Him and their stars

Chapter 948 I’ll send you to death, and I’ll pay for it

Feifei's performance just now was really lifelike! Duoduo seems to be a virtuous wife who is forced by life and has no choice but to allow her lover to participate in social events, and this also includes social events in pornographic venues. Yu Lianming knew that he was doing something serious, but he was also inexplicably filled with guilt.

However, if it was a pornographic entertainment, wouldn't King Suliuka over there be a female publicist?

...Okay, co-author Feifei is here waiting for that person? Once he figured this out, any lofty knowledge Yu Lian had about King Suliuka disappeared. When I saw the holographic projection, the future Queen, who was so bright and inviolable, and who was also awe-inspiring and inviolable, I was neither surprised nor shocked, and I even wanted to laugh a little bit.

"Greetings from Jiu Shu. Your Highness." Yu Lian suppressed a smile, squeezed out a standard business expression, put his fist on his chest and knocked it slightly, and said in a long imperial palace accent: "I haven't seen you for half a year, Your Highness seems to It’s a lot less money!”

Brünnhilt said expressionlessly: "Disgusting! Lian Qing, your expression is really disgusting. Every time you pretend to imitate the tone of the old antiques from the Imperial Household Agency and the Academy of Heraldry, you challenge my bottom line of reason." ! I thought that after you offended me so much, you could at least say something nice and give me a good face when we meet again."

"Aren't these my kind words and good looks?" Yu Lian pointed to his own smile: "What's more, Your Highness, I may not offend you, but you don't pay attention to basic diplomatic etiquette?"

"Didn't I follow basic diplomatic etiquette?"

"Didn't you say that you want to imprison me until I change my mind? I am the community's military attache abroad anyway, but I have a basic diplomatic status?"

"So when did I talk about imprisoning you? Witnesses? Physical evidence? And I said 'off' at that time. In the context of imperial language, there was a very obvious atmosphere of joking and teasing, and there was no legal effect. Even if it spreads out, it will be regarded as something elegant."

Yu Lian was actually asked for a moment and thought about it seriously. As a big boss who is about to break through the sixth ring, the storage and extraction efficiency of brain information is also unparalleled. Therefore, he actually dug out her original words from a certain ravine in the cerebral cortex, and indeed used is a "off".

Well, Miss Brünnhilt is indeed right. The imperial language is broad and profound, and there are many grammatical traps like this that are intolerable.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian shrugged: "Haha, Your Highness, I am not a policeman, and this is not a court. We know exactly what you think and how you do it."

"Okay, I admit, I was a little impatient. So I can sincerely apologize to Lian Qing here." Brynhilt sighed slightly, bowed his head to complete the apology, and then said: "But, throw it away Facts aside, Lian Qing, don’t you have no fault at all? Is there something we can’t reason with? Why did you leave without saying goodbye, why did you still hurt my knight and steal my dragon? "

"Look what you said, I didn't rob him, I just let him follow the call of time and soul. Let Severus return to the starry sea of ​​his soul family. Look, Your Highness, who said dragons don't have dreams? But you don’t pay attention to these things, you just think about riding him to fight!”

Having said this, Yu Lian was very surprised at his self-control, and he still had the patience to spread his hands and said:

"Yes, unfortunately, although we all have clear, simple and direct statements on this issue, it is difficult to reasonably parse out our respective responsibilities because of our personal differences between information and facts. There are differences in the cognition of the precise correlation. Once we can each determine and prove our cognition in our hearts, it will lead to serious enough epistemological problems, thus bringing a heavier burden to our linguistic logic and semantic cognition. . Some of us can reasonably predict, withstand and resolve its existence and composition, but there are also some who will only expand its burden and take advantage of its existence to cause structural damage that is more difficult to predict."

Brunhildt only took two seconds to react, and then loudly said: "You are just saying that I am unreasonable."

"Your Highness, Holy Ming!" Yu Lian raised his hands.

King Suliuka snorted, and the sullenness just now disappeared, and he smiled and said: "Well, the past will pass by with the wind, and we can still go back to the beginning and start over."

