Him and their stars

Chapter 960 Robots are easier to use than bugs

Feifei looked calm and relaxed, as if she was just taking a slow walk in the maze of the amusement park, and Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that although I successfully cracked the "Mirror Maze" just now, I actually used "Ether Body" and "Ether Breath". But for ordinary psykers, this kind of maze full of mental traps and cognitive errors can be quite deadly.

Yu Lian is very confident in Feifei's ice and snow intelligence, and also has confidence in Feifei's firm will, but he will inevitably worry.

However, judging from her current mental state, she is even fuller than Giafel, who has the "Lion Heart Battle Flag", and there are no wounds visible on her body.

This is actually not very scientific. After all, no matter how smart Feifei is, she has not practiced in the extraordinary field for a long time, and her strength should be similar to those of the astral knights whose names are not important.

No, after Ina arrived wearing a heraldry machine, Giafel's subordinates also arrived one after another. These are five astral knights whose names are not important. The strongest one also has three rings. They are all fully armed, but they seem to have just experienced a series of rapid marches and fierce battles, and their fatigue is obvious.

One of them even gave himself a shot of stimulant without saying a word. Looking at his skillful movements, he is clearly used to injections.

One thing to say, the Empire is indeed quite awe-inspiring in this regard. When necessary, they would not hesitate to provide excessive amounts of stimulants to the officers and soldiers below. It was not uncommon for a large group of people to die suddenly after a battle. However, many officers who were born into nobles were the first to take drugs, so it was hard for the people below to say anything.

Of course, these few are psychics after all, so they shouldn't die from taking drugs, probably...

In short, the Astral Knights relied on their tenacious will and transcendent sense of honor to get ready for battle again.

However, compared to Feifei, who was breathing calmly, she suddenly looked a bit tragic.

Feifei probably sensed everyone's doubts, so she smiled and explained: "I have been following Mr. Shi Xin and Krel just now, and they have taken good care of me."

Claire proudly gave Yu Lian a thumbs up: "Here, brother Yu Lian, I want you to know that I still have a lot of life-saving things with me. It is enough to give some to sister Fina."

Who do you call a girl?

As for Mr. Inspector, he looked at the Miss Prophet with an expression of unfamiliarity, and then at the hunter who transformed into a flame giant. Only then did an obvious ferocity appear on his face, and the fatigue disappeared from his body. The fighting spirit suddenly burned as if it was much more majestic and powerful than the fire giant.

"The Burner!" he roared loudly.

The anger and hatred in this voice really frightened Yu Lian.

In his image, this first-level inspector has always been a gentle and generous elder. Although he is engaged in the detection and arrest of extraordinary crimes, his temperament is more like that of an intellectual who follows the steps. But he never expected that this person would actually have such an explosive side, and he suddenly looked like a King Kong with an angry look. The deterrence level is a bit stronger than those well-known violent tempers.

However, even his facial features are made of flames. Can you recognize this? What a hatred and resentment!

"Just surrender! I will seek justice from you on behalf of the 1.2 million civilians who died in vain in Kaican!" he growled.

Yu Lian tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, until Creel next to him reminded him of "The Kaican City Incident in 820", and then he suddenly remembered that it should be the largest incident that happened in the hinterland of the alliance since the beginning of the new century. A vicious terrorist incident. The incident took place in Kaican City, the capital of the alliance's Noel Sea Star District, a super metropolis where 45 million people lived. The time was the Winter Festival on November 12, 820.

When the terrorists gathered citizens and tourists in the city center to participate in the celebration, they detonated a group of skyscrapers in the center of Kaican City. More than 20 buildings over 1,000 meters tall collapsed in just three minutes. According to subsequent statistics, more than 200,000 people died on the spot, and more than 1 million people died within a week, due to the loss of order in the entire city and various secondary disasters derived from it.

As a result, this known as the "1112 Kaican Incident" has become the most famous terrorist act in contemporary times.

However, Yu Lian heard that the incident was caused by the Alliance's separatist terrorist organization, but he never expected that it was related to snakes, let alone "Hunters."

