Him and their stars

Chapter 949 Scarlet Comet

King Suliuka was indeed a man of his word. He had just agreed and within two hours, a dreadnought ship had already arrived with a roar. This is a slender warship with a long tapered shape and a smooth outline, or it looks more like the blade of a dagger. The whole body is also a very majestic red color.

This easily reminded Yu Lian of his scarlet... ah no, the Predator's dreadnought that had been renamed and taken to the earth to be used as a test ship.

However, we all know that the overly grandiose color of true red actually tests the craftsmanship and painting quality, whether it is a car or a spacecraft. What must be admitted is that in terms of engineering aesthetics, whether it is taste or technology, the Empire has always stood at the top of the universe, at least in this generation of civilization.

If this Imperial Dreadnought, which is like an open flame, is a speeding red Ferrari, then the previous Scarlet Throne of the Predator can only be regarded as a little Alto traveling through mountains and rivers.

Yu Lian felt that such a boat was destined to him, but after observing it carefully, he felt that he had seen this boat somewhere before.

At this time, this beautiful red dreadnought had sent a friendly signal and was hovering at a safe distance from Fleet 13. She pointed her unprotected flank towards everyone, and then sent a communication request.

An officer who looked to be in his mid-forties, tall, burly, with gray hair, brown eyes, and brown skin, as serious and tough as granite appeared on the screen. He raised his hand and saluted Yu Lian: "Your Majesty." It is the captain of the dreadnought ship Barbarossa, Colonel Campor. Entrusted by His Highness King Suliuka, he invited General Yu Lian and his team to board the ship."

Oh, Gutta Campbell is another future celebrity. During the Queen's era, he served as the First Fleet of the Guards and the Sword-bearing Minister of the Grand Marshal's Office. In his later years, he used his remaining energy and continued to serve as the training director of the Imperial Army. His fighting style and personality are just like his appearance and temperament. He is an immovable, resolute type.

In fact, even in an empire full of military virtues, it is logically difficult for an officer like him who was born as an ordinary civilian to obtain a general star before retiring, let alone serve as the captain of a dreadnought. Only under Miss Brunhilt can he have the opportunity to show off his talents.

He is indeed an excellent captain. He started as the captain of a destroyer and became the commander of larger ships every time he was promoted. The last captain before becoming fleet admiral was Brunhilt's Angel of the Morning.

However, in this timeline, Yu Lian himself is also a big shot. He has seen too many celebrities in the previous timeline and has naturally become immune, so he just said "oh" in his heart, and there was no other fluctuation. .

Compared with the captain, what Yu Lian cares about more is the red dreadnought ship Barbarossa. It is said to be a dreadnought, but this new type of Corona 2 has been greatly enhanced in terms of speed and protection. It can be completely understood as a larger battle cruiser with super protection. It is indeed in line with Yu Lian's view. Requirements for "survivability" and "single ship combat capability" of battleships.

Well, although Yu Lian was a little disappointed that the Dawn Angel was not actually sent - although he also knew that this was impossible - after all, it is the latest type of dreadnought ship, even a Titan. The strongest battleship under the Brynhilt, Brunhilt is also very expensive.

Yu Lian responded with a salute: "Thank you for your hard work, I will board the ship immediately."

After closing the communication, he said to Eleanor: "I will take Feifei and Ina to board the ship. Si Simon and Meng Jiao will be in charge of the Aurora. You can fully cooperate with the empire's actions, if necessary You can also obey the unified command of King Suliuka."

The senior sister nodded: "I understand. That young Emperor, Your Highness, does not seem to be the type who would take friendly troops to death."

It would be a different matter if the person commanding over there was King Wilent or even King Soren. Yu Lian thought.

"Don't worry, I'm not a mediocre person who only knows how to obey orders. Our combat power has been temporarily strengthened. We don't have the strength to attack difficulties, but we still have the ability to preserve our own strength." Eleanor comforted again.

The implication is that if there are hidden dangers in the empire's orders, she will handle them sensibly.

The current Thirteenth Fleet has indeed been temporarily strengthened. In addition to the original battleships, four light cruisers and six destroyers have been allocated from the supply escort fleet. Naturally, all the friends from the 830 community have arrived, and they can be considered to be strong.

If placed in a fleet decisive battle to attack the enemy head-on, it would not be able to handle it, but as a mobile force, it should still be able to do a lot of things.

