Him and their stars

Chapter 970 Is it shorter or longer?

To be fair, as a sixth-level "blinker", Inspector Shixin is also a first-class inspector who has experienced hundreds of battles and received professional training. Of course, it is impossible to really close his eyes in silence and wait for death. Although his mentality was a little broken by the words of "Ms. Now", he was not so broken that he was ready to self-destruct.

In fact, long before the other party took action and while he was still reciting the closing poem, the Argonian inspector seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and a layer of aura armor appeared around his body. He pressed both hands at the same time, and the back of the sci-fi longbow changed from a curved arc to a straight rod. There are also two one-meter-long energy light blades extending out from both ends - this guy is equipped with a lightsaber at each end of his arched back.

Just like that, a strange double-headed lightsaber appeared in the inspector's hand. He didn't even bother to change his moves. The moment he turned his bow into a sword, he used the torque from his waist to swing his sword towards Ms. Now's neck.

This move is actually very simple, but the difficulty lies in the direct coherence of the movements without any lag, and it already has a somewhat eclectic and smooth flow. From this point alone, it can be determined that Inspector Shixin himself is also quite accomplished in swordsmanship.

Sure enough, all archers have a close-combat heart.

All the above actions were completed by the Argonian within half a second. During this period, the lady stood still, motionless, and continued to read her closing poem slowly while slowly extending her hand.

The Argonian Inspector obviously struck first, but faced with such an understatement, he was unable to make any effective defensive moves.

That slender white hand had already pressed on his chest before he could react at all.

The force field armor composed of psychic energy had almost no effect. A higher-dimensional power that is invisible to the naked eyes and senses of a sixth-ring psychic shooter neutralizes the barrier formed by psychic energy.

Immediately afterwards, the force penetrated the close-fitting power armor, solid scales, and strong muscles he was wearing, and then directly acted on all the organs in the abdominal cavity.

Yu Lian saw with his own eyes that there was an obvious bulge on the inspector's back, which directly opened a big hole in the armor vest. But even so, the force that rushed into the body did not break the flesh and bones, and even a few scales were not broken.

Immediately afterwards, the inspector's entire body fell limply to the ground as if his spine had been broken. The sci-fi long bow hit the ground, and the energy blade that lost its psychic support disappeared as if its electrical energy had been drained away. The back of the composite material with zero elements mixed into the special memory alloy was broken on the spot.

However, the lady "now" took back her hand not too satisfied, shook her head slightly, and looked at Yu Lian next to her: "You are so courageous! My child."

Yu Lian hid his gloves behind his back and gave the other party an innocent smile: "I said that I am actually a hot-blooded idiot at heart. Do you believe it?"

"I believe that geniuses often have a fool's side."

"Besides, I actually have no ill intentions towards you. Do you believe it?"

"Although I am also a genius, I don't actually have the hot-blooded idiot side." She shook her paper fan, which had turned into the holy emblem of the goddess of wisdom in the classical mythology of the empire.

"Now" of course the lady has felt it. The moment she pressed her palm on the inspector's heart, two sharp invisible sword energies came over, pointing at her head and wrist respectively.

Of course, such an attack cannot hit oneself, nor can it even prevent the next move. In this dimensional refuge with intertwined spaces, the space itself is its own home court. With just a flash of thought, she easily deflected the two attacks. However, this move inevitably caused his palm to deviate by half an inch, and his strength also diverged for an instant.

In this way, the attack method changed from penetration to diffusion. Although it caused more serious impact injuries to the Argonian's internal organs, it was not necessarily fatal.

"Are you familiar with him?" the lady asked with a smile.

"I'm not too familiar with him, but after all, we have cooperated several times and we have the friendship of comrades. Overall, Mr. Shi Xin is a good man who fulfills his duties and a law enforcer who hates evil. Historical limitations are not his fault. I can't see death. No need to save him." Yu Lian shrugged and simply stopped hiding. He directly pressed his hand on the dying inspector's back and gave him a "touch of life."

Facts have proved that at the level of a sixth-ring psyker, the vitality is already so strong that it is no longer like a carbon-based creature. However, when such a person is severely injured, the need for treatment is much greater than that of ordinary people. Yu Lian didn't dare to use all his strength on this, it was enough to last for a while.

Fortunately, as one of the three alliance leaders, Ms. "Now" seems to be a decent person who is very martial-minded. At least she is more martial-arts than Miss "Prophet" who has various illusions, summoned beasts and traps. Too much virtue.

