Him and their stars

Chapter 919 It’s getting lively

There is no way, with the title of "Tai'a", although she is not a professional psychic navigator, she must be the most professional psychic in the entire New China. Even this professional ability is basically in fighting, but professional is professional.

She really didn't like this kind of research and exploration work, but whether it was due to her teacher or family relationship, she had to participate in the exploration mission led by Hongxing.

Tai'a, accompanied by his cousin, entered the hangar in the belly of the ship. At this time, a capable technical team has already started working and is conducting the final debugging of these sophisticated and advanced automatic equipment.

Xiaobai took the trouble to check the terminals of each detector to ensure that there were no flaws in its planned detection route. Tai'a saw that his younger cousin, who was even thinner than himself, was so conscientious in climbing up and down. No matter how impatient he was, he could only keep a straight face and meticulously used his psychic energy to activate the array of seals engraved on the inside of the detector's armored shell.

These were about the size of a killer whale and looked like a machine shell of a barracuda, and a hint of spiritual light suddenly flowed from them.

"Force shield?" Tai'a raised his eyebrows in surprise. You know, the shield-type psychic phenomenon is actually quite mana-consuming. If it is cast by a psychic master with strong physical and mental strength, it will be okay, but if it is used through a mechanism composed of a psychic array and zero elements, the battery life will be very long. It's hard to get a guarantee.

She stretched out her finger and touched the barrier formed by the spiritual light, and the glimmer of light immediately dimmed.

"Oh, autonomous?" This design should be able to guarantee a certain endurance, but the requirements for the intelligence of the psychic array are extremely high.

Tai'a was a little unbelievable. Doesn't this mean that each of these dozen instruments has been manipulated by a master array master? The labor costs have skyrocketed.

Xiaobai seemed to have noticed his cousin's surprise and hurriedly said: "The shield's autonomous program is not inspired by the psychic array, but the bad guy system we developed ourselves. Compared with spiritual rituals, electronic programs The sensitivity is actually stronger.”

"Bad man system?" Tai'a was slightly startled, then loudly said: "Isn't this the one used in the insect catching machine you developed?"

Xiaobai showed a shy smile again. Although this design was completed under the inspiration of the "Captain", the main ideas and design work were done by myself, and of course it is also my own invention. Even a well-behaved child like Xiaobai is still a little complacent. However, he certainly would not have thought that this method of using technological electronic programs to stimulate the mysterious side array effect could be regarded as a revolutionary progress. He would never have thought that because of his own design, the Sky Survey Eye AS17, which had been carefully modified by Red Star Office, actually had higher performance than the original version.

Tai'a looked at his cousin, who was more delicate and shy than many girls, and couldn't help but said: "Ziya, have you... awakened your spiritual power?"

Xiao Bai was startled for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "I don't have such hope, so I don't put my mind on it."

"Then you'd better put your mind on this. Uncle Han has always been very optimistic about your talent. When you wake up, you can get started naturally." Tai'a shrugged: "Now, even the fish intestines The names have all been taken. If you enter later, you will get someone like Taigong Liu, Mrs. Xu, etc. That would be unseemly."

Xiaobai said that he didn't understand what his cousin was talking about at all. Anyway, when he was still a child, he already couldn't understand the thoughts of his cousin from the radio system, so he responded with an uninformative smile.

Xiaobai, who was now becoming more and more of a technical master and a master programmer, completed all the inspections in just twenty minutes. Tai'a also took advantage of this time to activate all the arrays in the instrument. She always feels that she plays the role of a psychic battery, which is probably also a profession.

Twelve "Surveying Eyes", or in other words, the automatic deep space detectors that have been upgraded and transformed by the Red Star Office and can be called "Surveying Eyes·Changed" successively left the cabin of the Nine Chapters, and then automatically switched At sublight cruising speed, they dispersed. Nine of the spacecraft headed towards the surrounding planets, and the last three headed directly towards the scarlet sun in the center.

While cruising, they also entered a full working state and began to collect data around them. However, according to the initial settings, it would take at least two or three years for these detectors to complete the orbit of the planets in the galaxy. Naturally, Chapter Nine cannot wait forever. This scientific research ship has been on an exploration mission for more than two months, and the crew members are also a little tired. It is time to return.

