Him and their stars

Chapter 959 The situation is reversed

The two Banelings were shattered into pieces, turning themselves into a source of fiery explosions. At the same time, they also covered the body of the "Hunter" with a large amount of poison and acid.

Yu Lian knew that the acid in the Baneling Bug's body was enough to corrode the alloy armor of the battleship, but he was not sure whether it could harm a psyker in the "Elemental Cell" realm. However, Mr. Hunter clearly showed a considerable degree of wavering. The huge mountain-like body had begun to collapse, scattering countless shimmering fragments, which were then completely swallowed up by the raging acid mist.

Immediately afterwards, his body reunited again dozens of meters away. However, this time, what appeared in Yu Lian's sight was no longer the gorgeous diamond body, but a very "common" flame giant.

Well, the Fire Giant's threat to him is indeed not as good as the previous Diamond Giant, but at least he won't suffer poisonous and corrosive injuries.

At the same moment, more "Bloody Bugs" shook their cysts, still swaying around like headless flies, and those glowing swollen masses were like will-o'-the-wisps.

Immediately afterwards, several self-banaling bugs actually crawled toward him hesitantly.

Yu Lian thought this scene was quite interesting. After living for so long, he really never thought that one day he would meet such a timid and cautious insect, so he couldn't help but scorned: "Hey~~~~~"

Then, as if they had received the highest instructions, those self-banaling bugs turned their heads on the spot and rushed towards the great prophet lady behind them with a decisive attitude. Fortunately, before that, this elegant Twi'lek lady might have had a "premonition" of something. When the explosion caused more acid mist, her figure had already turned into a wisp of breeze, and it floated to the Two or three hundred meters away, it became stagnant again.

To put it bluntly, this attitude does seem timid, but at least it doesn't look particularly embarrassing. She looked at the confused insects all over her body, then looked at the Leviathan's Nest in her hand, and a confused expression slowly flashed across her eyes.

"Do you think it's unscientific?" Yu Lian asked with a smile. He simply crossed the sword and reached out to touch the self-exploding insect closest to him. The deadly biological weapon was lying at Yu Lian's feet, like a silly Shar-Pei.

Well, it's true. Once you accept the setting, you will suddenly feel that this self-destructing bug looks quite cute.

When he thought of this, Yu Lian suddenly shuddered. He always felt that his aesthetics had been subverted and challenged in some way. He couldn't help but look at the other person's compound eyes and saw only a scene without any emotion. Nothingness, as if what you are seeing is a cold machine.

This is really not good! Yu Lian, Yu Lian, you must not forget the normal aesthetics of being a human just because you have gained such a small new ability! Aren’t the human and sub-human beauties with straight lines and curved fronts and back curves delicious? Look at the Twi'lek beauty opposite. Although she doesn't have three thousand hair, she only has two tentacles that look like twin ponytails. Although her eyes are too deep and heavy, her skin is brown, her nose arch lacks undulations, and her fingers are Liugen, her body is skinnier than that of a human being, but she is indeed a beauty who is in the strike zone of our serious carbon-based intelligent creatures.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian secretly took a deep breath and smiled a relieved business smile at the Twi'lek woman over there: "Don't worry about science or psychic powers, it has already happened anyway. What you summoned using the relics of the Enlightened One , but they may not obey your orders. This kind of unknown situation that will subvert our common sense is the most terrifying thing, isn't it? "

The Twi'lek woman had to admit that Yu Lian was right, and couldn't help sighing at a loss: "This is completely beyond my expectation. I think that the title of prophet should not be used anymore. When this happens, I will I will ask that lord to change my title."

"Instead of a car flipper?" Yu Lian smiled.

"This is not bad, but it is too straightforward. In fact, I prefer the Fool. This way I can be reminded not to be arrogant and to be cautious. After all, I am only a mortal. How can I really see through the future." The Twi'lek woman Sighing: "As a mortal, how can you be arrogant?"

"I think your new title is more arrogant... Generally speaking, the person with this nickname is either a protagonist who is short of money or a villain who plays tricks on the gods. If you are not lucky enough and cannot suppress it, you will die very soon. It’s miserable.” Yu Lianda said.

