make too fatal mistakes, his position as district commander is basically secure. Stork estimated that when the old man officially took up his post, Tan Jize would be back, and the senior secretary introduced by the "Captain" would be in place. By then, he would be ready to do some more practical work.

Stoker thought of the construction plan he had personally drawn up under the guidance of the "Captain". Although I am not the planner, if everything can be realized, I, the executor, will definitely be remembered in history.

However, he also knows that without investigation, there is no right to speak. Without on-site visits, all construction plans may turn into a wasteful project.

Speaking of which, the young man from the Bai family that the "Captain" is particularly optimistic about has already started an investigation according to the "Captain's" plan, and he doesn't know what the current situation is like.

Thinking of this, Stoker couldn't help but look at his office.

This is the top floor of an inconspicuous office building in the suburbs of Tianwai City, the capital of Planet Bai Yujing. The Pioneer Party has rented the office on this floor as the party's temporary headquarters.

This is really not a big expense, and even seems a bit shabby. At first glance, it looks like a small organization lacking backend funds.

Three months ago, none of the major political factions and groups in the community paid much attention to this small party, which had only been established less than half a year ago and had only 200 official members. Apart from the fact that the party leader is a cosmic cultural celebrity, there really isn't much to mind about it. For a small party of this size, new ones are born in the community every year, and old ones always announce their dissolution.

But now, the first half of 832 has not yet passed. As the situation in the New China Territory becomes increasingly clear, many political and business figures are already thinking about surrendering to the north of this small office.

However, Stoker knew that the Pioneer Party was not short of money, and the enterprises in the entire Red Galaxy that were being reorganized could be regarded as party property. The combined size of these companies can already be regarded as a chaebol with considerable influence in the community. However, he really had no idea whether all of this could support the "Captain's" construction plan.

"Don't think too much, a plan is a plan. Making a plan and not executing it is a fantasy, but making a plan and thinking that everything can be realized is also a fantasy." Mr. Qi patted Stoker's hand. Shoulder, comforted: "Be down-to-earth and do the things in front of you first."

At this moment, a medium-sized armed merchant ship bearing the insignia of the Red Star Office was visiting a certain fringe star system at the end of the channel in the New China Sector.

You must know that the entire New China star region is already very remote. Now this galaxy, which was named "Tianshu" by the ancestors of the Bai family, is the most remote among the remote, and is a proper restricted area for civilization. Its star is a star that should have entered its twilight years. Unlike the stable and life-filled orange-yellow light of most stars in their youth, the size of this star seems to have collapsed to a certain extent, and the overall appearance has also It's a heart-stopping dark red.

Since the star is already in such a state, the magnetic field and gravity within the galaxy are naturally far from stable. Even the gravity well is like a peristaltic intestine, opening and closing at times. Of course, fortunately, the status of these channels is indeed not very stable, but they are still open after all, which is much smoother than those star fields that look like natural chasms.

Ever since, the scientific exploration ship named "Nine Chapters" has entered this galaxy without any danger - this is the first manned ship to visit the Tianshu Galaxy in three months.

The scientific research ship circled around the outermost orbit of the galaxy for several times before finally finding a place where the gravity was relatively stable and allowing the ship to stop.

The staff on the ship got busy urgently. Bai Ziya, who has not appeared in nearly 800 chapters, pointed to a signal point on the ship's terminal and said to the middle-aged man next to him: "We have placed an unmanned mining site in the orbit of the fourth planet. Send a transport ship to collect it once every six months. In this galaxy, there is only one planet whose condition is relatively stable and suitable for the operation of mining robots."

Like Xiaobai, this middle-aged uncle is also a slender and weak scholar, but his aura is much stronger than the latter. It is Anatoly Zino who has served as one of the design and technology consultants of Red Star Office. My husband taught me.

As we all know, Professor Zinov is an expert in aerospace dynamics and high-energy physics. Usually the masters in this field must also be quite accomplished in astrophysics. His visit to New China this time was originally because the office and a local company were planning to jointly open a high-energy fuel collection well, so he came over to provide research guidance.

When the work was about to end, I heard that the office was preparing to conduct a thorough scientific exploration of some edge galaxies in the entire sector. Professor Zinov is also the type who loves to join in the fun, so of course he will not miss this opportunity.

The professor reviewed some reports on the general constants of the local galaxy and was slightly surprised: "Can you really collect zero elements?"

"Obsidian chips, kryptonite, and seven of the twelve currently known energy crystals, but the quantities are not large." Xiaobai said helplessly: "The gravity and magnetic field of this galaxy are unstable, and the radiation is also Violently, unmanned mining machines need to be replaced every three years, and the ships that transport cargo often have accidents, so the pensions of the crew members have to be taken into consideration. Even if there is zero element income, it can only be barely maintained. break even."