Then, Yu Lian took Feifei and Ina, as well as Krell and Inspector Shixin from the alliance, boarded the Barbarossa, and was greeted by a group of people headed by Giya Feier and Nelhana. A warm welcome from the knights of the astral realm.

...More than half a year ago, Yu Lian and Feifei played a victory escape on the Angel of Dawn, and Giafel and Nelhana were even the pursuers. However, now the two parties have ignored this matter in a tacit understanding, and Nelhana even half-jokingly and half-seriously asked a few more questions about jointly opening a hotpot restaurant in Tianyu.

Clay, who has a social angst, jumped out immediately and said that if the hot pot restaurant is to be opened, it should be opened as big as possible. He can cooperate with Wan Le Palace and first directly invest in more than ten chain stores in Tianyu.

As for whether they will lose money, everyone expressed confidence. As long as the concept that "hot pot is the taste of warriors" is widely publicized, there is absolutely no possibility that it will not be able to continue in an empire full of martial virtue.

"Go directly to contact my uncle. He has the secret when it comes to stir-frying. Just go to him for training for the chefs of each store." Yu Lian said: "Zi Xinhui also cooperates in this way. .”

"Then I'll choose the location, prepare personnel and shopping channels." Nerhana said.

"Well, Wanle Palace can pay for it." Krell said with a smile.

"It's best to use some publicity. For example, if you eat an A-level buffet at Wanle Palace, you can get coupons for hot pot restaurants." Yu Lian added.

Krell gave a thumbs up: "Brother Yu Lian is indeed capable of everything!"

So, through these three minutes of opening greetings, the opening of Tianyu's first chain hot pot restaurant was decided. In short, the scene was filled with friendly and harmonious comradeship. Anyone here will feel that the relationship between the younger generations of the three major countries of mankind is really friendly, and that long-lasting peace in the future of the galaxy is about to come.

On the other hand, Jaeger Soback, who was incompatible with the entire scene, always wanted to leave. As a sixth sense for wild animals, he has already felt the undercurrent beneath this sanctimony.

As the commander of this special operation, Yu Lian seemed to have seen the embarrassment of his "old enemy" and said: "Since ancient times, there has been no precedent for the commander and deputy to be on the same battleship. After the operation started, Brigadier General Yeager Soback, just stay on standby in your own blizzard."

Since it was a special military operation, of course it was not just a lone dreadnought that was dispatched. In addition to the Barbarossa, there are also two Phoenix-class assault armored aircraft carriers, carrying a total of 240 Purple Lightning Dragon multi-purpose fighters and two brigades of armored grenadiers for support.

In addition, there is a Clear Sky-class heavy cruiser and four Aegis-class ships serving as follow-up command and escort characters.

You finally became a human being for once! Soback looked at Yu Lian gratefully. But then I thought about it, once a battle encounters danger, being on a dreadnought is safer than being on a cruiser!

He really wanted to stay behind Barbarossa's thick red armor plate, but he was a little worried about his companions boarding the Blizzard, and he suddenly became a little confused.

Sure enough, you are the one who is not worthy of being the son of man! In this kind of high-energy extraordinary battle, what use is my mere ripened third ring? You can go up on your own, but why did you recruit me?

"As you all know, I will be solely responsible for this operation. Inspector Stoneheart will serve as a special advisor. If I make a mistake, the command line will automatically be handed over to Count Lamut, and then to Brigadier General Soback. About this Come on, is everything okay with everyone?" Yu Lian glanced around.

Giafel added: "Each of the two aircraft carriers will have a four-person Astral Knight team on standby, headed by Baron Mela and Sir Lemen respectively. The same is true on the Blizzard, which will be commanded part-time by Commodore Thorback. ”

Yu Lian held back a smile and glanced at the other person, only to find that the guy was nodding his head in agreement with a stern face, as if every fold on his face was already in the shape of an astral knight.

Baron Meera is Miss Nelhana. As for Sir Lemen, he is a slightly older Lytalin. Yu Lian had never heard of this name before, but he seemed to be an experienced, calm and steady old knight.

...Tsk, they are all astral knights, all have three rings. Just because they are not human beings, they are still just knights at this age!

However, judging by his age and aura, he should be a very reliable veteran warrior. If he had been a few years younger, he might have survived Brunhildt's era, which was a shame.

"I am also on standby on the Barbarossa to fully cooperate with your work." Giafel said: "This ship has many experimental psychic expansion equipment. I have participated in no less than ten experiments. Probably all No one in the Imperial Army is more familiar with the equipment here than me."