Miss Prophet said that she did not understand but was greatly shocked. For a while, she also began to wonder if this title really had any more mysterious and mysterious attributes.

On the contrary, the "hunter" over there has regained his composure and said with great interest: "Is this also part of your plan?"

"What do you think?" Yu Lianda said.

"It is indeed part of your plan."

Do you really guess? Yu Lian smiled and said, "Guess again."

"It doesn't matter, I have been pleasantly surprised again. If you join the organization, you will eventually be willing to share this secret with us." The hunter looked Yu Lian up and down, his eyes as sharp as a genetic scanner.

"What do you think?" the hunter asked. Not asking Yu Lian, but asking the prophet over there.

"That man served as governor on Earth. This is actually possible."

"Hahaha, did we agree that we are a couple with a deep love? Did we agree that we will be together for the rest of our lives? Hahaha, these are the nobles of the empire." Razakai laughed three times.

"But if this is the case, it is a huge mistake by the intelligence department." Miss Prophet also looked at Yu Lian's military attaché, as if she wanted to observe some clues from the details of his eyebrows.

Yu Lian knew that the two of them might have misunderstood, and he felt dumbfounded.

However, this master of Razaka's psychic ability, no matter whether he was full of wisdom or imagination, he must have never imagined that he actually managed to get the wool left by Count Salvin through the memory of his previous life, and mastered it. The power of "united will". In a sense, I can be regarded as half of the insect swarm... Of course, after all, I am still a serious human being, and I am not very close to insects. What if I really meet Charlie. Those bugs will still give priority to obeying her orders.

But if it were to hold the snake head of Leviathan's Nest, that would be another matter.

But the prophet added: "I think we still need to take a long-term approach. His origins and past whereabouts are very clear, and it does not look like he is a hybrid of the Tirello people."

"I can't tell the difference between humans. Besides, the clearer one's life experience is, the more likely it is to cover it up, isn't it?"

Yu Lian finally couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that the two of you who talked about the eight o'clock plot in front of the parties are indeed not serious people. My filter of superiority towards snakes was once again shaky.

At that moment, he shouted loudly and rushed towards Miss Prophet, and then shouted "Hey~~~", and saw that the remaining Baneling Bugs once again seemed to have received the highest instructions. He also rushed towards the target crazily.

However, those mercury figurine insects and insect queens still didn’t know which one they belonged to. As a result, not only did they not participate in the battle, they even took a few steps back, as if to say, "You go ahead and fight, we'll watch."

It's not that these "heroic units" in the swarm have the independent thinking of intelligent creatures, but they also have the problem of hesitation on both sides of the snake and mouse. It's just that they have more complex information processing capabilities, so that they can serve as legion commanders of the insect swarm. But the more so, the more likely it is to fall into chaos in extreme circumstances. It's just like those artificially retarded people who can only crash in place when they encounter permission conflicts.

There is a saying that Mr. "Hunter" who was born in the Knights is indeed too powerful to be a Razake, and he is indeed a very reliable colleague. The flame giant he transformed into suddenly flashed in front of Miss Prophet. A wall of violently burning blue flames rose up all around, covering all the snarling insects.

Since it is a blue fire, it means that the temperature is much higher than a normal open flame, and naturally it can completely burn all toxins and acids. This time, these self-banaling bugs were completely devoured before they had time to explode.

Immediately afterwards, the walls of blue fire began to gather into bunches again, as if they had formed a tornado of flames.

This is a bit like Master. Yu Lian thought. However, since the other party also protects his companions, he has already lost the opportunity to eliminate those self-banaling insects as soon as possible. How can he let go of this opportunity?

Before the blue fire tornado, which had just broken down more than a dozen explosive insects into particles, swept towards him, the spirit storm roared towards the two of them again. At the moment when the barrage of pure energy with almost invisible halo passed through the tornado, the blue fire tornado that had expanded to a height of more than 100 meters was extinguished in an instant, as if all the combustible energy around it was instantly sucked away. Like things.

