Him and their stars

Chapter 971 Take it back for training

In the previous timeline, the Galactic Empire's second war of conquest of the community and the earth actually started in the common calendar year 845, that is, thirteen years later. It is indeed in line with the inference of the "Great Prophet".

The excuse the empire used at that time was that the Community had provided weapons of mass destruction to the imperial separatists in the Feimo Nebula, but it turned out that this was not just an excuse. The Community's cargo ship transported some of the neutron bombs and anti-matter bombs to the Fermor Nebula, but the Imperial Fleet captured one person and confiscated the stolen goods.

The Earth's top officials later announced that this was all a slander. There must be a third-party force that used the community's military industry department and bribed the captain of the cargo ship to blame the country. It is even very possible that this was directed and performed by the Empire itself.

However, after the captain of the cargo ship, the first mate, the second mate, the navigator, and the bosun all committed suicide by being shot 100 times in the back, the incident was destined to be just a public case that went unsolved.

Then the problem arises. In that timeline, the skin of the Community, the so-called "third largest military power in the galaxy," was torn off early. The empire had long ago mastered the colossus weapon that destroyed stars, and for a long time it was the only country that had mastered the colossus weapon, causing a brief strategic imbalance in the confrontation between the two poles.

However, in this timeline, none of this happened. Moreover, due to the defeat of the Catai people in the previous battle of the West End Galaxy, the Earthlings (that is, myself) were invincible at the God of War Festival. The tiger skin of the Earthlings' "third largest military power" is quite impressive.

Coupled with this coalition operation, although the overall performance of the Earth's army is not good, it is actually not much worse than the Empire - anyway, everyone has lost troops and failed to make any achievements, so the eldest brother should not laugh at the second brother.

However, Yu Lian knew that in the more than ten centuries of history in which the Tirero people had conquered the universe, except for the earth, had there ever been a successful independent nation?

As long as the community exists, it is a mockery of the empire and will become a benchmark for all nationalists under the empire.

Then, this second war of conquest is inevitable.

However, according to what she meant, this war, which is destined to be difficult to escape, is likely to be faster than another timeline?

This is so unscientific!

Why did Ms. "Prophet" make such a judgment in her psychohistory? Yu Lian couldn't help but look at the side of the ship again, and saw that the Twi'lek lady finally got into the cabin, staggering and almost falling when she closed the cabin door.

...Well, it really doesn’t look like there will be any problems at all!

But at this time, the lady opened her palm and made a virtual grasp, and a light spear left by the "Hunter" jumped from the ground into her hand.

"Want to know? Then make a bet, Xiao Yulian. Out of respect for your courage just now, I give you a chance. I will not bully others with force, nor will I use higher-level techniques. I'm just teasing you. As long as you can take my ten moves, I'll let you go. If not, then join the World Snake. I'll let her tell you the inferences of the little goddess in detail. .”

If I can't take your ten moves, and I'm not ready to join the snake, what are you going to do? Yu Lian didn't ask this question, and the other party didn't say anything either.

Some things actually don’t need to be explained in too much detail.

"Now" the lady held the light spear upside down and slowly swung her arm so that the exit side of the light blade faced Yu Lian.

The way she held the spear was very strange. Her palm only grasped the last part of the spear handle. This approach is very unconventional. You must know that the handles of most mainstream light spears are between 1.5 and 2 meters, and even the energy blades without sheathing can be regarded as long weapons. This kind of holding method makes it easy to lose balance on the one hand, and also leaves holes for the enemy on the other hand. There was a lack of protection for his arms, wrists, and even the spear shaft itself.

Products like light spears and lightsabers that are between "technology" and "alchemy" can be mass-produced in a certain sense, so they must use normal materials, which will leave weaknesses. Their biggest weakness is naturally the handle itself.

In today's world, people don't pay much attention to martial ethics, and they don't care about things. There are many tricks that are dedicated to destroying the weapons themselves. If the Astral Knights dared to hold their spears like this, they would be beaten by their instructors as sandbags on the first day.

However, the other party still maintained such a flawless battle and pursed his lips and smiled: "Well, Xiao Yulian, I'm coming over."

The next moment, the light blade was only half an inch away from the tip of his nose.

So fast!

In fact, as early as when the opponent displayed such a counter-intuitive gesture of squeezing the end of the handle with his backhand, Yu Lian was already facing a formidable enemy with his hands behind his back, using the two-handed sword grip to deflect the alliance's "Nebula" Guardian type".