"The very beginning?" Yu Lian raised his eyebrows, and then showed a look of realization: "Oh, your Angel of Dawn entered the battlefield and prevented us from annihilating the main force of the Kaitai Guards Fleet. Therefore, I was forced to fight with Gia Did Miss Phil do one?”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lian Qing, look at how you look sour and mean. The Lian Qing I knew before was not like you!" King Suliuka laughed and moved his face forward. As a result, that beautiful face that looked like a finely carved work of art occupied more than half of the projected video. She pointed at her face and then at her bright, moist and deep eyes: "Did you see my sincerity? I really apologized to you."

Yu Lian shrugged: "Yes, I received it. The Dragon Kings' apology, no matter how it is expressed, is very admirable!"

Suliuka pretended that he didn't hear the other party's weirdness at all, and smiled: "So, let's get down to business. Lian Qing, I need your power. The empire's expeditionary force, no, is composed of all civilized countries in the galaxy. Yes, the combined army that is determined to completely extinguish the predators and snakes from the embers of evil needs your power."

The attitude of these words can be regarded as a correct one. Of course, there is a hint of moral kidnapping. Of course, considering that the existence of predators and snakes is a threat to all civilizations, I still have some obligations to this situation. Yu Lian thought this, and then said with a smile: "Your Highness, for the sake of the peace and stability of the universe, we are duty-bound. However, there are some technical issues required here."

He paused and spoke eloquently: "I have discussed the possible plans for follow-up operations in a thorough and detailed manner with Brigadier General Soback, the Alliance's Inspector Stoneheart, and others, and have frankly exchanged opinions. , and reached a consensus that can be left to you and higher decision-makers to omit.”

"Oh, what is the consensus?" Brynhilt had already felt something, and his tone was a bit exaggerated.

"...Dl36 and its deeper unstable channels must be a conspiracy of predators and snakes!"

Do you need to say this? King Suliuka didn't speak, still smiling, but his eyes lacked warmth.

"The characteristics of these consensuses are that each member participating in the meeting has vivid suggestions on the current astronomical conditions, but each member's suggestions are somewhat different from other members' suggestions, and even have contradictory meanings. Therefore, below As the organizer of the meeting, the formal suggestion was that changes in astrological abnormalities need to be recorded nearby. It can be seen from this that any formal decision will be completed after a formal inspection, and formal inspections are always There is a certain amount of realistic risk that needs to be taken. However, any decision that cannot be based on a formal inspection will not be made formally. Even if one or more members make suggestions, they are only suggestions. This is not the case, and the decision must never be made. Not so. Do you understand, Your Highness?"

This time Brunhildt didn't even take two seconds. He just reacted in a blink of an eye, and then showed a look of contempt: "Hey, to put it bluntly, I just want to ask for a price. The Lian Qing I knew before was not like this. Philistine people...well, okay, let's talk about it first."

"In this battle, I need to try to lead a small fleet through the collapsing gravity well. At the moment of jumping into the gravity well, activate the array in all directions." Yu Lian will get it from Miss Arianne. The array diagram was projected again.

Miss Brünnhilt finally showed a surprised expression.

"What's the reason?"

"My psychic intuition tells me that the more dangerous the place, the more clues we have to break the situation! The so-called Dayan number is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty. Therefore, the escape is divided into two , Hanging one image can become three! Then the three give birth to all things, so as to achieve the balance of the celestial phenomena!"

"speak English!"

"I have special intelligence channels, but I just won't tell you." Yu Lian raised his chin and said matter-of-factly: "I can only say that it is not scientific for a collapsing gravity well to appear in this place, so there must be something wrong!"

Brunhilt was startled for a moment, and then he remembered that his own fleet had broken through DL36's channel and entered a new star system. There is only one constant orange-red star, and there is a dense asteroid belt with gas giants and terrestrial planets. Although there is no time to thoroughly explore the celestial conditions, it is almost certain that it is a very ordinary mature stable star system.

Between two stable young stars, the gravity well channel is naturally a stable solid line.

If it is really a dotted line, the possibility of human misdirection is very high.

From this perspective, Yu Lian’s idea is at least not aimless.

However, Brynhilt still shook his head and said: "...Lian Qing, that psychic array is indeed the handiwork of Snake. Moreover, based on the current situation, they should have actually prepared the array map and fallen into our hands. The mind is ready.”