This is because of the high attribute suppression effect of Spirit Storm. It can hinder the composition of psychic energy emitted by the attack target, which naturally destroys the conditions for all psychic phenomena to rely on, and the high-temperature fire will disappear.

As for the local incarnation of the Fire Giant of the Razakai people, it is difficult to determine whether this is an external effect or a change in its own cells, but it has indeed withstood the barrage of hundreds of spiritual bullets. The towering body did indeed tremble obviously, and it suddenly shrank from a huge giant of four to five meters to less than three meters. There was also a trace of pain on the facial features composed of high-temperature energy.

Fortunately, Miss Prophet is not a friendly person after all. She stretched out six fingers and flicked them, and unexpectedly rubbed out the soul-soothing, encouraging and healing spirit, and patted it on the hunter. The latter took a deep breath and stopped shaking.

"Look, look, it's not that I didn't help you just now." Miss Prophet said: "This trick is very evil. Once you are hit, you will be injured no matter what state you are in, and your spirit will also be traumatized. I have never seen it before If you master this kind of psychic technique, you will become your natural enemy!"

"I have already felt it." The hunter sighed: "Really, how could the intelligence department make such a huge mistake? If it is a descendant of Salvin, then everything will make sense!"

You two are never finished, right? Yu Lian tilted his head and looked at the two people, secretly thinking it was a pity. Although he injured the opponent, the effect was not as good as expected.

But think about it, after all, both of them are members of the Thirteen Sides, and they are considered to be the highest-level villains in the universe. He still has the upper hand when fighting one against two, which is already a grass field performance.

In any case, time is on my side and the natural advantage is on my side. Thinking of this, Yu Lian was not in a hurry and asked the prophet: "By the way, you said before that it's not just you who help the plunderers. There are even people I know. How can I explain this?"

"I didn't say that, and even if I did say that, why would I tell you?" she asked.

"That's right. I'm talking too much." Yu Lian nodded.

"Well, don't give up so quickly! Why don't you ask more. If you are willing to join this organization, today's events can be treated as if they never happened, and I will know all the information. How about this?"

Her eyes were bright and sincere. At this point, he still has not given up his goal of recruiting Yu Lian. To be honest, if this kind of behind-the-scenes organization that plays with terrorism and mysticism is really not in line with his three views, based on this sincerity, even if he did not join, Yu Lian would definitely discuss the issue of close cooperation.

However, at this moment, after the thick gray fog that enveloped this land, white light bloomed again, as if countless gaps had been cut out in the fog.

Immediately afterwards, the gap was stretched from a damaged fine line to a huge crack, and then someone's figure jumped into it.

The first one to appear in front of everyone was Miss Giaphire Lamut, who was wearing a red heraldry machine and holding a light spear and a spiral blaster. The glow of the functioning Noble Phantasm unfolded behind her armor, like a flag made of light.

Immediately afterwards, there was Mr. Shi Xin, the first-level inspector of the Extraordinary Administration. Strictly speaking, this confrontation expert of the Snake Organization was his side's strongest combat power, but Yu Lian could clearly feel his fatigue, and it must have been that he had consumed too much in the mirror maze just now.

This is the difference between civilian high-level players and RMB players! Yu Lian looked at Miss Giafel, who was full of energy and fighting spirit, and his eyes flashed on the flag of light behind her, knowing that this should be the power of the "Lion Heart Flag", the heirloom of Count Lamut's family. , one of the effects is to give the wearer a long battery life.

Later, another RMB player, Creel from the Belmont family, also staggered out of the gap behind the gray mist. He landed on the ground in a slightly embarrassed manner, but still stood up with a grin on his face and unfolded his shield.

Well, although his movements were awkward, his mental state was much stronger than that of Mr. Shi Xin. He should have used noble phantoms or even medicine to restore himself.

The last one to appear was Feifei. This girl was the same as usual, her breath and demeanor were as calm as ever, and she even had time to give Yu Lian a sweet smile.

All in all, the friends all arrived, and the situation was naturally reversed.

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