She did not stop Yu Lian's actions, but watched with interest as Yu Lian completed the emergency treatment for his companions, and then said: "Touch of Life... Well, no, you didn't put your hand on his wound at the first time. , but the half inch above the throat that seems not to have been directly attacked is because you see signs of withering of vitality here, right?"

Yu Lian nodded. There is really no need to pretend to be confused in front of such a master who can't even see clearly.

"You are so evil! Not only did you smash his heart and lungs, but you also induced his spiritual energy to go out of control. If I didn't do this, even if he was immortal, he would still turn into a virtual beast."

Just like Brigadier General Morey did. Yu Lian thought.

"Don't underestimate intelligent creatures that possess psychic powers. Although this little crocodile's mentality has collapsed, he actually considers himself a lackey of the Fourteenth Family, and his entanglements are very limited. I estimate that he is most likely to lose control and become corrupted. Only 20%.”

"The other 80% will become useless, right?"

The lady smiled slightly and did not answer directly, but she was quite curious about Yu Lian's method just now.

"So, what you just used was the 'Eye of Life'. Oh, when it comes to the operation and changes of life force, you are still far from as skilled as Little Wanda, but this is only a matter of time. But. When it comes to understanding the nature of harm, once you have this ability, it has far surpassed him." She crossed her hands and said while winking at the "prophet" next to her.

The latter understood instantly, nodded and accepted the order, glanced at Yu Lian, and hurried to the apron, probably preparing to launch the spacecraft.

She took a few steps, then seemed to realize something, then trotted over and picked up the short body of the "Hunter", and then walked towards the spaceship.

Yu Lian could see that the Twi'lek woman's physical strength had basically recovered, but her steps were a little sloppy, like an ordinary person who lacked exercise. At least for a long time, it should have lost its combat effectiveness.

If Ms. "Now" hadn't suddenly appeared like a spirit, he could have killed her a hundred times! A hundred times!

"Let me think about it. So far, you have behaved like an excellent warrior, with superb skills and ruthless and decisive attacks. However, you also know how to hide yourself, and your fighting intelligence is also top-notch. In addition, you also master the spirit. Attack techniques like Zi Feng are innate and cannot be passed down through teaching."

Why do you say it can't be passed on? It's because you didn't find the right method. Yu Lian thought expressionlessly.

"Now, it can also be used as a very good healer. Haha, 'Balance' is really a good star ring! Among the Thirteen Faces and Executive Officers, no one has yet taken advantage of the compatibility characteristics of 'Balance' to this level. In the world of extraordinary beings, there are always examples of successful leapfrog challenges, but to defeat opponents higher than you again and again is a rare talent that can only be seen in a century." She opened the folding fan again with a smile. It turned into four Chinese characters for "three visits to the thatched cottage", with an orchid pointing towards Yu Lian.

"We, the World Snake, are in need of talents like you!"

Well, I have to admit that a beauty of this level looks very elegant even with orchid fingers. Yu Lian wanted to say, "I am not very good at martial arts," but again, there was no point in pretending to be stupid in front of this kind of person, so he shrugged and said, "Can you tell me, how do you do it?" Appeared, how did Claire disappear?”

"The principle is actually quite simple. This is a dimensional refuge, that is, the subspace between the main universe and the virtual realm." She shook her fan, and it turned into a proverb in the alliance's common language. It means "the end of science is metaphysics".

"In such an unnatural world that can only be called semi-physical, quantum entanglement is much more obvious than usual. And you must understand that quantum entanglement affects not only energy and information, but also matter. Current science Instruments cannot utilize such power, but some of the mystical techniques secretly taught by this organization can. As long as this power is properly used, it can actually constitute a kind of inter-galactic transmission and replacement. Of course, what I use is The dimensional ability between subspaces is also the power of the virtual realm in a sense. If we were all in the main material world, it would be almost impossible to succeed."

She thought for a while and then added: "In addition, the reason why it is replaced rather than transmitted is because in order to stabilize the structure of the two subspaces, the mass change cannot fluctuate too much in an instant. Moreover, considering quantum entanglement The easiest thing to do is actually at the information level, so we have to consider replacing people with people."

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and discovered a blind spot: "In other words, you are actually about the same weight as Krell, who is carrying such a big shield and such a big hammer?"

"Now" the lady said angrily: "How can you insult others casually? Boy, how do you find so many girlfriends with this kind of thinking?"

"I only have one girlfriend..."