Yu Lian finally remembered at this time. After King Su's best friend, Countess Giafel, switched from a thug position in the Astral Knights to a command position, the Barbarossa has been her flagship. For this reason, she even declined the new Titan offered to her by the empire on the metaphysical grounds of "human and ship becoming one".

Therefore, in the future of another timeline, it is obviously just a Dreadnought, but because it is the ship of the Imperial Marshal, Duke Giaphire Lamut of the "Scarlet Comet", it is more famous than most Titan ships.

This red-haired female knight is indeed a noble, upright and fearless example of knighthood. Her master had a dark and cruel side that was inevitable as a political leader, but she had never behaved contrary to chivalry.

Yu Lian felt that as an ally, she was even more reliable than most of her colleagues in the community.

"Then that's troublesome." Yu Lian expressed his gratitude to Giafel, and then said to everyone: "Then, I hope you will all fulfill your duties. We cannot avoid casualties, but as long as we do this, the martial arts will always be with us. My body."

In the common calendar year 832, at 21:35 on August 17, Galactic Standard Time, the Imperial small fleet, which had completed its comprehensive preparations, set off again towards the passage to the DL36 galaxy with the Barbarossa as its core.

At this time, this unstable gravity well channel is in a state of expansion, but it can also accommodate this fleet to pass through.

If nothing goes wrong, they will arrive at the Dl36 galaxy at the pass within twenty minutes, that is, before 22 o'clock. There is another pass in the Devil's Labyrinth Star Territory. Although there is no ancient Enlightenment Fortress hidden there that can withstand the siege of tens of millions of troops, it may contain all the remaining mobile forces of the Marauders.

In the battle two days ago, the main fleet led by King Suliuka himself was unable to make any progress despite a fierce battle, and could only return in defeat.

And if it were this "small" fleet, it might be eaten by the main force of the predators.

Thinking of this, Commodore Soback, who was in the blizzard, looked at the Barbarossa directly in front of him and wanted to cry. He couldn't help but said to his old partner Captain Hongshan: "Sorry, I'm in trouble. If it weren’t for me, His Highness wouldn’t have chosen our ship for such a foolish mission.”

The old captain was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "I don't dare to speculate on the considerations of the electing emperors, but I have never heard that anyone who can ascend to that position would be foolhardy. In fact, I don't know anything about the occult. I understand very well, but once you take action, you must have a target in mind. In the past, some famous knights and even knight captains acted more messily than this."

He glanced at Soback: "Anyway, the real leaders are your friend who cannot even be mentioned, and Countess Lamut. You are just a candidate to make up the numbers. And you are still on the Blizzard, so it is difficult to escape. Fearless and convenient, right?”

Yes. Although the Dreadnought is safe, the heavy cruiser is light and easy to turn around! Even if the gravity well is in a state of collapse, it is still possible to escape through a gap. Soback suddenly realized something, and felt that he seemed to have mastered the excellent ability of reverse thinking.

"I'm so lucky. It's my first time to cooperate with a wise elder like you." Soback said with emotion, "I don't know how to thank you."

Captain Hongshan shook his head and said: "You can be regarded as the last star knight I cooperated with before I retired. I really hope you can have a good result, and it can be regarded as a good start and end for my military career."

Soback was slightly startled, inexplicably feeling that these words were very unlucky: "Retire, retire? You are still very young and strong!"

"I am a Kiyyan, and my natural lifespan is only two-thirds that of you humans. I am fifty years old this year, and it is time to retire. You can start looking for the next captain now. I guess Come on, after this battle, you should serve as the commander of an actual combat fleet. Your fate with the Snowstorm is not over yet."

The old captain laughed: "As for me, I can't wait to return to my hometown's pasture! It's a large pasture of tens of thousands of acres! You can ride a horse all day without stopping! What a human being Live a life instead of hiding and seeking in this starry sky with a bunch of smelly red-skinned devils!”

Soback wanted to say something else, but received a communication from the Barbarossa.

"The entire fleet will enter the gravity well within three minutes. All crew members are requested to prepare for the jump... and prepare for battle!"

He couldn't help but look straight ahead, and found that Barbarossa's bow had reached the direction of the gravity well, and was then pulled into a straight line.

However, before the straight line completely disappeared into the distance, Soback vaguely felt that there seemed to be some gray mist coming out of the gaps in the starry sky.

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