In his previous life, he had fought against too many enemies who used light spears. Even those enemies who stood at the top of the extraordinary realm and could be called gods, had also faced them head-on. He had evaluated and anticipated all the possible attack methods of the light saber, and he had to admit that the "Nebula Guardian Type" developed by the alliance for the light saber was the most defensively efficient.

Therefore, no matter in which era, spears and shields are always the theme. And the one who knows yourself best will always be your enemy.

However, when the opponent's attack started, he realized that his defensive actions seemed too bloated.

"Ms. Now" didn't even move her steps. She just shook her arms slightly. The force of the offensive was equivalent to a charge launched by a senior knight from a hundred meters away with the help of psychic skills and heraldic mobility.

More importantly, she stood motionless, as if there were flaws all over her body or even no flaws at all. In this way, Yu Lian's possible subsequent counterattack was easily defused.

At this time, he had no choice but to retreat. But Yu Lian was sighing in his heart. In this case, retreating is actually forcing you to create space with the opponent, but in this way you have actually fallen into the opponent's rhythm.

Sure enough, immediately after, the other party gently twisted his wrist again, and the light blade was still less than half an inch from the tip of his nose. This time, Yu Lian felt as if his three-dimensional and manly nose was on fire.

She predicted her actions!

In these days and months, who among the psychic warriors who have been licking blood from their swords all year round would not know some combat prediction abilities such as "weapon synesthesia" or "supersensory intuition"?

For example, if Yu Lian uses "Dimensional Intuition" combined with "Weapon Co-Sense", it is possible to resolve even spatial conceptual attacks.

This is also the reason why he was able to interfere with Ms. "Now"'s strange attack beyond common sense at the last moment and save Mr. Shi Xin's life.

However, if both parties in the decisive battle have similar abilities, if you want to avoid the endless cycle of "you predicted me, I predicted your prediction, you predicted my prediction," in the end, It will still become a test of the basic skills of both parties' perception, mental strength and even physical fitness.

Once it comes to this level, it is not something that can be overtaken in a corner by relying on two lifetimes of combat experience.

Obviously, as one of the alliance leaders, Ms. "Now" is still superior to Yu Lian in this regard.

However, at this critical moment, "Breaking Dawn" finally achieved success. Before the battle began, he released the "multi-dimensional bumping beads" installed on his fingers. At this time, I no longer have the time to spare any mental power to control them remotely. However, the simulation operating program that comes with the "Infinity Gauntlet" can still control the ball players to perform basic actions.

The sword pills floating around simultaneously shot the sword energy with its own space-cutting effect towards "Ms. Now", and then penetrated her body.

...It did penetrate her body, but it didn't hurt her at all. At this moment, her body seemed to have reached another dimension. Although Yu Lian could still see her with his naked eyes, he could no longer feel her existence.

Is this the same type of operation as her erasing her sense of existence? Yu Lian couldn't help but start thinking.

After letting go of the sword energy, Ms. "Now"'s sense of presence seamlessly switched back.

She looked at the "dawns" floating in the air that were no bigger than a fingernail: "Is this what you used to disturb me just now? I've never seen this kind of weapon before. Was it dug out of that big curtain? You couldn't use this before. Did you remember to light the lamp?"

Not only did I not nod, but I was also chatting and laughing with the owner of the tomb. Yu Lian sneered.

"But, it's useless." She smiled and moved for the first time. She still held the light spear upside down with that awkward movement, but she only moved her elbow slightly, full of fatal damage. The light blade of energy split into two, and then turned into heavy light and shadow, covering Yu Lian in all directions.

This time, the spear handle in her hand, her arms, and her body were all covered in light and shadow. The "Dawners" were immediately confused. It was impossible for the basic combat assistance AI to find the target, and attacks were out of the question.

Yu Lian felt very lucky. Because he finally used all the defensive skills of "Nebula Guardian Sword Technique", and in just a few seconds, he had blocked countless most deadly assassinations and slashes. Of course, his current movements were very awkward. He was stumbling backwards while blocking the gears, struggling to maintain his body balance.

"Master Xiao Yulian, you amaze me! Nebula Guardian is not that easy to control. The best guerrillas would not be able to reach your level without more than ten years of hard training." She said with a smile, it was difficult to say Is it praise or ridicule.

