Him and their stars

Chapter 920 The underlying logic of building an army

"Hahaha, these guys are so miserable?" Lieutenant General Saiyo looked at the "casualty" report of both sides handed over by the adjutant. Not only did he not feel enslaved at all, but he slapped the table with joy: "They have been cautious this time. So steady and even a little conservative, I finally didn’t fall for your little tricks.”

"It's not me, it's Major Akinayama Hachiman." Yu Lian said quickly: "Last time, the last time, and this time, it was all done by that guy."

"Haha, that's not important. What's important is that even if I wasn't tricked and fought hard and hard, I still ended up like this. I originally thought that after several months of military drills, I should be able to I have almost taken out all the inventory in my brother's belly, but I never expected that it would surprise me every time." Lieutenant General Saiyo looked at Yu Lian with a very subtle look, as if he was looking at a blind eye that would never be fully opened. Like a box.

"I always feel that you seem to have a very complete set of tactical thinking on land warfare... No, it can even be regarded as an army doctrine. I know that in addition to being a genius psyker, you should also be a strategist. Your talent. However, I never thought that you would focus on studying land warfare."

It is inevitable that General Seyo would find it strange. As we all know, the civilization of this generation owes its great power to its own psykers, and its high technology belongs to the gravediggers who attribute its ruins. Some of the so-called progress is entirely achieved in the form of divine intervention, and it lacks a step-by-step foundation. Among them, the land war was the most affected.

Everyone has entered the interstellar age too quickly, and fighting gangs in narrow and cramped steel passages has naturally affected the development of surface tactics. Therefore, whether it is the well-equipped and well-trained Imperial Armored Grenadier, or the large-scale Alliance Galaxy Guards, they all like to imitate the wild boar that has been lit on the butt, rush forward recklessly, and separate in the shortest possible time. Win or lose. This is still the case even if the battle is spread across the vast wilderness of the planet's surface.

More importantly, what determines the outcome of a war in this world is still the fleet battle in space. As long as the orbital air supremacy outside the atmosphere is lost, the army on the surface will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

It was indeed hard for General Seyo to imagine that a promising star like Yu Lian would devote his attention to studying land warfare tactics.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Unless it involves burning glass or directly using the Colossus to wipe the map, orbital bombing will not be omnipotent. As long as our enemies still need to rely on a stable and habitable planet to survive as civilized social intelligent creatures, then There is still a lot of room for research in the battle for planetary strongholds.”

"Is that why you will use this aspect to enhance our combat effectiveness?" He nodded thoughtfully: "Indeed, in terms of space fleet, our country's national strength and technological strength are there, and it is still difficult to compete with the Alliance Empire. Yes, we can achieve some overtaking in corners from the perspective of army tactics..."

Yu Lian felt that the Lieutenant General really thought too much. He simply felt that although everyone already had so many smart weapons and weapons of mass destruction in their hands, the tactical concepts might not be as good as those during the Napoleonic Wars. This was really against his own taste. As a patient with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, I have an obligation to normalize my painting style.

As for whether he could achieve overtaking in corners... Yu Lian really didn't dare to have such hope, at least he couldn't just put his expectations here.

"However, compared to revolutionary tactics, there should be a deeper reason for the combat effectiveness of your troops, right?" Lieutenant General Seyo said.

Yu Lian glanced at the other party and thought that the leader of the community marine system was indeed knowledgeable, so he smiled and said: "General, what do you think the most effective army is composed of in the cold weapon era?" ?”

If it is a rough man with no culture, or a literate and arrogant noble with no knowledge or culture, the answer will probably be "an elite knight from a well-educated family, well-equipped, well-trained, and brave to death for the sake of glory." Yes. However, General Seyo, a tall man who almost went to art college, tilted his head and thought for a while, but said: "Probably a yeoman farmer."

He added: "You are the kind of self-cultivator who can support a family of wife, children, and children by having land and a house, working during busy periods, and training and doing odd jobs during slack periods."

"Then it's the same in this era." Yu Lian said with a smile: "It's just that in addition to homesteaders, industrial workers should also be included."

"Yes, there were no factories in the cold weapon era." General Saiyo reacted immediately.

"The so-called yeoman farmers are because there is nothing above them except a tax-collecting government. Without lords or landlords, villages from all over the country can still gather together from time to time to eliminate bandits and stabilize the place." Yu Lian shrugged: "Then the question now becomes, if we were in the era of industrial workers, what should they have?"