"I hope we can receive good news when we come back next time." Xiaobai said.

"I don't want to use this battery in vain." Tai'a also said.

"Efforts may not be rewarded, but if you don't work hard, you won't even be able to catch fish." Professor Zinov took a sip of vodka.

The Nine Chapters left the Tianshu Galaxy fully loaded with the expectations of dozens of people on the ship.

Of course, what they didn't know was that not long after they left this galaxy, one of the deep space probes heading towards the scarlet sun suddenly deviated from its established course and headed towards the first place, as if it felt something. The orbit of the planet slipped away. Its bow flashed with the cold light of psychic energy and the fluctuating signals of technology, but before it went very far, it was wrapped in a ripple that suddenly emerged from the void. Immediately afterwards, the detector, which was as big as a killer whale, seemed to be swallowed by the bottomless abyss in the starry sky, and disappeared in an instant. Even the spiritual halo is no longer real.

In fact, this detector was not absorbed by another space, but fell into the belly of an aircraft that was completely invisible to the naked eye and even impossible to capture with all the technological means of this generation's civilization.

Inside the aircraft, the girl, a silicon-based life form completely condensed by nanomachines, looked at the detector that looked like a barracuda with interest, then stretched out her hand and patted it.

It only took her half a second to completely confirm all the structure and functions of this detector, and nodded: "Oh, this is the most advanced stellar detector of this generation? Huh? This kind of program can actually be used to achieve psychic stimulation. ? This kind of thinking is worthy of recognition...but it's not sensitive enough, so let me, sister, help you correct it."

She looked at the stars in the distance and couldn't help but grinned with two rows of white teeth. The texture was clear and hard, as if it were jade that had been buried underground for hundreds of millions of years. However, although she smiled so heartily, a dangerous light flashed in her eyes: "You really don't know what is hidden here, but don't be frightened. You need to know that the enlightened people of the previous generation But I will definitely not give you insurmountable difficulties. Oh, hehe, this galaxy shouldn't be so deserted! Since that boy Yu Lian has such expectations for you, let's make this place lively as soon as possible."

Once it happens, it will be at least three hundred years earlier than she originally planned, but it is still within the scope of her observation. In other words, she is quite looking forward to the butterfly effect that this change will trigger.

Of course, the crew members on the Nine Chapters would not have thought that an advanced nano-digital being from the ancient era of enlightenment would come here and was about to play a little "joke" with them.

However, even those who are aware of the existence of this nano-digital life form would find it difficult to imagine that she could escape from the New World to the New China Star Area so quickly. Logically speaking, even taking the shortest flight through Nantianmen should not be so simple.

The high-explosive shell was wrapped in a spiral shock wave, making a sharp and even sad sound of breaking through the air, and plunged into the desert. Where the artillery shell landed no more than three meters away, on a mobile command vehicle, a brigadier general, a colonel, two lieutenant colonels and a major, and a group of senior officers all looked at the place where the artillery shell landed in fear. I felt like I was sweating profusely.

They knew it was a drill and no one would die. But at this moment, they really felt the danger, as if they were being strangled by the throat with sharp teeth by a ferocious beast that chose people to eat.

These senior officers are members of the command headquarters of the 4th Marine Division of the Blue Star Community, commonly known as the "Hell Parachute Division". In the three-day division-level confrontation exercise with the New Yumen Guards and the militia just now, this ace of the Blue Star Community Marine Corps successfully fought to a draw with an enemy whose strength was 1.5 times its own. …

Currently, there are still nine divisions of the Community Marine Corps stationed in Xinyumen, and the total strength is still more than 150,000. Their main combat goal is to compete with the predators for the planet's stronghold after the fleet has gained control of a certain star field and waterway. Therefore, the training mission in New Yumen is naturally a ground battle on the planet's surface.

The main goal of the Hell Parachute Division, with a total strength of 20,000 men, was to seize the pass of Mount Kiliro as the attacker. The opponent is a defense force composed of 30,000 police and militia groups.