"I expect the best from you!"

The red light blade in her hand was wiped to the left, and the golden light blade was twisted to the same direction, but the fatal murderous intention was moved to the right, and then thrust upward, stabbing Yu Lian's left shoulder.

However, the latter's body suddenly flashed away like fog, and then regrouped a few meters away from its original position. Yu Lian glanced at his left hand that was almost lifted off with lingering fear, gasping for air.

"Hoo ho ho, fighting is so fun!" The lady continued to hold the light spear upside down and unfolded the folding fan again. This time the Chinese characters on it had changed to "Invincible is so lonely."

"What effect is this... Let me guess, a child like you should already know the benefits of rising in the virtual world. Could it be that the organ was transplanted from some unlucky virtual beast?"

Yu Lian did not answer directly, but pointed at her and said loudly: "You said it. You said you don't use rule-level psychic skills."

"Yes! I just lied to you." She shook her folding fan and said in a matter-of-fact tone.


"Come on, come on, young man, I can let you attack first this time." Her plump cherry lips were slightly raised, showing a coquettish smile, and she even retracted the light spear into the handle. "Now" the lady directly lifted the spear handle upside down and let it hang naturally to her waist, and extended two fingers to gesture to Yu Lian.

"Two moves already, let's end this game quickly."

"Did your math teacher teach you math? No matter how you calculated it, you had at least five tricks, right?" Yu Lian was stunned.

"Well, indeed, I originally thought that you kid was a genius, but your perception ability and combat skills still exceeded my initial estimates, and you actually persisted to this point."

She shrugged and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "So, there are only two moves. I said there are only two moves, there are only two moves!"

"No, just five moves!"

"What a naughty child, but it's a pity that he lacks a little training. I want you to know, young man, auntie, I hate it when others argue with me."

Before he finished speaking, the other party stabilized his body and held the light spear from one hand to two hands. Then, her whole person disappeared into thin air. However, Yu Lian knew that the speed was obviously so fast that even his dynamic vision could not grasp it. Of course, it was faster than the sound.

He could only rely on intuition to move the approaching golden light blade to the left, just in time to block the heat coming from the red light blade.

However, the force field entanglement that bound the light blade did not slow down the opponent's power. It was obviously an energy weapon, but it was transformed into a physical form by Ms. "Now".

Yu Lian knew that "lifting a light weight as if it were a heavy weight" was much more difficult than "lifting a heavy weight as if it were a light weight", but now he gritted his teeth and let the opponent's light blade press him down step by step.

However, when the position where the light blade was wrapped was very close to his body, Yu Lian suddenly withdrew a little more force and let the hot light blade scrape down along the force field, shaving off a piece of round muscle on his left shoulder.

Such an injury was of course Yu Lian's choice to take advantage of this opportunity. He suddenly changed the angle of his grip, turning the beheading into an assassination, and actually forced the opponent to take a step back.

It hurts so much! Yu Lian couldn't help but bared his teeth.

However, if it weren't for the ability of the "etheric body", the thing that would be cut off this time might not be a piece of flesh but the entire arm. Therefore, for the time being, I will regard the etheric dragon who was killed by Master and provided me with the pineal gland as my beloved relative and friend No. 3.

In addition, I really feel a sense of accomplishment. It seemed like this was the first time I had forced the other party to take the initiative to retreat.

The lady not only backed away, she even took the initiative to distance herself from Yu Lian, her eyes full of surprise.

"You are indeed a brave man, my boy!"

"I am a brave man." Yu Lian bared his teeth and looked at the other party, and said sarcastically: "Then why are you retreating? Is it because you are afraid?"

"That's right." She chuckled, as if she didn't know how to deal with a naughty kid like you.

"Indeed, the majestic Snake Lord must have received professional training and will not be afraid." Yu Lian endured the pain, and his smile gradually turned... ferocious.

"Could it be because the dignified leader of the Snake Alliance would be embarrassed to see anyone if his hair was injured by a little Wuhuan like me?"

"Of course the reason is not this, but I made a bet with a colleague who is not very agreeable. I must bring you back without any injuries... Okay, this is actually a joke."

She shook her head, and then showed a coquettish and teasing smile again: "If I don't give in a little bit, you would rather be disabled than stalk me, right? Then I really won't be able to hold back. . Hahaha, this is not good, it is not elegant at all. I actually want to take you back with all your beard and tail and train it slowly."

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