"Of course, we give the highest wages and pensions to the crew members who run this route. Grandpa said that he is essentially an old pioneer. It is not easy for everyone in New China. If things are not done well, the villagers will be punished. We are the ones who shoot dirty guns." Xiaobai showed a shy smile.

"Haha, isn't this much more advanced than the one on Earth?" The professor chuckled and took a sip of vodka: "However, this also shows that this Tianshu galaxy does have abundant reserves of zero elements... In addition, one is about to enter There are actually twelve planets in the remote galaxy during the dead period, and the five in the middle are all ice-covered Earth-like planets. In the entire universe, this is considered to be relatively prosperous."

He pronounced the word "prosperity" with a stronger emphasis, and it suddenly had a bit of a yin and yang meaning. There is no way, no matter how abundant the resources of a galaxy are, it is meaningless if they cannot be mined. Five Earth-like planets covered with thick ice and snow would be enough to colonize a population of one to two hundred million people in a normal galaxy, but today, more than two hundred years after they were discovered, they are still in an undeveloped state. Original state.

"However, if the chairman's construction plan is really going to be implemented, the resources here may be needed." Xiaobai said: "Professor, is there any way we can develop it?"

"A plan is just a plan, and I have never seen a plan that can be fully realized so far." Zinov took another sip of vodka: "Although I also have a degree in astrophysics, I can only work part-time in this area. We I’m afraid we have to use the Alliance’s Planet Development Group, they are the real experts in this area.”

"...If we could have used it, we would have done so long ago." Xiaobai said gloomily.

"So your grandfather and ancestors are very far-sighted! If the gold and silver are placed there, even if they cannot be dug out now, they will be able to take them out one day. But few people have such determination. "Professor Zinov said.

"...I think you may think too highly of them. They don't know whether these mountains of gold and silver that cannot be dug out will ever be available for use. They simply regard the entire New China as a private reserve for the people of the Earth. Even the star region There is only garbage in it, but as long as it is not affected by other forces, it is considered a win."

The person who said this was not Xiaobai, but a woman who looked very similar to him. She was about 25 or 26 years old, with short burgundy hair and bright black eyes. She was putting on her two big breasts. His long legs were resting on the operating table in front of him. As a result, her figure, which is particularly toned compared to women, was clearly revealed in front of everyone.

Probably because this female gangster is particularly cool and saucy, and her facial features can be described as delicate and delicate, and she suddenly has a pretty boy-like androgynous beauty.

"Haha, nationalism is not an option. It's better than having no option at all and being confused about both snakes and rats." The professor put down the vodka and laughed: "However, this is not something we have to consider, but a matter of unity. My husband and my new boss should go and have a headache."

Speaking of the "new boss", the handsome woman's eyes flashed with interest. She was about to say something, but she heard Professor Zinov say: "Miss Tai'a, it's time for you to get busy. Sigh."

The latter stood up with an expression full of helplessness and even distress, "I know, I know, but are those things really useful?"

"Maybe it's useful, maybe it's not useful, but we don't know it before it's activated." The professor said.

"...Professor, if you meet my great master and master, you will definitely get along very well. What you just said is actually very metaphysical and spiritual."

"Haha, I haven't had much connection with mysticism and the supernatural world since I was a child. I think I talk very theoretically about physics!"

"This is normal. More than one top expert told me that theoretical physics...well, and mathematics are actually very similar to mysticism in a sense."

Her name is Bai Ziqi, and you can tell by her name that she is Xiaobai's cousin. However, in another timeline, she was known by the nickname "Tai'a" and was one of the core disciples of the third generation of the famous Spiritual Research Society.

Of course, the current godfather Zinov only thinks that the other party is the occult consultant and navigator on the scientific research ship, and like himself, he is the type who likes to make cold remarks and yin and yang, so he is quite compatible.

As for the "those things" she was talking about, she was referring to the twelve Survey Eye AS17s currently placed in the Nine Chapters cabin. This is the latest autonomous galaxy detector imported from the Alliance.

Of course, this type of detection robot is not so much the product of cutting-edge scientific research as it is the product of a combination of technology and alchemy. Some deep space detection methods are stimulated by the activated spiritual energy array inside the instrument. The effect is very metaphysical and the accuracy is not very reliable. However, in many cases, some things that cannot be found by purely technological creations can indeed be found. If you want to conduct a thorough inspection and exploration of a galaxy and resolve all security risks, this expensive alchemical product is still necessary.

To be honest, if it weren't for the relationship of a certain behind-the-scenes boss, it would be difficult for a newly established company like Red Star Office to import such high-precision instruments from the alliance, which are always on the embargoed list.

Of course, because this is an alchemical product after all, it requires a psyker to activate its function before activation. This is exactly why Miss Taia set off with the ship.

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