Moreover, according to Mr. Shi Xin, this "hunter" may even be the mastermind and culprit?

These two have just talked to themselves about so many fallacies of "balance of terror". Compared with them, even Hassan and Osama can be considered honest and simple. It is not surprising at all to engage in such activities.

"This snakehead is here! Without his power, the terrorists would not have been able to detonate so many high explosives at the same time!" Creel added through gritted teeth.

Yu Lian felt that it was more terrifying to think about how those terrorists brought the high explosives to the city center.

Anyway, all the friends who could come came, and the situation was immediately reversed.

The "Hunters" and "Prophets" over there were both decisive and decisive. They were not prepared to greet everyone at all. After exchanging glances with each other, they began to retreat.

The former rushed into the sky with fire all over his body and rushed toward the distant horizon. At first glance, it looked like he had turned himself into a rocket that rose up from the ground and rushed toward the distant horizon.

The latter stuffed the Leviathan's Nest into his pocket. Those few who were still hesitant to notice the Lord Bug were like robots whose batteries had been removed. They froze on the spot, and then froze again. He fell down stunned.

It was obviously a heroic unit that could stand head-on with ordinary psykers, but because it was miscalculated that someone had picked up Miss Dominator's insect hair, it just appeared lonely.

However, this is not the point. The point is, Miss Prophet took out something like a metal plate from her pocket. It was larger than a standard brick. It exuded an electromagnetic shimmer and looked like a high-quality technology. product.

She threw the brick towards the ground with all her strength, and it scattered like fungi turned into metal, but in an instant it covered a plane with a radius of a hundred meters. The metal plane was still extending, and the metal structures continued to expand from the plane, and then condensed into an evil shape.

Yu Lian's eye sockets shrank, and he immediately remembered the scene of swarms of insects growing out of the fungus carpet. In another timeline, this was a terrifying scene that could trigger PTSD among marines from all over the world.

Of course, these things couldn't be swarms of insects. Yu Lian immediately thought of the Navy Day the year before last.

It’s not that they look alike, but they “smell” alike.

Gray fog omnic? Ha, I knew it would be like this! The structures left behind by the Enlightened Ones are actually in complete sets. Even the chess pieces that were used by the snake like Brigadier General Morey are there, but there is no reason why the real owner is not.

The above thoughts were completed within half a second, but in such a flash of time, the majestic robot made of metal armor had condensed into the mentality of a war weapon, shaped like a wheel, a spider, and a human.

"...These are not the ones for Navy Day." Fifiqi said.

"It's not surprising, those ancient nano-omnics were given to Morey by the Zhi...Wangda leader. It would be strange if Snake didn't know about it. I think, not only do they have them, but they must also conduct unscrupulous counter-research, maybe Mass production will be achieved earlier than the community."

"Yu'er, you can actually remove the word 'maybe' here," Feifei said.

In any case, these omnics are much more obedient than these Lord Insects. They had just taken shape, and the nanomachines had just formed the barrels, and they rained down guns, bullets, and swords without any pause. The scene was suddenly filled with deafening roars and vibrations, and then turned into continuous metal collisions and explosions.

The firepower unleashed by the robots in one second is enough to kill a thousand strutting mammoths, but for Yu Lian and his friends, it can only serve as a short-term fire barrier. .

No, although Krell over there looked like he was about to be drained of money after playing for three extra hours, he still gritted his teeth and took a step forward, standing up his shield with the edge of the metal handle The energy film stretched out layer by layer, directly forming an energy wall more than three meters wide and two meters high, blocking himself, Feifei, Ina, and of course himself.

This energy shield looks transparent, weak and crumbling, but it is indeed extremely strong. Neither bullets nor energy beams can penetrate it. Most of them are even broken down and neutralized within a few inches of the energy shield.

The rest of the friends naturally showed off their own talents. They are all well-trained and fully armed astral knights. No matter how tired they are, they should not be suppressed and wiped out by the firepower used to deal with ""miscellaneous soldiers"", otherwise the coffin boards of the ancestors of all generations will be destroyed. I can't hold it anymore.