This time, even the well-educated Lieutenant General Seyo couldn't help but be startled and suddenly fell into a dilemma. His artist's keen and emotional side told himself that if the discussion continued, the situation might become a little dangerous.

"Ah hahaha, maybe it's because Xiaguan is a psychic and has stayed in the world of metaphysics and occultism for too long, so he always likes to think wildly." Yu Lian shrugged and said, "But, what you said The underlying logic should fall here. So, it sounds like it’s particularly difficult to promote, right?”

"It sounds like it's really not easy to promote." He responded with a relatively awkward smile, but frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

So, this exercise ended like this, but the result was actually very good. The guards and militia finally knew that they were good at fighting. They were special because they were filled with confidence, and they really had the temperament of a strong army. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lieutenant General Seyo began to select elite members from the Sand People's Militia and the local garrison, and began to prepare to form the 38th Marine Division of the Blue Star Community, commonly known as the "New Yumen Division".

The lieutenant general is the director of the Marine Corps and a member of the National Defense Commission and the Military Command Department. Although he is ranked lower, he is still the highest level of the military. The formation and training of new troops was within his purview.

This is no longer about joining the other party if you can't beat them, but rather letting the other party join you if you can't beat them. General Saiyo is worthy of being an old man, and he uses his authority to the point where he is as pure as a furnace. In this way, how can one be called a loser if he loses to himself? It's normal to have some wins and losses when practicing among others. Bumps and bumps are inevitable. The Marine Corps has not lost face. In addition, the garrison and militia became the Marine Corps, the soldiers' salaries and benefits increased significantly, and the organizational relations of the officers also moved from the local to the central government, which naturally brought great benefits.

This is not called a win-win situation, so what else can be considered?

Of course, Yu Lian felt that the so-called "New Yumen Master" had too many regional characteristics. Besides, the number thirty-eight really made me think a lot. If possible, it would be great if I could be called the "Long Live Master" in the future.

However, whether it is a formal Marine division number or the award of a special service number, it needs to be approved by the Military Order Headquarters and the National Defense Committee, but Lieutenant General Seyo said that he can do things ahead.

"So, did the Earth side really approve your decision? Who should be the division commander?"

"Of course what you say is the best, but Senior Commander Ichijie is really too unqualified for you." Lieutenant General Saiyo said.

Yu Lian thought that if this word got out, others would think you were going to flatter me and kill me. Anyone who became a division commander within three years of joining the army would be one of the top nobles in the empire unless it was an era of change and strife when the world was in chaos and war.

However, looking at General Seyo's expression, he seemed to really think so: "You have already been a dreadnought captain, and now you are a division commander, others will think that I am suppressing you. If word spreads, it will even surprise the allies. "

Of course, Yu Lian, the captain of the dreadnought, was only a self-proclaimed captain, but now all countries agreed that the scarlet dreadnought was his ship. After all, he had captured it "single-handedly". Even the community said that it would call the ships back to the mainland, but it was only under the banner of maintenance and scientific research and testing, and it did not even appoint a new captain.

"...Tsk, what does our own personnel issues have to do with our allies?" Yu Lian snorted coldly.

Lieutenant General Seyo was not sure whether the other party was pretending not to understand or really not understanding, so he added: "Of course, not only the friendly countries, but also the reaction of the earth must be considered."

Yu Lian expressed his understanding. After all, he is too deeply involved with the New Yumen, and once the Thirty-Eighth Division is formed, it will almost be equivalent to the disciples of the New Yumen, and it is so capable of fighting. If he really becomes the division commander, the Gonggun princes of the earth will I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep.

"I will slowly look for candidates for the division commander, and there will definitely be a suitable candidate. Please rest assured, I still have some say in the Marine Corps system. I dare not waste such a strong army."

Lieutenant General Saiyo had given himself a lot of face, and Yu Lian felt that this uncle was indeed manageable.

In short, the daily training work continues, as if the conversation after the exercise did not happen at all. However, according to Deng Zhengqing, after the incident, Lieutenant General Sayo asked him to copy a copy of Mr. Qi's "Yuan Lun" and planned to go back and study it carefully.

"You and Lieutenant General Saiyo know each other?"

"When Lieutenant General Saiyo was young, he practiced Crystal Fist at our family's dojo for a period of time." Deng Zhengqing said: "He is my uncle according to seniority."

"...This is considered to be human-to-human transmission." Yu Lian couldn't help but sigh, saying that he was happy to see the success.