"Who believes it?" She interrupted Yu Lian, then took out a long blue-gray square from her pocket and threw it on the ground. The thing looked like it was only the size of an ordinary brick, but it made a muffled sound when it hit the ground. It looked very heavy at first glance.

"How is it? This principle is quite convincing, right? And it's easy to understand."

It’s so simple and easy to understand! It's more metaphysical, okay?

Of course, Yu Lian once again grasped the blind spot: "Since it is quantum entanglement, why not entangle me? Or Mr. Shi Xin? Isn't the stronger the enemy the better?"

There is no way, Brother Krel, who only has three rings, is indeed the weakest link.

"Because your friend only has three rings. He is still a rough guardian. Maybe he doesn't know that I have already left a spiritual imprint on him when he came to the New World. Of course, if it's a child like you, it's still... With that little lizard, I can’t guarantee success.”

Speaking of this, Ms. "Now" said in an instructive tone: "Young man, I want you to know that most of the psychic arrays in this world are complex and inefficient, have demanding activation requirements, and are extremely costly, but the effects they achieve are very It’s hard to explain in one word. But don’t take the mysteries of the occult as the norm.”

So, it’s really Krel’s fault! You said you are just a third ring road person, why are you here to join in the fun? I've never seen you so brave before.

Really, I am not brave when I should be brave, and I am so reckless when I shouldn’t be brave. What is the result? Look at you, look at you!

"Where is he now? In the subspace where you were just now?"

"That subspace will collapse within ten minutes. However, if that frivolous young man is indeed trained according to the standards of the future head of the family, he should be able to escape. If not... Haha, this is also a reminder to the Belmont family Hurry up and train me in a new account. They should thank me instead."

...Well, now I really can only pray that Brother Krell can also bring out some protagonist halo.

"Then, the teaching time is over." The lady slowly faded her smile: "Although you have erased all the fractions of our thirteen faces this time..."

"They're not dead yet." Yu Lian interrupted.

Yes, even the "Hunter" who was roasted into black charcoal still has a breath left, otherwise the zero element would have precipitated out long ago. Sure enough, the so-called high-level psychics no longer look like serious carbon-based creatures?

"Ms. Now" continued as if she hadn't heard anything at that time: "But, I don't have much dislike for you. Great dramatists like to play with people's hearts, but often they can't even understand themselves; hunters are even more addicted Unable to extricate himself from the past years, he himself became a ferocious beast that killed innocent people indiscriminately. There are more and more members in the organization. But every life has almost destroyed the glorious tradition of our World Snake."

"...Um, can you add another sentence, what is your glorious tradition?"

She laughed, unfolded the fan, and there were five more characters on it: "Youran heart is happy alone": "Just do things for fun, regardless of good or evil."

I think this, hedonistic criminal with a chaotic background, is much more evil than those terrorist organizations with action plans and goals.

"Don't make such an expression. We are not chaotic hedonists. We also have our own righteousness and goals. However, our public image is that of villains, and what we do does not conform to traditional moral cognition. So, Why not just let yourself be more natural? People who can join this organization are actually not good people, so why do you have to add a bitter and hateful character to yourself? Be more freehand and unrestrained, and don’t think of yourself as someone in a dark world. As an anti-hero, don’t think of yourself as a pure anti-social element. According to your spiritual seminar, this should be called letting nature take its course, right?"

Well, even Yu Lian had to admit that this lady's words were really nice and quite reasonable.

"But Miss Prophet is different. Her psychohistory is not so much a research method as it is that she has acquired some innate psychic skills that cannot be passed down. Or to put it more harshly, her psychohistory is The human vehicle is very important to us."

Yu Lian looked at Miss Prophet's back. Holding the body of the "Hunter", she staggered and took more than three times the time of an ordinary person to climb into the yacht. Just from her back, she could tell that she was miserable.

"Emm... Her prophecy doesn't seem that magical after all!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be forced to the point of shaking people off.

"Psychohistory is really not a so-called prediction. Her nickname is actually used to deceive people. The more macroscopic her inferences are, the more accurate they are, but when applied to individuals, they are not very effective."

Seeing that Yu Lian was still dubious, she added: "The Galactic Empire's second conquest of the earth was originally supposed to be ten years later, no later than 848 Common Calendar. But now, there are still a few years left. What about years? Is it longer or shorter?"

Yu Lian's brows twitched involuntarily.

"She made a prophecy?"

"It's an inference. As I said, prophecy does not actually exist. In fact, when your combined fleet arrived in the DL36 galaxy, she had already made a new judgment."

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