"Yeah, it would be best if it didn't fall into our hands. The predators can harass our rear at any time with their hidden routes. If it does fall into our hands, they can still continue this land transformed by the Enlightened Ones. Formation in the starry sky. This is such a typical snake operation! It has been rolled up into a ball and huddled in the corner, as if it is dead, but it can suddenly burst out and bite you hard. "

"Lian Qing, why do I feel that you are talking about pigs?"

"Don't worry about such unintelligible details." Yu Lian waved his hand: "At this time, it depends on whether we have the consciousness to gather psykers together as a death squad. Obviously, because there are too many bottles and cans, So Your Highness, you don’t have this awareness. Isn’t this why you need me?”

Yu Lian laughed and patted his chest: "You don't need my strength, what you need is my decision! So, I put my life on the line, shouldn't you get something from me?"

Brunhild's inner thoughts were exposed, but he did not show any dissatisfaction and nodded calmly: "You are right. I do have insufficient cultivation and lack of awareness, and therefore I also lack courage. Lian Qing, you are because You saw this, so you rejected my offer?"

...Where is this? I just want to express the saying that big people are "unprepared".

"Haha, but we are all still young. If we calculate it based on the average life span of the Nine Rings, we haven't even climbed out of the stroller yet." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

This little female dragon has never considered the possibility of not being able to reach the ninth ring! Yu Lian sighed. Who would believe this kind of people if they say they have no consciousness?

"What support do you need?" Brynhilt asked again.

"The heavy cruiser does not have wide-area occult equipment that can be used for psychic techniques, and it also lacks the perfect preparation conditions for a heraldic machine." Yu Liandao.

"How about a Phoenix-class aircraft carrier?"

What a ship! Yu Lian thought.

The so-called Phoenix-class aircraft carrier is the same as the Saratoga's Unicorn-class aircraft carrier. They are both large combat aircraft carriers, but they are an advanced version of the latter. The maintenance system of the hangar adopts the latest common design, which can ensure the unified maintenance of fighters and mechas at the same time. It is almost considered the most powerful aircraft carrier warship currently in service.

Yu Lian expressed that he was moved, but still said: "I need a fast, survivable, and even counterattack warship."

"A Sun King-class battle cruiser?"

What a great ship! In a sense, the community's Yinglong class, which has great military achievements, can basically be regarded as a copycat version of the Sun King class.

"Well, a lonely battle cruiser can only have the effect of destroying attacks most of the time. It is impossible to want more." Yu Lian deliberately showed a serious expression and thought carefully. , then said: "If this illusion is broken, maybe we can directly launch the next round of attacks on the enemy."

"I might as well give you the Dawn Angel as well." Brynhilt sneered.

"Ah, and this is a good thing... Well, what I mean is that even the Titan ship is an external possession! For victory, what price can external possessions be regarded as? The so-called reluctance to bear children cannot trap a wolf, and reluctance to bear a wife can catch a wolf. Don’t stop the gangsters.”

Brynhilt's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Is it true that you can't catch the gangster if you don't want to leave your wife? Well, although it is a bit extreme, in some situations it is indeed the only way to get what you want... So it turns out that you have to be willing to let go. Wife?"

As she spoke, she looked Yu Lian up and down. Her golden eyes seemed to have become deeper, as if they were entering dusk from morning. There was a faint trace of vertical pupils in the deep and brilliant pupils, which made the latter feel a little creepy.

I have said so much and you remember the best sentence? In addition, your expression now is too carnivorous. What you are thinking about should not be what I am thinking about, right?

"Okay, I will try my best to mobilize the combat power you need." Brunhilt finally made up his mind and said, "I will give you battle cruisers, aircraft carriers, astral knights, and marines. Let Gilly and Nelhana lead the team, and they will all obey your command."

Yu Lian bowed and said, "Thank you for your trust."

Once Miss Brünnhilt makes up her mind, she does things resolutely and without hesitation or considering the cost. There is a saying that based on this alone, it can indeed be regarded as the "appearance of a human master".

She thought for a moment: "Brigadier General Yeager Soback is still with you, right? He is your old enemy and your friend, and his previous actions have proved your tacit understanding. Then, let him stay, Be your deputy."

Can I not want it? Yu Lian was only one step away from showing his black question mark face.

However, he suddenly found that he couldn't find any reasonable reason, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

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