In short, after this period of training, the combat effectiveness of all Marines from the "Hell Parachute Division" onwards has improved more or less. At least, with the help of Yu Lian, they already know how to do civil work, know how to rearrange firepower points, know how to use long-range firepower and drones to create gaps, and even understand who is suitable for assault and outflanking and who is suitable for filling lines.

This has been verified by the N-year military exercise we held in New Yumen this year after the subsequent arrival of the Allied Forces. The Minlans and Circassians are also two of the most powerful nations in the galaxy. The former's comprehensive national strength and scientific and technological strength are higher than those of the community, while the latter's folk customs are sturdy, and they dare to directly attack the Imperial Guards.

However, the marine forces led by these two countries were beaten by the Hell Parachute Division, which held their breath during the exercise. Before they could launch three rounds of charges, they were bombarded with fierce artillery and covered the headquarters.

If we can't control the militia in Xinyumen, why can't we control you foreign barbarians? thought the Earth Marines. Just like that, their shaky confidence returned.

The members of the Earth Observation Group who came with the coalition fleet - basically all members of Congress and heads of ministries - looked at this scene, and all of them were very excited, feeling that their faces were shining so brightly that they could shed oil.

Serving as the leader of the multinational coalition can naturally satisfy the vanity of the Gongun princes "all nations come to court". But since he is the leader of the alliance, he must be the most capable of fighting among the coalition forces, so that the background of "all nations coming to court" will be more abundant!

"Lieutenant General, I will definitely tell all this to the country about the efforts of you and the soldiers." A member of the delegation, a round man who looked like an oil drum, shook Lieutenant General Seyo's hand with enthusiasm, and at the same time He also lowered his voice and said: "Chairman Nishita has always been concerned about the situation on the front line, but he is not aware of it. When I saw you, I saw the style of the main fleet that had entered the Devil's Labyrinth Star Territory. I believe that the good news will come soon. It will come."

Mr. Pekel is the head of the forward observation mission, and his current position is the director of the Personnel Bureau of the National Defense Council. However, his trip this time represented the will of the National Defense Committee and Congress, as well as the will of Chairman Nihita, and was equivalent to the supervisory force of the expeditionary fleet.

For a person like him, being able to show off his power in front of millions of proud soldiers is much more interesting than being a lowly grandson on earth.

No, not even Lieutenant General Saiyo, one of the most famous generals in the country, humbly expressed in front of him that this was actually all the credit of the soldiers, and he also wanted to thank Brigadier General Yu Lian for his generous teachings. He really didn't dare Greedy for heaven's merit and so on.

"The lower official just did some basic daily work. It's his responsibility and he doesn't dare to neglect it."

"Brigadier General Yu Lian is also an old friend of mine. I know his capabilities better than you do, General." Director Pekel laughed and acted like a loyal elder, as if he was really related to Yu Lian. Like a close elder: "Where is he now?"

Lieutenant General Seyo was still thinking about what to say when he saw one of the attachés brought by Mr. Pecker: "Brigadier General Yu Lian has now rushed to the New Lushun Galaxy. He is planning to build two orbital frontline hospitals there. It is said that It is a large-scale space hospital that can accommodate 150,000 beds."

Lieutenant General Seyo, who was close at hand, could clearly see a fleeting gloom flashing in Director Pekel's eyes.

Director Pekel is Chairman Nichta’s confidant! Didn't I hear that the Chairman of the Generalissimo admires Yu Lian very much? He was still thinking about this issue, but he heard Director Pekel say: "I just heard that the reason why the Marine Corps' combat effectiveness has grown so much is because the training targets are very good?"

The news is so well-informed! Lieutenant General Saiyo thought, but there was no way to hide this kind of thing, so he could only smile and nod.

"Such a strong army, but the militia and garrison systems are indeed terrible. The international community will laugh at us for not recognizing talents. I have written a detailed report and submitted it to the National Defense Committee. I believe that the establishment of the 38th Division should be It was approved within three months." Director Pekel said, and then he pretended to be ashamed and said: "Hey, it's in the New World. If it were in the mainland, it probably wouldn't take two weeks."

"You have done a lot for us." Lieutenant General Saiyo also expressed sincere gratitude. After all, he is a guest star as the villain in a movie that is preparing to compete for the Yage Mi Award. Of course, he has such acting skills at his fingertips.

"It's just that we have to decide on the candidate for the division commander immediately. I'm really looking forward to the heroic appearance of the 38th Division on the front line." He added.

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