So, everyone used their magical powers, and there was an endless stream of gorgeous sound and light effects on the scene. The most gorgeous among them is naturally Countess Giafel. The flag of light behind her suddenly moved away, turning into a large expanse of passionate and holy red, like pieces of flaming feathers of a phoenix. When these feathers fell on the surrounding comrades, they were coated with a flame shield from their bodies to their armor.

This psychic technique is more like an aura technique than a defensive technique. It can not only improve the defense and survivability of comrades, but also strengthen concentration and morale. For warriors, it can be said to be an all-round improvement buff.

In this case, ordinary bullets and energy beams really can't hurt everyone at all.

But no matter what, the violent barrages fired by the robots did converge into an isolation zone formed by high temperature and smoke, successfully blocking most people's sight and perception. If used in the aftermath, it is still very effective.

Under the cover of fire and explosions, Miss Prophet's figure was once again invisible.

However, Yu Lian knew that this guy was not teleporting.

You must know that Yu Lian's "cosmic perception" is the ability of space creatures. To identify the direction in space with no air medium and full of unknown radiation, and to travel in the sea of ​​stars, you must ensure your senses every second of your life. of normal operation.

In this case, he clearly caught a hint of aura and was escaping into the distance. The speed is not slow, but it is far inferior to the hunter who has transformed into a large flying monkey. This is probably to ensure as much concealment as possible.

It is indeed hidden enough. If Yu Lian didn't have "cosmic awareness", he really wouldn't be able to detect any trace of this guy.

Obviously, this is a place where dimensions intersect between the main world and the virtual world. Even these two snake heads cannot disappear on the spot. There must be an exit for retreat somewhere.

Now that they are here, we must not let them escape again! Yu Lian thought so.

Mr. Shi Xin probably had the same idea. This generous elder was even the most extreme one on the scene. Ignoring the barrages directed at him, he spread his legs and rushed towards the rocket in the form of a hunter.

The shell hit his body and exploded at close range. However, this boss of the Sixth Ring did not look like a "hunting star". He was clearly a "bloody road". He allowed the opponent to attack him but continued to charge without dodging or blocking. By the way, he also hit two robots that blocked his path on the spot. into pieces.

You know, the two robots that were carrying the two Gatlings and firing were visually estimated to be more than three meters tall and weighed at least half a ton, but in front of the Ziah Dragon Inspector, they were as brittle as paper.

Mr. Inspector did not stop at all. He bent his bow and set an arrow in the smoke and dust of the explosion. In an instant, he had fired his empty bow five times in a row. What came out of the bow were not arrows, but were clearly comparable to light spear cannons. bright rays.

The first three rays did not hit the target, but they succeeded in forcing the snake-headed "rocket" to deviate from its direction. Immediately afterwards, another stage intercepted his path, forcing him to make another awkward turn, and his speed suddenly slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, the last ray roared in and hit the target on the spot. At that moment, Yu Lian felt as if he had seen a laser interceptor missile.

To be honest, if the fire control system and computing terminal were more powerful, it would be much easier to use light spear weapons as interceptors than Phalanx. Not to mention the bang bang gun which is still mainstream now. While Yu Lian continued to capture the movements of the prophet, he could still spare some energy to observe the situation here.

Unfortunately, Inspector Stoneheart's attack did not kill the opponent on the spot. But fortunately, the other party's escape speed also obviously slowed down.

Yu Lian ordered Ina, who had already set up the "portable light spear cannon" behind him: "The guy's movement has slowed down. You can cooperate with Mr. Shi Xin to intercept it."

Ina nodded, and her eyes also had triple pupils, which was the effect of the passive skill. She estimated the direction and speed of the opponent's movement and replied: "I only have a 70% hit rate at best."

"It doesn't matter. If you fire three shots, wouldn't it be 210%?" Yu Lian said casually.

Me, even if I only went to a public high school, you can't insult me ​​like this! Just when Ina was about to complain, Yu Lian's eyes lit up, he left his friends behind, rushed in one direction, and disappeared in the continuous explosions.

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