This is a complete reversal of the previous raid on Xin Yumen by the predators. And in order to truly simulate the subsequent battle, this time Yu Lian strictly ordered Qiu Mingshan Hachiman not to move, and he must open up the battle force and start the battle. Therefore, from the beginning, the battle situation entered the rhythm of positional warfare that the Marines loved very much.

I like to do orbital airdrops under the cover of battleship firepower. Although this firepower is simulated, it is still there after all!

First there were several rounds of orbital bombing, then there was the precise sweep of the atmosphere by internal warplanes, and then there was a ride on the landing craft into orbital space. If it were normal times, most of the enemies would collapse if these three blows were struck.

But this time, when the Marines landed, they found that they had landed directly into the enemy's circular position. The militia soldiers composed of sand people, led by the Rumina captain, came from all directions.

After several months of military exchanges, the Marines knew that tunnel operations were very useful, but they really did not expect that it would be so useful. Fortunately, after all, he has gained a lot of experience, and even dogs should be trained to respond to Pavlovian reactions at this time. The hell paratroopers did not rush in as they did in the past. Instead, they built positions on the spot, expanded the landing point little by little, and waited for more comrades to land.

After all, the Marines of the Hell Parachute Division have an absolute advantage in equipment and training. Once they start to fight steadily, the effect will naturally be different. Ever since, after nearly three months of military exchanges, they finally successfully completed the landing target at Xinyumen for the first time and were able to successfully enter the second phase of the operation - you know, in the previous anti-landings During combat exercises, they were always surrounded by people as soon as they landed.

This time the battle plan was drawn up for the division by Major Richard Winter. After all, this person was an old acquaintance of Xinyumen, and now he was appreciated by the division commander. Although he was still the battalion commander, he was already the battalion commander of the mobile battalion directly under the division headquarters, and he also served as a combat staff officer.

Under the advice of Major Winter, the paratrooper division steadily expanded the landing circle in the "enemy's" circular position, and developed more fierce and precise fire strike groups and drone arrays. After more than 70% of the division's troops landed in the landing circle, the division headquarters gathered all mobile battalions carrying heavy firepower armored vehicles and began to carry out a wave-like wave offensive.

The mobile paratroopers did pay a heavy price, but they did also inflict the same amount of damage on the enemy. If the battle continues, their chances of winning are still very high.

However, when the war was about to end, some Lumina militia officers led a militia group composed of sand people to launch a desperate charge, and at the last moment, they successfully incorporated the 4th Division's headquarters into their own self-propelled artillery. Within range, the last salvo in the exercise was launched.

This salvo was fired very hastily, so most of the shells were scattered on the surrounding sand. Only one shell actually almost hit the command vehicle.

"...This is cheating." A colonel said: "We have gained air superiority and have cut off their supplies! Based on the previous battle situation, they no longer have high-explosive artillery shells of this caliber."

Major Winter frowned and said: "This, it may be the filing ground..."

"Filed now?" Everyone thought for a moment, and considering the usual behavior of these Rumina people, they all felt that this was indeed a possibility.

"The Rumina militiamen used to be workers in metallurgical plants and arsenals. It is not surprising that they have such a level. Moreover... General Yu's old army still had quite a lot of these habits of using local materials. We have seen this in several previous exercises. pass."


However, since the shell was filed on site, there was a high probability that it would not explode. Soon, the director's department made such a decision.

As a result, the sand people's last desperate attack failed. The director's department determined that the forces of both sides were unable to organize a decent offensive, and the exercise was considered a draw.

The division commander in the command car breathed a huge sigh of relief, feeling quite lucky to have escaped. Some soldiers in the division even cheered.

This seems really futile. The soldiers of the Hell Parachute Division have always been on par with the Empire's most elite armored grenadiers. In past wars, one division could always be used as two or three divisions. When will we be able to cheer with joy after reaching a tie with a group of police bastards and a militia group that are not even bastards?

But we still have to understand them. After all, before these frequent military exchanges and actual combat exercises began, they had been taught how to behave by these "miscellaneous soldiers" many times.

The division commanders were all so ashamed that they could not even lift their heads, but Lieutenant General Seyo, as the commander, was very satisfied. Although his subordinates were trained miserably, their combat effectiveness was indeed increasing during this period.

More importantly, he felt that his lowest level of cognition had also been greatly improved.

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